QuickSilver 5

QuickSilver 5

Catherine awoke in almost the same position as the previous night but arousal was nowhere near her mind as she made her way to the bathroom and held her head while on the toilet. After a very long hot shower she felt considerably better and made her way downstairs with a slight grimace of amusement at the sound of Bobby in the shower.

By the time he made it down she was sipping on coffee, having already set up the makings of breakfast. He leaned over for a kiss and when they broke mumbled “Mmmm, you taste like coffee…”

She snerked at him as he shuffled over to fill a mug and sat back down. “Give it a few and you’ll feel halfway human. Regretting those shots huh?”

“Not regretting exactly, no. Paying for a good time is more like it. How did neither of us know you were a local celebrity?” He sipped and rubbed the bridge of his nose between thumb and finger.

“I’d hardly call myself a celebrity but apparently a few people remember me…”

“The way I heard it you were a one-woman vigilante militia. I never knew there was a neo-Nazi skinhead bar down on George but you’re supposed to have caused it to go away…” He grinned at her. “I’d say they likely do remember you!”

“It wasn’t like that at all!” Catherine protested. ”I didn’t even really do anything except help a few people realize their own power and band together for protection. There was that one little tussle but I had almost nothing to do with that! It was a pride parade after all and I never expected them to go after the skinheads the way they did! I will admit to advising them to use substantial pieces of wood to hold their signs up but I was like 2 blocks back from the whole thing and only saw what happened later.”

“The way I remember that little riot being reported like 40 people wound up wounded, a few of them with broken bones and concussions so I’d say your little encouragement meant a lot more than you thought. I’m glad to know you had somewhere to go to feel accepted even if I was the cause of your need for it a fair amount of the time…” he stroked her hand lightly with a thumb.

“It was just that, you know? A place to feel accepted, welcomed even.” She kissed him lightly as she rose. “Now, a greasy carb heavy breakfast should set us both right. How many pancakes?”

“No idea, how big do you make em?” She showed him with her hands. “Maybe 3? Lets say 4 and I might leave a bit.”

Catherine turned the heat on under the griddle and put several sausages for each of them in a skillet before making the pancake batter. By the time she was finished the sausages were just beginning to sizzle and the griddle was almost ready so she sat for a moment to keep herself from trying to start too soon. Soon she was back up, rotating the sausages and quickly buttering the griddle before ladling batter onto it and in just a few more minutes she was back at the table bearing plates with a medium stack of large pancakes already buttered with maple syrup on them, a sunny side up duck egg sitting atop it and sausage links arrayed around the edge sitting in syrup.

“I hope you know I have no plans to do any running today…” Bobby mumbled around a bite of pancake.

“Hadn’t even considered it. Lori’s going to meet with some friends today, mom has her churchy stuff to do and I just want to hang out with you. Care for a little run down to St Helena? I need to see a lady about a horse.” She grinned slightly as she realized what she’d said.

“You know coming from anyone else I’d think that was a bit crude but from you? I’m pretty sure we actually will be going to see a lady about a horse and I’m intrigued. I’d think horses would be a lot easier to come by out in Montana…”

“You’ll find out when we get there. You gonna eat that sausage?” Her fork was poised.

“Where do you put all that food? I barely managed to finish the last one…” He watched as she speared it and didn’t even bother cutting, just rubbed the end in the remaining syrup on her plate and took a bite. “Nevermind, I think I’d rather not know. I’m guessing I should wear boots?”

“Boots you don’t mind getting a little nasty would be a good idea, along with a bag to put em in and some shoes or something. Actually just bring a whole change of clothing along in case you need it.” She was already munching on the last bite while she made plates and pans and even the griddle vanish into the dishwasher, started a cycle and wiped everything down in just over a minute.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody do that. If there was a wasted twitch anywhere in there I sure didn’t catch it. You’re a bit scary, you know that?” He reached down and kissed her on the nose, moving away before she had a chance to turn it into more.

“I had some pretty demanding teachers. When you get whacked for wasted motion you tend to get pretty hard core about eliminating it.” She followed him up the stairs.

