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by Daphne Xu
I was surprised when I was called in for an interview, and even more surprised upon being informed that I got the job. It seemed to me that applying for a teaching position at an exclusive, elite secondary school for young ladies would be seen as the arrogance and perversity of a young man with a natural attraction to teenaged young ladies. I never admitted to that motivation. My application had been little more than a self-dare.
I thought it would be paradise, amid swarms of young ladies with socks two to three inches below the knees, and dresses ending six to nine inches above the knees. It sounded so very different from my dominantly male undergraduate and post-graduate education environment.
Wonderful as it sounded, it quickly became ho-hum -- even with the inevitable pretty young-girl crushes. Not to mention, once I began teaching, I was caught up in the science. Science and math trump everything, at least with me. Most of them realized that they could exercise or fuel their crushes by studying and learning the material.
This particular day began normally and routinely. During lunch in the faculty lounge, I overheard a couple other male teachers discussing a student and her outfit.
Teacher 1: "... standing just inside my doorway, watching the young ladies going to their first-period class. One student passed by, dressed very much at variance with the norm."
Teacher 2: "I think that she was in my Beginning Ancient Greek class third period. I'm unsure, and I refuse to mention names. But it is surprising how Miss Alcott appears to give her pass on such an underly-short dress."
Anita Alcott was the school headmistress, and also taught a couple periods of sixth- and seventh-grade math.
Teacher 1: "She was definitely attractive and, dare I say it? Hot."
Teacher 2: "She always was attractive and beautiful, but today she was something extra."
I tuned out. At the very least, I kept my perverse fantasies about my students to myself. That wasn't so difficult, really.
It was the last class period of the day when she entered the classroom. She turned out to be one of my first-year physics students. I was standing as usual just inside the doorway, observing my students entering class. When she entered--
Me: "You don't have to lift up your skirt or anything, but have you made sure you satisfy the dress code?"
The student smiled. "Yes indeed. My socks end about minus one and a half inches below my knees, while my dress ends about minus four inches above my knees."
I was satisfied; the dress code required that the socks of a student her height end at most four inches below the knees, and that her dress end about about three times above the knees as her socks reached below the knees. She was beautiful, yes even hot, in her mid-length dress ending below the knees, and socks extending up under her dress.
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Brings back memories :)
I see that you created a new category as well.
It should
You wrote three stories about "dress code" -- and other(s) without "dress code" in the title.
Come to think of it, I should have put "dress code" in the keywords as well. But then, those keywords are usually like the dust in the wind.
And I slipped something else in as well.
-- Daphne Xu
bwa ha ha !
did NOT see that coming!
Cute one
I'd always suspected you were a math addict.
Math Addict?
Yeah, I could be one. Perhaps applied math rather than theoretical math. One sees this notion in physics all the time. -2 meters to the right is the same as 2 meters to the left, and similar for up and down.
I suspect that the Headmistress (maybe the original one) slipped that somewhat awkward standard into the dress code, intending the negative interpretation to hold. But then, what happens if a student decides to wear anklets?
Dorothy: thanks!
-- Daphne Xu
Well, since they'd be about a
Well, since they'd be about a foot below the knees, the skirt would have to end about 3 feet above the knees. Which wouldn't even work for a belt.
But there's probably some rule about visible underwear, so that'd stop that. And you *know* there's a rule requiring underwear, so that's not an out.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
The Code
There's probably a rule about the dress concealing underwear. It would be applied (or checked) when both the wearer and observer stand upright. And that would force a minimum sock height.
As part of the rule concealing underwear, the rule's application would prevent commando detection. Rules regarding sitting and other poses would be indoctrinated in deportment classes, and be enforced in the presence of administration, or when a teacher decides to enforce them in class.
-- Daphne Xu
Problem with the dress hem
The socks were easy to imagine. What I'm having problems with is the dress hem and contradiction of description. The hem ends minus four inches above the knees. Then there is "in her mid-length dress ending below the knees" I'm guessing you tossed a double negative in there using calculus. A negative minus is a plus? Your young lady seems to be overdressed for a school which allows mini skirts and demands they wear socks with the ensemble.
Bless you Daphne I lost my mind trying to do an upside down cake equation on your dress code.
