From Boy-Wonder to Batgirl-1-Emerging and Departing

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Batgirl 1-Emerging and Departing
By: Kokopo618

Dick Grayson would do anything to be a hero, even if it means becoming a heroine..

Exposition: This is a story set in a version of the DC universe. In this version, Batman (30) has been active for ten years. Dick Grayson (20) has been training with Batman for 2 years, but has not yet been in the field, and the Robin identity does not exist. Also the classic Robin origin took place, the Grayson's were acrobats in the circus, parents died, and Bruce took Dick in. Also there is no Batgirl. Yet.


"Don't you think I'm ready to go out with you," says Dick, as Batman calmly exits the Batmobile. "I've been training for 2 years."

"You're not ready," Batman replies flatly, failing to make eye contact with Dick as he walks towards the bat-computer. Batman isn't exactly the ideal "roommate", but tonight especially he is getting on Dick's nerves. It had been two years since Dick's parents died, two years since he had joined Bruce's crusade as his apprentice in training, two years of training his body and mind to the maximum, and yet Bruce still deemed him unready. Dick considers arguing with Bruce, but he decides it would probably be a waste of time. Instead Dick went back to training. Thanks to his history in the circus as an acrobat, Dick has always been athletic. When he began training under Bruce's regiment, he wanted to retain his abilities as a gymnast, and thus he avoided bulking-up too much and instead went for lean muscle, strong legs, and flexibility. As a naturally slim boy, this came easy to Dick. Bruce on the other hand, due to his decades of training and convenient genetics, was the definition of muscular. Bruce towered over Dick, and out-weighed him by at least a hundred pounds. Perhaps this was why Bruce didn't trust me yet, Dick thought. Dick was still intimidated by Bruce. But not intimidated enough, tonight he was going to go out on his own.

Dick had been considering this for weeks. He is ready to join Batman, ready to fight crime, he is ready to fulfill the vow he made to his parents. Once Bruce left the cave, Dick begins to gather materials for his own excursion. He grabs a ski-mask, black clothing, and his bo staff. He had disabled the tracker in one of the bat bikes, and he was preparing to leave just as he heard a very wise, and very British voice from behind him.

"And just what do you think you're doing Master Dick?" Alfred says walking toward him. "Not thinking of leaving are we?"

"Alfred, you don't understand. I'm ready to go out there."

"I suspect Master Bruce would not be too keen on the idea, but I'd further speculate that you will go out on your own no matter any protest."

"You speculate correctly, so does that mean you won't tell Bruce?"

"I wouldn't need to, Master Bruce wouldn't have to be the world's greatest detective to deduce the new vigilante matching your description is you. That is to say, he's going to find out, sir."

"What do you suggest I do, Alfred? I need to start making a difference, I'm willing to do anything, I'm ready."

"In that case sir, give me a few days, I'll construct something that will circumnavigate this particular quandary. And I will not inform Master Bruce."

"Thank you Alfred you're the best," Dick says finally seeing the path to his mission.

"Yes. Yes, of course. And sir, -I'll need your measurements.
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The next few days are filled with excitement and anticipation. Dick eagerly completes all his training, knowing that he will soon apply all his acquired skills. Dick had also been drawing some mock-ups for his costume that Alfred was assembling. Dick wanted something sleek, and eye-catching, but still tactically expedient. Alfred would not let him see the suit in it's work-in-progress state. This contributed to the mounting anticipation. Finally on a night Batman was otherwise occupied, Alfred called Dick to the workshop. A mannequin is covered by a sheet.

"Is it ready, Alfred?"

"Yes sir, there is no way Master Bruce will be able to deduce your identity. Before the grand reveal, might I bother you with a tale from my youth."

"Sure Alfred, but I want to hit the streets as soon as possible."

"As you know, in my younger years, I traveled with a troupe of actors. I was a classically trained actor, taught in Shakespearean fashion. In Shakespearean times, men would occupy the roles of women, and-"

"Wait Alfred, you're not saying-," Dick says putting the pieces together.

"I see your detective lessons are paying off, the surprise is ruined, I suppose," Alfred says, before pulling the sheet from the mannequin revealing a bat themed black costume obviously designed with a woman's body in mind.

"What the hell is this, Alfred? I can't wear that."

