Babs' New Year's Resolution 64

Babs’ New Year’s Resolution 64 © Beverly Taff Feb 2021

List of Characters.

Lola Smith Bab’s adopted trans daughter.
Callista Denton (Callie). Transgendered Duchess of Denton.
Margaret Denton (Maggie). Callie’s wife.
Molly Denton Callie’s grandmother
Ellie Denton Callie’s mother.
Bab’s Barbara Smith. Lola’s adoptive ‘Nana’
Olivia Smith Bab’s adopted daughter. (Excellent Artist.)
Angela Smith Bab’s newly adopted daughter
Erica Bab’s foster daughter.
Sergeant Bridie Davies Lady Police detective protecting the girls.
Sergeant Brian Davies. Bridie’s twin brother.
Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation.
Gareth Jenkins, Police office trained in firearms and protection.
Belinda Harrington Lola's university girlfriend.
Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to –
Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.
Mickey Talbot Aaron and Shirley’s oldest son.
Jessica Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s middle daughter.
Bianca Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s youngest daughter.
Henry Denton Callie’s only son.
Charlotte Denton Callie’s only daughter.
Beverly Callie’s maternal great aunt (Ellie’s paternal aunt)
Wendy Smith Beverly’s Operations Manager for Hull
Louisa Wendy’s Daughter
Griselda & Mia Wendy’s younger twin daughters.
Susan Harvey Prosecution counsel advocating for Erica in court.

Chapter 64.

The hotel alarm service dragged Erica from her sleep and she twitched nervously as she found herself in an embrace. For a moment she was about to cry out until she remembered where she was and who was in the bed with her. She recognised the bony wrinkled hand and let out a short sigh of relief as the hand’s owner stirred.

“Thanks Ninah.” Erica murmured softly.

“It’s what mums are for; you slept well.

“Who undressed me?”

“Lola and me.”

“But I’m in my pyjies!”

“Which only goes to show how zonked you were.” I’m going to my room now to shower. I suggest you shower as well, or d’ you want me to stay here?”

“I’m okay now, and thanks again for staying with me.”

“It says a lot about your recovery, that you were happy to share your bed, even if it was a harmless old Ninah.”

“Erica smiled and nodded. “Yes it does. I wish I was like Olivia and Angela though, always together, always a cuddle.”

“I’m sure you’ll find somebody one day.”

“How? I’m just a fucked up mess. I’m not sure I’ll ever trust a man and I’m not gay. How can I find a good-un’, a stayer?”

“I can’t help you much there darling. I was always the poorest judge of partners.”

“It’s a good job I’ve got you.”

“I won’t be here forever love, I’m in my eighties now.”

“I suppose I’ll die an old spinster then, like you.”

“This is getting morbid darling. I’m going for my shower.”

Erica’s eyes followed Babs’ out of the hotel room then she felt an urgent need to wee. Thirty minutes later she and Babs’ met up again and joined Lola in the restaurant.

“Where’ r the other two?” Babs' asked.

“Still upstairs,” Lola smirked before she nodded towards the door. “Ah, no, here they are. Lazy buggers.”

“More like horny buggers Erica sniggered.”

Her remark reassured Babs’ as she realised Erica was in a better mood. Finally Susan the counsel guiding Erica, joined them at the table. She smiled reassuringly towards Erica.

“You’re doing well girl; the case is on track.”

“When do the defence counsels get their claws into me?”

“Not ‘til next week, there’s still a mountain of evidence and charges. By the way, there’ll be an American lawyer coming over from the states tomorrow.”

“I’ve never even been to America,” Erica protested.

“No, but your pictures have and the biggest bidder when you were being auctioned on-line was an American. He’s the one with the crew-cut in the rogues gallery.”

“Oh, I remember him, he stank of cigar smoke and he had trouble getting it up..”

“That’s not all he stinks of!” Susan almost spat the sentence out.”

“Meaning?” Erica asked.

“He stinks of drugs and money. So how and when did you learn he was impotent?”

“Everybody at the auction got to test the goods unless the girl was a virgin. My virginity had been lost long before that but he paid an extra fee especially to test me before the auction because I was blond. The lazy, fat bastard nearly crushed me to death.”

“Yeah,” Angela agreed. “Those are some of the worst. Those and the sadists.”

“They’re all bloody sadists!” Olivia cursed. They hurt girls every which way in heart, mind or body.”

“Bab’s felt forced to agree but kept her counsel. The girls were stoking their mutual anger to face the ordeal.”

With breakfast over the police convoy took the girls to the court and Erica once again found herself in the witness box.


The senior judge looked down and smiled as Erica made it to her feet in time then she spoke.

