I have shared here both times that I've posted my book 'Enamored' to online stores: first, on Smashwords, then on Kindle.
I've gotten a few sales of it, but both times I've asked for reviews as well, and that's been a lot harder to score so far. In fact, on Kindle -- arguably the higher profile of the two options -- I've gotten precisely two star ratings, and ONE review. One of those two ratings was a two-star with no explanation, knocking my book as a whole down to a 3 1/2 star total.
So, here's what I'm asking:
If you've bought and read 'Enamored,' please review it.
I'm not saying 'gimme five stars.' I'm not saying build a hype train. I'm just asking that people who have read, and enjoyed, the work I put into the book take the time to let others who might see it know.
I try not to whine about feedback, hits, etc. I work hard on a lot of what I write, but I try to write for myself first and foremost. That said, I know I'm not the most popular author here... but if you can take the time to show your support, I would nevertheless very much appreciate it.
Melanie E.
I enjoyed your book
I bought Enamoured and just reviewed it on amazon. I enjoyed your book very much.
Exploring the impossibilities,
Jo Dora Webster on YouTube
*hugs* Thanks hon.
I'll do the same for you next time I get paid :)
Melanie E.
Amazon Reviews
I'm kinda upset at amazon since my review has not shown up yet. I know they have a review process but I guess I'm too impatient
Exploring the impossibilities,
Jo Dora Webster on YouTube
I appreciate it, Jo, but in all honesty,
I'd rather have reviews from people who have actually read the stories in question, and in the way they're presented in the book itself. Romeo and Roomiette, for instance, only received a few minor updates and fixes, sure, but Little by Little has an entire additional part to the story, adding 20 to 25 percent to the whole tale's length.
I appreciate the thought, really. But for me personally, I would urge people to review if they've purchased, or at least read the stories and enjoyed them when they were available here, but not to review if they have not done so: I want success, yes, but reviews without legitimate experience of the product don't feel like an honest way to earn that to me.
Melanie E.
I don't want to spoil the party
but I recall reading recently that 40% of all reviews on Amazon were fake. OTOH, that might be fake news itself.
Sadly we are at the mercy of the Amazon bohemoth/megacorp/Big Brother who can on a whim demote our masterpices to the deepest dungeon they own and let it rot forever.
Just saying
Some reviews don't go up at Amazon because the company suspects a reviewer is a friend of or knows the author. That's been a frequent subject of conversation at these Amazon forums.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant