Casey's Halloween

Casey's Halloween is my first post. This is a backstory from the novel I'm writing. In the novel, Casey is an adult and remembers the Halloween he first dressed as a girl. I had hoped to get this story out in time for Halloween but the universe had other plans.

I hope you enjoy the story. Feedback is welcomed.


Late afternoon of a crisp middle of October day found C J in his room working on his homework. Despite being an excellent student, he was having some trouble focusing today. Halloween was approaching and his classmates were talking about the costumes they would be wearing on Halloween night. As usual, the recreation center was having their annual Halloween party. His sister and her friends were planning to go. He heard them discussing their costume options almost daily. Casey was also looking forward to attending the party. This would be the first year he would not be trick or treating. Going to the party outweighed free candy. As a result, homework was not the uppermost thing on his mind. His thoughts were on deciding on a costume for the party. A superhero came to his mind. He shook his head putting his mind back on track. He’d finished his homework and see if he could go look for a costume.

With his homework finished, he closed his books and headed down the steps. “Hey mom,” he called out as he reached the bottom of the staircase. “Can we go to the mall? I’d like to look for a Halloween costume?”

“Sure,” said his mother. “Dinner is almost ready. If you and your sister help clean up, I can drive you. I was going to do a little window shopping.”

“Okay, you’ve got a deal,” he said.

“Did I hear you’re going to the mall?” Abbey said. She was peering down from the top of the steps. C J looked up and saw his sister’s head peering over the railing.

“Yeah,” said C J. “We have to help with dinner though.”

“Always a condition,” Abbey said. “Okay, I’ll be right down.”

“You can help bring things into the dining room,” their mother, Sheila, said. “Oh good, your father just pulled into the driveway.”

The kids were bringing dinner to the table as their father, Jason, walked in the door.

“Smells great in here,” he said. He put his briefcase down, walked into the kitchen, and hugged his wife. “What for dinner?”

“I made pot roast beef stroganoff,” Sheila said as she removed her apron.

“Like I said, it smells good.”


With both kids helping, clean up after dinner was done in no time at all.

“Alright kids, get ready. We leave in five minutes,” said Sheila.

“Where are you heading?” her husband said.

“I promised I’d take the kids to the mall and let them look around while I do some window shopping.”

“Looking for anything special?” He came in close and kissed his wife on her cheek.

“Maybe,” Sheila said as she walked her fingers up the buttons on his shirt. “It’s your birthday next month. I just might be looking for your present.”

“Then I should come and help you decide,” Jason said.

She laughed. “You’re not coming with me. I think I can handle this myself. I don’t think you want to go with C J to look for a Halloween costume. Abbey wants to go to the fabric store. You know how much you like the fabric store.”

“About as much as you like the hardware store. Okay, I’ll man the fort and put some present suggestions on stick-up notes around the kitchen.”

His wife laughed. “Sure, you do that.” She kissed her husband. “Come on kids. Let’s get a move on.”


As she drove to the mall, Sheila listened to her kids talking in the back seat.

“Did you say you and your friends were going to make your own costumes?” C J asked his sister. “That’s so cool.”

“Yeah, Karla is a wiz at sewing. She just needs to see a dress to be able to put it together. It’ll be cheaper too. What are you thinking of going out as?”

“I was thinking of being Superman this year.”

“Superman? You’d make a better Supergirl.” Abbey started laughing.

“MOM! Abbey’s teasing me again.”

“Abbey, that’s not fair. You know how your brother feels. Now apologize to him.”

“I’m sorry C J. I didn’t mean it.”

As the two kids settled down, their mom thought about what Abbey had said. Unfortunately, Abbey was right. C J was undersized for a male sophomore in high school. Her androgynous son was on the small size standing about 5’6” about an inch shorter than his sister. He was slim and had not developed physically as most of the guys at school. His shoulder-length hair gave his appearance the suggestion of being feminine. At times, when her two kids stood together, you could be excused for thinking they were sisters. Of course, C J hated it when people mistook him for a girl. The other thing he hated was his name. They had named him Casey Jean. His father had chosen Casey after his own father. She had added Jean because she liked Jean Claude Van Damne. C J had a way to go before he developed the physique of Van Damne. Both kids did learn karate even though neither made it to a black belt. Knowing karate did help C J at times when kids tried to bully him due to his effeminate appearance. Yes, a Superman costume did not seem a good choice for him.

“What costume are you and your friends thinking of making?” Their mother asked Abbey.

“We’re going to go to the party as the Sailor Scouts.”

“The Sailor Scouts? Aren’t those skirts a bit short?”

“Mother!” Abbey said. “It’s Halloween. All the costumes are short. At least the Sailor Scouts costumes are not too revealing. Besides, we’re gonna be inside at the party.”

“I still want to see the pattern before you make them.”


Inside the mall, the kids were given a time and location to meet up. Sheila made sure they had their phones. C J went on his way to the costume store while mother and daughter walked in the direction of the fabric store.

“Abbey,” Sheila said as they walked. “Please don’t tease your brother. You know how sensitive he is about his looks. You’re older than him and you know he looks up to you.”

“I know, mom. It just slipped out. I’ll try not to do it again. Maybe if he cut his hair he wouldn’t look so girlish.”

“I’m not going to have him cut his hair just to conform to an image of what other people think.” She stopped in front of the department store. “I’m going to look in here. Remember to meet up in an hour.”


C J was taking in all the costumes at the Halloween store. He took his time and wandered over to the superhero section. It didn’t take him long to find a Superman costume. He looked at the picture on the package. He frowned. He could never look like that. He didn’t have the build for it. He looked at a Captain America costume and shook his head. He looked more like Steve Rogers before taking the super-soldier serum. Maybe that could work he thought. He didn’t even fit the image of a Spiderman costume.

He decided to look at non-superhero costumes. He picked up a gangster outfit. He wasn’t sure it would work. He picked up a roman gladiator costume and laughed to himself. He would probably look too much like a girl in that costume. He put the costume back. He walked around the store for a while. Not finding anything he, dejectedly, left the store. He was getting too old for Halloween anyway he rationalized. He didn’t need to go to the party. This year he would sit Halloween out. He’d stay home and hand out the treats.

Everyone met at the agreed-upon spot.

“Did you find what you were looking for Abbey?” their mother asked.

“I found the perfect fabric for the costumes,” Abbey said excitedly. “It has a super feel and a fantastic shine. They have all the colors we need for the costumes. I picked up a pattern to show Karla. Of course, she’ll tell me she doesn’t need it. I’ll get the group together and go out on Saturday to pick it up.”

“How about you Casey? Any luck?”

C J frowned at the use of his first name. “I didn’t find anything. I’m not going to a party. I’ll stay home and help hand out the treats.”

“But you were looking forward to going to the party,” his mother said. “You still have time. Keep looking. You’ll find something.”

“Okay,” he said. He didn’t share his mother’s enthusiasm.


Abbey and her friends went to buy the fabric on Saturday just as Abbey had said. The five girls began deciding on their character and helping Karla make the costumes. Karla lived up to Abbey’s praise of her sewing ability and within a couple of days, the costumes were complete. The girls went shopping again to get the other needed items like shoes, leg warmers that resembled boots, gloves, earrings, and nail polish.

