If you haven't yet read this story, you are missing something beautiful and wonderful.
Ricky has crafted a rare flower, filled with great characters and tender humor among some people who truly care for and about one another. You will laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry and you'll wonder why people can't be like these folks in real life.
Go read it. Go experience it. With this story, IMHO, Ricky has inserted himself into the rarified air of really good authors. I loved it, even though I didn't think I would, judging from the title.
Catherine Linda Michel
I agree
Like all fiction, Girlzilla requires some suspension of reality. The acceptance (for the most part) at Anonymous State and in Ralph/Mary's family seemed a bit over the top. Having grown up in a Pentecostal church, it was difficult to believe Ruth's family church. However Uncle Bastard was true to form and could have been modeled after my own uncle, who complained to the school board when he learned that his daughter had to sit behind a Mexican at school.
That said, it's a great read. Bravo, Ricky. Wordsmithery at it's finest.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I havd to agree
about the acceptance at the college. However, I never let reality get in the way of a good story. That said, I have had some experience with the more enthusiastic churches and that scene was taken directly from my experience.