Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 3

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 3
Shinigami Battle Platform James Owens, High Orbit around Apollo 6, Highlands System

First High Lord Robert E. Lee, the 43rd grandson of the famed American General to carry the name looked out the forward view screen of the bridge of the James Owens in undisguised disgust. The Cheeseheads battlegroup had dropped out of hyperspace just 25 AUs inside the inner asteroid belt. He wanted to laugh at the stupidity of dropping out that far from their target planer. “They would have been better served by using the pirate point on the other side of the second moon.”

“What was that sir?” Asked Admiral Tiriana Kriswarin, Commander the James Owens and the 2nd Death Dealer Battlegroup.

“Oh, just commenting on the way the Cheeseheads have dropped out so far from Apollo is all Admiral.” Lee answered then pointed to the holo-tank. “I would have thought that they would have used the second moon’s pirate point.”

“It’s too small for a battlegroup of that size, sir. Sure, if their fleet were half that size they could have used the pirate point. That’s the problem with most pirate jump points. Most can’t handle a fleet of more than twelve or fourteen ships coming through at one time. That is dependent on the size of dropships coming through. You try to shove twenty-five ships of the line through something small and boom! No more fleet. No more pirate jump point! No more moon or planet.” Tiriana Kriswarin answered with a knowing look in his eyes. Tiriana Kriswarin may be junior to Lee, but she respected the First High Lord. Lee wasn’t like some First High Lords who professed to know everything about combat. Lee actually listened to those that made their living by being the experts.

“Hold on here Tiriana. How could that even happen?” Lee asked in shock.

“The amount of power released in opening a jump gate for just standard dropship is equal to that of a hydrogen bomb going off. It is one of the reasons we space out our fleet when we all jump at the same time. If we were to all drop out at the same time at less than ten AUs from a planet. We could cause massive natural disasters across the planet’s surface. A dropship coming out of hyperspace within a planet’s gravity well, and boom! Half a continent turned to ash in the blink of an eye.” The serious tone in Tiriana Kriswarin’s voice sent a shiver down Lee’s spin. “It’s why no one in the right mind tries to open a jump point within five AUs of a planet. Just so they don’t accidently open a gate in a planetary gravitational well.”

“Damn. I always knew there was a reason behind the way we spaced out the fleet. I just didn’t know why that was or that it was so important.” Lee answered with honesty. “I always thought it was to keep from running into each other on the other side of the jump.”

“Those are just two of the reasons we space out the Fleet, sir. There quite a few reasons behind the jump formation.” Kriswarin told Lee with a chuckle. “Though the main reasons is to keep down the number of bent hull plates on the other side of a jump.”

“Tiriana I trust your judgement when it comes to running the fleet. Always have and always will. Can you explain why the Cheeseheads would drop out of hyperspace just inside the asteroid belt?” Lee wanted, no needed to know.

“The belt has what is known as a natural ring jump point. That’s a continuous and stable jump point that lies between the M-four and M-five planetary positions.” Kriswarin explained with the knowledge of a lifelong spacefarer. “We could drop ten full battlegroups on a system that has a ring jump point.”

“So, this was more a point of convenience than lack of intelligence.” Lee said nodding his head in understanding. “Well, it doesn’t matter. We have an enemy fleet to deal with. Any suggestions?”

“Standard screening attack. We’re not facing a full battlegroup out there. I can hold the James and our one of our carriers with her escort ships back. We let the other carrier and her escorts handle the incoming fleet.” Kriswarin said as she was already planning on which ships to send after the much smaller and outgunned Gorgonzola fleet.

“Which carrier group do you suggest Admiral Kriswarin?” Lee asked her.

“The Warrior with her two battleships Howe and Iron Duke. Between them and their escorts it will be a little one sided.” Kriswarin chuckled as she thought about the fact she was sending 93 ships of the line to handle a mixed fleet of just 31 dropships. “I know not every cricket of me.”

“To well with fair. Empress Maiha is planet side.” Lee pointed towards the holo-tank. “Those shit birds brought this on themselves. Turn them to dust.”

“COMS contact the Warrior. Send the following message. Task Force Warrior is to engage the enemy at the ring jump point. Orders are to destroy any and all ships at that location. Capture of prisoners and ships is acceptable but not priority. Priority is the destruction of that enemy fleet. End message.” Tiriana Kriswarin called out to the Communications Officer.

“Aye, Captain. Sending now.” The young Lieutenant called back.

“We should see the Warrior and her Task Force moving off in a few minutes, sir.” Kriswarin said as she turned to the holo-tank. “I except Captain Stalina Antonovna will push her Task Force to the limit. She has a real hardon for the Cheeseheads. She was with Task Force Winter Squall during the last Succession War aboard the Saratoga.”