C J still had not found a costume. To be honest, his heart was not in it anymore. None of the superhero costumes seemed right for him. Maybe it was Abbey's comment in the car that night. She could be right. The Supergirl costume would fit him better. That was all he needed. To go out in a girl's costume. If any of his friends recognized him, the teasing would last for the rest of the year. This year his Halloween night would be at home, handing out treats.


Abbey was on her phone as she came down the stairs. She had a concerned look on her face.

“Look, you just get yourself well. How long are you going to be out? Two weeks? I’ll let the girls know and tell our teachers. Now don’t worry. I won’t let you fall behind. Don’t worry about Halloween. You’ll be there in spirit. Sure they’ll be disappointed. There’s nothing you can do. Get better.”

“Who was that you were talking to?” C J asked as his sister disconnected the call.

“It was Donna. She had her appendix out last night. She’s going to miss two weeks of school and the Halloween party.”

“That’s too bad. You’re in all her classes, right?”

“Yeah. So I’ll be able to get all her assignments to her and hand in her work. She won’t fall behind.”

“That’s what I like about you sis, you’re a good friend.”

“Wow! A compliment from my brother. You must want something.”

“No, really, I don’t. I thought it was nice how you want to help Donna.”

“Well, thanks.”

“Hey, how’s this going to affect your Halloween party? Weren’t you going to enter the party’s contest as a group?”

“Yeah. We won’t have Sailor Mars. This probably kills our chances of winning unless we can find a replacement. Halloween is in three days. We don’t have time to make another costume though. It’ll have to be someone as thin as Donna.”

“Good luck with that.”


Abbey was walking home from school with her friends the next day.

“Did you get anyone to replace Donna?” asked Sherri.

“No,” said Abbey. She turned to Allison. “Any luck?”

“It’s too late. Everyone going to the party already has their costume.”

“Besides, Donna is so thin we’d have to find someone as thin as you. You and Donna are about the same,” said Karla. “We could use another you.”

“I’m one of a kind,” Abbey said as she flicked her hair. “See you guys tomorrow.”

“Wait up. I’m coming with you,” said Allison. “I want to borrow that skirt we talked about, remember?”

“Oh, sure. See everyone later.”


C J got home from school before the girls did. He was raiding the fridge looking for a snack. He heard the two girls come in the front door but ignored them.

“I’m going to use the powder room,” Allison said.

“You know where it is, go for it. I’m gonna go get changed. I’ll bring down the skirt.”

Abbey went to her room as Allison went to the restroom.

Casey found what he was looking for and was standing at the sink with his back turned to the kitchen door. Allison left the powder room and, hearing someone in the kitchen, headed that way. She walked in and saw C J standing behind the kitchen island still with his back to the door.

“Wow, Abbey, how did you change so fast?” Allison said as she walked into the kitchen. C J turned around and saw Allison standing in the doorway. “Oh, you’re... not… Abbey. Oh wow.”

“Hey Allison, want a soda?” asked C J.

Allison stood there, wide-eyed, looking at him.

Abbey came down the steps with the skirt and saw Allison standing in the kitchen doorway.

“There you are. Here’s the skirt.”

“Abbey,” she said. She looked back and forth at Abbey and C J. “I thought he was you. OMG, he’s perfect.”

“Perfect for what?” C J asked. He took a bite of his sandwich.

“Allison, what are you talking about?” asked Abbey.

“I thought he was you. I really thought he was you.”

“Allison, you’re babbling.”

“C J, what are you doing on Halloween.”

“Staying home handing out the treats this year. Couldn’t find a costume I liked.”

“How would you like to go to a Halloween party?”

“I wanted to but like I said, I couldn’t find a costume.”

“Allison, what are you…?”

“If I could find you a costume, would you go?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” C J shrugged and took another bite of his sandwich.

Allison dragged a confused Abbey to the living room. “Abbey, he’s perfect. It’ll work. I’m sure it’ll work.”

“What will work? What are you talking about?”

“Abbey, don't you see? C J can be our Sailor Mars. I’m sure the costume will fit.”

“Whoa. You want my brother to go to the Halloween party as Sailor Mars?”

“Sure. Guys dress up as girls on Halloween all the time. He’ll be perfect! Do you think he’ll do it?”

“I don’t know. He’s sensitive about being androgynous.”

Allison got out her phone.” I’m calling everyone.”

Allison finished with her calls and turned to Abbey. “Karla says if he’s as thin as you, the costume should fit. Everyone else said they were okay if he takes Donna’s place. Let’s go talk to him.”

“I don’t know about this,” said Abbey.

The girls found C J in his room working on his computer. Abbey knocked on his door jamb. “C J, can we talk to you?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“We want to ask a favor,” said Abbey.

“You said you might go to the Halloween party if we could find you a costume,” said Allison.

“Yeah, if you’re you talking about the Halloween party at the recreation hall.”

“That’s the one. Well, we have a costume. You know we’re going as the Sailor Scouts.” She paused. “We need you to wear Donna’s costume. We need you to be Sailor Mars.”

“Wait, what? You want me to wear a girl’s costume? No way. Everyone will laugh at me.”

“No one will laugh at you. Guys go in drag on Halloween all the time. Besides, you’ll be with us.”

“I don’t know. It’s bad enough people mistake me for a girl now. It’ll get worse if someone recognizes me. School will be hell.”

“I’ll tell you what. We’ll bring the costume over tomorrow after school. You try it on to see if we need to make any alterations. Then we’ll put makeup on you. If you think you look like a guy in a girl’s costume, we’ll call it off.”

“I don’t know,” C J said.

“If we win the contest, you get one-fifth of the prize.”

“Well… okay, but if I don’t look good, it’s off.”

“Deal, but you have to do what we say to get you ready.”

After Allison left Abbey came into C J's room. “Come on little bro. You’re going to need some things for tomorrow.” She almost dragged C J off his bed.

“Where are we going?”

“My room.”

“Your room? You never let me in there.”

“It’s a one-time exception,” she said as they entered her room. Abbey pointed to her bed. “Sit.”

C J sat on the bed as Abbey went through her drawers.

When she finished she handed the items to C J.

“What’s this for?” He held up the bra and panties she had given him.

“It’s your underwear for your costume.”

“You didn’t say I had to wear a bra and panties!”

“Well, duh. Girls wear bras and panties. Do you want to look like a guy in a girl’s costume or a girl in a girl’s costume?’

“Okay, I get your point.”

“Go change.”


“Yes now. Go. Let me know if you need help with the bra.”

C J reluctantly put on the panties and called his sister to help him with the bra. He was embarrassed standing there in nothing but his sister’s panties. Abbey helped him with the bra and stuffed the cups with rolled up pantyhose.

“Let me see.” She looked at her brother and picked up her hairbrush and began brushing his hair.


“Hold still.” When she finished his hair was in a slightly feminine style. Abbey was amazed. “Allison was right. This just might work. Hold on, stay there.”

“Like I’m going to go anywhere dressed like this.”

Abbey brought back a light green mini dress. “Here, put this on.”

“You want me to wear a dress? No way.”

“You’re going to be wearing a dress on Halloween. I want to see something. It should fit you.”

Abbey proceeded to help her brother put the dress on. She zipped up the back and stepped back as he turned around.

“Wow. Not bad. You look pretty good,. With makeup, I don’t think anyone would know you were a guy.”

“Can I take this stuff off now?”

