Racing Angels -chp 18

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Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 18
Friday evening, Darlington, South Carolina

Thankfully I was able to move my plans around and get everything set for tonight. I kept what Joey told me to myself, and what went down with Jack on the downlow. I don’t need my family wondering what I’m up to when it comes to the basketball and wrestling teams form my old school. Besides, Jack told me that the Knights were handling the problem. Which in my mind was better than the cops getting involved. My biggest concern for the night was my outfit. I didn’t want to outshine Kelly, but I still wanted her to know how much this night mean to me and her. So, I was wearing a dress.

I smiled as I picked up Kelly at her home. I loved it when she dresses up nice. Especially when she wears a dress like tonight. I know that we might look like a pair of girls out on the town looking for a good time. The truth of the matter is I have everything planned out for our evening. It all starts with our first stop. I was even happier now that I have her dad’s permission. I was able to get it while waiting for Kelly to finish getting ready. He just smiled at me before pulling me into a hug welcoming me to their family. Sadly, he did as the second daughter he always wanted. There are times that I really hate my body and life.

Kelly looks over at me when we pull into the valet station for the Garden. One of Darlington’s few five star restaurants. It was the main reason why I was even wearing a dress tonight. The place is a real Black Tie joint. Last year the staff refused to let the top four NASCAR drivers in, because they refused to wear suit jackets. I knew that I won’t get pass the maître d' in my normal wardrobe of breeches and a blouse. I may not like wearing a dress most of the time and do so grudgingly during the week for those pain in the ass sponsor dinners. Tonight, I am wearing one just for Kelly and I really don’t mind. I think that a person should dress-up for something as important as proposing marriage to their loved one.

I thought that Kelly’s eyes were going to pop out of her head when I handed over the keys to my Judge to the parking attendant. In all the years that we’ve dated never once have I ever let someone else park my car. I had to giggle as I escorted my stunned girlfriend through the door of the Garden. This was also something we have never done before. By that I mean have dinner at one of the really upscale restaurants of Darlington.

“Good evening, Ladies. Will your dates be joining you shortly?” The maître d’ asked as we approached the reservation desk.

“No sir.” I told him with a smile. “It’ll just be the two us tonight. The reservation is under McGuire.”

“Ah! Miss McGuire. Weren’t expecting you for another half hour.” The maître d’ gave me a smile. “If you and your lovely companion would care to wait in the bar area, I will call you the moment your table is ready.”

“No thank you sir. I’m afraid that neither of us is of age. I won’t want to get you or your fine establishment in trouble with the law.” I felt that it would be best to be honest with the man. “We’ll just wait out here.”

“Miss McGuire, I can assure you that your waiting in the bar will not be an issue. So long as neither of you sit at the bar itself or try to order from the bar. Just wait at one of the empty tables. We do this all the time for the younger NASCAR drivers when they are in town for a race.” I could tell that the maître d’ really didn’t want us standing around his reservation desk. I looked over at Kelly and she nodded her head.

“Very well, sir. We’ll be waiting for your call.” With that I took Kelly’s arm and led her towards the bar. Once we were out of earshot of the maître d’ I started to giggle. “I’ll bet you a sawbuck that he is going to raise hell with the bus-staff about our table not being ready.”

Kelly joined me in my giggle fit. “I know he is. Did you see the look on his face when you told who you were. I thought he was going to piss his pants.”

“What I thought was funny was the look on his face when he heard my name and put it with the face. Then the way he was doing his best to assure us that there would be no problem with us waiting in the bar area.” I giggled. “I think that there has been what three maybe four NASCAR drivers that were younger than twenty-one in the last ten years.”

“I’m not sure anymore. I know that there have been more than a few. With Chase Elliott, Erik Jones, Ryan Blaney, just being the newest names on that list. I think there’s a new driver every year now. Someone just like you.” I thought about Kelly’s words as we made small talk waiting for the maître d’ to come tell us our table is ready.

When the time came maître d’ showed us to a table but not the one I reserved. I had want one that was in a quiet out of the way corner of the restaurant. Instead the table we were shown to was in the middle of the floor. Damn it. This was not going the way that I wanted. I want quiet and romantic, not out in the open for all to see. I needed to correct this now.

“Um… not to be a pain sir, but I requested a table that was a little more secluded. Is there one like that available?”

It took the man a few seconds to realize what I was getting at, but when he did, he just smiled. With flourish and a bow from the waste the maître d’ pointed off to his right. “I see. Right this way madam.”

He took us over to a small two person table that was over by the side windows. In the center of the table was a small red Victorian glass candle holder with a two-by-two white candle inside. The only thing that was missing was the roses that I had ordered. After I had seated Kelly and was taking my own the maître d’ returned. In his hands was a glass vase with the dozen roses that I had ordered to be delivered here. He moved the candleholder closer to one side of the table and placed the flowers.