“I didn’t know your dad did that…” Bobby tried to hide the tinge of anger in his voice.

“Oh he didn’t, he was much more straightforward about things. His idea of teaching was to beat the crap out of me until I learned how not to get hit and going on from there in an equally brutal way. That was a place to start but I sought teachers after that and learned so much more, about myself and how to survive… some of those teachers were… very strict. I likely wasn’t the best student either but I learned what I needed to, things they saw more clearly than even I did.” Catherine was packing a small bag with a change of clothing after donning jeans and a grey tank top.

“One day I’d love to hear about that… about everything that happened since you left. It sounds like you’ve had quite an eventful couple of decades. Duck boots or western?” he inquired.

“Western if they aren’t dress boots.” She tossed over her shoulder as she sat on the other side of the bed pulling on her own boots. She stood and turned, noticing his boots looked just as beat up and well cared for as her own. “Perfect. You’ll want to add a flannel shirt though. Should I expect a Stetson too?”

“Sorry, just a ballcap. Anything taller tends to part ways with me at the first doorway. You on the other hand… Sexy cowgirl! Hubba Hubba!” He managed to dislodge her hat and she let it tumble to the floor behind her, enjoying the kiss.

He spun her around and broke, leaning over to pick up her hat and bag, offering the first to her. “Thank you sir…” she purred at him and he gulped before starting back into motion and grabbing his own bag.

Catherine followed him down the stairs giggling to herself, glad she had such an effect on her fiancée and enjoying the view of his strongly muscled backside in snug jeans. They were quickly sat in her car and he was leaning over the backseat to inspect the hat-hanger she’d affixed to the back of each seat just below the headrests.

“Interesting place to put it.” He’d sat back and was fastening his belt.

“Couldn’t exactly put it on the cabin roof, not with the sunroof and out there I usually wear a hat so it had to go somewhere.” Catherine saw that he’d buckled in and dropped into gear. She drove at a reasonably sedate speed until pulling out of Dodge’s, the filling station with some of the best fried chicken in town. Traffic thinned out shortly thereafter and in just over 30 minutes they were creeping slowly down a rather rough set of sandy ruts purporting to be a driveway.

“Seriously, that traffic circle thing… I mean I can see how you did the one on Rifle Range, just like a curve in the road but you had to go 3 quarters of the way around that thing and you never dropped under 100! That is some kinda insane witch-driving or something…” he shook his head. “I’m not even sure if I want to ask you to teach me that one!”

“Its not that hard Bobby, really. Its all about application of thrust and simple physics. I swear this road wasn’t this bad last time I was here!” She carefully followed high grassy areas in the low slung car. Several horses were investigating their progress from the other side of the fence, accompanied by an assortment of goats.

They finally drove through a gate which swung open at their approach, rounded a huge pond and pulled up in front of a large rambling home sitting nearly 3 meters above the ground on heavy pilings. A slight figure limped down the broad front steps from where she’d been seated on the verandah as they exited the vehicle and Catherine skipped over to envelope her slightly taller friend in an enthusiastic hug.

“I’m so glad to see you’re alright! I worried about you, you know…” The two friends pulled apart to look at each other again.

“Me? I’m retired! You’re the one doing dangerous stuff…” the taller woman remonstrated. “So does that ring on your finger mean…?”

“It does!” She pulled her friend over to Bobby. “Meet my fiancée Bobby! Bobby, meet Ashleigh…” Catherine trailed off as she saw her friend’s expression of shock.

“Petty Officer.” The words weren’t quite military crisp, more friendly and concerned.

“EllTee. Little surprised?” A crooked grin pasted itself on Linda’s face.

“You’re kidding, right? You were a damned effective operator but butching it up convincingly was beyond you. I think your old teammates would be glad to know you’re alive… Although some of them might be a little pissed you made us all think otherwise.” He held his arms open. “Sorry about the rank thing, I’d just run into a dead friend…”

She accepted the offer, giving him a quick hug. “I get it… I wanted it that way and I guess I’m sorry for that but back then it seemed simplest. My leg was too messed up to ever rehab worth a damn and they offered me a way to be useful that meant I had to disappear for a while and afterward it seemed simpler to just stay dead, ya know?”

