Racing Angels -chp 5

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Chapter 5
The office of Doctor Sharron Kelly, Psy. D, 1600
I had taken my time getting over to Sharron’s office. I wasn’t in too great of a hurry to see her today. Not with what I had to discuss today. I mean after three years of fighting her on the very IDEA of just dressing as a girl every now and then. How was I just going to go in there and say I wanted to start living as a girl basically full time. I know that I had a copy of my contract with me to help explain my reasons, but I know Sharron. She won’t just sign off on my sudden change of heart by a long shot. I just knew she was going to tear apart my reasons.

As I waited in her outer office area I pulled out my Social Studies text book and started to read. Sharron’s receptionist had told me that she was running a little behind due to an emergency this morning. Lisa didn’t go into detail on the emergency. It was hard to say with Sharron. She dealt with some really hardcore illnesses in children. Everything from cancer to AIDS. She also worked with transgender children and their families. It was the leukemia that had first brought her into my life. And the side effects of the drugs that saved my life that kept her in my life.

I won’t trade the woman for all the New York head shrinkers in the world. Sharron was as down to earth as they came. More than once I had an appointment with her dressed in breeches, or jumpers, a plain white blouse, and English field boots. From what I have been able to get out of her, Sharron owns 30 acres south of town where she raises horses. Her passion is the English Hunt Seat and Dressage. The woman uses her time with her horses to decompress from her patients. I really can’t blame her. Not when she deals with death on so many levels every day. I know that she cares about her patients but most times, just sometimes, she cares too much.

Case in point, me. When she first met me, I was sick as hell and fucking way too tired to fight any more. I was on my second round of heavy chemo, right before mom and dad gave the go ahead for the experimental shit. I can still remember what an asshole I was towards her. And the way she came down on my ass for my attitude. Talk about getting a wakeup call with a cattle prod. Sharron didn’t cut me any slack.

I’ll admit that I didn’t start our relationship off on the right foot. It when something like this. I looked at the woman in the doorway to my bedroom. “okay, seeing as how you’re standing in the doorway to my bedroom and you’re not dressed in scrubs that makes you one of two things. First, is a shrink. Which to be honest with you, I fucking don’t need. I figure that sooner or later the big guy is going to cash in on my chips and call me home. When that happens is up to him so why fight the inevitable. The second option is you’re a hooker. Which I can deal with as I don’t want to die a virgin. Now all that being said let’s get down to brass tacks. If you’re a hooker, I’ll start with a blow job. If you’re a shrink I’ll still take the blow job, then you can get the fuck out.”

Sharron just gave me a quirky smile, then walked over to my bedside. Once she was standing beside my bed she helped me sit up straight. I watched as she lowered my pajama bottoms. I thought that I had just hit the damned lottery. That I was actually going to get my very first, and possibly last, blow job. The next thing I know I’m face down over her lap with my bare ass sticking up in the air. Sharron then proceeded to give me the ass-cutting of a lifetime with her bare hand. After ten painful and tear bringing swats, Sharron sat me back on my bed then stood up saying.

“Now, that I have your attention Robert. You can pull your pants up then we’ll get down to business.” The whole time Sharron never once lost that quirky damned smile.

To say I was shocked would be to say the sun rises in the east. Needless to say, I did as she said and lost the attitude. Of the five shrinks that my oncology doctors had tried to force down my throat Sharron was the only one to have gained my respect. And she did it by treating me like an adult or at the time a petulant child throwing a tantrum.

My thoughts were brought back to the here and now as a mom and son sat down in the chairs across from me. He couldn’t have been more than ten and the tattletale bald head, pale pallor, sunken eyes, told me why they were here. If I had to guess, I would have to say that he was somewhere in his second or third round of chemo and radiation. I give him the best smile that I can knowing exactly what he is going through and how he feels. The boy just glairs at me before saying. “Take a picture. It last longer.”

The boy’s mother was quick to apologize for her son’s rudeness. “I am so sorry for Lee’s snide remarks young lady. Lee Harvey, you apologize this moment young man. I taught you better than that.”

“No need ma’am. I understand how he feels right now. Lee is in what his second or third round of chemo?” They looked over at me with surprise. “I’m in remission. Three years now, almost four. Childhood Leukemia.”