“These arrived earlier Miss McGuire. The table staff forgot to put them out for your table sitting. David will be your server and will be here momentarily with your menus. Please enjoy your evening.” With that the maître d’ vanished for the rest of the night.

“Bobbie, what are you up to?” Kelly asked with more than a little suspicion.

“Nothing.” I put on my best innocent little girl act that I could. Which had the desired effect. It set Kelly to giggling. Once she calmed down, I smiled. “Trust me Kelly. Tonight, is a special night for both of us. Just go with the flow for now, please?”

“Okay fine. What eve? I’ll let you have your fun. But whatever your reason for all this it had better be good.” Kelly warned.

“It will be love, it will be.” I reached inside my purse and caressed the velvet box with her ring inside. I had spent just over fifteen-hundred dollars of my winning bonus on that engagement ring. I hoped like hell she’ll like it. “I’ve got something every important for both of us tonight. Something that’ll make both you and me extremely happy. I hope.”

Our waiter David had arrived by now with our menus. “Like I said whatever. Can we go ahead and order?” Kelly almost growled.

“Can I get you ladies something to drink while you make up your minds?”

“Two iced teas, sweet, please?” I asked quickly. “Just bring back a pitcher with those teas, sir.”

“Be just a few minutes, Miss McGuire.” David gave me a smile and hurried off to fill our drink order. I was more than a little surprised that our waiter even knew who I was, then again, the reservation was under my name. It didn’t take him long to return with our drinks. “I must say Miss McGuire it’s a real pleasure to have you dinning with us. I watched your last race. When you and your sister are racing the bartenders have the race playing on the big screens over in the bar. The whole staff have kind of become Formula One fans sense your debut in Australia.”

“Um… thanks.” I could only blush at the young man’s enthusiasm. Wanting to change the topic I looked over at Kelly. “Kelly you ready to order?”

“Sure, Bobbie.” She smiled as she recognized my embarrassment. I was still having problems dealing with the whole bit about having fans. “I’ll have the pacific salmon fish steak covered in sautéed mushrooms and onions with vegetable medley. Oh, and if you have any left an order of the deep fried beer batter stuffed mushroom caps.”

“Of course, Miss. I’m sorry to say that we ran out of the mushrooms earlier this evening. May I suggest an alternative?” Kelly nodded her head. “The fried mozzarella sticks are one of our signature appetizers.”

“Thank you those’ll do, David.” Kelly handed David her menu. “What’ll you be having Bobbie? Your usual carnivore meal?”

“Nope. I’ve still got far too many races to go. I got to watch what I’m eating for the next few months. Coach Hall has been riding my ass lately for putting on just a few extra pounds.” Bobbie patted Kelly’s hand then turned to David. “David, I’ll have the swordfish steak. Lightly grilled covered in a Hollandaise sauce. For my two sides the sweet corn in garlic sauce and green beans with bacon.” I hand him my menu with a smile.

After he put his pen David gave us both a smile. “Excellent choices. I’ll get these orders right in, Ladies. We have a light crowed this evening. So, your orders should be out shortly.”

I smiled as David walked away with our orders and menus. Kelly looked over at me. I could tell that she was still trying to figure out what I was up to. Not that I was going to tell her anything until I was ready. For the next twenty minutes we made small talk. We discussed everything under the sun. We talked about the places we have already seen and would soon see. We talked the tracks that I would race across. The different teams, their weaknesses and strengths. How I could beat them on the different tracks.

We stopped our talk when David returned with a large serving plater that held our meals. I smiled as Kelly dug into her meal with gusto. I could tell that she was enjoying her pacific salmon covered in sautéed mushrooms and onions. Not that I blame her. My swordfish was pretty damned good. I will give the Garden this much. Their fresh seafood menu was some of the best. The truth was ninety percent of their seafood came straight off the docks that morning. When the Garden say ‘catch of the day’ they mean it was swimming in the ocean that very morning.

David returned to take away our empty dinner plates and handed out the desert menus. I spotted what I wanted right away but knew that it would blow my diet straight to hell. I just didn’t care. Kelly most have spotted her choice just as fast. “David, we’ll have two of the hot chocolate fudge cake, please?”

“At once, young Lady.” David just wrote her order on our ticket and carried our dirty dishes away. Once we were alone, I gave Kelly a dirty look.

“Kelly, you know that I can’t have sweets right now. Coach Hall will be so far up my ass over that it won’t be funny.”

“Relax, Bobbie.” Kelly giggled. “Besides, with the way you run every day, not to mention all the weight training. You can use the few extra calories.”

I thought about what Kelly said. She was right. With as hard as I trained most days, it was almost impossible for me to put on ANY unwanted extra pounds. Coach Hall pushed us hard but not past our breaking points. I watched as the girls on my team slimmed down and tuned up putting on pure lean muscle. While the guys on my team put on anywhere between ten to fifteen pounds of rock hard bulk muscle. Besides, whatever I didn’t burn off during training I would burn off during the Practice runs, Qualifying, and actual race itself.

David returned with our deserts and we were both smiling from ear to ear. The rich chocolatey goodness drove us both to near orgasmic bliss. The inch thick chocolate brownies sandwiched a layer of vanilla ice-cream topped with a think fudge sauce that was to die for. I didn’t even want to think about the number of calories these monuments to decadence contained. I’ll deal with that shit later during my workout in the morning. For now, I planned on enjoying my desert and the surprise I planned for the real desert.

When David returned to take away our empty desert plates he smiled and asked if there would be anything else. Now was the time to strike. I just had to hold off our departure for a few more minutes. “Thank you, David. Just two cups of hot tea and the check please?”

David smiled. “Of course, Miss McGuire. Be right back.”

Kelly gave me a strange look at ordering the tea but didn’t say anything. I think that she thought I would just ask for the bill and be leaving. I reached into my purse and pulled out the box. I kept the hand with the box below the top of the table. I reached over and took Kelly’s left hand then opened the box with my thumb under the table. I didn’t want her to see the ring until I was ready. My hands were shaking. My palms were sweaty. My breathing was rapped, and my hart was pounding hard enough to rupture my chest. For some reason I was more afraid of asking a four word question than driving a hundred-fifty miles per hour around an F1 track.

Clearing my throat, I licked my lips before looking Kelly in the eyes. “Permission has been ask. Permission has been granted. Promises have been exchanged. I think that I’ve proven myself worthy. Now I only have one last question to ask. Kelly Rose Ringwald will you give me the honor of being my wife? To spend the rest of our days together as one couple?”

I had tuned out the rest of the restaurant. The only person I saw or heard was Kelly. My world view had condensed down to just her shining face. A face that I have studied every chance I had. The dark auburn shoulder length hair that felt in gentle waves around her face. The pale skin with freckles running across her nose spoke to her Irish heritage. I held my breath as her right hand came up to cover her slightly gapping mouth. I watched as the first tears filled her crystal green eyes. I don’t know if she was sad or happy right now. I didn’t know what she was going to say. I raised the box with the ring showing from under the table and her eyes locked on to the ring before raising to meet my own.

Those clear green crystal eyes that held so much of my future. Those eyes held more than just my future. All my hopes and dreams resided there in those eyes. Those clear crystal green Irish eyes. Eyes that have been there after ever operation, every chemo treatment, every time I needed someone to talk with that won’t judge me. Eyes that accepted me for all of my faults along with all of my, strengths. Eyes that never judge me when I pushed my car to and sometimes past its limits. Eyes that gave me hope for a real life after the cancer. I have loved Kelly for as long as I could remember.

“Yes.” That one word answer had me screaming for joy at the top of my lungs. I slipped the ring onto her finger before standing up and pulling her into a rib cracking hug. Kelly just threw her head back laughing as I spun her around. I wish that I had kept a little better attention to my surroundings. More than one smartphone was recording my proposal and Kelly’s reaction. Within hours it would be all-over the Internet. Not that I really cared. I knew that it won’t be long before the newshounds found out about our engagement. As it was, we’ve spent more time than I care to admit to at dodging the Paparazzi over the last few weeks.

David and the maître d’ brought our check over to us along with a bottle of sparkling white grape juice. With great flourish the maître d’ tore up our dinner check. “Ladies it seems that you have been able to surprise our staff with a truly joyous occasion. In honor of this your meals are on the house. Please accept this bottle of alcohol free wine to help celebrate. Complements of the management and staff. We wish the best of luck, Ladies.”

I reached over and opened my wallet pulling out the four one-hundred dollar bills inside for emergency. I hand them over to David with a smile. “Split this among the house staff. Both front of the house and back David. Please?”

“Of course, Miss McGuire. Thank you and Miss Ringwald best of luck.” David smiled as he folded the bills and put them into his apron.

Before I could thank him there was a blinding flash of light from outside the front of the restaurant. One of the valets ran into the restaurant yelling at the top of his lungs. “CALL NINE-ONE-ONE! SOME KIDS JUST THREW A BUNCH OF FIREBOMBS INTO THE PARKING LOT. WE NEED POLICE AND FIRE BOTH!”


The maître d’ ran to the reservation desk and began calling 911. The back of house staff ran outside with portable fire extinguishers. Kelly and I looked at each other and ran for the parking lot. I was praying that I wouldn’t see what I knew that I would. As we exited the building, we weren’t the only ones. There in the parking lot were five cars on fire. Of those five cars one of them was a very distinctive 1969 blueberry black Pontiac GTO J model. It had the misfortune of being the one in the middle. The other four cars were all very high-end luxury cars. Two BMWs, an Audi, and a Rolls-Royce. The bad part was the fire was spreading. I know whose car was the target for this attack. It was sure wasn’t the high-end luxury cars.

I also knew who was behind the attack. And most important of all, why. Kelly saw the look in my eyes. “We don’t know for sure they did this Bobbie.”

“Bullshit! We know it was them, Kelly. Those thugs went after my car. Because they couldn’t beat me in a straight up race.” I snarled and turned to where I heard the sounds of sirens. “They won’t be here in time to save that row of cars. I’ll give you long odds that whatever was used to fill those firebombs will spread like wildfire the second water hits it.”

“Excuse me young lady, but did you just say that you know who and why this fire was set?” I turned to face the man that had just asked me that question. At my questioning look he introduced himself. “Lieutenant Detective Paul Hagan, Darlington PD. Major Crimes division.”

“Yes, sir I did say that. Why should the DPD Major Crimes care? You know who they are already. Hell, the whole damned police department knows who did this.” I was blunt as could be with the man. I knew that the police won’t do a damned thing to the wrestling or basketball teams from my school.

“I don’t know what you believe about the DPD, but in Major Crimes we treat every crime and suspect the same.” The detective growled at me. “NOW, do you or don’t, know who might have done this?”

“The who is simple. It was either the wrestling or basketball team members, maybe even both, from my old high school. Just go park in front of Beauregard Smith High School and you’ll find them. As for the why. I was the one that was the cause behind their teams being disbanded at BSH.” I gave him a sideways look. “They did this out of revenge. I bet that when the arson investigator gets done. He’ll have found that at least three of those firebombs were thrown directly at my car. The Pontiac GTO J model.”

“By the way Detective. Just what were you doing here? If you’re going to question my fiancée then I’m going to question you.” Kelly snapped. “That is if you’re really a Detective. You haven’t shown us any kind of badge.”

I had to give it to Kelly. I was so pissed off over the attack on my car. That I didn’t think to ask for ID. To say that I was surprised by the man pulling out the all to familiar bifold wallet is an understatement. There it was the gold shield of a lieutenant detective. He flipped the shield out of the way to show his credentials. The name, rank, and picture all lined up with the man holding them. I really was dealing with Paul Hagan of Major Crimes. In short, I had to answer his questions. I didn’t need the bad press.

“Thank you, Detective.” Kelly said politely. “Sorry for the attitude. We’ve just gotten a lot of trash from a few of your fellow officers.”

“No need to apologize young lady, I was there when Miss McGuire proposed. I even have it on video. I can see why you would be pissed off right now, and I don’t blame you. As for some of my fellow officers and their attitudes, I can only say report them. I wish there was more that you could do but that is the best solution right for now. Let our IA division handle them.” About that time the Fire Department showed. I watched as the firefighters jumped off the trucks and went to work. It was taking everything I had to remain calm and not go storming off into the night.

Not that I was going anywhere. My car was a flaming wreck right now. “Miss McGuire, you said that this was done as some sort of revenge. Would you care to explain further please? I need to be able to hand, as complete, a report to the assigned case detective. If you can give us a place to start it will help us get a major jump on the case.”

I explained to the detective what I had heard from Joey. I figured that there was no harm in telling the man the truth. When I got to the part about how the former teams blamed me for their misfortune, I could tell that he was pissed. He questioned me about my involvement with the firing of the two Coaches. When I told him that I had no direct involvement he became suspicious. I had to go over how they had brought down the wrath of the school board, all on their own, at the emergency school broad meeting.

“Excuse me Miss McGuire. Are you saying that this is a situation where certain members of your former school are trying to blackmail you and the company that you represent into employing them?”

“That is exactly what she is telling you, detective.” Kelly snapped. “Those thugs tried to force Roberta to allow them to try out for her pit crews. BEFORE she even formed her teams.”

“Excuse me Miss Ringwald. But what does Miss McGuire’s pit crews have to do with this them being disbanded? No offence young lady, but I don’t see the connection. MDRI is a private corporation after all.”

“It’s because I set standards that none of them could meet, sir. Their Coaches tried to use the schoolboard to force my parents into accepting their members as candidates for the pit crews. When their Coaches were fired for their attitudes the two teams came under scrutiny. Scrutiny that none of them could withstand. To the point that the two teams were disbanded.” I figured that the more information I gave Hagan the more ammunition that he would have when it came time to haul the assholes before a judge.