Hugs Daphne
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Four inches above is the same as -4 in. below. Likewise, 4 in. below is the same as -4 in. above. So the hem of the skirt ended -4 in. above the knee.
The same is for the socks: -1.5 in below = 1.5 in above.
Electric current: 1 amp in one direction is the same as -1 amp in the opposite direction.
In terms of moving charges: ten trillion electrons per second moving to the left is the same as ten trillion "positrons" (or "holes") moving to the right. They're both 1.6 microamps of current moving to the right. (Google the "Hall Effect" for different effects.)
-- Daphne Xu
Birthdays require chocolate cake
Baked the required chocolate cake, pulled it fresh and hot from the oven. Already heated the chocolate icing so it would spread evenly. Hot cake, hot icing and it kept disappearing. Of course I only quit when the whole can was empty and wondering if I had made a terrible error as the icing soaked into the cake? Supper came and went, birthday presents opened, and it was time to cut the cake. I cringed thinking I was going to be serving a fudge cake.
Everyone raved about the chocolate cake with icing on top and bottom.The hot icing had flowed under the cake as it floated up on top the icing. I being the "excellent cook" that I am claimed it was my "Swamp Cake" and acted as if it was all planned.
Your double negatives brought it all back to mind.
Hugs Daphne
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I finally saw the connection at the last line of your post.
Have you read Bru's Dress-Code stories?
-- Daphne Xu
Bru, international spy
For one who deals in subterfuge, espionage, secrets at the highest level of governments and military, her mind either became bent or was bent before she became a spy. Her stories reflect the same warped kind of thinking. Getting close and reading her stories warps the mind of her readers. I was lucky as a farm girl I didn't have any sense anyway. Thus I was only mildly tainted getting close to her upside down stories.
Samantha, you and so many others were tainted. I can tell by the stories you girls post. Wish I could say there is a cure but...
Hugs Daphne
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Hey, I enjoyed writing a nice twist, even before I became acquainted with Bru and his ... reputation. And my mind was always bent, in one way or another. I have to admit, my title to this story followed Bru's "Dress Code" stories. I think that I wrote "BB: A Boy's Visit" before becoming familiar with Bru.
A couple years ago, a reader commented on three of my stories. Finally he asked if Bru and I were having a contest.
Sometimes I flatter myself, that I have inspired an occasional Bru story.
I sometimes write longer stories, with (hopefully) several twists and turns. I also delve into less-respectable subject matter, that Bru avoids. I developed my writing teeth and chops in the less-respectable areas of USENET when our fearless leader was there.
-- Daphne Xu
I had no idea I had any claim to that job title. So what if I'm a bad influence?
Barb, I distinctly remember that your were aware of my bad influence early on but you couldn't break your addiction. Oh well, too bad. Remember: "Caveat emptor".
Actually, Daphne has inspired more than one story of mine. Though at times in rather unexpected ways. Come to think about it, I could point the finger at Barb as well as a temptress luring me to write twisted stories instead of the sweet, straight (as in not twisted) stories that I normally would have written if not seduced by dangling baits in front of my nose.
I would like to see some of your sweet, straight stories.
This reminded me of David Lynch, director of terminally-weird, twisted films. He directed a G-rated Disney movie called, "The Straight Story" -- perhaps the only way left for him to be weird.
-- Daphne Xu
Love these math jokes
Mind you, they are above my head. I just know enough to recognize that it was the negatives that were making it all good.
Bru, better keep thinking hard. Daphne is a serious contender.
>>> Kay
Yes, the negatives make it.
-- Daphne Xu
However, remember
that a double negation turns into a position.
In mathematics only
In mathematics only.
I uhhh
I don't really understand what's going on here? Are they all hebephiles or something? If so, IMO just shove them into a woodchipper *shrug*
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I uhhh
I don't really understand what's going on here? Are they all hebephiles or something? If so, IMO just shove them into a woodchipper *shrug*
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Appropriate Punishment
... for crimes such as aggressive war, military takeover, and martial law.
-- Daphne Xu
inequalities, negation and anklets
A tutu would not satisfy the dress code if student were to wear anklets.
Your friend
Even a crop-top barely covering the bosom probably wouldn't make it. I think the "dress" would have to be one of those cone-shaped hats -- not dunce-caps, but the tan ones worn to shade the head from intense summer sun.
-- Daphne Xu