“Wow. I would never have thought someone could beat this stuff. You’ve really been in remission for almost four years now?” I could tell that this meant a lot to Lee. He so badly need something to hope for just then.

“Not only have I been in remission for three years Lee I have even gone on to reach one of my dreams.” I looked around the room. “Can you keep a secret?”

“Sure, I can. Why?” He gave me a sideways look.

“Have you ever watched Formula One racing?” He just nodded his head. I could tell by the look in his eyes that the first time was from a hospital bed. Most likely it was on the same ward that I was with the same nurse. “Let me guess. Nurse Suzie was the one that sat and watched it on ESPN with you. Am I right?” I said just before I started to giggle at the look on his face.

“I told you that I’ve been there and got the t-shirts.” My flippant mark had the desired effect. It got Lee to chuckle. “Now, about that secret. I really need you to promise me not to say a word to anyone.”

“I promise. Not one word to anyone.” I could tell that Lee wouldn’t be able to keep the secret for long. Not that it mattered. The whole word would know by Friday evening.

“You are looking at one of the newest Formula One drivers in the sport.” I watch as his eye narrowed in suspicion. “No lie. Here is a copy of my contract. I brought it in to show Sharron. You know how these shrinks get about their success stories. Well, I want to be up on that wall of theirs.”

I let little Lee read the first page of my contract copy. I watched as his eyes went from narrowed suspicion, to full blown wide surprise. “WOW! You really are a professional racer. Did you ever think that you would do this?”

“Nope. I was so wrapped up in my disease and dying that I wasn’t looking beyond the next day. The next treatment. Whatever came next in trying to save my life. I was a real mean hateful person at the time. You want to know what saved my life?” I asked the ten-year-old little boy in front of me.

“Yes please.” There it was. That need for something to believe in, to hope for, a reason to keep fighting.

“I got pissed off at the world and refused to give up fighting for my dream. And right here is my dream.” I said as held up my contract. “Who’s your head shrinker, little guy?”

“I see Doctor T.E. Lawrence. Why?” Lee said with some trepidation. But I already knew how to make Lee’s day by his answer. Lawrence was the second head shrinker that was brought in to deal with me during my illness and he was the one that I screwed with the most.

“Do you want to have some fun messing with the shrinks?” Lee was nodding his head so hard that I was afraid it would come off. “When you go into his office stop at the door. Take a real deep breath and shout at the top of your lungs. United! Three times before taking your seat.”

“I don’t think you need to be angering the Doctor like that Lee.” His mother gave me a less than approving look. “And you, young lady, shouldn’t be encouraging such behavior.”

“Ma’am, if Lee was seeing any other doctor here for the first time I wouldn’t even dream of suggesting that stunt. Doctor Lawrence was born, raised, and educated in the U.K. and is a real pain in the backside English Gentleman. He thinks that he is better than us poor Colonists. His only weakness is his love of English Premier League Soccer and Liverpool especially.”

“I take it that you’ve seen most of the doctors here young lady?” Lee’s mother asked me with a smile.

I just shrugged my shoulders. “Let’s just say that we’ve all met at one time or another. Right now, I’m seeing doc Sharron.”

“You wouldn’t mind talking about why would you? If it is too personal, I’ll understand.” The mother said quietly.

“I’m still dealing with some side effects from the last treatments of my cancer. The drugs were part of an experimental trial.” I saw no reason to lie to the woman. I just wasn’t going to tell her that the drugs were slowly turning me into a woman. Or that they were still in my system. That’s something parents of sick children need to discuss with doctors. Not a teenage kid with nothing more than a high school education.

“Oh my. I sorry. Are you going to be okay dearie? The drugs haven’t effected your monthly visitor, have they?”

The second she said monthly visitor I knew exactly what she thought about my sexual status. I blushed. “No ma’am. No problems there.” I mumbled.

I was saved further embarrassment by the timely arrival of Doc Lawrence. “Mrs. O’Neil, you and Lee can come back now.” Lawrence looked over at me and frowned. “Doctor Kelly, will be with you shortly, Robby.”

I just waved and snickered because I saw the twinkle of mischief in Lee’s eye as he got up. I just knew that he was going to tweak the good doctor’s nose the moment he stepped into Lawrence’s office. I sat back and waited for the fun to begin. I may have given Lee the idea, but he was going to be the one to have all the fun. Ah, yes. It’s the little pleasures that make life so worth living at times.