Not that I was going to give him a chance to bring them in. Once I got away from him, I was making a phone call. Slow Jake and the Knights needed to know what happened here tonight. One way or the other whoever did was going down. It would be street justice in its simplest of forms. If he really did have the Knights reaching to the other clubs in the area. Then the thugs that pulled this shit were in for a REALLY bad night.

“Just one more question and I’ll let you ladies go. You said that the Coaches for the two teams were fired at an emergency meeting of the schoolboard. Do either one of you happen to knew what was said at that meeting? Or what the actual actions were of the two Coaches that led to their dismissal?” This was a topic that I so didn’t want to get into. At least not with a cop.

“No sir. Neither of us was at that meeting. I’m sure that there are recordings or minutes, something for the official record though. I mean with all the hoopla that came down after the meeting there has to be more than one person who knows what on.” I figured I needed to throw him off my heels long enough to make my phone call to Slow Jake. “I know who you can call. My parents. They were there along with our company lawyers, Dewy, Cheatem, and Howe. I bet that at least one of our lawyers had their secretary with them taking notes. I know that the next morning when we were selecting my pit crews, they had a secretary there just for that very reason.”

“Thank you, Miss McGuire. You’ve given us a lot of information that we can work on. Do you mind if I listen as you call your parents. I figure that I can smooth things over for you when you contact them.” I wanted to scream. The man must be either a mind reader or I had been talking out loud about my plans to call Slow Jake and the Knights.

I hit the speed dial on my phone for mom. When it went straight to voice mail I hung up and tried dad. Again, I got the voice mail. This was not good. I tried the house phone next and got the answering machine. I was starting to panic. Something was serious fucking wrong. “Fuck. Kelly try your parents. They’re at home tonight.”

While she called home. I tried one last number, Beth’s. This time I got through. “Beth! Have you heard from mom and dad?’ ‘What do you mean they’re with you and Tony?’ ‘Fuck me! You mean to tell me that they nailed you too?’ ‘How come mom and dad aren’t picking up their phones?’ ‘Oh, that makes sense.’ ‘Yah, they firebombed my car and a few others over here at the Garden. Beth, my Judge is totaled.’ ‘You said that mom and dad were with you?’ ‘Yah, I’m going to need a tow. If the police release my car. I think they’re going to use it for evidence.’”

“Excuse me Mis McGuire, but from the sounds of it your sister’s car was attacked as well. Is that true?” I nodded my head yes. “Okay, this is what will most likely happen. The arson investigator will take swabs, pictures, and sketches. Because your car isn’t one of the more valuable ones. He will most likely turn it loose tonight. It may have been the primary target, but the value just isn’t there to make this a major felony on its own. Now the other four cars throw this into the range of racketeering and Major crimes.”

“What do you mean my car doesn’t have the value of the other cars? You got something against Class American Muscle cars Detective?” I snarled. “I’ll have you know that my car is insured for seventy-five grand. Unlike those imports that are at best insurable for fifty.”

“I got nothing against the Classics Miss McGuire. I just know that for the purposes of a Criminal Investigation the other four cars hold a greater impact because of their year, model, and maker.” As much as I wanted to argue the point, he was right. “Besides, if I keep your car under the twenty grand mark, you can pick it up as soon as the fire is out, and the arson investigator completes his onsite investigation.”

I wanted to laugh at hearing this. I would be getting my car back tonight. I went back to my phone call with Beth. “Beth, I’m here with a detective from the Major Crimes Unit. I got a feeling he’ll be wanting to talk with you and Tony. Where are you guys at?’ ‘Billy’s Big Barn. Got it. How many other cars got caught in the crossfire over there?’ ‘Only two? When did they hit you?’ ‘An hour ago. Shit they must have spotted your car before mine.’ ‘Yah, I kind of figured that out myself. It has to be the wrestling and basketball teams. They’re the only ones that we got any real beef with.’ ‘What did mom say, Beth?’ ‘Okay, I’ll call Slow Jakes for the tow. Alright talk to you when we get home.”

I disconnected and put my phone away. I turned to watch as the fire department used the foam instead of water. At first, I was surprised by this until the Fire Captain walked over to us. “Sorry, about using the foam Miss. It’s just that we had another firebombing like this earlier this evening. We learned the hard way to not use water. Whoever is behind these attacks used a mix of diesel oil, soup powder, and KY jelly. In short, a poor man’s napalm.”