Lee couldn’t help but to shiver at the mentioning of the carrier Saratoga. One of the five carrier dropships that had been destroyed during the Battle of Zamulara in the last Succession War. There was less than 1200 survivors out of 30,000 men and women. Most of the survivors were aerospace fighter pilots who extracted their vengeance against the Gorgonzola Fleet. Claiming seven carriers, eleven battleships, and eighteen destroyers. It was one of the bloodiest Naval Battles in modern human history.

“Who picked her up after the battle? Us or them?” Lee asked Kriswarin.

“She was one of the Odyssey Station rescues. Stalina was part of a crew that spent five days floating in a dead VR-seventeen Viking TB. She was the only one to stay in the Navy after the war.” Kriswarin said as she watched the Warrior and her task force pull out of formation. “She’s been waiting for payback for more than thirty years, Lord Robert. When she got her first command she asked to be station out here in the Highlands System. Her request for a transfer to the Highlands has been turned down five times. Mostly because of her less than stelar performance with the local High Families.”

Lee chuckled. “I take the lady has pissed in the corn flacks of more than a few of the little darlings?”

“If you mean beating the shit out of one Family Head, hospitalizing two sons, and three daughters, pissing in their corn flacks. Then the answer is an unequivocal yes.” Kriswarin chuckled. “Stalina has never been one to tolerate someone telling her how she should run her command. She really hates it when some High Family’s jackboot tries to tell her to promote someone because of their last name and Family ties.”

“SHE’S that Stalina Antonovna?!” Lee asked first in shock then busted out laughing. “I think I’ve read more than thirty complaints about a very rude and sociability unacceptable Captain Stalina Antonovna. All relating to her unfair treatment of High Family children.” Lee just shrugged his shoulders. “I throw most of them out. I really do wish certain High Families wouldn’t send their children to join the service.”

Kriswarin just chuckled. Lee wasn’t the only one to get letters of complaints concerning Stalina. Lee also wasn’t the only one to ignore the complaints. Stalina had risen through the ranks solely on merit and hard work. Something that had become the corner stone for all of the Empyreal Military not just Death Dealers. Empress Maiha had made sweeping changes in the military during her time on the throne. The most notable of those changes was the promotion based on merit not title. The days of High Family children being given command of military units just because of their last name were gone.

The two men stood quietly next the holo-tank as the 93 ships of Task Force Warrior converged with the incoming Gorgonzola fleet. Within the opening first few minutes of the battle half the enemy fleet winked out of existence. Lee looked over at Tiriana Kriswarin with questioning eyes.

“Mark-fifty-eight-B aerial drop torpedoes. Ship killers of the first order.” Kriswarin answered with a smirk. “These new torpedoes are true one shoot ship killers. The current Empress used their predecessors on New Texas during the Amazon Revolt a few years ago.”

“I remember reading the reports. Didn’t her squadron drop eighteen of those nasty bastards on the Spaceport?” Lee asked as another three of the enemy ships disappeared from the holo-tank.

“Those were all the old Mark-forty-eight’s. The fifty-eight’s have a slightly larger payload but a vastly improved engine with a reinforced body. They can be used just about everywhere now. From deep space to the deepest of seas, down to the lowest atmospheres of a Jupiter class Gas Giants. The only drawback is our aerospace fighters can only carry one. Even the FB-eleven Claymore lacks the power to carry more than one.” Kriswarin explained for Lee. “The only aerospace fighter that is carrier based that can carry more than one is the T-one-fifty-two Beaufort. The best they can carry are two.”

“Please tell me that the Warrior has a squadron of those on board.” Lee asked with more than a little optimism in his voice.

“Sadly, no. Only the Yorktown-class carriers have the deck space for those.” Kriswarin sighed as he had wished more than once for one of those powerful ships in his battlegroup. “The nearest Yorktown carrier is the Enterprise, and that lovely lady is in the currently with the tenth battlegroup.”

“Ah the fabled Gray Ghost. Commanded by Rear Admiral Irving Nimitz.” Lee said with a chuckle as he thought about that man and his twisted military mind. “I don’t think anyone has beaten him in a war game yet.”

“We haven’t the man is as predictable as a Kudu-Lizard on crystal flashbang.” Kriswarin bitched with true admiration for his fellow Admiral. “Ah there goes another one of the Cheesehead dropships. Looks like that’s the last of the TBs. It’s down to the Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes. We’re down to a gun battle.”

“How much longer do you expect the battle to last?” Lee asked.

“With just eleven standard Raider class dropships left. No more than ten minutes. Though I do hope Warrior Task Force will be able to capture a few prisoners for us.” Kriswarin explained as two more of the Cheesehead ships and one of the Task Force Corvettes disappeared. “Damn. Tactical scan for lifeboats. COMMS see if you can raise the Airedale. Her bridge might have survived. If not have the Snow Angle move in and begin rescue operations.”

“Sir, the Airedale’s bridge is destroyed. She went down with all hands. She took a direct hit to her number two fuel cell.” The COMMS officer called back. “Sir she took one of the Raiders with her.”