"This is a solution to your problem, Master Dick. You want to begin your career in costumed capers, without the knowledge of Master Bruce, with this deception you will have a chance of concealing your identity."

"I can't wear this, I can't," Dick says, his eyes still transfixed on the suit, it was beautiful. "When I said I wanted it to be eye-catching, I meant adding a bright color or something, not boobs!"

"And now you have both," Alfred says seemingly oblivious to the upsetting nature of the situation.

"I can't wear that."

"Then don't. I have no preference in your choice, I'm simply providing the most efficient course of action if you choose to defy Master Bruce's orders."

Dick couldn't believe he had to make a choice like this. He knew he was so close to fighting to honor his parents, so close to his dream. He was ready. When Dick was younger, he trained to join the family act, he had a natural talent for it, but he was reluctant to perform. He feared the reaction of the audience, he didn't want to wear the bright and embarrassing costume, he didn't want to be laughed at. His mother and his father were not embarrassed, they were proud, and graceful. fearless. And so Dick had to be too. Dick lifted his head, pulled himself from the memory and into the present.

"Fine, but I'm not wearing make-up."


"Do I have to wear make-up?"

"You must inhabit every aspect of your role if it is to be a successful deception," Alfred replied as he lead Dick to a chair.

"But I'll be wearing a mask."

"You're attempting to conceal your identity from Batman. Cutting corners is ill advised."
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As much as Dick wanted to argue, he couldn't think of an response, not that Alfred gave him a lot of time to think the situation through. Before Dick could try to gather his thoughts, Alfred was already instructing him on how to apply make-up. Dick applied, washed off, and reapplied until Alfred was convinced he had the talents of a young girl Dick's age. Thankfully Dick was a fast learner. Before Dick could issue a statement of reluctance, Alfred began testing out different wigs on the young crime-fighter, eventually he settled on a wig, and Dick became a redhead. Dick wondered why there were wigs in the bat cave, he knew Bruce would occasionally don disguises to gain better access to the criminal underworld, such as the Matches Malone identity, but he could picture the big bad Batman dressed as a woman, he could never pull it off. His thoughts were interrupted by his own reflection, he could no longer see himself, he only saw the sultry appearance of a alluring young girl. A girl that he wouldn't mind dating. A girl that was him. Alfred must have noticed Dick captivated over his own appearance, "You look absolutely ravishing, Master Dick," Alfred says and Dick can't help but blush, "Though perhaps we should consider a temporary alias, to help establish your character."

"My character, huh?" Dick says thoughtfully, thinking of this a character would certainly help distance himself from the uncomfortable circumstances, "Yes, my character should have a name... what about Isabella?"

"A beautiful name," Alfred says with what looks like a look of pride, "what kind of person is Isabella?"

Dick took a second to consider this, he looked back at the mirror. "She's.. ummm... she's happy, and capable..." Dick smiled and began brushing his hair," ..and she's a little bubbly, and she's fearless, confident, and sexy." Dick suddenly got embarrassed as he realized what he was saying. Dick's blushing reddened, and his eyes dropped to the floor.

"There is no shame is committing to a role, Miss Isabella," Alfred says.

Dick looked up to Alfred, "Thanks for helping me out Alfred, I can see why Bruce trusts you."

"I hate to quell your warm feelings for me, but you may change your tune after this next step," Alfred says, gesturing to the suit.

"As excited as I am to finally go out into Gotham, I am not so excited to wear this little number," Dick says walking towards the mannequin the wore what would soon become his costume, "I don't think I'll fit in that."

"I assure you the measurements are precise, Master Dick."

"Am I really that curvy," Dick says, turning to check out his own ass.

"There is some additional padding in certain targeted areas, for you protection, of course."

"Of course," Dick repeats, caressing the fabric of the suit with his hand, "Is there any protection from the male youth of Gotham who will be excited to see a shapely girl in a black onesie?"

"I'm sure something is contained in that belt for such circumstances, now stop stalling, and get dressed. I left a specifically designed pair of undergarments that will ensure comfort while in the suit. I'll leave you to it.