“Thank you, sir. I already know about the other firebomb attack. It was over at Billy’s Big Barn. The car belonged to my sister.” I was fighting both my anger and tears over the attack on my car. It was just a possession, but I had put my blood, sweat, and tears into that car. It was my pride and joy. I don’t care what that detective does. I’ll get my own justice.

Hagan had been off to one side talking with someone on his cellphone. He walked up to me as the Fire Captain walked away. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be the one handling the investigations here and over at Billy’s Big Barn, Miss McGuire. The Fire Captain will be the one to release the scene once his arson investigator gets done. I got the criminal side of the investigation. Any idea of where I should start looking for ‘friends.’”

I could hear the air quotes in the man’s voice. I just had to chuckle. “If really you want to find those two packs of thugs? I would start by looking for them over at Captain T’s Fish Fry on Eighteenth. After that just go park out by BS High and wait. They’ll show up sometime around or after midnight with a Pony or full Keg on ice ready to be tapped.”

“Damn. You must really hate those guys to know that much about them. Whatever did they do to get this kind of raise out of you Miss?” I tossed my answer over my shoulder as I walked off.

“They fucked with my car once before.” I pulled my cellphone out of my purse once I was away from him. I dialed Slow Jack’s Garage. The phone was answered on the fourth ring. “Hello is this Slow Jack’s?”

“Who’s calling?” the voice was gruff as it was to the point.

“Jack it is me, Bobbie McGuire. Who do you use for towing?” I was hoping he has his own tow truck.

“I have my own towing service, Miss McGuire. Why are you asking?”

“Just call me Bobbie, Jack. We’re passed the point of formality. Any way the reason I called is not a good one. They hit mine and my sister’s cars tonight, Jack. Full burn jobs on both. My parents are over picking up her car as we speak. I’m over at the Garden. Any chance of you picking up my car?” I was hoping like hell Jack would be the only one to show up with the tow truck.

“Fuck. Did you get a look at who blasted your car, Bobbie?”

“Nope. Didn’t need to anyway. We both know who did it, why, and best of all where to find them later on tonight.” I growled out as I fought to keep control of my rage. I wanted my revenge tonight.

“Don’t worry Bobbie. They stepped over the fucking line this time. You and your gal just sit tight. I’m on my way with my truck. You call you parents and tell them to bring your sister’s car to my shop. Don’t worry someone will be there to meet them. I think you know the young lady I’m talking about. As for taking care of the wrestling and basketball thugs, leave that alone.”

“Not happening Jack. Once I get mobile again, I’m going after those fucks.” I snarled. “THEY were the ones to came after me. I was willing to let all that bullshit go, but they just won’t let it go. They’re the ones that wanted this little fucking feud. They just haven’t figured out yet that I won’t be playing by their mother fucking rules.”

“Don’t get stupid, McGuire!” Jack snapped over the phone. I don’t know what it was but there was something in his angry voice that made me stop my ranting. “Look, kid. You got way too much to lose right now. You just sit back and let the clubs handle this shit.”

“What do you mean clubs Jack? I thought there was only the Knights in town.” I heard the sounds of a truck door closing and a diesel engine firing over. I figure Jack had either still been dressed or he had just gotten home for him to be able to get to his truck that quick. “Just how many clubs are there now? I know that I haven’t been out of the loop that long.”

The sounds of truck gears being shifted could be just barely be heard over Jack’s chuckle. “Bobbie, I hate to tell you this, but you’re so far out of the loop, it’s not even funny. Do you know that none of the local street racers know that you used to race on these streets? With the exception of the Knights, you’re this mythical professional driver that came out of nowhere. You’re what my guys and gals dream of becoming.”

“Damn. I really have been out of the loop if that’s how they see me.” I was too embarrassed to say much more than that.

“No shit Bobbie. It’s because of what you did for my guys that started something I never got into when you stopped by the shop.”

“Hey, Jack can we continue this in your truck after you pick mine up? My dad is calling me on the other line.” It was the truth, dad really was trying to get ahold of me. Not because this discussion was embarrassing me.

“Not a problem Bobbie. I’ll be there in about twenty to thirty minutes. I got the yellows running and I should be able to get clearance for emergency status from the Center. Once I call in for it. See you later.”

The phone went dead, my hand picked up the call from dad. “Hi, dad.”

“Where are you and Kelly right now?” dad demanded.

“We’re standing in the parking lot of the Garden. Before you ask, the answer is yes. They must have hit it with three firebombs, if not more. It’s a total burn job, dad. I already called Slow Jack for the tow.” The anger in my voice must have alerted dad to something. Because he jumped all over my shit.

“Don’t go getting stupid Roberta! We don’t have proof that the old teams did this shit! I don’t care what else happens you let the cops handle this.”