“Robby, you can come on back now.” I looked up and saw Sharron standing there giving me that quirky smile of hers. I just returned the smile and got up. I was putting my Social Studies book in my bag when I heard from the direction of Lawrence’s of the sounds of a child’s voice raised in victory calling out United three times. I looked over at Sharron. “I know that you just didn’t send Lee O’Neil in there to tweak T.E.’s nose like that?”

“I cannot tell a lie.” I said with a straight face. “It was all his idea.” Yup. I just threw a ten-year-old under the bus.

“I’m sure it was, Robert.” Sharron scowled before busting out with a mile-wide smile. “You just made that child’s day. You know that?”

“I don’t know about that Sharron. I just know he needed something to left his spirits. And the best way to do that at his age is to tweak the noses of those in charge and think they know it all.” I told her as I pointed towards Lawrence’s office. “And that man needs to have his ego deflated regularly.”

Sharron just shook her head as we walked back to her office. “You know something kiddo. You’re good for my mental health at times.”

“Yah, well, I remember a time when you were the one helping me out. What happened to get you so far behind?” I was one of the few patients that Sharron would talk to about her others.

“Lisa Hill, tried to take her life this morning.” I damned near fell face into the door jam hearing that. Sharron filled me in the rest as she knew that me and Lisa were good friends. “She was informed yesterday that she would need to have her ovaries and uterus removed. Her cancer has returned.”

I sat down heavily in the nearest chair. Lisa and me, had been on the children’s cancer ward at MUSC Children’s Hospital in Charleston. We had become fast friends when we learned the other was from Darlington. She was the first to go into remission. That was over five years ago. I’ve only been in remission for just short of four years. To learn that her cancer had returned was a kick in the head. One that really made me thankful for that piece of paper in my hands just now. It was a dream come true. Not just for me, but for Lisa too. I cannot forget how excited she got just watching the Formula 1 Grand Prix Heineken Du Canada from Montréal. I wasn’t much of a fan of F1 until that day. I mean I grew up in the heart of NASCAR country.

“Is she going to be alright? When can I go visit her?” I was fighting back the tears and anger that threatened to overwhelm me.

“She’s out of danger for now Rob. As for visiting her. I’m afraid that will have to wait for now. She is not in a really good place mentally Rob.”

“Okay. Can you do me a favor?”

“I’ll let you know when you can visit her, Rob. I’ll also let her know that you’re thinking about her. Is that what you were going to ask?” I smiled and nodded. “Not a problem, kiddo. I know you two got close during your time at MUSC Charleston. I’ll even let her know that you kept your promise.”

She pointed down at the contract that I had been holding onto, as if it would fly away if I didn’t. I had to think back to when I first took it out of my backpack. Why hadn’t I returned it to my bag, like I had with my Social Studies book? I knew that Sharron would want to talk about it, but I waited to show it to her. Was I that excited to share my good news, for a change, with Sharron. Even if she was going to rip into me over allowing the clause about presenting a female appearance to get put in there.

“How do you know about that promise?”

“Rob, Lisa is one of my patients just as you are.” She chuckled. “She told me all about the boy on the ward whose family build race cars. She also told me how you promised to earn your Super License and all those others. Just so you can drive a Formula One racer for her.”

“I was just a kid making a silly promise to some girl to keep her happy.” I grumbled. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Yet, for the last two years you have busted your fucking ass to earn all of those licenses. You are cleared to drive in four deferent auto sports. Tell me that promise had nothing to do with that? And do it with a straight face, Rob. If you can do that I’ll drop the subject.”

“It’s eight deferent auto sports, not four.” I mumbled. I decided to not address her comment about the promise.

“I thought as much, you can’t fool me Rob. Everything you did for the last two years was to get those licenses. Just so you can keep your word.” Damn I hate it when Sharron calls me out on my own bullshit. “I remember the day you told me you got your Super License. You were strutting around here like a gamecock in a new henhouse.”

“Oh, bite me, Sharron.” I grumbled in response only to have Sharron bust out laughing. “Glad to see that I can lift your spirits, there doc. Been to any funerals lately or are you saving the good stuff for your tour.”