Alfred leaves the room, giving Dick some time to fully consider his situation, instead Dick stares at the suit, at his suit. It's awe-inspiring. If this is how he will fight for his parent's memory, then he will do it proud, and it won't hurt to look good doing it. Dick looks to the side table to see his specifically designed undergarments, he picks up what is evidently a pair of panties, specifically a black and yellow G-string, complete with a small bat symbol on the crotch. "that British bastard," Dick says under his breath.
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He briefly considers leaving them on the table and just wear the boxers he was already wearing, but decides to trust in Alfred's wisdom. He takes off his boxers, and slides the panties up his legs, and gently tucks his junk in their proper place, though the panties don't do a superb job at concealing the Grayson jewels. Unable to stall any further Dick approaches the suit, and removes it from the mannequin. After a tight squeeze here and there and some elbow grease, Dick manages to don the costume in all it's glory. It's a little snug, but the padding is not as much of a nuisance as he thought they'd be. The extra weight on his chest it the most noticeable alteration from his normal sense of balance, they'll take a while to get used to. In all the crime-fighting scenarios Dick had concocted in his mind in the last 2 years, none of them included boobs. At least none on his own chest, but if there was one thing Dick learned as an acrobat it was the importance of improvisation and rolling with the punches. Hopefully this ruse will not have to last too long, though so far it is not the trek through hell he thought it'd be. Dick couldn't help, but play around a little in front of the mirror, he checks out his new proportions, he does a few twirls, strikes a few heroic poses, and a few sexy ones, just for fun. "Not bad," Dick said to himself, though the thought of going out in public still was a little mortifying, although..., "not bad at all..."

"I couldn't agree more, sir," Alfred says from behind Dick.

Dick quickly covers his chest instinctually, and then realizing his feminine response he tries to resume a normal at ease pose, but he has forgotten how to relax. Mortified indeed. "Hey Alfred, how long have you been standing there."
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"Long enough to know my suit fits, or your suit rather," Alfred says bringing out a tablet from behind his back, "You're voice could use some help though."

"What's wrong with my voice," Dick replies though he can guess the answer.

"Well nothing at all sir, it's a perfectly fine voice for a young man, though it's a bit out of place given your appearance."

For whatever reason Dick decides to fight this point, "Well I won't be doing much talking, and I can just do a batman voice."

"A fine plan, but that may eventually raise questions, questions to which you have no good answer, that said; the decision is yours," Alfred replies aloofly.

Dick frowns, thinks for a minute, and then in his best approximation of a airy, girl-like voice he says, "how's this."

"A good start, and with practice, angelic," Alfred says looking down tapping.

"Hhhhgggg," Dick grunts as Alfred pushes a button on the tablet.

"There is a built in corset in the suit, to help maintain your female figure, "Did I set the intensity too high."

"--a--little--," Dick says, barely able to push out the words.

"My apologies, sir," Alfred says tapping away at the tablet, "We'll just have to build up to that, I suppose."

The suit loosens around the waist, but still tighter than before, a glance to the mirror confirms that Dick now sports a womanly hourglass figure. What have I gotten myself into, Dick thinks in a moment of clarity, but just a moment. "The suit is fully equipt with all the gadgets you have been familiarizing yourself with in the past handful of months. I'll prepare a Bat-bike for your departure. You are departing, aren't you Master Dick?"

With a final glance at the mirror, "I don't see a Dick Grayson around here," Dick says turning from the mirror to face Alfred, "Batgirl will depart."


This was not the first time Dick had driven the Bat-bike, vehicle operation was a large part of his training, Despite this it was a completely different feeling wearing his suit, cape flapping in the wind, zooming towards Gotham. The euphoria of the situation, almost made Dick forget the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his departure. Though the feint sense of additional weight felt on his chest served as an unwelcome reminder. Once Dick got deep into the city, he stored and deactivated the Bat-bike in one of the many Bat-caches throughout the city.

Dick decided the first thing to do would be to acclimate his acrobatics to his altered sense of balance. The best way to achieve this would also satisfy a bucket list item: Jumping from rooftops. Once atop an appropriate building Dick began the exercise. Dick begins by simply jumping from rooftop to rooftop, alternating between use of the gliding feature of his cape and just a clean jump. Soon he progresses to utilizing simple parkour moves to increase his momentum, and style. This proved difficult to get used to due to his rather generous body augmentations, but with time Dick begins to adjust to his new center of balance. Dick also tests his grapple gun.

