A jab & a plug

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Hey everyone,

So last night I got my first Covid shot and thus far nothing too serious in the way of side effects. It feels good to have it done with and I already have my second dose scheduled for August so I'll be properly immunized before I move to wherever it is I end up going to start my life over. I have a few possibilities that I'm looking into for that.

In other news I just posted Chapter 2 of A Cold Fey In Hell for Patrons on my Patreon site and Chapter 1 is now available for everyone at https://www.patreon.com/posts/50323983 Thanks to everyone for your support.

*big hugs*




I just got my second morderna shot yesterday and I still feel like passing out. What’s the story about again.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Astra Zeneca

Amethyst's picture

I got the Astra Zeneca yesterday. My arm is a bit sore and tender where I got injected and I've had some joint and muscle aches all over today, but it could be worse. I was worried about having a bad reaction to it with my occasionally wonky immune system, but other than the aches I haven't had anything of not to complain about. The story is a urban fantasy, it sort of ties in to Raven's blood and has some similarities to Winter's Child.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

hugs hon

hope the story sells well


Thanks Dot

Amethyst's picture

I'd rather not have to pander my work for money at all, but this is my only marketable skill and I have to figure out how I'm going to afford to start a new life on my own by the end of the summer and jobs aren't exactly easy to come by with the pandemic.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Stoney1's picture

If your writing is your "only marketable skill", and it's something you seem to enjoy doing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using it to earn a living. Readers will either buy it or they won't. It's not pandering. Doing what you enjoy and getting paid for it is a win-win. In my opinion, it's a win for us readers as well. Your imaginative writing skill is second to none in my opinion. Your stories are absorbing and entertaining, and people pay good money to be entertained. I know I'll buy your books without hesitation. I loved "Twice Removed"! It's another story that would make a great movie, along the lines of "Avatar". Please keep up the good work, and best of luck with your life changes. You're smart, and you're a cat, you'll land on your feet.



Hmm, if you still want / have

Hmm, if you still want / have to change the city then Toronto might be a good idea, because (at least in theory) the employment opportunities should be good there. Provided, of course, you can get your medical needs taken care of there. Otherwise I wish you the best of health and luck.

Our first Moderna shot is

Our first Moderna shot is scheduled for 11 AM tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

You know, you don't have to believe you have no marketable skills other than writing. If nothing else, learn how to work with WordPress. There are lots of people who will pay to have someone else update their company web sites once a week, or once a month, just to keep them showing as new content to help search engines. It doesn't require a ton of computer skills.

If you want to play with it, drop me a PM, and I'll set up a demo page you can play with.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I've had both Pfizer shots.

Ending 2/10/2021. Have felt very ill at times though It seems better when the Sun Shines and it is warm.

Much/most of what I write now is post Apocalyptic. I think that the Ice will melt and the climate will change. From 34 Degrees North to that far South will be increasingly Desertified. I think that is why I liked "Twice Removed" so much. I know this is a TG site but for me, certain sorts of intimacy feels repugnant. I'm likely the only one to feel that way.


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

A week ago, last Thursday, I got my second Moderna shot, so come Thursday this week, I'll be as protected as much as anyone can be protected.

Each shot was on a Thursday afternoon. With the first shot, aside from feeling like I had a small bruise about the size of a nickle at the injection site, I didn't really think I was going to have any reaction. That is until dinner time the next day. I can't say if it was a reaction to the injection or what I ate (we got take out from a local pub) but dinner didn't set well and I was off my feed all day Saturday. By Sunday I was fine.

The second shot I was fine immediately after, but during the night, the injection site developed that nickle sized bruise feeling. Then on Friday afternoon, after I finished my last school bus route (about 3PM) I felt a little tired and sat back in my recliner and proceeded to fall asleep. I roused only slightly to change position a couple of times. It was my night to cook, so at 5:30, my wife asked what I was going to fix for dinner. I went to bed an hour early that night and when I woke the next day, I was fine.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


First shot hurt in the arm for a few days.

My metabolism seemed a bit 'revved' for a couple of days also, probably a byproduct of my body revving itself up to respond to the invasion.

I will get my second in a few weeks and hopefully it is not too bad.

First shot is done. Saturday,

First shot is done. Saturday, 11 AM. I dislike shots immensely, but they don't do anything horrible to me mentally.

By evening, arm was hurting abominably. Even now, it's still sensitive. I wonder if I'll be one of that .8% that gets "Covid arm". June 3rd or 5th is the next shot (first available after 4 weeks for second round). Then four weeks after that to fully express the antibodies. (28 to 56 days, total)

If you DO get Covid arm, it's nothing to worry about. There have been zero cases that don't resolve themselves within a week. (Red rash around injection site, swelling, inflamed lymph nodes in the arm, maybe some fever. Take Tylenol/acetomenaphen/paracetemol)

I _did_ sleep an extra 2 hours more than normal, even for a Sunday.


I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.