“That’s better, Rob.” Sharron said as she gave that trade mark smile of hers. “Look kiddo, I know the news about Lisa was hard to take. I also know that I dropped it on you like a bomb. I only did it so that you won’t be caught off guard at the next survivors group when it comes up during the meeting. You are going to be there?”

“It all depends on whether or not Roberta Lee will be welcome.”

“Let’s talk about that, Rob. Because I am not too happy about that clause in your contract. No one should be able to dictate how you present yourself to the world. I know that you want that contract, but it could cause you problems in the long term.” I knew that Sharron wasn’t going to just sign off on the contract without saying something.

“I kind of figured that you would feel that way Sharron. Hell, I’m not too freaking happy about that clause either.” I took a deep breath and sighed. “But I got to face facts. It doesn’t matter what I say people will always see girl first when they look at me. That drug cocktail really screwed things up for me in that department. I don’t know how many times we’ve gone over that in this office alone.”

“Eighteen times to be exact, Rob. As much as you hate what those drugs did to your body’s chemistry, they still saved your life. Do I wish that they hadn’t forced you into a transgender situation? The answer is yes. No child should be forced to decided between living as the opposite sex and dying. Right now, you’re being forced to make a similar choice. Only this time it is to achieve your life long dreams by outsiders.” There it was, Sharron’s beef with my contract and why she wasn’t going to sign off on my plans. “Before you go bitching about me not giving the go ahead you need to explain to me why you want it so much. Do we have an agreement?”

“We have an agreement Sharron. I kind of figured that you would want me to explain why I want to do this so bad. I actually have a list of reasons both for and against in my notebook. I think I got somewhere around twenty reasons for the pro side and double that for the con side. But I can pretty much sum up my feelings for doing this with just one reason.” I stopped there to organize my thoughts before continuing.

“Okay Rob, what’s that reason?” Sharron must have thought that I needed to be prodded to get to the point. She would do that at times if she felt that I was avoiding the real reason for doing something.

“I need to do this because it is the best solution to a totally fucked up situation.” I held up my hand to keep her from interrupting. “For the last two years you have been after me to accept that which is right in front of me. When I first started growing breasts I was pissed off. We both know that. Hell, you were the one that talked me out of suicide damn it. I’ve fought my body’s changes for two years now. What’s that gotten me? I’ll tell you. Nothing but grief, heartburn, and endless headaches. All because people don’t see a boy when they look at me. They see a five-foot-five teenage girl with long raven-black hair who is still in her tomboy stage of life wearing her brother’s clothes. I may not go all-out girly-girl, but people will quit trying to get me to behave more ‘lady like’. Hell, less than twenty minutes ago a woman who I had never meet before called me a ‘young lady’. I don’t even know HOW many times that has happened. I used to keep a record of those times. Then I got smart and threw the book into the trash as all it did was piss me off. I won’t even go into the number of times some salesclerk has told that the junior miss section was on the other side of the aisle in Wally-world or some other big box clothing store. And that isn’t the bad part anymore.”

“What’s the bad part, Rob?” Sharron could tell that something was really eating at me now. Something that has been there for a while.

“It didn’t hit me until yesterday when Kelly took me to actually buy some girl clothes that I found something that really fit. For the past year I’ve been buying clothes that are baggy as hell or two sizes too big, just to have something to wear. All because nothing in the boys’ section really fits me in the hips, shoulders, ass, or chest anymore. I could spend less than one hour in the junior/miss’s section of Wally-world and get enough jeans, blouses, skirts and dresses to out fit me for a month. And everything would fit perfectly. The way it was meant to, not hang off me like a fucking tent. We spent less than twenty minutes yesterday morning shopping coming out with panties, bra, hose, shoes, and a long-sleeved dress. A total outfit that fit made me not only look like a girl, but damn a good looking one.”

The more talked the more Sharron’s brow furrowed in thought and worry. She must have sensed my distress over the revelation at looking so good as a girl. “I take it that you were caught off guard by how good looking of a girl you turned out to be, Rob.”

“You can say that again, Sharron. I know that I’m no paragon of masculinity. But I shouldn’t look like I just stepped off the runway in Milan either.”

