This is a slightly modified version of a blog that was posted on my website.
Well, let my just start off by saying, there will not be any Legacy of Earth for the next two weeks, with Christmas and New Years two weekends in a row, I just don't think I'll have the time or desire to edit the next couple parts.
On other matters, some of my more hyper-observant readers may have noticed the subscriber count on my website has almost tripled in the last week. This is because my twitter (and also facebook) followers are counted among the more traditional email subscribers by the plugin that handles those things. I recently had a tweet blow up on twitter resulting in me going from about four-hundred twitter followers to almost twelve hundred. That actually was kind of cool.
I'm about two months into my medical transition and I've come out to my brother and sister-in-law as well as my primary care doctor and a few online friends. Yesterday, I took another big step, I went out full en femme with my roommate. I was super nervous at first, but hardly anyone paid any attention to me. It felt good. I'm still mostly closeted, but I'm taking one step at a time. For those wishing to share in my transition journey, you can follow me on twitter or friend me on facebook. I only ask that if you friend me on facebook, you let me know you're not some creeper or weirdo. I've been getting some friend requests from randos who I suspect are chasers and I'd just as soon not go there.
I am very excited to be spending my first Christmas as Daniela. I may not be fully out, but my roommates do accept me for who I am which has been very affirming. Anyway, just posting a little holiday update for anyone who is interested. I hope those of you who are observing a holiday this season enjoy it!
Have a deliciously demented day,
Wonderful News!
I'm so happy to hear this wonderful news. I wish you all the best on your journey, hon. May it be a very Merry Christmas indeed!
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
Thanks Samantha! Hugs!
Thanks Samantha!
Have a delightfully devious day,
I know what you mean
You wrote, "I only ask that if you friend me on facebook, you let me know you're not some creeper or weirdo. I've been getting some friend requests from randos who I suspect are chasers and I'd just as soon not go there."
I know exactly what you mean. When I was active in Yahoo groups, and had Yahoo messaging active I has a few of those just pop up. Real creepy.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Yeah, I had two separate
Yeah, I had two separate periods where I was getting a lot requests from guys in two different third-world countries. It was weird and just a bit creepy.
Right now, it's mainly been scattered randos. I had a middle-aged man from the east coast send me a friend request yesterday. It makes me nervous.
Have a delightfully devious day,