“At least she did not go quietly into that great night.” Lee sighed as he thought about the cost of the battle so far. “How many aerospace fights have made back to their carrier?”

“The fighters and bombers are still deployed sir. The TBs are just now returning to Warrior. It’ll be an hour before we get an accurate count for their losses sir.” The Tactical Officer answered for the COMMS officer. “Admiral the CO for the Midnight Hawks is asking for permission to deploy.”

“Let Colonel Cole know his unit is on Alert One only.” Kriswarin grumbled. “Bloody damned hot shoot pilots.”

“I take it that Colonel Cole and his unit are still trying to one up the Wraiths?” Lee asked with a chuckle.

“It’s gotten worse ever since Colonel Nevermore took over the triple sevens. Every last Death Dealer fighter squadron has been trying to topple them from their place as the Top Guns of the Empire.” Kriswarin sighed as he talked about the meanest fighter squadron in the Empyreal Military and the mysterious woman who was their commander. “I swear that crazy bitch pushes her pilots harder than any other Commanding Officer in the fracking Empire.”

“Admiral Kriswarin there is one thing you should know about Colonel Raven Nevermore. There is only one pilot that can out fly that woman and she happens to be a Claymore.” Lee said with a knowing smile.

“Then the stories about our lovely Empress are true. She really did form the most feared fighter squadron in all of human space.” Kriswarin said with a chuckle. “I’ll be honest sir. I always thought that the reports of her being a pilot to be a little farfetched. Nobody could have that high of a kill rate and not be some kind of Boogeyman.”

“Trust me Admiral Tiriana Kriswarin. Empress Terresa is a Fury straight out of hell behind the stick of her fighter. I’ve seen what she can do with her FB-eleven Claymore firsthand.” Lee chuckled as he thought about the last time she put on an exposition. “The only pilot I know that can match her skill is Colonel Raven Nevermore.”

“CON the last Cheesehead dropship has been destroyed. Warrior reports they have begun recovery of fighters and bombers. Battleships Howe and Iron Duke are initiating rescue operations.” The Tactical officer called out. “Sir, the Cruisers Graf Spee and Sheer along with the Destroyers Laffey, Lansdale, and Woodworth will need time in the yards. Our only loss is the Airedale.”

“Damn, we got off a hell of lot lighter than I expected to. Either the Cheeseheads weren’t expecting us or that fleet was sent in to die.” Kriswarin explained for Lee. “Something stinks to high heaven here Lord Robert.”

“I was just thinking the same thing old friend. Have the combat divisions made landfall yet?” Lee asked concerned about the ground forces.

“They should be landfall within the next half-hour sir. They pulled into a low orbit for Apollo the second we tripped to the incoming Cheesehead fleet.” Kriswarin told him.

“Get me those damned prisoners Admiral Kriswarin.” Lee almost snarled. “When you do they are to be treated as pirates. Turn them over to the Witches.”

“How far are the Inquisitors allowed to go sir?” Kriswarin asked. Hoping that the High Lord would show some mercy.

“They have no restrictions. I want fracking answers. There is more to this attack. I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell the Dowager Empress that this was just a case of bad timing on the part of the Cheeseheads.” Lee practically snarled as he thought about facing Death’s own Daughter with nothing more than a half-formed hypothesis and no solid facts.

“Understood, Lord Robert.” Tiriana Kriswarin answered as she turned to pass along the order. She knew that they needed answers. Only she had a far simpler reason for wanting those answers. She wanted to keep her job.

Camp Rampage, 12th Airborne Ranger Battalion, 43rd Airborne Border Division: 1450

I can’t believe that Empress Maiha is being so dismissive about an attacking fleet of Cheeseheads. I mean one minute we’re talking about some relatives of mine and the next she’s making jokes about taking on a Death Dealer Battlegroup. I look over at the Reverend Mother. “She’s crazy. Doesn’t she realize how much danger we’re in here?”

“Oh, your cousin knows exactly what is happening out there in space right now. She also knows that only a very stupid and extremely foolish Commandant of Warlords would attack a Death Dealer Battlegroup.” Katsumi chuckled. “Or one who is extremely unlucky.”

“Okay just what the frack does that mean? The last time the Cheeseheads attacked they hit Apollo with twenty-six divisions. Half of those were heavy armor divisions. That fleet out there will have at least that many.” I snapped and let my anger fill my voice. “If not more.”

“Oh, my dear boy. You have a great deal to learn when it comes to the sheer firepower at the command of just one Death Dealer Battlegroup.” Katsumi said with a chuckle as she pointed towards the holo-tank. “Allow me to give you a break down on the types of dropship that make up a Battlegroup.”

Maiha who had busy keeping track of the space battle reached over and typed a command into the holo-tank. “I got this one Katsumi. Pay attention Robert. Consider this is your first lesson in warfare.”