“Wait, One thing is missing.” Abbey went to her closet and brought back a pair of two-inch red high heels. “Put these on.”


“The sooner you put them on the sooner you can take everything off.”

C J sat back on the bed, put the shoes on then stood up. Abbey had to steady him as he attempted to get his balance.

“How do you walk in these things?”

“Practice. That’s what you need to do. You’ll be wearing them on Halloween. Let’s walk down the hall.”

Abbey helped her brother with walking in the heels. After a few minutes, he was able to walk the hallway without Abbey's help. After about twenty minutes C J was looking tired.

“Can I stop now?”

“Okay, go change but keep the heels on. You need to practice until mom gets home. You don’t have much time.”

C J changes back into his own clothes. He reluctantly kept the heels on and stayed on his feet under Abbey's instructions. He was still wearing the heels as he and Abbey started preparing dinner. They were so engrossed in dinner preparation they didn’t hear their mother open the front door.

“Abbey, C J, I’m home. How’s dinner coming.”

She came into the kitchen and saw a wide-eyed, red-faced C J at the sink, filling a pot with water. There was no missing the red heels on his feet. She stopped in the doorway. “Why are you wearing your sister’s heels, C J?”


“So let me see if I understand,” their mother said. She had just finished listening to her children’s explanation. “Donna is recovering from her surgery and you asked C J to fill in for her and you want him the wear her costume and be Sailor Mars.”

“Yes. It’s so we can still enter the contest. If we win he’ll get her share of the prize,” Abbey explained.

“And you’re okay with this C J?”

“I don’t know. I guess,” C J said. “They’re going to bring the costume over so I can try it on. If I don’t think I look good, I’m not going to do it.”

“And why are you wearing the heels now?”

“Abbey had me try on one of her dresses. She said I looked okay. With makeup, she doesn’t think anyone will realize I’m not a girl. She told me I need the practice just in case I decide to do it.”

“Mom, he’s perfect. He looked great in my dress even without makeup. Besides, he’ll be with us. We’ll take care of him.”

“As long as you’re okay with this C J. Are you sure?”

“They’re bringing the costume over tomorrow. If I don’t think I look good, I’m not going to do it.”

“Fair enough,” Sheila said. “I think it’s nice you are considering doing this for Abbey and her friends. Let’s finish getting dinner ready. Keep the heels on. Abbey’s right. You need the practice.” Their mother saw the expression on C J’s face and knew what he was thinking. “Don’t worry. I’ll explain things to your father.”

Sheila spoke with her husband before dinner started. He made no mention of C J’s footwear. After dinner, Abbey and C J helped their mother clean up. C J wore the heels until everything was done. By the time he went to his room, he was getting the hang of walking in them. He sat on his bed and took the heels off and rubbed his feet. He was getting ready to bring them back to his sister when she came to his room.

“Here you go,” He said. He held out the shoes.

“Keep them for now. They go with your costume.” She came into his room and hugged C J. “Thank you for doing this C J. I really appreciate it.”

“If I don’t look good, I’m not doing it.”

“Trust me, you’ll look great.”


After school on Thursday, C J found himself surrounded by the 4 girls.

“Thanks for doing this for us, C J.,” said Allison. She pulled out the Sailor Mars costume and hung it on the door.”

“I think it's super brave of you to do this,” said Sherri. “Not every guy would have the balls to do this.” Allison looked at Sherri.

“I’m pretty sure every guy has balls,” she said. The other girls laughed.

“You know what I mean. It takes guts to do what we are asking him.”

“We owe you big time C J,” said Hannah as she got the makeup ready.

C J sat there wondering what he had gotten himself into.

“Okay, little brother. Go put on the panties, bra, and pantyhose on then call me and I’ll help you with the dress.”

“Um, Abbey… I might need help with the pantyhose.”

“Okay, okay, I forgot. Let’s go. It’ll be faster if I help you anyway.”

Abbey had set up a divider to give C J some privacy as he changed. After he had the panties on, Abbey helped him with the pantyhose and the bra. She added inserts to fill the bra then helped C J into the costume. She led him back to the girls.

“It’s almost a perfect fit!”

“He’ll need more tissues to fill out his top.”

“Sit here and let get you made up.”

C J sat as the girls proceeded to apply his makeup. It wasn’t long before they all stepped back. C J turned to face the girls.

“Oh my God. Abbey, he looks so much like you.”

“He looks better than you,” said Alison. “C J stand up.”

C J stood up and felt the short skirt skim his thighs.

“Turn around.” He did as the girls asked.

“I never would have believed it,” said Sherri. “He’s perfect!”

C J heard the compliments. He was still unsure.

“If I don’t like how I look, it’s off.”

“Trust me,” Abbey said. “You’ll like what you see.” She led her brother over to the full-length mirror as the other girls watched. C J saw himself for the first time. His mouth opened in amazement. In the mirror was a great looking teenage girl in a short-skirted costume.

“Is that me? I don’t look like me. I mean, I don’t see me at all.”

“Told ‘ya sis. No one will recognize you.”

C J was still looking at himself only half believing what he was seeing.

“What’cha think C J? Will you go to the party as one of the Sailor Scouts?”

“I said I would if no one would recognize me. I don’t even recognize me. I guess I’ll go.” he said. A big smile crossed his face. “You’ve got yourself a Sailor Mars.” All the girls squealed with delight as they joined in for a group hug.

“What going on?” Abbey and C J’s mother said standing at the doorway. “What’s all the fuss about?”

“C J just agreed to go to the party with us,” said Abbey.

Abbey pulled C J out from the circle of girls.

“What do you think, mom?” she said.

C J, shyly, stood there facing his mother. Waiting for her reaction.

His mother saw the boy turned Sailor Scout and brought her hand up to her mouth.

“Oh my… C J. I wouldn’t have known it was you. I have to say you girls did a very good job.”

“It wasn’t as hard as we thought. We didn’t use a lot of makeup,” said Hannah.

“And you are sure you are okay with this, C J?” his mother asked.

“I guess. I mean, if you didn’t recognize me, no one will recognize me. Besides, I get to go to the party.”

“Okay then. I do think the skirt is a bit too short.”

“Mother!” said Abbey. All the girls started laughing.

“Your father called and said he was going to be working late. Since you’ve been working on C J and not on dinner, I was thinking we could go out to a fast food place. You girls are welcome to come. We’ll make it a girl’s night out.”

Everyone agreed.

“Girls, head downstairs and call your parents to make sure it’s alright with them.”

The girls all went to get their phones and make their calls. Sheila looked at her son.

“I have an idea. C J, you need to get out of that costume. Abbey, go get your brother a skirt and top to wear. Find some flats for him too.”

“Okay, mom.” Abbey ran off to her room.

C J looked at his mother. “You want me to wear a skirt to go to dinner?” C J said. He wasn’t sure what was going on.

“Well, yes. It’ll take more time for you to get cleaned up and get dressed. You’ll be going out in your costume tomorrow night anyway. This way you can get some practice tonight being one of the girls. How about it?”

C J shrugged his shoulders. “I guess.”

Abbey came back with a blue above the knee skirt, a white short-sleeved tee-shirt, and a pair of black flats.

“I’ll help you change sis.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Abbey’s mom caught that Abbey had called her brother sis. She also noticed C J seemed okay being called her sister.