“You seem to have done ok for yourself. I’m not sure if I should ask how you know Catherine…” Bobby chuckled lightly, only half joking.

“Well come on up and have some tea and we’ll tell you the story…” They followed her up the steps, Catherine watching her closely.

“You know you’re doing really well. If I didn’t know you were wearing a prosthesis I’d just think you had a moderate limp.” Catherine accepted a glass of tea and sat in one of the high backed rocking chairs.

“Took em 4 times but I think they finally got it right. That and being a little obsessive about rehab. I still get the phantom limb thing sometimes but not much anymore. You get used to it I guess…” She shrugged and took a sip from her glass.

“I had no idea you lost your leg back there! I mean, I thought you were dead but… you know what I mean.” Bobby covered his embarrassment with his tea glass.

“Oh I didn’t! I’ve had 7 surgeries over the years trying to hold onto it but I guess fate or whatever had other ideas. That hurricane that didn’t really touch you guys gave us like 6 feet of water and being where I am you can imagine the water was pretty shitty… literally! Everything’s jacked up around here but somebody had to go feed the critters and I managed to fall out of the boat. Wound up getting infected and they had to take it 4 inches below the knee.” She pulled up the leg of her jeans and thumped a knuckle on carbon-fiber.

“Wow… irony much? That really sucks but I’m just happy you’re alive. “He turned to Catherine. “Did you know we served together?”

“Not the beginnings of a clue. She didn’t want to talk about her service and I was fine with that. We’ve never actually had any dealings in that context at all. I get this call from some people I, erm, do stuff with sometimes and they’re just like straight ‘We need a horse-thief’…” She shook her head “I mean yeah, dog rescue and such but horses?”

Ashleigh laughed. “Well it was a bigger job than most rescues but we figured out a way to get the job done and I’m glad we did. We not only rescued the horses but managed to gather enough evidence beforehand to make sure those… people” she spat the word “got their just desserts. We still lost one of the jennies… she was just too far gone. Your girl here reverses an 8 horse trailer for like half a mile at well over 50 miles an hour, then gets out and walks right up to two horses that wouldn’t let anyone near them. Mind you these are on the large side even for draft horses and one of them was like 19 hands. She talked to em for a minute and they both walked over and nuzzled her before getting in the trailer as calm as you please. I’ve seen her do it since and its still spooky…”

“Its nothing special, you just have to talk to them. Horses are way smarter than people think, most animals are. Anyway, I wound up coming back here after we got them to safety and we became friends. Finding out that two of the people who are close to me also share a connection? I think that’s pretty awesome actually. How’s Fritz doing?”

“I still say that’s a tragic name for such a beautiful horse. He’s doing just fine but you can tell he misses being able to perform. His foals are… well there’s one white one and if I had to guess he’ll be the spitting image of his sire in a year. I’m still amazed that they just gave him to you…”

“Yeah well a trained Lipizzaner with a broken leg generally gets put down but I thought it was fixable and they disagreed. To them he was just a giant vet bill with a lost investment at the end so they were pretty happy to sign him over. Turns out I was right and I’m glad for that but I’d have done it anyway. No creature deserves to be just thrown away like that.” Catherine consciously relaxed her fingers around the glass.

The three friends chatted for quite a long while on the broad verandah before making their way out into the farm and simply enjoying each other’s company as they walked around and tended to the animals, greeting each with a nibble or tidbit. Bobby and Catherine finally took their leave some while after dark with many hugs and promises to return.


The next morning dawned on a cloudless sky and the day was forecast to be warm. The couple shared a quick breakfast before returning upstairs to dress. Bobby was surprised when she affixed a golden Trident to her left breast.

“I thought you were using your dad’s?” he inquired gently.

“Change of plans. Ashleigh gave me hers and wants me to do the honor… I couldn’t possibly refuse her that.” Catherine adjusted the intricate updo she bore and checked her makeup with a critical eye. “That’ll have to do. You look really sharp in that uniform, you know.”