“Yet that was what happened wasn’t it? You’re more than just cute or beautiful. You’re what they call an old-world-beauty. With your raven-black hair, light pale skin, and piercing green eyes, with just a touch of makeup. You would be turning heads everywhere you went. And this is what happened yesterday wasn’t it and that’s got you totally turned around.” I just nodded my head yes. I didn’t trust my voice just then. “And you’ve been thinking about how you would look as a girl for a while now. Then yesterday you found out the hard way that you would look good. Too good from your reactions.”

“You could say that, Sharron.” I put out there honestly. Then I sighed. “The crazy part is the way people were treating me. Until, yesterday morning most people, even some of my friends, always acted a little standoffish around me. Then the one time I show up in a dress with just a little makeup, and BOOM. Respect and acceptance out of nowhere. Explain that one to me.”

This time it was Sharron who sighed. “Rob for the past two years I have tried to avoid confronting you with this. I know how much your appearance upsets you. Like most teenagers you want to be accepted by those around you. While most of your friends and peers see you as a cancer survivor, they still see what that battle did to you. For most of them, this is scary as hell. Then you go out of your way to hide behind oversized clothing it makes you look a lot worse off than you really are. Then out of the blue, like a bolt of lightning, you set out dressed in clothes that actually fit your body. The result is they see a healthy, extremely fit, young woman, who just happens to be very beautiful, not a cancer survivor.”

“Are you saying that just because I went and put on clothes that actually fit me. They quit seeing some kind of walking dead man. Is that what you’re getting at? Is that why you haven’t been pushing for me to dress more in line with how my body looks?” I demanded of Sharron.

“In a word. Yes. I never wanted to force the issue because I figured that you would have seen the truth eventually. You have never been one to wallow in self pity or doubt, Robert. No matter how sick you got you always had the attitude of bring it on world or fuck off. That’s why I haven’t tried to force the issue with you. You’re too much of a fighter.”

I just chuckled at that last bit as I remembered our first meeting. “That wasn’t what you said the first time we crossed paths. If I remember right, you gave me my first real ass-cutting in several months.”

Sharron smiled then chuckled at the memory. “I also remember you saying something about hookers, shrinks, blowjobs, then getting the fuck out of your room. Like I said, you’re a real fighter.”

“You know, I never apologized for that crack.” Then I just smirked. “You know, I never got that blowjob either.”

Sharron busted out laughing. Once she regained her professional composure she gave a sideways smile. “Get a little older and we might talk about it.”

“Tease.” I chuckled then turn serious. “Sharron, I know that I’m doing the right thing for me when it comes to this contract. Does it piss me off that people only see a girl when they look me? Yes. Can I do anything about it? Not really. Sure, I can go the whole male HRT route, but I already know the dangers that entails. Only instead of people seeing me as redressing my situation and correcting what the chemo drugs did to me. They’ll only see a female to male transsexual. As far as professional race teams to go. None of them will even look at me if I try to pass myself off as a guy. Not looking the way that I do. But, if I just go with the flow and let them see a girl then I have the racing industry by the balls.”

Sharron reached over to me. “Let me see the clause, Rob.” She must have gone over that clause in my contract six or seven times before handing back my copy with a sad smile. “Normally I would demand that clause be removed under medical necessity. Only this is one time that I know I’ll get overruled by my patient. For some stupid reason I can see her going behind my back and doing it anyway. Just do me one favor Robbie.”

“For you Sharron, anything.” I answered honestly.

“If at any time you feel like you’re being overwhelmed you call me. I mean that any time. Day or night, it doesn’t matter, kiddo. You call me. No matter where you’re at in the world. Got that?”

“Sure, thing Sharron. Do you want me to call you when I’m out of the country for my races?” I figured she would want me to at least keep in contact.

“I’ll give you the toll-free number for my office, Robbie.” Sharron smiled. “I’m not surprised that you figured out the next part on your own.”

“Sharron you have been my shrink for the last four years. You’re not the only one to spot clues in body language.” With a smile I picked up my contract and placed in my backpack. “I’ve learnt more than a few things from you.”

“I guess that you have. Well, time is almost up. Why don’t we set up your next appointment for Saturday instead of Monday?” I thought about what Sharron was offering me. She was giving up what little free time she had to see me.

“Nope. I know that either mom or dad tried to reschedule our appointments for Saturday, Sharron. I will not have them cutting into your free time, so I can spend more time training with the pit crews. Not when I can move their training time to Saturday. They get paid more than you do, so they can make the time sacrifice. If mom or dad call to reschedule my appointments tell them to talk to me first and then to piss off. This is my time for getting out of my head with my doctor. Not theirs.”