Dinner was as good as it gets at a fast food place. Sheila watched her son carefully as he interacted with the older girls. He seemed to be fitting in with them and in no way looked out of place. Looking at him with the girls, no one would suspect he was a boy. She thought he might enjoy himself at the party.


Jason Cummings came home late that night. Sheila was filling him in on what had transpired that day.

“Wow, he’s actually going to do it,” he said to his wife. “He’s so sensitive about looking like a girl. You’re sure he is okay with doing it.”

“I asked him enough times. He said as long as no one recognized him, he was okay. Jay, I almost didn’t recognize him. With the makeup, he looked so much like his sister they could be twins. Believe me, no one will recognize him.”

“You don’t think someone will see them together and put two and two together?”

“We’ve got that covered. Abbey will introduce him as her cousin Kenzie."

Jason smiled at his wife. “Wasn’t Kenzie the name you had picked out for a girl?”

“Yes, I suggested it to them. Figured I’d finally use it.” She returned a smile to her husband. “Are you sure you’re okay with him going out as a girl?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s Halloween. He’s doing this for his sister and her friends.”

“You should have seen him tonight. I took them all out to dinner. I had Abbey get him a skirt and top to change into.”

“Wait. You had him go to dinner dressed as a girl? Why did you do that?”

“He’s going to be out dressed as a girl tomorrow anyway. It would have taken too long to get him changed and remove the makeup. Besides, I wanted to see how he reacted.”

“Okay, how did he do?”

“He did fine. The girls included him in their conversations. He was stiff at first. By the time we were sitting down and eating, he was joining in. He seemed to be enjoying himself. They really appreciate him doing this for them. They’ll protect him like a little sister. When we got home, seeing him run up the steps with his sister, it was like having two girls.”

“Please, I don’t know if I could handle two of Abbey.”

Sheila laughed. “You’re right. One Abbey is enough. Wait till you see him in his costume. The girls did a great job.”

“You know, having worked late today, I’ll be home early tomorrow. We can drive them to the party and we can go to dinner. Just the two of us.”

“What about the trick or treaters?”

“We’ll leave the treats on the porch with a take one sign. It’ll be the honor system.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said. She put her arms around him and kissed him. “Follow me up to bed.” She broke away and started to go to the steps. He looked at her as she began walking up the steps.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said as he followed behind her.


The school day seemed to drag for C J. On the one hand, he was looking forward to going to the party. On the other, he would be going out as a girl. He wasn’t sure if he was excited or scared.

It will be the first time he didn’t go trick or treating. He'd be going to the party instead. Yet, to go to the party, he had to go wearing a girl’s costume. He had said he didn’t want anyone to recognize him so he would be pretending to be a girl all night. He wouldn’t be C J in a girl’s costume. He would be Abbey’s cousin Kenzie dressed as Sailor Mars. He walked home from school at a brisk pace, faster than normal. He needed to get ready to go to the party.

At home, C J worked on his homework until his sister came home. Abbey told him to shower using her bath gel and to wash his hair with her shampoo and to let her know when he was done.

“Abbey, I’m done,” he said as he left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“I put your things for tonight on your bed. Let me know if you need help.”

C j went into his room and stared at the clothing on his bed. Even though he was expecting it, he was shocked at what he saw. A pair of red ruffled panties caught his attention as well as a white bra and pantyhose. The rest of his Sailor Mars costume was laid out on the bed also. The 2-inch red heels were on the floor.

“Abbey!” he called out. Abbey appeared at his door, “What?”

“You didn’t say I’d have to wear panties like this.” He held the frilly panties in front of him.

“We’re all wearing a pair like that to match the color of our skirts. Get dressed. I have to get ready.”

C J watched his sister go. He was going to have to wear the frilly panties. What the heck he thought. I’m going to be wearing a bra. Wearing these panties won’t be a big deal. He closed his door, dropped his towel, and began to change.


C J sat on his bed after putting his costume on. He looked down and saw his pantyhose covered legs protruding from the short red skirt. The red heels sat on the floor next to his feet. He was wearing elbow-length white gloves. He had a red choker around his neck. A purple bow with a heart in the center covered his fake breasts. Abbey had given him a set of enhancers she used on occasion. I’m going to be going out in this costume. I’m really going to go to a party in this costume, he thought. Doubt was creeping in. Just then, his mother stopped by his door.

“C J are you alright? Why are you just sitting there?”

“I’m waiting for Abbey to do my makeup.” He looked up at his mother. “I don’t know if I can do this, Mom. I don’t know if I can pretend to be a girl all night.” He hung his head as his mother came over and sat next to him.

“You don’t have to do this. You can say you changed your mind, that it is too much for you.”

“I know, but I gave my promise. I promised Abbey and her friends I would do this for them. They’re counting on me.” He lifted his head to face his mother. His eye glistening as he held back tears. “Mom, do you think I look like a girl?”

Sheila thought carefully before answering. “With you wearing that costume and with makeup on, yes, you’ll look like a girl.” Sheila brushed away a strand of hair from her son’s forehead.

“Do you think anyone will recognize me?”

“Honey, I almost didn’t recognize you the other day. You went to dinner and no one recognized you. I don’t think anyone will know who you are. Tonight, you are Kenzie, your cousin from out of town. Kenzie is here to go to the party in place of Donna because her cousin Abbey asked her. Okay?”

“Okay,” he said. A small smile formed on his lips.

“Now, let me brush your hair until Abbey gets here.”


Abbey put the finishing touches on her makeup and took a final look at herself. Satisfied, she went to get C J. As she approached his room, she heard her mother and C J talking. She heard C J ask if he looked like a girl and her mother’s reply. Abbey started thinking how tough this must be on C J. He hated when people mistook him for a girl. Now Abbey was asking him to go to a party, as a girl, so the group’s chances of winning first place would be enhanced. She thought back to the last few days. She had dressed him in her green mini dress, had him try the costume on, and had given him a white top and blue skirt to go to dinner in. Abbey started feeling guilty. She stood outside the door while her mother brushed C J's hair. She made a decision and walked into his room.

“C J, I’m sorry I asked you to go to the party as a girl.” C J and his mother turned to see Abbey at the door. “No one will be mad at you if you decide not to go. They need people to work the refreshments. You could go as a worker, as my brother, not Kenzie my cousin.”

Abbey turned and started back to her room. “Abbey wait!” called C J. Abbey returned to the doorway. “You and the girls put a lot of work into these costumes,” he said gesturing at the costume he was wearing. “I said I would go as Sailor Mars if no one would recognize me. Mom said she didn’t recognize me at first. At dinner, no one knew who I was. When I first saw myself I couldn’t believe it was me. You kept your word. No one will know it’s me. I’m keeping my word. Tonight, I’m your cousin Kenzie and Sailor Mars.”

Hearing that C J would go to the party, Abbey squealed with delight and ran in to hug her brother. “We have to get your makeup on.” Abbey practically dragged her brother down the hall to her room.

Sheila and Jason were getting themselves ready. They would drop the kids off at the party then head to dinner.

“How’s C J holding up?” Jason asked.

“I think he’s doing remarkably well. He’s started to have some doubts. He decided to keep his promise to Abbey and the girls and go to the party. You know, I think he is almost looking forward to going to the party.”

“It’s all he and his sister have been talking about. Of course, he’s excited.”

“I know that. I mean I think he’s looking forward to going as a girl.”