“I already gave my report to the DPD. Dad have you talked with a Lieutenant Detective Hagan from Major Crimes yet? He should be there by now?” I had watched as the detective left while I was on the phone to Jack.

“Beth and Tony are talking to the man as we speak. He told us about the damage to your car. I just wanted to find out if it was as bad as he described. You said that you could get Jack Salon to tow you in?”

“Yeah dad. He’s already on his way here. He also told me to tell you to bring Beth’s car to his place. I got the very distinct feeling that he is the only one in town that will be willing to touch our cars.” I chuckled as I remembered the conversation that I had with Sam yesterday. “Say dad have you talked with Joey lately?”

“What about kiddo?”

“The number of Car Clubs in town.” I figured that I would be as vague as possible on the topic. No need to make dad suspicious.

“Bobbie, if you’re wondering about the number of street racer clubs in town forget about them. That number will bounce around until the day Darlington gets hit by a nuke. Sure, there’s six clubs in town. But THAT’S right now. In six months to a year most of those clubs will be gone. It happens every time someone from Darlington gets a pro ride.”

I got to thinking about what dad was saying. “Look don’t worry about those clubs, kiddo. I remember when the Darlington Knights first formed. You weren’t even born yet. It was all because of Dan Knight. A local racer that made it into the Bush League of NASCAR. He only ran two races before he lost his ride. His main sponsor was a car dealership that got busted for laundering money for the Cartels. More than a couple of drivers lost their rides that year because of that same reason.”

“Damn. Why do I get the feeling that this isn’t common knowledge dad?” I wanted to know because I never heard about it. I mean this type of scandal should have been all over the history sites.

“The French Family along with Bush Beer, and Winston spent a shit ton of money to cover it up. The major networks went along with it too, because there was way too much money at stake in Television contracts. You got to remember Bobbie that during that time auto racing was one of the fastest growing sports in the world. That includes Formula One, NASCAR, and Indy.”

“Wow! I never thought about the money that goes through those contracts.” The more that I thought about it, the more I realized there was just way too much that I didn’t know about the sport I participated in. I wonder if the F1A commission were to get it into their heads, they could run me out of the circuit, and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. The sound of a diesel engine entering the parking lot drew my attention. I looked down at my watch and realized that dad had been talking with me for the last twenty-five minutes. “Dad I got to go. Slow Jake just pulled into the parking lot.”

“Go handle your business, baby girl. We’ll meet you and Kelly over at Jack’s place. Don’t worry Bobbie. We’ll get your cars repaired. I won’t let the insurance goons write them off as nonrecoverable. Totaled but not scrap.”

“Thanks dad. I’ll see as soon as Jack can get the Judge loaded and we can get back to his place. Oh, he said that his daughter Stephany will meet you all at his garage. Keep Joey away from her, dad. She’s too good for him.” I heard my dad start laughing just before he hung up the phone.

I felt Kelly wrap her arms around me. “It’ll all work out, baby. Don’t worry. I know that the between the cops and the Darlington Knights. Those thugs don’t have a chance in hell. I’ll give you dollars to peanuts that by tomorrow morning every member involved in the attack on your car is behind bars. That or wishing they were, because the Knights got to them first.”

I gave my fiancée a sly smile. “I got a twenty that says the Darlington Knights not only find them first, but get them to confess long before they ever see the cops. You game?”

“Nope. Not taking that sucker’s bet.” Kelly hugged me tight as Jack climbed down out of his truck. “I know for a fact that racers take getting their car totaled like this very badly. I figure that if Slow Jack is here. Then out there somewhere in the night is every last member of the Knights. I should say those that are aren’t working. The basketball and wrestling thugs are in for a really fucked up night.”

Jack walked up to me and held out his hand. “Sorry about this Bobbie. We knew that they were gunning for you. But we didn’t see this coming. We should have stopped them last week. Long before this got out of hand.”

“Don’t worry about Jack. Just answer me one question. How many clubs are there now in Darlington? You know what I’m talking about.” I really wanted to know now that my interest has been peaked.

“Currently there eight car clubs in Darlington County.” At my stunned look Jack chuckle. “Yup, you heard right. Eight total clubs. We got the Darlington Knights, Dovesville Rangers, Hartsville Hunters, Pine Cross Ridge runners, the Darlington Ladies in Black our only all-female club, North Hartsville Raiders, Earlwood Bowmen, and the Ross Lee Bombers.” Jack got a thoughtful look on his face. “Yup that’s all of them. The cars clubs cover most of the county now. We got a lot of good kids in the clubs. The really nice thing is, the other clubs have all based their charters on ours.”

“Thanks Jack. I was wondering about something that Sam said earlier today and my dad told just a few minutes ago on the phone.” I looked over at my destroyed car and sighed. “Tell me the truth Jack. Can you bring her back to life or is she going to be good only for parts?”