“Not even a candle next to your blazing sun.” She turned and he kissed her lightly. “You ready for this?”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for this kind of thing but… yeah, as much as possible I think. I’m just the tiniest bit nervous about the reception I’ll get…” she gestured at herself. “I’m just slightly different to the kid they knew from birth, you know?”

“Well whatever it is I’m here for you. If you want my opinion they’ll see a beautiful woman and stop right there. You didn’t even hide as well as Ashleigh so I rather doubt it’ll be a huge surprise.” He chuckled.

“We’ll find out. Lets go meet up with Lori.”


The large open space seemed smaller than she remembered as they made their way into the main room. Catherine’s fears proved mostly groundless as she was almost universally embraced and welcomed by the entire congregation. A single Elder and his wife were the only ones who seemed anything other than delighted to see her and she noticed they gave her sister and fiancée the same sour look. Nothing new from those two so she shrugged it off.

Unfortunately when the time came for the sermon she learned the sour faced man was to officiate and began to get a little irritated. The dreadful hymns sung so loudly and with such a supreme lack of tonal value had only made her wryly reflect on how glad she was to have absented herself. When the man had made his way through the first 2 minutes Catherine leaned over slightly and muttered to her sister.

“That jackass is just reading the fucking program!” She’d apparently been slightly louder than intended as her mother’s lips pursed. Lori pressed slightly down on her arm to calm her. “His service? How dare he compare himself to…”

“Just chill sis…” came the muttered reply. “They aren’t worth it.”

Shortly after it turned into fairly standard preaching and yet she seethed until the final prayer ended. When the Elder giving the prayer stepped off stage she found herself moving up and behind the podium. She stood there for a moment, watched the mic adjust to her height and settle before beginning.

“So I realize I’m not in the program and that’s fine because as you all know dad didn’t care much for programs anyway. It has been lovely to meet all of you again after so long although the occasion is a solemn one. “ Her clear contralto was projected to the rear of the room almost without need of the sound system. “I’d like to say a few things about the man we all knew and the life he lived and by that I mean all of it. My dad was no saint and there have been times in my life when I didn’t even think he was a good man, times when I wondered if even he thought that of himself.”


“I never ever expected you to get up there and pull a Speaking for the Dead!” Lori’s tone was amused.

“I’m sorry… Rhome got up there and just read the stupid program and then goes on about comparing his service to dad’s and… it just pissed me off… I shouldn’t have taken over like that. I just had to say something real.” Catherine turned to her mother.

“I’m sorry mom…”

“You have nothing to apologize for sweetie.” She gathered the sisters into a hug. “I’m glad you got up and said what needed to be said… I’ve read Card you know, and I approve of a Speaking. I remember being so angry at my stepmother’s funeral when everyone said wonderful things about her… This way is better. Bobby, thank you for being here to honor him, he would have appreciated it.” She gathered him into the hug too.

“Always a sad duty but one I’m proud to do Mrs. MacConnell.” They separated after another tight squeeze.

“I’ll have none of that from you young man! I won’t ask you to call me mom but I’ll settle for Kriss. I’ve known you almost as long as you’ve been alive and now you’re marrying my baby girl here you’re family.” She looked up into his eyes. “I’ve always considered you to be halfway my son anyway and now its all the way. I know I’ll never replace your mom and I wouldn’t think of trying but…”

Bobby stood there for a moment, unable to muster words. “Thanks ma—um Kriss. That’s gonna be hard to get used to. I think I’d prefer mom if you don’t mind?”


“Honestly I have no idea. Its almost like she’s a different person or something. I damn near did a spit take when she imitated Rhome’s expression!” Catherine laughed “then she comes out with ‘Ya know he’s been tryin to pray the gay away for 70 years and 4 kids… hasn’t worked yet…’ “.

It was late and they’d been rehashing the day for a few minutes in Lori’s hotel room having had a truly excellent meal and spending several hours at their mom’s just talking and greeting the occasional drop in bringing a dish of some sort or just well wishes.

“Well for as long as it lasts I’ll take it. It felt good being a family again… I wish it could have been sooner.” Lori was nursing yet another cocktail, slightly tipsy and just a laugh short of turning morose.