“Why do you think that?”

“He didn’t put up that much of a fight about going in a girl's costume. Oh, he voiced his displeasure but it could have been a lot worst. Last night when I told him he had to wear a skirt to dinner, he seemed okay with it.”

“Are you worried about him?”

“I don’t know. You know how often he gets mistaken for a girl. The other night, he seemed relaxed when he was at dinner with the girls. He wasn’t trying to make anyone know he was a boy. It was like he was saying, if they want to see a girl, I’ll be a girl,” she said.

“Maybe he wants to see what it’s like to wear a girl’s clothes. Remember in college when I dressed in drag?”

“You did that because you were drunk.”

“Maybe I was a little drunk. I also wanted to see what it was like.”

“You didn’t look anything like a girl. You and your buds were guys with wigs wearing a dress. C J is pretending to be a girl tonight. He told his sister he is Kenzie as Sailor Mars.”

“I can understand that. I was never mistaken for a girl. I didn’t care if someone saw me in a dress that night. Think about it from his point of view. Too many people mistake him for a girl. If he were to show up as C J in a dress, think of the ribbing he would get in school on Monday. I can see him not wanting to be recognized. Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s alright.”

“What if he’s not? What if he tells us he wants to be a girl? Would you be okay with that?”

“Sheila, it’s one night. I think you’re jumping the gun. If he tells us he wants to be a girl, we’ll deal with it. Do I want to lose my son? No. but if he is so unhappy as a boy that he wants to be a girl, I’ll be okay with gaining another daughter. How about you?”

“I just want him to be happy. I want them both to be happy.”

“Everything is speculation right now. Let’s talk with him tonight after the party or tomorrow morning. Let’s not worry about something that might not happen and enjoy ourselves at dinner tonight.”


Abbey finished with C J’s makeup and was applying nail polish to his fingernails as his toenails dried.

“Why did I need toenail polish?” he asked. “No one’s going to see my toes with these shoes on.”

“You do both sis. When you do your nails, it’s fingers and toes.” Abbey finished applying the final touches to his fingernails. “C J, I really do appreciate you doing this. I know it must be hard for you. You fight to make people see you as a guy and tonight you’re going all out to make sure people see you as a girl.”

“I’m doing this for you and your friends. It’s no big deal.”

“It is a big deal.” She looked at her brother. “C J, do you like all this?”

“All what?”

“Dressing like a girl. Do you like dressing like a girl and wearing makeup?

“Don’t know. It’s my first time, well second time if you count last night. Anyway, it’s for Halloween. Everyone gets dressed up and wears makeup.”

“Alright. If you have any problem, look for me or one of the girls. We’ll keep you safe. Okay?”


“Let me pin up your hair and get this wig on.” Abbey positioned a dark brown wig on her brother's head.

“What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Sailor Mars doesn’t have red hair. There you’re all set. You look good with brown hair. I got a purse for you on the back of your chair. It has everything a girl might need for the night. I’ll go find you a coat. That polish should be dry now. Put your pantyhose back on, get your shoes on, and meet me downstairs. Be careful on the steps in those heels.”

C J put on the pantyhose and put on the shoes. He stood up and looked at his reflection in Abbey’s mirror. He saw a dark-haired young teen girl looking back at him. He thought of Abbey’s question. Did he like dressing like a girl? He did like what he saw in the mirror.


“C J, come on. We’re ready to go,” their mother called.

“Get a move on sis. We don’t want to be too late.”

C J came to the top of the steps and began to slowly make his way down.

“Remember, I’m your cousin Kenzie,” he said as he started down.

Abbey rolled her eyes. “Now he’s making an entrance.”

“I’m being careful. I’ve never come down in heels before.”

“Come on people, we have to get going. You’re mother and I have reservations,” their father said. He saw his wife and Abbey looking up the steps. He followed their gaze and saw his son coming down the steps. “Holy cow! C J, what a change. You look pretty good..”

“I’m Kenzie tonight Uncle Jason,” C J said as he reached the bottom step. Abbey handed him a coat.

Jason turned to his wife. “You didn’t tell me he looked that good. He could be his sister’s twin. Alright, girls, everyone to the car.” Abbey and C J walked out the door followed by their parents.


As they approached the rec center, they saw everyone going to the party in a variety of costumes. “Okay kids, we’re here. Have fun.”

Abbey got out of the car and took her coat off. “Kenzie, take your coat off.”


“We’re going to go in just in our costumes.”

“What? I can’t get out dressed like this. This skirt’s too short, and...”

“C J stop. It’s okay. You’re fine. We’ll walk in together.”

C J stepped out of the car and took off his coat. The kids said goodbye to their parents and started for the party. Their parents watched the two Sailor Scouts walk away carrying their coats.

“See,” said Jason to his wife. “He almost didn’t get out of the car. It’s a one-night thing.”


“Are you okay? What was that in the car?” Abbey asked as they neared the door.

“I got cold feet. I didn’t want to go out in this short skirt.”

“You sound like mom. I’m out in this short skirt.”

“You’ve had a lot of practice. This is my first time.”

“Okay, point taken. Stick with us. We are all wearing short skirts. You’re not alone. Besides, look around. How many long skirts do you see here? Now let’s get the party started!.” The two siblings nearly ran up the steps and joined the party.

Within fifteen minutes, the five Sailor Scouts found each other. They registered for the contest and had the required group picture taken for the contest. The girls found a photo booth that had been set up and the five of them posed for some group poses. They then took turns taking pictures with one another. Abbey and C J took many pictures together.

C J was having a good time. As Kenzie, he was accepted as the teenage girl he appeared to be. No one had the faintest idea he was a guy. It wasn’t long before the four girls and C J split up. The girls started flirting with the guys and one by one they split up to dance. C J saw his sister talking with a guy then start over to him.

“Kenzie, I’m going to dance with the guy over there. Isn’t he cute?”

“Abbey, I’m a guy, remember? “

“Dressed like that I forgot. I’m gonna go dance. Will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine, go on, dance.”

C J watched as his sister went to the dance floor. This was the first time all night he was alone. He wandered over to the refreshment stand to get some punch. He slowly walked to the table and ran his painted nail on the table cover as he approached the punch bowl.

“Would you like some punch?” he heard someone say. He looked up and saw a young man holding a cup. He knew him. It was Trevor. Trevor was on the swimming team at the high school. He occasionally said hi to C J at lunch. Here was a test. If Trevor didn’t recognize him, no one would.

“Sure,” he said. Trevor scooped some punch into the cup and handed it to C J.

C J took it from him as Trevor fixed himself a cup of punch. C J looked at Trevor as both teens took a sip of the punch.

“Thanks,” said C J.”

“You’re welcome. I’m Trevor.” C J had to pretend he didn’t know Trevor.

“I’m, um, Kenzie.”

“Nice to meet you Kenzie.”

“Nice to meet you also,” he said. He took another sip of his punch.

“There’s a couple of seats over there,” Trevor said pointing to the far wall. “Would you like to sit and talk?”

C J didn’t know what to do. Did accepting the cup of punch mean he had to talk with Trevor? It did seem impolite if he walked away.

“I guess,” he finally said. The two teens walked over and sat down.

Abbey and her dance partner broke away from the dance floor to get some punch. While sipping her drink she scanned the room looking for her brother. She had left him alone for longer than she intended. She began to get worried then she spotted him sitting across the room talking with a boy. Oh my God, she thought, What’s he doing? He’s talking with Trevor! She turned to her dance partner.