“Good morning Miss Smith. The additional evidence you supplied yesterday afternoon has altered some of the circumstances. Can you confirm the identity of the fair-haired girl in the video and if possible the identities of the other girls that have been located in the grave in Turkey. I’m sorry if this distresses you but it’s important.”

Erica felt a lump sticking in her throat as she once again squeezed the rail around the witness box. The judge noticed her white knuckles and encouraged her softly.

“Take your time Miss Smith. Do you want a drink of water?”

Stress caused Erica to simply wag her head instead of answering but after a brief hesitation she took a deep breath.

“The blond girl is probably Shula, she is – sorry; was Dutch. She was from a suburb of Rotterdam. One of the other girls could be Joaquina from Mexico, I don’t know where but she said by the sea. The third one could be Conchita, she was from somewhere south of Mexico, Nicaragua I think.”

As she finished there was an excited, whispered - yesss! – from the section where the assorted police were sitting, and a pair of Mexican police slipped away. Erica watched nervously until she recognised the German inspector giving her a thumb’s up through the glass panels of the main door. The Mexicans were talking excitedly with him. The judge had obviously noticed the cameo and gently interrupted Erica’s introspections.

“Ahem! Hello, Miss Smith. Are you alright to proceed.”

“Wha- oh! Oh, sorry your honour. I was distracted.”

“Do you wish to take a break.”

“No thank you.”

A movement from the police box caught the Judge’s eye and she turned as the German superintendent stood respectfully.

“Your honour might I respectfully ask for a break in this part of the case, there is a lot of new evidence from the bodies we’ve located in Turkey. It supports the witness’s statement but more questions have arisen.”

The judges irritation was plain to see but she allowed the police to speak to Erica through Susan, her prosecution counsel. The superintendent met with the inspector who had arrived outside the court and some video evidence was prepared on the projector. Before it was displayed the superintendent spoke to the judges before handing a page of notes. The judges called all the counsels together and they retired to their chambers. Eventually Susan emerged with a very sober expression.

“Erica, did you see Shula, or Joaquina or Conchita being executed?”

Tears erupted from Erica’s eyes as she nodded 'yes' and slumped into the chair in the witness box.

“Why didn’t you tell them?”

“I couldn’t remember until that picture of the mosque jogged my memory. I did tell them girls were killed.”

“About the snuff movie yes." Susan agreed, "We spoke about that on Monday.”

“No, about the executions as well. I just forgot to mention they were different times. I'm sorry, sometimes, - sometimes my mind seems to slip bits of memory."

"Can you think why they called them executions?"

“No. I've no idea. It was murder really but they were calling them executions as if us girls were the criminals."

“If it was ritualised then would be described as executions, if you’re up to seeing the evidence on that screen the court will proceed.”

“What does it show?”

“I can’t tell you. You’ll have to tell the court and police what you saw before the video can be released.”

“They strangled her, Shula that is. They strangled her right in front of me. The other two were already in the back of the van. They looked dead to me but what do I know?”

Susan’s face went pale as she shushed Erica to silence and dashed back to the judge’s chambers.

“Your honours! My client actually witnessed the girls' murders. Best she gives her evidence now. I don’t think she’ll last much longer today, especially when she sees the grave excavation. My junior is attending to her in the interview room.

The senior lady judge cursed under her breath.

“I hope this poor bloody kid holds out,” she thought as she checked again with Susan by asking.

“She was just turned fourteen when this happened wasn't she?”

“Not quite,” Susan replied, “thirteen years and eleven months plus a week or so; ----- just short of her fourteenth.”

Another judge cursed under his breath. “Bloody hell!”. “At fourteen, the girl could be forced to ‘marry’ under Islamic customs without agreeing to it. Legalised rape by forced marriage with no parental consent!”

Another of the judges asked..

“Was she ‘married’ when she was located? In Iran I mean.”

Susan replied.

“Technically yes, but she had been beaten half to death to force her to consent. It's just a Sharia legal device to permit rape.

There’s a medical report listing her many injuries. Every injury she describes has some physical evidence to support it and there many injuries she can’t even recall because she was so spaced out on drugs. The forced Crack Cocaine abuse has shot her memory to hell. I’m amazed she remembered Siirt.”

“I’ll bet the defence tries to use that as a defence.” Another judge observed.

“You can hardly break your own jaw or arm.” Susan retorted impatiently.

“Well certainly not counsel, I was just ruminating upon their plan of defence. I’ll be weighting her final evidence in my contribution to our reasoning.”

“Well, we’ve spent enough time consulting here,” the senior judge opined, “it’s time to return to the court. Tell the girl we’re returning; I believe you said she’s recovering in the interview room.”


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