“Roberta, there are times when I am forced to remember who I’m dealing with when it comes to you. Alright, I’ll see you next week. Kiddo.”

I stood up hugged her and headed for the door. Just before leaving I felt my smart-ass bone kick-in. “Same Rob time. Same Rob channel.”

Sharron started laughing again as she waved for me to get on out of her office. “Go! Get on out of here you nut. Before I change my mind, and have you committed for cranial rectal inversion.”

“HAY! I do not have my up head up my ass!” I huffed. Then gave her one of her own quirky smiles. “I’m delightfully, yet criminally demented.”

“The last part I’ll give you. You are definitely demented.” Sharron gave me a broad grin. “To prove it all I have to do is point to your chosen profession. I mean really. Who in their right mind takes on the Lady in Black at over two-hundred and thirty-miles per hour? Only someone on the ragged edge of sanity behind the wheel. That’s who.”

“I hope you plan on buying one of my posters for your wall, Sharron. If not, I’ll be sure to send one to you that’s signed.”

“Send one to Lisa instead, Roberta. It’ll do more good with her.” Sharron’s very polite reminder of my friend’s mental state ended our session for the day. I left her office with a far leveler head and steadier emotions. If nothing else, my time with Sharron always put things into perspective for me. The woman always seemed to find the one thing to keep me going.

It was a little after six that evening when I pulled into the drive at home. I was slightly surprised to find only Joey at home. “Yeah, Joey. Where’s Beth, mom, and dad? Shouldn’t they be home by now?”

He looked at up me from the kitchen table and his home. “Do you have any idea of the amount of shit you stirred up over Carson today sis?”

“Hay. What’s that got to do with them not being home?” I was starting to worry. If whatever I did this morning comes back to hurt my family I was going to kill that bitch Carson the minute I saw her. “Where are they?”

“Beth, mom, and dad are all downtown at an emergency meeting with the schoolboard. Dad received a phone call from Mr. Howe at around four. He grabbed mom and hauled ass out of here. He had mom call Beth from the car. They’ve been gone ever since.” Joey looked over at his phone. “Beth has been sending me text messages with updates.”

“What the hell is Carson trying to pull?” I just knew that it was someone working for her.

“Not Carson. Those fuck heads Honeywell and Kline. They’re saying that it is illegal for you to exclude the basketball and wrestling teams. That the restrictions you placed on who can be members of the pit crews are unreasonable and prejudiced towards their athletes. They’re saying that their players deserve a shot to try out for the pit crews based solely on athletic abilities. They keep saying that you formed two NEW scholastic and athletic teams without the proper academic and school system approvals. That you need to have an approved and licensed athletic instructor for the training of the teams.”

“What fucking scholastic teams? What fucking academic approvals? What fucking instructor? Where are those two fucking assholes coming up with this shit?” I was livid. These people were trying to fuck with my business.

“Woah! Calm down sis. Mom and dad have been able to shut down most of their bullshit. They should be able to get the rest of it crushed here shortly. They got Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe there with them.” Joey said trying to calm me down. Only it wasn’t working. I was beyond pissed.

“Let’s go Joey. If those fuck sticks want to pick a fight with me. They just got one.” I threw my bookbag on the table and turned around headed for the front door. I heard Joey scrambling to catch up with me.

I had just reached my car when Beth pulled in and parked behind my GTO. As she got I was ready to tell her to get back in behind the wheel. Only she was smiling, not frowning like she should have been. “Why aren’t you still with mom and dad over at the learning annex?”

“The meeting is over. We won. Honeywell and Kline are on their way to the unemployment line in the morning. That’s the good news.” Beth was practically jumping for joy. Then she dropped the other shoe. “The bad news is mom and dad had to make a few concessions to the board.”

“What fucking concessions?” I demanded.

“Let’s talk in the house, Robbie. You’re actually going to like a few of the concessions. They will even help the teams in the long run.” I could tell that Beth was hiding something.

“What about the other concessions? The ones that I won’t like?”

“Like I said let’s talk in the house.” I let Beth lead us back inside. I went to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Beth put the tea kettle on to boil before sitting down. “Okay Robbie, here’s the deal. Now, hear me out before you go blowing your top and storming out the door. I don’t like a few of the concessions mom and dad made either.”