Dick takes a swig from his bat-thermos, and dabs the water from his mouth, careful not to smudge his lip stick. He didn't bring any make-up, so he needs to be careful. He makes a note to bring some next time. Yup, he's gonna pack some mascara right next to some batarangs. Dick is pulled from his thoughts by the sound of some sort of commotion coming from the alley to the west side of the building. Dick peers over the side and sees a large man advancing towards an obviously frightened and pleading woman. Without hesitation, Dick glides from his perch, and lands behind the man. "Behind you," the woman cries out in terror.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna fall for that," the man says, chuckling. He raises his hand to reveal the large knife he's holding. Dick quickly throws a batarang to disarm the aggressor. The man cries out in pain and turns, "Who the hell ar-" The man is interrupted by Dick's well placed left hook. The man is out cold. Well that was easy, Dick thinks to himself.

The woman looks to the man, and then to Dick, "Who are you?" she says in amazement.

"I'm Batgirl," Dick says, trying to sound confident in his new feminine voice.

"That was amazing, you knocked him out," The woman says.

"Yeah, it was a little easy, I guess he underestimated me," Dick says considering the possible benefit his new appearance may have.

"A female hero, wow, that's amazing."
"Ah well, you know," Dick says shrugging, "Just born that way. Anyway, gotta go, umm I'll tie him up, you call the cops." Dick can't help but feel a little bad about his deception, but that feeling is greatly overshadowed by the feeling of pride. He fought his first crime, he's an official crime-fighter. Not to mention an inspiration to young women everywhere, so that's nice too. Dick feels pumped up and he wishes to experience that rush again.

"Hey Alfred, are you busy?" Dick says, activating the comm-system contained is his cowl.

"Not at all, how can I be assistance?"

"Can you send me data on ongoing crime, is there anything going on?"

"There appears to be an armed bank robbery on the corner of Morrison and Sale, just a few blocks from your location."

"Thanks Alfred," Dick replies, as he grapples up to a rooftop, preceding to run, jump, and glide in the direction of the bank. A bank robbery, that's classic crime, right there. It will make perfect practice. Dick's travel time is approximately 3 minutes, and 45 second, not bad, but there's room for improvement. Dick lands on the top of an adjacent building, and using a pair of Bat-noculars determines there are two armed robbers. Spotting an accessible ventilation shaft, Dick enters the building, thankfully crawling in a ventilation shaft is a similar experience even with his additional curvaceousness. Dick exits the air vent into a what appears to be a supply closet, he snakes a spy camera under the door and determines the coast is clear. Dick carefully opens the door, exits the closet, and takes a crouched position on the side a counter on the east side of the building, within striking distance of one of the armed robbers. Peaking from the side of the counter, Dick see the other robber is yelling instructions on the other side of the building. Too far.
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Dick notices a figure appearing out of sight of the robber, is that? Dick quickly takes cover behind the counter. What the hell is Batman doing here, shouldn't he be fighting Killer Croc, or something. Isn't bank robbing a little below his pay grade? Dick looks to the supply closet he came from. He considers making a run for it, he's not ready to face Batman, he is not comfortable in his "role" at all, he's not ready for that kind of scrutiny. Dick then glances to the the frightened people laying on their stomachs, if one of them got hurt and he did nothing.. that was not acceptable. Whatever the consequences Dick had to stay. Dick looks back to Batman, who he is now making eye contact with. Dick pauses unsure what to do when Batman hold up three fingers. Dick recognizes this as the beginning of a countdown. Attack on three. Got it. Dick flips unto the counter, propelling himself into the air, and knocking down his robber with a flying side kick. Simultaneously, Batman emerges from concealment, and chokes out the robber from behind. Dick and Bruce disengage attention from their respective unconscious would-be robbers, only for their eyes to meet. Batman point to the roof, and disappears into the shadows. Dick retraces his steps and takes the ventilation shaft back to the roof, and the journey is no more glamorous in the other direction.

Dick drags himself out of the air vent, no so gracefully. He looks around, and is thankful that Batman is not yet here to see his clumsiness. Dick wipes the dust off his new suit. "Efficient work," Batman says, from Dick's periphery.

"Oh, uh, thanks," Dick says turning to the origin of the voice. Of course Dick had seen Bruce in the Batman suit, in the cave, but it was a whole different thing seeing it in the city. He appeared even bigger and imposing. Dick makes sure to use his feminine voice, and speak in a girly manner to hide his identity, "you too."

