Okay. Here's the deal. I tried to post this before and got some flak. This guy has the information you need to get the financial help you need.
This is ME, not some virus or worm or hacked into account! I will grant you that the presenter SEEMS a bit scattered and he thinks he's funny, BUT he is not asking for ANY money from anyone. He is merely presenting information that a lot of people might not be aware of and how to GET what is available for things like rent and utility assistance. Like some tax breaks. Like child care or student loan assistance.
Give him a listen. I know he is for real...I've checked out some of the things he talks about and they are legitimate. I've gotten so much help from all of you and this is the only way I can pay it forward to you.
He is Lalate on youtube.
He is stereotypically gay, but that doesn't matter to the amount of useful information he is giving out and is NOT asking or requiring anyone to send him any money or anything else.
Catherine Linda Michel
I did look at him...
I've had bad things happen to me on the internet, and had my heart broken. I did listen to him for about 20 minutes and decided that he is too far round the bend for me.
End of conversation
One half against the other
This reminds me of when I was working for an ISP where I spent most of my time defending one half of my customers from the other half.
Your friend
i admit it, i overreacted last time
i'm a big screaming pile of abnormal
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It Says a Lot of Nice Things About You
. . .that you continue to try to help others by posting this.
Two days ago, I got a call from the "Minnesota Department of Revenue." He wanted to talk to me about a "return" I supposedly hadn't filed.
I told the guy that if he was really the "Minnesota Department of Revenue" he would have sent a letter rather than calling. He said they did send two letters. I hung up on him.
I got another call two minutes later from a guy who said he was the other guy's supervisor. He had a Minnesota accent so I decided to give him the time of day and no INFORMATION. About a minute into our conversation I asked him if he knew Gina. I had served on a committee with Gina and knew that she was the head of a division of the Minnesota Revenue Department. He told me her correct last name and told me she had hired him.
I explained to him that I had been a founding member with Gina of a psuedo-governmental body.
While we were talking he realized that they had made a clerical error and that the form they wanted wasn't required from me, because I had given up that particular license.
We are all very cautious of phone calls and people we don't know, because we have to be. The amount of identity theft going on is incredible.
That fact that people are rejecting your effort to help them says nothing about you and everything about the world we live in.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
... maybe not. He could be legitimate and competent -- and right. But it was difficult to understand -- too loaded with TLAs and ETLAs.
One problem I had: he treated bills as if they had passed, or if passage were a routine technicality.
-- Daphne Xu