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Hey everyone,

So, I had an appointment with a doctor today, over the phone. It's still going to be a year or so before I can get a family doctor, but he's been assigned by a local hospital to help me until then I guess. He seems nice and he cared about my input, which was really nice. He wasn't really very familiar with HRT, he's only worked with one patient who has gone through it, so he'll be looking at that and we decided together that since I've been off my meds for so long that we should run some blood tests first to see where I'm at and then decide where to go from there because my medical needs may have changed. At this rate another few weeks or a month won't make too much difference. So he's sending me some forms to get some blood work done and it could be a month before I'm back on hormones and such, but there's progress being made.

He's also suggesting non some drug solutions for my anxiety and depression so we can see if I can manage it without me having to be drugged, before we resort to that. I like that he's not one of those docs who think of drugs first. So it looks like things might be looking up on the medical front. Thanks to all of you for your concern and well wishes. I love my BCTS family.

*big hugs*



Thanks Dot

Amethyst's picture

It really is :)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

as someone that suffers

from anxiety badly. Some drugs may not work with your system, this has greatly limited my medication options.

They love to send people to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Which is great IF you know your triggers and can recognize them. I cannot since they most likely happen hours or days before hand.

I will not do marijuana.

Aside from that I totally agree with having bloodwork done to see how your system is doing.


Amethyst's picture

Yeah I'm not too sure how much good that these alternative therapies are going to do, but I'm willing to give them a try. I don't like being on drugs unless I have to and mirtazapine and trazadone wasn't the greatest combination for me. That said my PTSD triggers are usually crowds, especially with a lot of men, though sometimes I get blindsided by other stuff and my anxiety hits in just about any social situation where I am not absolutely certain of myself and how people are going to react.

I used to do weed, but I haven't in well over a decade. I've thought about it sometimes but Martin is allergic and he gave up his love of onions because I was allergic, so I can do no less for him.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

There are lots of forms of

There are lots of forms of THC that won't cause asthma attacks. CBD oil being one of them. I have no idea what's available up there, but the stores have been popping up like crazy down here.

There's always st. John's wort. Didn't help me (allergic reaction), but might help you.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

great news indeed.

dawnfyre's picture

Are you still in Ontario or are you back in BC?
I know finding a GP isn't easy here in BC. If you are in BC and in the lower mainland, Brentwood Walkin Clinic at Brentwood Mall / Station in Burnaby has excellent service from their doctors, most of whom have gained familiarity with HRT originally from me though they have had several other patients come in and start HRT since I first went there. No, they never gave me any hints as to who, only asked me for information to help them learn more.

3 Bridges clinic in 1200 block of Hornby in Vancouver ( corner of Hornby and Drake ) itself is also the home of transhealth BC so has a lot of resources to help.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

In Montreal

Amethyst's picture

I thought it was hard finding a doctor in BC, but Quebec, and in particular Montreal makes it look easy there. You have to get put on a government list and they assign you a doctor and it can take up to a year and a half for them to do it, and that's not even during the pandemic. There are some exceptions I found, like the trans clinic that I'm hoping to get a doctor with, but with Covid even those have long waiting lists right now.

I used to go the Three Bridges when I was in Vancouver, it's a great clinic and my doctor there was awesome.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

3 Bridges is the nearby

dawnfyre's picture

3 Bridges is the nearby clinic for covid testing, zero new patients, minimal seeing of anyone outside of covid testing right now.
The transhealth group are separate but even then in person meetings are not really happening. At least now the surgery is available at VGH so we don't need to go to Montreal any more. I did the Montreal trip, wound up with pneumonia on the return so me and air travel not going to meet any time soon.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Anxiety meds suck. The one I

Anxiety meds suck. The one I was on would knock me out within a few hours of taking it. It also left me groggy the next day, which killed my creative flow. Just an FYI, if they put on on zoloft DO NOT smoke pot. Those two don't mix well (although for me, it resulted in a psychotic/manic episode/bad trip from hell where my subconscience got to address some of the PTSD issues I was having which greatly resolved a lot of my issues). I hope everything improves sooner rather than later for you. I don't want this to sound selfish of me, but I miss reading your stories. They always brighten up my day, and sometimes give me the kick in the butt I need to continue working on my own. I feel like I'm rambling, so I'll just shut up now and hope and pray for the best for you.

Was it Trazadone?

Amethyst's picture

Seriously, that stuff should be used in tranquilizer darts, it knocks you right out. I had bad experiences with Zoloft though and I won't go back on it. Now that things seem to actually be going somewhere regarding my health needs I'm feeling a lot less anxiety and I'm trying to get my brain back into writing mode, so hopefully I'll have stuff to post soonish. If I get working on my stuff you need to get working on yours though ;)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


I’m on both of those.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna


I take two trazodone at night, authorized up to four by my physician. It hardly worked at all by itself, so I take two of another drug at the same time, to enhance the effectiveness of the trazodone. I can take up to four a day of those. I started with one each and slowly increased the dose until I determined the minimum effective dose of the two drugs. I still have the option of increasing the dosage if I need to. (Which I have had to do several times.) But I would always go back to the 2/2 dosage.

There are eight antidepressants that can cause gynecomastia. I've taken six of them, and the most effective is also the one most likely to cause gynecomastia and generally the most increase in size. So my doctor rotates it every couple of months with something else. But I'm still one cup larger than before. Not that I mind! Just pointing out that when taking anti-anxiety/antidepressant medications you have to balance the effectiveness against the side effects.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Amethyst's picture

Yep, a balance is needed. I worry constantly about side effects, but that may be the anxiety talking. I totally wouldn't mind another cup size though.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

What, you want a 'Big Gulp'?

What, you want a 'Big Gulp'?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Amethyst's picture

Thanks, I needed a laugh.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


That's SUPER good news! I'm so happy that you are starting to get back on track and I hope you get settled on your correct HRT soonest.



quis custodiet ipsos custodes


Amethyst's picture

I'm so happy that this stuff is getting resolved, it's been dragging me down for quite a while now.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3