The holographic display spun in a dizzying display until slowed to a stop. It now showed a graphic representation of warships. At the top was a massive 3ft long display of a Shinigami Battle platform. Below it came a Supercarrier and a Battleship that were each 2ft long. These were followed by Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates, Corvettes, Corsairs, and finally the massive Ogre Assault Dropships. Beside each class of warship was a number.

* 1 Shinigami Battle Platform
* 2 Super Carriers
* 4 Battleships
* 8 Cruisers
* 12 Destroyers
* 24 Frigates
* 36 Corvettes
* 48 Corsairs
* 52 Patrol Attack Craft
* 6 Ogre Assault Dropships
* 18 Combat Divisions: 3 Jump Infantry, 3 light Infantry, 3 Armored Infantry, 6 Armored, 3 APS

“Robert you were wondering if I had gone made. You believed that I was being flippant and uncaring about the incoming Gorgonzola attack. Here is why I can be so glib about the whole situation.” Maiha said with a wave of her hand. “Robert before your eyes is the unvarnished truth. This list is the full breakdown for a Death Dealer Battlegroup. Do you understand now?”

I had to use both hands to pick my jaw up of the deck plates. “You have got to be shitting me? You travel with all that?”

“It used to be twice that number, my boy. This is nothing compared to the Royal Battlegroup.” Katsumi said with deep chuckling laugh.

“Where was all this firepower nine years ago? How come Apollo six has to put up with raids by the fracking Cheeseheads every seven to ten fracking years? With just half of one battlegroup we could defend ourselves.” I screamed at the two women. Not caring that either one of them could kill me with a snap of their fingers. I was pissed and I wanted answers.

“How many planetary systems are there in the Human Empire, Robert?” Maiha asked me with a sad smile.

“Um… I don’t know. Maybe three to four hundred. What does that matter?” I asked in return. “This is where the Cheeseheads attack every time.”

“There are seven hundred inhabited planetary systems in the Human Empire. That is seven hundred systems all with populations over three hundred million people. All total there are two-point-one quadrillion citizens within the Empire. All of whom have to be protected by the smallest Military Command in all of the seven spacefaring Nations. If not for the warrior class of the Elves. We would be overrun in a matter of days along the Wingnut border.” Maiha must be a teacher now because of the way she’s lecturing my ass.

“Robert did you know that our nation is bordered by four hostile nations. Granted the Gorgonzola Empire shares the longest border, but it is also the one nation we can roll for their fracking lunch money and not suffer heavy losses. The Velmaro Consortium may not have the forces to attack us head on, but they can still cause enough havoc along their border that we cannot turn our backs on them. The Balzac Imperium Dictatorship may have the second smallest military, but they have a technological edge over us and everyone else. In short they can give us more than a bloody nose and a black eye. The greatest threat to our nation’s security is the Union of Stalinist Slovakian Republics. They may not be on par with us technologically, but they have the numbers to rollover the top of us in a matter of days. The only thing that keeps them from doing that is the seven quick reaction battlegroups stationed along that border.” Maiha had turned cold and harsh by the time she was done. “Now that you know what our military is facing Robert. Where should we place the majority of our Empyreal forces?”

For the first time in my life I realized exactly what mom and dad always talked about. Why we were so dependent on the local planetary defense force. Even before Empress Maiha put the total number of battlegroups both Death Dealer and Standard Empyreal Military up on the holo-tank I realized just how massive of a task it was for the Empyreal Military to be everywhere at once and yet still secure the borders. I knew that the Military had been increasing their size over the last thirty years, but they were still woefully understaffed and underequipped for the job.

“Even if our Empire’s Constitution allowed for a Conscription Military. We would still fall short of the needed forces. It’s why PDFs have so much leeway in how they recruit and protect the individual planets.” I answered my royal relative. I truly had no idea of how the Empire worked as whole. Until now. “There is no way to truly secure our borders with such a small force. Instead they’re organized as quick response task forces.”

“Exactly, Robert. You, like all of the citizens of Apollo, have wondered why the Empire has at best ever had a few alone deep space patrols for the border regions. Now you know the reason. Only one in every few hundred every join the PDF. Of those handfuls of soldiers only one in every hundred join the Empyreal Military. An even smaller number of those become Death Dealers. They are the best of the best. That is the cold hard facts of life.” Maiha told me bluntly. Then she dropped the real bomb. “It is for this same reason that more than six hundred years ago the most powerful human soldiers were created. Those soldiers are your ancestors the Bloodline Warriors of the Owens Clan. The very same relatives that would tear apart entire planetary systems to avenge you.”

“I think I just pissed myself again.” I said as this newest piece of information sank into my brain. Every child knew of the genetically bred and enhanced super soldiers from the early days of the Empire. Not since the First War of Succession had those dreaded warriors walked among the human races. I heard that there was rumors of there being a division of them in the last War of Succession, but no one had ever confirmed those rumors.

“You really need to learn control over your balder cousin. Pissing oneself is not sociably acceptable.” Maiha said with a soft chuckle. “Though I can understand your point of view on the matter. It is not often one learns the truth of their family origins.”