"Your suit is impressive as well, though it may be a copyright infringement."

Did Batman make a joke? Dick thinks to himself, he usual never is so flippant with him. Realizing he hasn't replied yet, Dick decides to ensure that Bruce doesn't see Dick when he looks at Batgirl, "Every girl's got to have a little black number, doncha think," Dick says doing a feminine twirl. That should do it.

Batman's stoic face break into a tiny grin, "What do you call yourself?"

Dick puts his hand on his hips and proudly declares, "Batgirl."

Batman takes few steps, sticks out his hand, and says, "Batman."

Dick allow his relatively dainty hand to be shaken by his idol, and feels as though he has finally met the Batman.

As quickly as their interaction began, it ends, Batman appears to get an alert, possibly from Alfred, and with that and a goodbye nod, Batman disappears into the night. This leaves Dick on the rooftop, trying to contain his excitement. Not only did he successfully a crime, but he teamed-up with Batman, and seemed to gain his approval, at least passively. And he successfully fooled the worlds greatest detective. All it took was becoming a woman. Dick looks down at his chest and thinks, is this really all it takes to distract the Batman, like two bouncy smoke bombs. Dick sighs and rolls his eyes, "Men."


Dick spends the rest of the night patrolling the streets of Gotham, it's a repetitively quiet night, no Joker toxin, or exploding penguins, just your run-of-the-mill petty theft, and assault. A perfect first night for the city's newest vigilante, aside from the occasionally cat-calling (or bat-calling), and suggestive remarks. Ha, if only those men knew they were drooling over another guy! At the end of the night, Dick is as exhausted as he has ever been, but he's never felt more happy, and free. Despite an adjustment period, he's gotten used to his new distribution of weight, and he's no longer shocked when he catches a reflection of himself. He's even come to terms with the undeniable fact that he makes a smokin' hot girl. He looks like his mother, and now he has learned how to move like her.

Dick rides the Bat-bike out of the city and back to the Bat-cave. Thankfully Bruce has not yet returned, and Alfred greets him, "How was you night out, Master Dick, any notable adventures?"

"It was amazing Alfred," Dick says dismounting from the Bat-bike, "I've never felt more alive and fulfilled, I can't believe I'm waiting so long."

"And the suit?"

"Perfect. Well, not ideal obviously," Dick replies gesturing to his chest, "But it held up very well, and was light, but durable. And I certainly turned a few heads."

"Soon you'll have to beat the boys away, I'm sure," Alfred replies dryly. Dick sticks his tongue out, which may have been a little cuter than he intended, "So no complications, sir?"

"Well, I did run into Bruce, but I think it went well, I played my part. He probably thinks I'm some air head bimbo looking for a thrill."

"Well done sir. You can return the suit to where we keep the others."

"With pleasure," Dick says, though honestly the suit is not as much of a burden as he suspected, it feels good, and he's gotten used to the tightness of it, especially around the waist, "but won't Bruce see it?"

"Unlikely, hide it away in the corner, fortunately Master Bruce keeps a closet like a teenage girl, no offense."

"None taken," Dick said sarcastically as he walked off to disrobe, and retire for the evening. The fit of his suit causes his hips to sway in feminine manner.

"Oh, and Master Dick," Alfred called out, "there's no need to use your female voice here."

This causes Dick to blush deeply, he hadn't even realize he was talking like that. Once in the Bat-closet, Dick takes off his suit, and hides it out of sight. Dick then uses a wet wipe to wipe all the make-up off his face. He takes a look in the mirror, gone is the confident sexy superhero, and in her place plain Dick Grayson. Dick never thought of himself as boring, but compared to Batgirl, he was a snooze. He couldn't wait to get back out there, even if it meant losing a few masculinity points, okay more than a few. Dick goes upstairs, and finds his room in the expansive manor. He's never been so tired, and once in bed he's quickly drifts off, dreaming of bats and boobs.

End of Part 1.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed the illustrations as well, I'm not a great artist, so the quality will vary, but I tried my best. There are 23 full illustrations in this story, and there will be 4-6 parts, I have it all written out, I just need to separate them, and edit individually. All please comment any questions, corrections, or anything. feedback is SUPER appreciated. This community is so great and kind, I am very happy to be a part of it. Again, I hope you enjoy Dick's adventures and his descent into all things feminine. Things only get crazier from here...

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