“Stay right here. I need to talk with my, um, cousin. I’ll be right back.”

Abbey kept her eyes on C J as she headed across the room. Oh my God, C J’s laughing at something Trevor said. Now Trevor is touching C J’s leg, she thought. It seemed like forever when she finally arrived in front of her brother.

“Kenzie,” Abbey said.

“Oh, hi Abbey. Abbey, this is Trevor. Trevor, Abbey, my cousin.”

“I know her from school. Hi Abbey.”

“Hi, Trevor. Kenzie, I need to go to the ladies' room,” she said.

“Oh, okay,” C J said.

“We need to go to the ladies' room, Kenzie. Now!” Abbey reached down and grabbed C J’s arm pulling him up and toward the ladies' room.

“I’ll be right back, Trevor.”

Brother and sister got to the ladies' room and found no one there. “C J, what were you thinking.”

“What’s wrong?” C J asked.

“What’s wrong? You’re talking to a Trevor. He’s a guy.”

“So? You’re talking with a guy.”

“Yes but you’re a guy also,” she whispered.

“Guys talk with each other.”

“C J, he thinks you’re a girl. It’s not two guys talking to each other. It’s a guy talking to someone he thinks is a girl. And you were laughing and letting him touch your leg.”

“He said something funny.”

“You’re sending the wrong signals. What are you going to do if he asks you to dance.”
“I don’t know. I’ll dance with him. Abbey, he’s nice. I like how he’s treating me. If he asks me to dance, I’ll dance with him. I’m a girl tonight, remember?”

“What are you going to do if he tries to kiss you?”

“Kiss me? I’m not going to kiss him.”

“He might try! This has gotten out of hand. Let’s leave. And I was having a good time.”

“I don’t want to leave. I’m having a good time too. Even if it is sitting and talking with a guy. We can’t leave before they announce the contest winners. Go back to your guy and I’ll go back to Trevor. I’ll be careful.” C J got up and left Abbey wondering what had gotten into her brother.


Abbey followed her brother from the ladies' room. She watched as he went back and sat down next to Trevor. As C J approached, Trevor stood up. Oh my God, she thought. I think he likes C J. She slowly went back to the guy she had been dancing with. She noticed he stayed seated as she approached. The DJ was taking a break and the dance floor was empty. She could keep an eye on C J.

C J and Trevor continued talking. C J was enjoying being with Trevor. He enjoyed talking with him and the way Trevor made him feel. As good as C J was feeling, C J was also scared. C J was at the party dressed as Sailor Mars. He was pretending to be a girl. Trevor believed he was a girl. He didn’t want Trevor to find out he was a guy. He didn’t want to think of that possibility. No one had seen through his costume. He could keep this up for another two hours. He returned his focus to Trevor.

“So Kenzie, are you staying at your cousin’s house?”

“No, I’m only here for the night. I’m going home after the party.”

“Oh, That’s cool.”

The DJ got back and started another round of music. The kids got up and filled the dance floor.

“Um, Kenzie, would you like to dance?”

C J wasn’t sure what to do. One part of him wanted to dance with Trevor. If he was a real girl, he definitely would dance with him. He decided to try to turn Trevor down. “I don’t dance. I’m not very good at it.”

“That’s okay. I don’t either. How about we go out there and just move around.”

Trevor took C J’s hand. C J let himself be led to the dance floor.

Abbey saw Trevor leading her brother to the dance floor. She grabbed the hand of the guy she had been dancing with and dragged him to the dance floor. She watched her brother dancing with Trevor. Somewhere during the second song, she noticed her brother seemed to get more into it. If she didn’t know better, she would never have guessed he wasn’t a girl. It seemed weird to her. He seemed to be handling things and she decided to concentrate on the guy she was dancing with.

C J was enjoying dancing with Trevor. He found it amusing Trevor was as bad a dancer as he had said. C J at least had helped Abbey when she wanted to try out new dance moves. The DJ began playing a slow song. The couples on the dance floor began transitioning to dance to the slower music. Trevor came close to C J and put his arms around his waist. C J put his arms around Trevor’s neck as they began to dance.

Abbey glanced over at C J during her slow dance. She saw her brother holding Trevor and watched as Trevor pulled C J closer. She almost lost it when she saw C J put his head on Trevor’s shoulder until she noticed C J looked happy. She would talk with her brother later.

C J was enjoying his dance with Trevor. As the song ended, his lips parted as he looked up at Trevor. Trevor leaned in. Before C J knew it, Trevor was kissing him. Startled, C J pulled away looking at Trevor. Trevor leaned in again and C J let himself be kissed. It was a sweet quick kiss. Together they left the dance floor holding hands.

The party was coming to a close. The contest winners were about to be announced. The 5 sailor scouts were together as the contest results were being read. Abbey noticed Trevor standing not far from C J. You could feel the excitement building. The Sailor Scouts group was announced as third place winners. The group of girls went up on stage as the second and first place group winners were announced. The individual costume winner announcements followed. As the girls left the stage, Abbey noticed Trevor talking to C J.

“Congrats for winning third place,” Trevor said. He got closer to C J.

“Thanks. It was a group effort,” C J replied.

“I think you should have won first place for the individual costume contest.”

C J felt himself blush. “Don’t be silly. The 5 of us had almost the same costume. My cousin looked better than I did in it.”

“Not to me,” Trevor said. He leaned in and kissed C J. C J allowed the kiss and responded by putting his arms around Trevor’s neck. The other Sailor scouts saw C J and Trevor.

“Please you two, get a room,” said Karla. C J and Trevor stopped the kiss and sheepishly looked at the group of girls.

“Kenzie, does he have a brother?” asked Sherri.

“Does he have a friend?” asked Allison.

C J and Trevor shared embarrassed looks. “I really enjoyed being with you tonight, Kenzie. Can I see you again?”

Abbey couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She rushed over before C J could answer.

“No,” Abbey said. She grabbed C J by the arm and pulled him away from the love-struck boy. “She has to get back home tonight. Come on, Kenzie. We have to go.”

“Goodnight Trevor,” C J called as his sister dragged him away. “I had fun too.”

The two siblings got their coats and went outside. Abbey moved away from the door to as secluded a spot she could find and called their parents to pick them up. Then turned to her brother.

“What was that all about?”

“Not again,” C J responded.

“You let a boy kiss you. It looked to me like you were kissing him back.”

“It’s kind of hard not to.”

C J, you kissed a guy.”

“I know that.”

“You’re a guy.”

“I know that too.”


“I’m pretending to be a girl tonight, remember? Tonight I’m your cousin Kenzie. I’m not your brother C J. It would look suspicious if I just sat around in this short dress while all the other girls were dancing. When Trevor asked to talk with me, I said okay. When he asked me to dance, I said sure. When he kissed me, I guess I reacted like the girl I’m pretending to be.”

“You didn’t do something stupid like giving him your number, did you?”

“No, I told him my parents wouldn’t let me get a phone yet. I don’t think he believed me.
You’re not going to tell mom and dad are you?”

“About you kissing Trevor? No, I wouldn’t do that to you. Are you going to tell them you danced with him?”

“I’ll tell them that. Maybe not about the slow dances.”