“You know something cousin.” I said as I looked her in the face. “You have a gift for the understatements.”

“She has nothing on the Grand Lady Dai Etsu, young Robert.” Reverend Mother Katsumi told me with a straight face. “Wait until you met her.”

“When will that happen? Hopefully after the raid.” I said.

“Oh, the raid is already over, Robert. Just look at the holo-tank.” Reverend Mother Katsumi ordered me. “Even now with just half the firepower of the Battlegroup overhead our ships are tearing apart the Cheeseheads.”

I watched as the dropships of the Cheesehead raider fleet were disappearing from the holo-tank in mass. It was as if the hand of an angry War Goddess had reached out into deep space and destroyed those ships as if they were nothing more than the dust. Within a matter of seconds half, the Cheesehead fleet was gone. “By the Goddess of War what happened to them?”

“The Warriors thirty-two TB2D Skypirate Torpedo Bombers carrying Mark-fifty-eight-B aerial drop torpedoes. Nasty pieces of work. One shot ship killers.” Mother Katsumi answered me with a straight face. “Just one of those weapons is enough to destroy a Monolith class dropship. Two will take out a battleship. Three can destroy a carrier.”

“What about a battle platform?” I asked.

“It takes a Shinigami to kill a Shinigami, Robert.” Mother Katsumi told me.

“As you can see cousin. The end has come for the Cheesehead fleet.” Maiha said as she reached over and typed in a command on the holo-tank. “Not even the most power of dropships can stand before the firepower that has been arrayed in just half of a Death Dealer Battlegroup. They don’t need to be everywhere. They just need to be ready to strike.”

“Why did those six dropships pullout of formation?” I asked pointing to the six Ogre class assault dropships shown in the holo-tank.

“Those are planetary assault dropships Robert. Each one carries three combat divisions of Death Dealers. They’re not really meant for ship-to-ship combat. Even though they are armed with enough firepower to take out an orbital defense platform. Most of those weapons are for self-defense.” Mother Katsumi explained for me. “Should the Cheeseheads make landfall they’ll be greeted by eighteen divisions of the meanest son-of-bitches currently walking.”

The Royal Bodyguard by the door smirked then called out. “Death is dealt by our hand. We ring the Bells of Hell.”

The cry was taken up by the other three bodyguards. “Death is dealt by our hand. We ring the Bells of Hell.”

“DEATH DEALERS!” Maiha hollered at the top of her lungs. She turned to look me in the eyes. With a cold harsh voice. “Soon cousin you shall see what it takes to earn the right to wear the Imperial Blacks.”

“Just what does that mean?” Not liking where this conversation was going.

“What that means is they’re going to hide you in the one place nobody in their right fracking mind would look for you.” The one bodyguard said as stepped over to stand near the Empress. “Your Majesty, Captain Nelson just passed word that we’re cleared for takeoff whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Captain. Let Captain Nelson know that he can return to the James.” Maiha ordered the Captain before I could even figure out what the frack was going on. “And make sure Lieutenant Colonel Stow is ready for takeoff this time. I really don’t need to hear another bitch fest about escort fight security.”

“Yes ma’am. I’ll keep the Colonel off your ass.” The Captain said as he left to carry out his orders. “Even if I have to pound the bitch into the ground to get the job done.”

“I know this is going to sound crazy. But I don’t think the Captain likes this Colonel Stow very much.” I said smiling.

“You picked up on that did you?” Maiha asked chuckling. “No, he actually greatly admires and respects the CO for my escort squadron. The problem comes when the two bodyguards units have to turnover security for when I travel. Every time we have do something even remotely outside the guidelines of escort flight security procedures Colonel Stow raises a shit storm. Then whenever we have to do something that conflicts with convoy security Colonel Howell is the one to raise the shit storm. Poor Captain Marks is the one who always catches the shit.”

“He wouldn’t catch as much shit if you would only follow your security detail’s requests from time to time.” Mother Katsumi sighed.

“Yah! I follow most of them.” Maiha bitched. Only to get a heavily put-upon sigh from Mother Katsumi. “Okay! So, I tend to ignore the rules that rub me the wrong way. I don’t ignore them all.”

“Why do I have a feeling that the only time my cousin obeys her security detail is when the War Princess is around?” I asked Mother Katsumi.

“Because she is the only one who can get her to obey the rules.” Katsumi snarked then chuckled. “The only problem is the Princess Alison usually is the one encouraging the Empress to break the rules.”

From outside the shuttle I heard the sounds of twin engine heavy fighters taking off. It was as sound that I was familiar with thanks to the orphanage sitting in line with the flightpath for the Camp’s runway. Though from the sounds of those engines there was something deferent about these fighters. “Those don’t sound like the Camp’s F-seven-F Tigercat’s? They’re heavier.”

“You have a good ear and you’re right. Those are the FB-eleven-B Claymores of the Scarlet Vipers.” Mother Katsumi said with a chuckle.

