Extra, extra! read all about it - Gaby on Lulu!

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So, first i couldn't generate PDF's on the laptop, so i ordered up my new PC and then its taken me a couple of days getting the machine loaded with WP progs and so on but today i've finally got the latest Gaby volume up on Lulu. There is a print and digital edition available so if you don't like Amazon there is no need to feel deprived any longer!

book 26 lulu print cover.jpg

is the dead tree version

book 26 digi cover.jpg

will take you to the digital option

I realised as i prepared to write this missive that there are several titles available on Lulu that are not available on Amazon so now i've got an all singing and dancing machine running i'll rectify that to bring them to a wider audience. More news on that and other stuff in the regular post tomorrow



Amazon indeed stinks.

Having my own copy without needing to beg the mothership to allow me to keep it is fantastic.

Pdf format

MS Word has a 'Save Pdf' option. I don't know about the other word processors though.

I usually pull in an HTML-formatted document and then save it as a Pdf. I also include a cover as well. Hey... it's a word processor with picture capabilities, I can do things like that. :)

i didn't have

Maddy Bell's picture

that option with the WP programme i've got on the laptop which i inherited.

The new PC with its new MSalike WP setup does have a pdf option. Lulu require the interior and exterior elements to be separate so the cover image is generated as a stand alone JPEG.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


tmf's picture

LibreOffice is free and do have the option.
I think it work well too.!

Peace tmf

Libre Office

Maddy Bell's picture

is the pits - as the saying goes in Yorkshire, you get nowt for nowt


Madeline Anafrid Bell