“What am I going to do with you, sis.”

“I’m only your sister till we get home.”

Abbey looked at her brother turned sister. She brushed away some hair from his face.

“I think I’m going to miss my sister.” The two siblings hugged. “You sure you want to go back to C J tonight? I could give you one of my nighties.”

“I’m sure. I’ve had enough of showing my legs.”

“You do have nice legs.” Abbey suddenly got serious. “C J, watching you tonight, you were very convincing as a girl. The way you interacted with Trevor was so girl-like. Um, are you maybe, you know, gay?”

After this night, C J was not as shocked by his sister's question as he might have been yesterday. “I don’t think so. I mean I like girls and want a girlfriend. I don’t like guys in that way. Tonight was a first. I liked the way he treated me. I might have even liked it when he kissed me. I think it’s because of how I’m dressed and my pretending to be a girl.”

“You could be Bi-sexual.”

“I never thought of that.”

“No matter. You did a great job tonight. You might want to go into acting.” She was distracted by the headlights of a car coming their way. “I think that’s mom and dad.”

“You won’t say anything to them?” C J asked.

“I promise sis. Your secret’s safe with me.”


“How was the party, girls?” asked their mom as they settled in the car.

“Great!” they replied in unison. They turned to each other and laughed.

“It was really nice,” said C J.

“We won third place,” said Abbey.

“We danced,” said C J.

“We met some guys,” Abbey said. C J glared at her as if she had betrayed him.

“Is this is what it’s like having two girls?” asked their father

“This is only a taste of what it would be like,” said their mother. Sheila had not missed Abbey's comment about meeting some guys. She decided she would talk to the kids later.

They all walked in their front door and hung up their coats. Brother and sister ran to the kitchen to get something to drink before bed.

“It sounded like they had a good time,” said Sheila.

“Yes, it did. He looks so much like his sister in that costume. I almost forget he’s a boy. You are going to talk with them about meeting the guys, right?” said Jason.

“You caught that too?”

“Hard to miss. I didn’t want to say anything at the time. It sounds like girl stuff. That’s your department,” said Jason.


“No buts, tonight C J is a girl named Kenzie. I hand the ball over to you.” Jason kissed his wife. They both headed to the kitchen.

“Can I take these heels off now?” asked C J. “My legs are starting to hurt.” The two women started to laugh.

“Beauty is pain,” said their mother.

“Wait till tomorrow,” said Abbey.

“Yes, you can take them off now, Kenzie.” Sheila used his girl name on purpose. She didn’t notice a negative reaction.

C J took off the heels and began rubbing his sore legs. “Now I know why you complain about wearing heels.” C J said.

“All right girls, clean up and get ready for bed.”

C J and Abbey cleaned up and ran up the steps both carrying their heels.


C J had finished changing and was waiting for his sister to get out of the bathroom. His mother knocked on his door jamb. “Can I come in?” she said.

“Sure, I’m waiting for Abbey to be finished.”

“You’ll be waiting a while, I bet. Here.” She waved a pack of makeup removers. “How about I help you remove your makeup.”


“Sheila sat down next to her son and took out a towelette. “Close your eyes,” she said. She began to remove the makeup from his eyes.

“So tell me about tonight?”

“Nothing to tell. I had fun.”

“You said you danced.”


“Abbey said you met some guys.” C J opened his eyes. Sheila saw the beginnings of tears. “C J, there’s nothing wrong. Did you meet a boy?”

“Yes, his name is Trevor.”

“Did you dance with Trevor?”

“Yes,” he said as a tear trickled down his cheek.

Sheila stopped. “C J there is nothing wrong with meeting a boy and dancing with him. Close your eyes again” She continued removing the eye makeup. When she finished, C J opened his eyes.

“Did you enjoy dancing with him?”


“Did you kiss him, C J?”

“He kissed me first.” C J started sobbing.

“C J there is nothing wrong. You’re not in trouble. Now, stop the sobbing.” C J began composing himself. She looked at her son who even without the eye makeup looked feminine. “Did you like kissing him?

“I don’t know. Maybe. I might have.”

“Did you enjoy yourself as a girl tonight?”

“A little bit. I liked being with the girls, I liked being included and taking pictures with them. I liked it when Trevor started talking with me and when we danced. I liked him kissing me.”

“I see. Do you think you want to be a girl?”

“Be a girl? All the time? I don’t think so. It was fun tonight but it was too much work.”

“So tonight was a one-night thing.”

“Yes. I only did this for Abbey. I don’t think I want to do it again.”

They heard the bathroom door open. “You’re sister’s done. Go wash your face.” C J got up from the bed heading for the bathroom. “And C J...” C J stopped and turned to his mother. “If you ever want Kenzie to come back, you will let me know, won’t you?”

C J smiled, shook his head then went to wash his face.


Casey woke up on the Monday after his Halloween adventure. As usual, he started to get ready for school. School...he didn’t dread going to school but there were challenges. An androgynous guy gets picked on. His freshman year saw him bullied due to his feminine appearance. It was as if his classmates thought he could choose his physical size and bone structure. The more masculine he tried to be the more the futility of the effort got him picked on. More than once he was required to defend himself on the way home. Those times, he mentally thanked his parents for the karate lessons he and his sister had taken. He would get bruised of course. His attackers always got the worse of it. His attackers never said anything. No one wanted to be known as losing a fight to him. Still, school was a mostly solitary event in his daily life. By now, most of his classmates left him alone.


“C J, wait up.” He turned as his sister, Abbey, caught up to him just before lunch. She took him aside away from the crowd.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“You remember Trevor from the party?”

“How could I forget?”

“I know,” she said. She giggled. “I think you liked him.”

“Maybe I did. So?”

“Well, he’s been asking me a lot of questions about my cousin, Kenzie. I had to make some things up.”

“So? She back at her home.”

“He asked me what grade she was in, did she have a boyfriend, what school she went to and where she lived. I told him Kenzie was a sophomore, same as you. I said she didn’t have a boyfriend. I didn’t know the school as she was moving to Australia.”

“Australia? Why the fuck would you say that?”

“I don’t know. It seems pretty far away. I figure he would lose interest if I said that. Anyway, Uncle George is moving there next month for work. It made sense.”

“Okay, and I need to know this why?”

“In case he talks to you. If he asks, you will be able to give him the same answers.”

“There’s little chance of that.”

“Doesn’t he sometimes say hi to you?”

“Well, yeah, but it’s not like we have long conversations. He doesn’t pick on me and he is somewhat friendly.”

“Look, if he tried to get information about Kenzie from me, he’ll probably try to get some more information from you. At least our story will be straight.”

“Wait, do you think he figured it out? Do you think he knows? Oh, fuck! What if he knows? It’ll be hell around here for me.”

“Calm down. With that dark wig, no one recognized you. Kenzie was our cousin so there is a family resemblance. Besides, has Trevor ever bullied you?”

“No. Never has. He has helped me at lunch when some taunting started.”

“There you go. I think even if he somehow figured it out, he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. I gotta get to class. See you at home.”

C J got his food and sat in the far corner table of the cafeteria. The usual misfits at the table gave him a nod. He nodded back as he sat down. As he finished his lunch the table started to clear. He threw away his trash and went back to the table to do some studying for the upcoming test next class. As he was studying, he felt someone sit down across from him.