“Let me get her back to my shop Bobbie. I’ll call you in the morning. But I can tell you this much.” He threw back to me over his shoulder as he walked towards my car. “It’s a good fucking thing that the cops are looking for whoever did this, and they had better find them first. Because if the Knights or any of the other clubs sees what they did to your car. They’ll never reach the fucking courtroom in one piece or without broken bones.” Talk about having fans.


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Sorry for the late posting

wolfjess7's picture

Hello everyone, sorry for the late posting. Our Internet was has been spotty at best for the past few days due to the weather. Between the freezing cold, ice storms, and heavy snowstorms the main lines have been snapping.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Old Man Winter really must

Old Man Winter really must want to ruin your fun...if he keeps it up there will be a warrant out for his arrest from the attorneys general of most of the continental states.

I just hope that you didn't lose anything important when the internet started to get wonky, nothing worse than trying to send a file only to have the connection cut out leading to a cascade of issues!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


As long as you are OK, now on the story

They are so screwed.

IMO, the only way the wrestling and b-ball goons are going to get through the night in one piece is if they run to the cops who are sympathetic to the teams and turn themselves in.

- Leona

Well Done

BarbieLee's picture

This chapter had a lot of personal interest and told us a lot about the people in the background supporting Bobbie and her sister back in their home turf.
Lots of dialog where we are pulled into the story with the actors and actresses. It flowed without any glitches from the very beginning.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

More please.

I was very happy to see this tonight. This was just what I needed. I know you only post once a week if you can, but I'm impatient. I'm already desperate for more.

Jessica Marie

Home town

WillowD's picture

It's nice to find out what's going on again in their home town.

Thank you again Jess for all of your wonderful stories.

"Talk about having fans"

yeah, but they better be careful not to go too far ...


All muscle, no brains.

All muscle, no brains.

The two teams are numerous, but they bit off more than they could chew that night. Serious arson in a coordinated attack, in what could be considered a hate crime even if she wants to keep a lid on it, and doing so to multiple cars that could have killed a lot of people?

They aren't just looking at criminal issues, they are going to be taken to the cleaners by the owners of the ruined cars- them cars ain't cheap and their owners wouldn't be there unless they had a lot of money. Those boys are going to be in court two ways with both counting against them!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

And now the wait begins

GrandiaKnight's picture

There was a hell of bomb to drop (literally!) . I can't wait for the next chapter in two weeks!

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"

Simultaneous Attacks!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Simultaneous bombing, of both sisters cars, at different locations! There is no way that that can be construed as anything but a deliberate attack against them.

Gee, Bobbie and Kelly will certainly have some unusual memories of their engagement day.

I wonder which event will dominate the news.


The Fix

Yep.. I get a bit jumpy if no good reading is available. The bad thing about high intensity fires is that it can change the metal make up of the materials involved in the cars structure. Some metals might become too brittle,. Others too soft.
What with the added stresses imposed upon high performance cars.. A come back is iffy.



I'd say that someone just screwed up.


Not the GTO!!! hope the knight take their time with them

I fell WAY behind in my reading

Wendy Jean's picture

My reading speed has slowed dramatically since my brain hemorrhage, So much so this chapter slide completely off the front page. But I hunted it down and caught up. Well worth the read.

BTW, this can be construed as organized crime, Feds are less lenient in the long run.

How to spoil a beautiful evening

Jamie Lee's picture

Bobbie and Kelly are one of those couples that belong together. And it was turning into a splendid evening until the firebombs.

Bobbie believes the basketball playersand wrestlers are responsible for the bombing of their cars, but don't have proof. And he doesn't need proof because a portable gas sniffer can be used to detect the hydrocarbons of the materials that were used. All that has to be done is corral the AHs and sniff all their cars. Then get search warrants and search their homes. These morons aren't smart enough to cover their tracks so evidence shouldn't be hard to find.

And if these AHs did do this, they can kiss their future off for the next several years. Not only did they burn Beth and Bobbie's cars, but also those other cars at the Garden. The insurance companies of those owners are going for blood to get those who did this, and mommy and daddy better count on emptying their bank accounts as well. Everyone associated with these bombings in any way is up a creek without a boat or paddle.

Others have feelings too.

Sweet and sour

The fact that both Beth's and Bobbie's cars were hit, just under an hour apart, and nowhere else in town, points the finger of suspicion firmly on them being the targets. It's likely they didn't think to clean out or dispose of the buckets they used to make the cocktail before pouring it into the bottles, plus they almost certainly won't have showered and disposed of their clothes. If found first by the police, it'll be an open-shut case even without confessions.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!