“Like I told you before we ever left the James Owens, Old friend. Apollo six breeds warriors the likes of which no other planet can. The people of Apollo are a harsh and ruthless people. They take no prisoners and spare no lives.” Maiha told her in a voice that was as harsh and cold as the Winds of the Northern Planes. “It’s also why you need to go into hiding.”

“Okay this is the second time someone has mentioned me hiding out. What’s going on? Why can’t I just stay here on Apollo?” I demanded.

“This attack by the Cheeseheads was nothing more than a diversion. You have already come to the attention of some very powerful people. People who would use you to try and control one of the most powerful clan of warriors in the Empire. The only way to avoid that for right now is to hide you off-world. Preferably in the one place no one in their right mind will look for you.” Maiha told me bluntly just before she gave me a predatory grin. “In the heart of a Death Dealer training battalion.”

“Don’t I have to go through a few things first? Like Basic Training, Jump Infantry School, Scout School, Ranger Indoctrination Program, all that before being followed by Death Dealer Q-course.” I asked as the engines for the shuttle fired over with a roar. “Not to mention the psychological exam.”

“Thankfully, the psychological exam will not be a problem. The Constables wouldn’t have released you if you had been a possible threat. As for the rest.” Mother Katsumi told me with a kind smile. “Just do your best.”

For some reason, the Reverend Mother’s words didn’t fill me with confidence for my chances of success. As the shuttle headed for the runway we took our seats around the holo-tank. I turned and looked out the porthole. Little did I know that I wouldn’t lay eyes on my home planet for some time.

Goulcrest The City of Ebony, Apollo 6, Highlands System
Department of Energy, House of Parliament, Government Center

Grayson Vanderbilt sat back in his chair reading the report his hands for the umpteenth time. For the last fifteen years he has been stuck on this nowhere fracking planet. Officially he had been sent here to oversee his family’s Vakrian processing fuel planet. Unofficially he had been sent to Apollo 6 to hide from prosecution for his part in the pirate raid on Hyperion 7. It might not have been too bad, if it had not been for his actions leading in directly to the death of Lady Cathy Pike. With no real prospects he worked his way into position to secure a spot within the Parliament.

First as an advisor for the Department of Energy. Then over time to the actual head of the department. All in the hopes of one day taking over the position of Head of House for his family. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere his way off this backwater planet was dropped into his lap. Only to have that chance snatched from his grasp at the last second.

“Nine years of backroom deals, dirty politics, and sucking up to the Planetary Governor for this shithole. Then all of a sudden I get handed a Golden ticket off this Gods forsaken hellhole and what happens? It disappears into nowhere!” Grayson snarls as he slams his fist down on his desk. Looking up at his aid. “How the frack could this happen?”

“Sir I have no idea. The men I sent to secure the boy reported that the boy was being escorted by three Death Dealers. At last report, those same Death Dealers escorted the boy back to Camp Rampage. Where he has been under constant heel-toe guard.” Daniel Harris answered. He knew that nine street thugs versus three Death Dealers is a no-win situation. It didn’t matter how well armed those nine men were. Especially when those three Death Dealers had backup. “I can tell you that our friends within the Gorgonzola Empire should be here shortly. We intercepted a report from the number nine outer defense satellite. Once they land our strike team can move in and secure the boy while the Death Dealers are occupied with the raiding forces. We will have the boy in our hands shortly.”

“How many ships did the Cheeseheads send?” Grayson demanded.

“A full flotilla of thirty-one, sir. More than enough to escort the assault ships to their drop points.” Daniel answered with a smile.

“What of the reports that there is a Death Dealer Battlegroup currently in orbit overhead? Have you been able to verify those yet?” Grayson asked.

“Nothing more than rumors, sir. The Forty-fourth Battlegroup is the nearest QRF.” Daniel chuckled. “And they’re on maneuvers in the Mannion system. It’ll take them more than five days to regroup for redeployment. Then there is the four-day travel time from there to here.”

Before Grayson could asked his next question the Head of his security interrupted their conversation. “Excuse my interruption Lord Vanderbilt. I have an urgent report from our man in Space Command and Control. The incoming Cheesehead fleet has been destroyed to the last ship.”

“WHAT?! ARE YOU SURE?! HOW?!” Grayson demanded in a rapid-fire manner.

“They were attacked by a Carrier Task Force send from the orbiting Death Dealer Battlegroup.” The man answered honestly.

“Impossible! The nearest Battlegroup is in the Mannion system. There is no way that the Forty-Fourth Death Dealer Battlegroup could have redeployed in such a short period of time.” Daniel snapped. “That report has to be wrong. Go back and have it verified Miller.”

“It’s not wrong Harris. I had it verified twice before coming up here. Something you should have done you ignorant jackass.” Miller snapped.

“Take us through it, Miller. Step by step please.” Grayson said as he sat back in his chair with a heavy sigh.