“How’s it going C J?” C J looked up. His eyes got wide as he saw Trevor sitting across from him. C J remembered what it felt like talking with Trevor on Halloween. He remembered the kiss. C J felt himself tremble a bit.

“Hey Trevor,” he said. He quickly put his head down pretending to read his textbook.

“Always studying. I’ll bet you get good grades.”

“Yeah, mostly.”

“I didn’t see you at the Halloween party the other night.”

“Couldn’t find a costume. I stayed home and gave out candy.”

“Too bad. It looked like your sister and your cousin had a good time.”

“My sister said they did. My cousin had to get back home.”

“Yeah, I know. I met your cousin. She's nice. What grade is she in?”

“She’s a sophomore I think.”

“She has a boyfriend?”

“Hell if I know. You should ask Abbey.”

“I might. How about Abbey? Does she have a boyfriend?”

“She goes out with some guys. No one steady yet.”

“Maybe I’ll ask her out.”

“Suit yourself.”

“You’re a good kid C J. If anyone bothers you, you let me know.”


“I mean it.”



C J’s friendship with Trevor continued throughout the school year. Trevor would sit at C J’s table about once a week for a five-minute conversation. While the conversations weren’t long, C J enjoyed them.

Spring came along with the school dance season. It wasn’t long until Abbey and her friends were talking about going to the Senior Prom. It was still weeks away and Abbey had not been asked to go yet. She was not worried. She and Steve had been going out pretty often. If she wasn’t asked by the following week, she would ask Steve. Abbey was going to need time to get her dress, shoes, and accessories.

“How’s it going C J?” Trevor sat down at the lunch table where C J was studying.

C J looked up from his studying. “I’m good Trevor. How about you,” he said. He closed his textbook.

“Can’t complain. I was wondering, can you get a message to Kenzie?”

C J was started a bit. “My cousin Kenzie? Um, probably. My parents have my uncle’s number in Australia.”

“I know it’s a lot to ask… if she can come here for Prom night… I mean I know it’s an expensive flight...Heck, I was wondering if you could ask her if she would go to the prom with me?”

C J was shocked. Without knowing it, Trevor was asking C J to go to the Prom with him. While he wouldn’t go with Trevor, just being asked was exciting.”

“Why don’t you ask Abbey to ask her. They use to talk a lot.”

“I would but, if Kenzie can’t go, I was going to ask Abbey. I don’t want Abbey to know she was the second choice, you know what I mean? Does Abbey have a date yet?”

“I don’t think so. Look, I'll see what I can find out this weekend. I’ll let you know on Monday.”

“Thanks, that’ll work. See ya C J.”


C J was feeling pretty good for the rest of the day. If he wanted to go, he had a date to the Senior Prom. The problem was, he would have to go as Kenzie. It would mean him buying a dress, shoes, accessories, getting a manicure, pedicure, and having his hair done. He had seen his sister getting ready for her Junior Prom. He was also pretty sure his parents would balk at him going and spending the money. Although his mother did ask him to let her know if Kenzie wanted to come back. While it might be fun, C J decided it was too much work. He would tell Trevor Kenzie couldn’t make it.


“Hey Abbey,” C J called out to his sister from the kitchen. She took off and hung up her jacket.

“Hey C J,” she said.

“Want a glass of soda?”

“Sure.” C J put ice in a glass and poured his sister her drink then handed it to her.

“Thanks,” she said. She accepted the glass and took a sip.

“You seem in a good mood. Good day at school?”

“Abbey, do you have a date for the prom yet?”

“That’s a question I didn’t expect from you. Not yet. I’m expecting Steve to ask me this weekend. Why?”

“I got asked to go to the Senior Prom.”

“What? Oh wow. C J that’s great. Wait, who asked you to go to the Prom?”

“I need to ask you a question first. Would you go with Trevor if he asked?”

“Why do you ask? Oh my God? Did he ask you about me?”

“Well, kind of.”

Abbey’s mood turned serious.

“C J, who asked you to the Prom?”

“I wasn’t me who was asked. Kenzie was asked,” I said.

“Oh my God. Trevor asked Kenzie to go to his Prom?”

“Yes!” C J said. There was a touch of excitement in his voice. “He wants me to get a message to her asking if she could come to his Prom.”

Abbey could hardly contain her excitement. “You were asked to go to your first Prom. What are you going to do? You gotta go.”

“Abbey, I’m not really Kenzie. I can’t go. Besides Mom and Dad wouldn’t let me go.”

“Didn’t you tell me Mom said to let her know if Kenzie wanted to come back? This is perfect. I’m sure she’ll let Kenzie return. Let me talk to Mom and Dad.”

“No, Abbey. As flattered as I am that Kenzie was asked, I’m not going to say yes. Too expensive, and too much work.”

“He’s going to be very disappointed.”

“He said if Kenzie couldn’t make it, he was going to ask you.”

Abbey was taken aback. “I couldn’t go with him. It’s you he likes.”

“It’s Kenzie he likes not me. Kenzie is a girl in Australia. If I were to accept, it would be deceiving him. He would think he is going to the Prom with a girl when I’m a guy. I couldn’t do that to him. If he asks you, go with him.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I would be going to the Prom with a guy who asked my brother out first. That means I’m his second choice.”

“Look at it this way, you’re his first female choice.”

“I don’t know if that’s any better. He still asked my brother out first.”

“He didn’t know he was asking out your brother. I have no problem if you go to the Prom with him. “

“I don’t know. If Steve asks me first, I’m going with Steve.”


On Monday, C J told Trevor Kenzie couldn’t fly up to go to the Prom. He told Trevor how sorry Kenzie was and that Kenzie thanked him for asking her. That part was true. Trevor said he knew it was a long-shot and thanked C J for asking Kenzie for him.

As it turned out, Steve did ask Abbey to the Prom before she saw Trevor. She explained to Trevor she had already been asked and thanked him for asking. Trevor didn’t have any trouble getting a date though.

C J watched as his sister and her friends went shopping for the upcoming school dance. Abbey’s dress was beautiful. A part of C J wanted to go to the Prom with Trevor. He pictured it being like the Halloween dance. The way he and Trevor had danced and kissed. He saw the fuss his parents were making over Abbey. Then pictures of Abbey and Steve were taken. C J started wondering if his parents would have let Kenzie go to the Prom with Trevor. Then there would have been pictures of Kenzie walking down the stairs. Pictures of Trevor giving Kenzie a corsage, holding Kenzie, and helping Kenzie into the car. But C J would have been a guy pretending to be a girl. Going to the prom with a guy who thought Kenzie was a girl. Besides, C J was a guy. He liked girls. But he also liked Trevor. Maybe Abbey was right. Maybe he was Bi.


The day after the Prom, Abbey showed C J pictures of the prom. In one of the pictures was a couple in the background. It was Trevor and his date. Abbey noticed her brother’s reaction.

“I’m sorry C J. I’ll delete it.”

“No, don’t do that. It’s a nice picture of you and Steve.” C J took the phone and enlarged the picture. He didn’t recognize the girl Trevor was holding and dancing with. “They look happy,” he said.

“It was the beginning of the night. Everyone looks happy,” Abbey said. “Are you upset you didn’t go?”

“I don’t know. I mean it would have been interesting. It might have even been fun. It also could have gone wrong if Trevor had found out Kenzie’s true gender. I’m okay with the way things turned out.”


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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