Two Hundred

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On May 24 I posted my 100th story on BCTS, now here I am six months later posting 200.
I suppose that I owe all the other writers an apology for barfing at your party, but it just has to come out!
People may know that I am even more prolific on Fictionmania, but there it is more ideas than fully formed pieces. Here on BCTS I like to write real short stories, that paint a picture and invite the reader to see my image, and sometimes color it in a little themselves.
Thank you to all my readers, and thank you in particular to all those lovely ladies who regularly comment upon my writings. May you continue.
I only wish that I could contribute my own comments more than I do, but I am too busy writing!
Covid has affected my business and left me with more time in my fantasy world, so a prospective end to the virus may give some hope to those who find me annoying.
But, as if to aggravate those people, I welcome ideas such as that provided by Eric for "Bloomer Girl". Please send them in.
And thank you also, for all the love and support expressed (and information provided) by those in the blogs I read and sometimes contribute to. Unlike other sites I really feel part of a family here.
So love to you all.
I promise that I will take a break soon.



A few months back, someone sent me a PM stating that BC may have been a community at one time. But it no longer is.

I've thought about that comment, maybe more than I should,

When I started writing for BC -- the level of social acceptance for a Transperson in the United States was extremely low. DespiteTrump, trans people are becoming more accepted every day. Can you imagine where we will be in a few years. . .once that hate-spewing fool is out?

I'm not suggesting that life is rosy for everyone. Far from it. And the damage done from the past will be with some of us for a long time to come. BUT!!!!! A lot has changed. Basic plots from two decades ago no longer hold water. Needs for some have become much different.

I believe that BC has morphed with society and has remained vital.

BC is a community. It is NOT the same community it was a few decades ago when everyone was just happy as hell to find someone like them. Now we tend to look beyond their T-ness to who they are as a person, much more than we did. To paraphrase John Wooden, writing TG fiction doesn't build character, it reveals it.

Congratulations on your amazing creativity. You do not write derivative literature. You deserve exceptional marks for consistent quality.

You very much represent the newer version of BC that seemingly rewards the willingness to take a risk. Putting yourself out there as often as you do is risky.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Keep on rockin'

I'll admit it's a little discouraging to see your own story buried within a day. You wonder if anyone saw it, etc. At the same time, it's extremely encouraging to see so much creativity burst forth in a single day/week.

I'm happy posting here. I started on fictionmania, but it was a time where things were getting a little... pervy to put it mildly. Not that I'm a prude. Far from it. But I was getting some really racy comments over there about a very young character. And started to notice that type of attitude becoming a trend.

The lovely lovely Angharad suggested I move over here. I'm glad I did. The control and ease to post stories here is amazing, and the ability to post title images has sparked my second love of art. It's also nice to have more interaction with people. To be completely honest, I've never looked back on FM.

I say keep doing what you do.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

All I can do is second what I've already heard.

crash's picture

You probably know that there are sand dunes in the desert. They form when wind carrying sand blows over and because of pressure and fluid dynamics a few grains get picked up from the windward side of the dune and are carried away. Other grains from elsewhere are dropped on the leeward side of the dune. Over time, say weeks or months or years every grain of sand in that dune has moved within the dune. Some have been blown to other dunes. still others have been picked up and re-deposited into the same dune hundreds or thousands of times. The dune persists. The dune is made of grains of sand but it is never all the same grans of sand. Each grain doing pretty much it's own thing pushed and pulled by the forces around it and for a while the grains are all this dune. Tomorrow some grains may move on. Others will join. The dune abides.

Some times I think that I'm a grain of sand. I'm doing my own thing, blowing along with the wind. On occasion I happen to fall onto a dune and abide there a while. I find that the dune is warm and friendly and welcoming. I feel nothing but gratitude that so many other actual gems choose to abide a while in this dune with me. You are one of the gems.

Thank you for sharing your postings and your stories here. This has been a pretty hard year for some of us. For others it has been even worse. For me your stories have been one of the things I look forward to seeing.

Peace,love, grace.

Your friend

I hear Jeff Bridges may need some cheering up...

erin's picture

We could send him your post. :)

"The dune abides."

Groan. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


laika's picture

I had an image of Jeffrey Lebowski riding a sandworm
with his bowling team while drinking a white Russian
but it seemed too silly to mention...

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

Your remark led me to think of Janeane Garofalo's role in the film classic The Mystery Men: she played The Bowler, "a superhero whose crystal bowling ball contains the skull of her dead father, Carmine the Bowler, who died fighting the Disco Boys."

Certainly there is inspiration all around us.

But leaving that aside, CONGRATULATIONS, Maryanne -- it's wonderful that you're able to transform your time into so many stories of consistent quality. You started off strong, and kept on going.

Looking forward to your next hundred!

- io


Two hundred bits of snack fiction really add up! No wonder it leaves one feeling so full.