“For starters, Lord Vanderbilt. The situation with the boy is far more complicated than what was originally reported. Robert Wolff is more than just the son of Thomas and Kristine Wolff. He is a more than just a lost heir to the Owens Clan. Way more. The boy is a second or third cousin to the Dowager Empress Maiha Nakatoma. He is the great nephew of First High Lord James J. Owens. You would have known this sir. If your aid had let MY men do their jobs, instead of hiring those freelancers.” Miller couldn’t resist the dig at Harris and his practice for outsourcing.

“You’ve made your feelings clear on this matter before Miller. Move it along.” Grayson sighed heavily wanting to avoid the usual argument between his aid and his head of security on the use of subcontractors. As he rubbed his forehead fighting off the oncoming head something Miller said clicked. “Wait did you say that the boy has a family connection to Empress Maiha?”

“Yes sir. That is exactly what I said. That is the reason for the Death Dealer escort from the courthouse. It is the reason why there Death Dealer Battlegroup orbiting over our heads.” Miller glared at Harris. “And Mister Miller, the Battlegroup hanging over our heads is no ordinary Death Dealer Battlegroup. That Shinigami battle platform is the James Owens. Second only to the Royal Shinigami Ryuk. Known through out the entire Empire as the Dowager Empress’ Battlegroup. The eighteen combat divisions in that battlegroup have a special name. Tatiana’s Children of the Stars.”

Miller was snarling by the time he was done filling Harris in on his monumental screwup. “Do you have any fracking IDEA of just how much of a SHITSTORM you would have brought down on our heads?”


“I wish that this were ALL a fracking joke, Lord Vanderbilt. The sad part is I am not done with my report.” Miller answered honestly. “If my spies are even halfway correct. The Hand of the Empire is even now somewhere on Apollo looking for answers. Not just for what happened with the attempted kidnapping of Robert Wolff, but also into the deaths of Thomas and Kristine Wolff.”

“Are we clear of any connection to what happened nine years ago?” Grayson asked with real worry. He didn’t need his dealings with the Gorgonzola Empire coming back to bight him in the ass. “If not I want any lose ends tied up before tomorrow morning. Understood, Miller? And Harris keep your god damned freelancers out the fracking way. If I get one report of your subcontractors sticking their noses in where they don’t belong. You’ll be the one needing a damned undertaker. Understand?”

“Yes sir. Though I still believe it would be best to let an outside contractor handle any lose ends that might crop up from nine years ago.” Harris commented only to get a death glare from Grayson. “Sir please understand that the logical thing would be to use our people to investigate. Then have a contractor handle the actual problem.”

“You know something Harris. You really are as fracking dumb as you look.” Miller snarled. “Any flatfoot beat cop could put two and two together and come up with the planetary budget if we did that. If the Hand of the Empire finds out what do you think would happen? I’ll save you the trouble of overworking that pea sized brain of yours. A public execution if we’re lucky. Most likely a blade between the ribs in our sleep.”

“Miller you said something about a Carrier Task Force destroying the incoming Gorgonzola Fleet. How large of a Task Force are we talking here?” Grayson asked as his aid pulled his head out of his ass.

“A standard Carrier Task Force would consist of around forty-seven ships of the line, sir. The problem here is this is a Death Dealer Task Force. That means at least ninety-three ships. With another full Task Force of ninety-three ships of the line with a battle platform as backup.” Miller turned to Harris. “That is what is overhead right now, Harris. That also doesn’t count the eighteen ground combat divisions of Death Dealers that go everywhere with those battlegroups. Oh, I almost forgot that doesn’t take in the three full regiments of Royal Space Marines for taking enemy ships.”

“Wait a minute here, Miller. Earlier you said that this was the personal battlegroup of the Dowager Empress.” Grayson started off only to have Miller just nod his head. “What are the chances of her actually being here?”

“My contacts at Camp Rampage have confirmed that Empress Maiha was here on Apollo six, Lord Vanderbilt.” Miller handed over a tablet with a picture of the Empress and her closest advisor. “She wasn’t alone. The Reverend Mother Katsumi is traveling with her.”

“By the Gods! Please tell me that Empress Maiha is not still planet side.” Grayson practically begged. He knew that Death Dealers were hard enough to deal with on their own. When you throw in a member of the Royal family things tend to go sideways, and tits up at the same time.

“That is the only good news I have to report, sir. The Royal Shuttle, Dragon’s Wing took off shortly after the last report from the battle came in.” Miller answered without emotion. “Sir, the last verifiable report we have on the boy has him entering the shuttle in the company of Empress Maiha and Reverend Mother Katsumi. He was not seen leaving the shuttle before takeoff.”

“Then it is a good chance that our problem is no longer on Apollo six.” Harris said happily. “With him gone we can move forward with your plans for taking the planet out of the Empire, sir.”

“By the GODS! How stupid can you be Harris?” Grayson snapped as he came out of his chair. The pistol in his right hand fired twice. Harris was hit once in the head and once in the chest. Harris was dead before he hit the ground. Grayson turned to Miller. “Make sure the body gets found near Reggon Avenue.”

“Yes, sir. Want him posed or just dumped?” Miller said as he typed out a message on his tablet. “I would suggest posing.”

“Why?” Grayson asked as he returned his pistol to his shoulder holster.

“If he’s posed the local Coppers well chalk his death up to sex act gone wrong. A hooker rolling his John for his wallet.” Miller explained as he thought about the area known for its massive male or transvestite prostitute presence. Only Steegukruc Park had a larger presence of prostitutes most of whom were women. “It gives us plausible deniability.”

“Make sure that his ass is well plugged.” Grayson ordered. “We can put the blame on that worthless shit boyfriend of his.”

“Do you want the boyfriend arrested?” Miller asked.

“No. Let the sicko ‘escape’ into the gutter.” Grayson chuckled. “Harris will become nothing more than another statistic in the books.”

The two men chuckled at Grayson’s off colored joke concerning the crime rate of Goulcrest’s seedier neighborhoods. They both knew that without a viable suspect the murder of Daniel Harris would go cold by the end of the day. Both knew that Harris’ boyfriend’s body would never be found. Not after Miller’s cleaner crew got done with him.

Battle Platform Ryuk, Liberty Station, Omega System
Dorsal Observation Doom

Terresa stood stock still as she slowly pulled the string back on her bow. When she had reached full draw, she held the string to the count of three before releasing the arrow. The snap of the bow and the thud of the arrow striking the target were microseconds apart. “Damn. High and to the right.”

“Relax love. You’re getting better.” James said with a chuckle as he stepped up beside her. “I know that ky?d? isn’t your usual sport. It takes time to master the yumi. It took me more than ten years.”

“That’s not the problem Jimmy. I’ve used a long bow or compound to hunt with as a kid growing up. I shouldn’t be having half the problems that I am with the yumi. It’s still a long bow.” Terresa bitched then sighed. “I just don’t get the whole spiritual aspect of the sport.”

“That’s because you’re still seeing your next meal when you release the arrow, Terresa.” The voice was one of refined tranquility. It was also one that demanded attention no matter how softly it spoke. “Ky?d? is an art. Just as you would use a brush to put paint to canvas. You use the yumi to place the arrow on target.”

“Yes ma’am. I am still trying to unlearn my old habits when using a bow.” Terresa said as she turned to face her grandmother-in-law. “Though I do have to ask why am I learning ky?d? in the first place?”

“Consider it part of your training in how to be a better Empress.” Dai Etsu answered with a chuckle. Then relented at the cross-eyed look Terresa gave. “Answer me just one question honestly Terresa. Of all your faults what would you say is your greatest weakness?”

“My short fuse temper.” Terresa grunted. “I think only Mother Maiha has a shorter fuse than my own.”

“How do you think she learn to control that infamous temper?” Dai Etsu asked as she picked up her own yumi. As Dai Etsu stepped up to the firing line she meticulously went through the motions of hassetsu or the ‘eight stages of shooting’. “Like you my dear Maiha has always suffered from her short fuse.”

“You’re tell me.” James quipped. “I think the only time she has any real control over her temper is in her classroom.”

The thud of Dai Etsu’s shaft striking home dead center brought a small clap from James and Terresa. They knew that they were in the presences of a Master of the yumi. Both stood quietly as Dai Etsu drew and fired her second arrow. Again, her shaft struck dead center.

“During her time as the ruling Empress. Maiha tried more than a few methods to control her anger. She tried tai chi, yoga, kendo, flower arranging.” As Dai Etsu named off the methods Maiha had used on her fingers, James chuckled.

“Don’t forget her runs on the local practice ranges. Both in Victory Maiden and in her combat mode.” James put in helpfully. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a Com-Tech.

“Excuse me your Majesties. We have an urgent message from the Highlands system.” The young Ensign said with a bow in greeting.

“What’s happened?” James asked.

“Sire the Gorgonzola Empire has attacked Apollo six. According to reports their fleet consists of thirty-one dropships.” The Ensign answered.

“Have the Lady Saris order the forty-fourth Battlegroup to handle the matter. They should be able to reach Apollo six within the next five days.” James ordered the Ensign as if it was an everyday occurrence.

“Um… Sire. According to reports the Dowager Battlegroup is already in system and is handling the problem.” The Ensign continued with his report.

“Oh shit!” Terresa groaned at hearing the Dowager Battlegroup was in the Highlands system to begin with. It could only mean one thing.

“Where was my mother last reported to be, Ensign?” James snarled.

“Um… according to reports sire.” The Ensign gulped. “Aboard the James Owens.”

“My mother is going to be the death me.” James sighed.

“Not so my dear grandson. You will lived a long and fulfilling life.” Dai Etsu snarled. “That I can assure you.”

“Why do you say that grandmother?” James asked.

“Because when I get my hands on her. I’m going to strangle your mother.”


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