“Whatever she does or doesn’t do you’re my sister and nothing can change that.” Catherine had a ginger ale, having limited herself to a glass of wine with dinner.

“My sister too and I’d like it if you thought of me as a brother. Family by choice.” Bobby hadn’t been as judicious and was a little more than tipsy, carefully enunciating. He put his empty glass down and struggled for a moment to get out of the low chair.

“OK, lets get you home…” Catherine paused for a moment, liking the sound of that.

“Of course I think of you as my brother, Bobby. I think I always did anyway, really. Now you let my sister take you home and give you a good seeing too! Night sibs…” She pulled them both into a hug before hustling them out the door.


“Everything indicates the materials are on site but there’s a lot more activity than we expected. I think they’ve moved their timetable up a bit.”

“I hate to say it but I have to agree with you.” Catherine swiveled to face Cristobal across the conference table. “Cristo, I assume you guys have already gamed out an accelerated timeline?”

“Its messy any way we do it. Best option seems to be a halo jump with squirrel suits so we can glide in, pop chutes at 500 and come down inside the compound. We should have at least a little element of surprise that way but after that it just gets super-hairy. As soon as they realize we’re there the main assault has to hit and hard but we have to secure the materials first.”

“So its doable then?” Catherine smiled across the table at him slowly.

“You do realize super hairy in Cristo-speak means barely survivable, maybe?” Rimmi’s tone was almost droll.

“That’s better than the chance the people in their target city stand if we don’t stop it. We still haven’t been able to narrow down a target.” Yusef rose and started pacing. “If we don’t catch this thing before they move it we might not get another chance. You all know what it took to get what little intel we have…”

“Look, we can sit and chew over why we have to do this forever but I think we all agree it isn’t really a choice. We don’t act, a city dies. I’ll take a hell of a lot thinner chance than Cristo’s ‘super hairy’ to stop that. I’d love to go tonight but no cloud cover and a full moon…” Catherine’s smile had vanished, replaced by look of determination.

“There should be heavy thunderstorms tomorrow settling down to dense cloud cover and heavy rain around midnight with little to no lightning after that. If the weather cooperates tomorrow after midnight is about the best opportunity we could ask for and we can stage and isolate the main assault troops 4 hours before go time.” Stacey grinned around the table. “We do it all right we can reduce ‘super hairy’ to merely ‘extremely hairy’!”

“I’ll take it! Now, what did they give us for backup?”


Bobby greeted her with a meal already prepared and a massage afterward. He recognized the signs of runup to a mission, the tension coupled with a focus that was entirely elsewhere and did what he could to help her relax a little.

“That’s so nice…” Catherine half moaned as he dug into a particularly knotty muscle half underneath her shoulder blade.

“Usually this one has people at least whimpering.” he found a corresponding knot on the other side and rubbed in small circles with increasing pressure. “I really hope you don’t get off on pain because I can’t roll with that.”

“Hmph, most people haven’t had a massage from my mom – oooh right there… I swear the woman could crumple sheet steel with her bare hands but she can hit pressure points only a couple of others have been able to approach. People whimpering about this would be screaming in agony if she had at em for real.” She gasped as he dug in even harder on both sides. “Not quite but close and no, I’m not into pain even a little… its more about how you train yourself to perceive it. If you realize on a core level that it doesn’t translate to significant harm or injury instead of resisting it let it flow through you and out… use it as a tool. Still there but it has no power over you.”

“Pretty impressive trick.”

“I figured that one out dealing with dad and then with other kids… I could let em hit me if I figured it right and avoid actually getting hurt, or at least not much. There was training later of course but I had the basics as long as I can remember. Some knowledge isn’t worth the price…”

“I wish you hadn’t had to learn those things, at least not that way.” Bobby soothed the spot he’d been rubbing for a moment, then gently turned her over and gave her a kiss as she lay there. “I wish I could ask you not to…”

“I wish I could say I wouldn’t but both of us know better. I made my choices long ago and I can’t imagine just walking away, not being of service if I can… its part of who I am. I know you understand that.” She kissed him again. “I think we both need a little relaxation just now and we’ll take tomorrow as it comes.”


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