“Just tell me what those shit headed, blue-hairs, demanded already.”

“The first is we have to allow the kids we signed to the pit crews claim their time working as an educational credit, PE credit, and finally an athletic credit. Next, up is the three classes they have to take. They won’t backdown on the required classes. The same goes for you. You’ll be getting your new schedule in the morning. Every one of you has to take History, Social Studies, and U.S. Government. The next concession we had to make concerns the PE and athletic credits. One of the school’s coaches must be part of the pit crews.” When I heard this last one I almost blow my top. That was until Beth smiled. “Mom and dad, got us Coach Hall. Coach Hall was more than happy to agree to signing a six-year contract with us as an athletic trainer.”

I thought about the concessions that the schoolboard had placed on the teams. Most of them were already in line with the requirements that I had put in place. I mean all of the concessions with the exception of the last one basically went towards the work study program. The last one forced us to employ a teacher as well as a physical trainer for the pit crews. Which was a good thing when I think about it. I mean Coach Hall is one of the best coaches at my high school. She also has the most educational credentials. With fifteen of the races happening during the school term, having a teacher with us would be an advantage, for all of us. And if the school system had to pay for half of her salary so much the better.

“Is the school system willing to come off with half of Coach Hall’s pay while we cover the other half?”

“Are you kidding?” Beth snorted. “Mom and dad are paying her three times what she gets paid by the school system. But yes, she’ll still be getting her teacher’s pay while she works with us. Dad got all kinds of stupid crazy over that. He kept pointing out that if the schoolboard was going to saddle us with an approved athletic trainer. Then they can damned well insure that person gets time towards retirement while they work for us.”

“Okay let me get this straight. The blue-hairs down at the damned schoolboard got wiped into an above their normal frenzy over MRDI hiring forty students as pit crew members. All because none of Beavis and Butt-head’s flying-monkeys were invited to join the party. They basically force our parents to comply with their conditions or what they shut down our pit crews’ enrollment in the work study? Forcing them and me to do what? Drop out and go for GEDs or let the monkey nuts tryout for the pit crews. Well they can go fuck themselves. THIS is MY racing team. NOBODY is going to tell me WHO I let on it.”

“Calm down Robbie. I told you mom and dad shut that shit down. I should say Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe shut it down. I swear those three lawyers pulled out all the stops.” Beth started to giggle. “I wish you could have been there, but we knew where you were. The best part of all this though was when both Honeywell, and Kline got fired. It was priceless.”

“What brought that on?” Joey asked.

“You know how Lady Carter is about manners and proper behavior. Being all Southern Bell stuck up bitch that she is?” Both Joey and I just nodded our heads. Mrs. Annabella Wendell-Carter raised in Charleston South Carolina, married a real Danish Lord while she served in a U.S. Army hospital as a Nurse during Vietnam.

“Well, Coach Kline got all pissed off when Mr. Cheatem pointed out that none of his wrestlers could meet the individual requirements for signing even one of the pit crew contracts. Requirements that would have been set in place by our parents if you hadn’t. Well Coach Kline claimed that you were prejudiced towards his athletes. That you had set unfair and unrealistic standards for the two teams. That only the top three percent of the school’s students could even hope to participate. He and Honeywell were wanting mom and dad to lower the g.p.a. to two-point-oh. And get rid of the no criminal record requirement.” Beth was really starting to giggle now. She was practically having a giggle fit. Not that I blame her. I can just see the look on my parents’ faces over the demands being made by Honeywell and Kline.

“Well, Mr. Cheatem let Kline run his mouth for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Before dropping the legal hammer. He politely informed the schoolboard’s members that while the members of our pit crew are high school teenagers and subject to the rules of the school. MRDI is an Internationally known Racing Design firm. That MRDI is NOT subject to the rules of the schoolboard or the school system. And despite what Coach Kline or Honeywell want we do not have to change anything when it comes to the requirements we set for those we employ.”

I could already see what happened next. “Let me guess. Either Kline or Honeywell threatened to beat the crap out of Mr. Cheatem. They did it right in front of Lady Carter. When she reminded them of their manners one of them told her off or threatened to beat on her if she didn’t butt out. Am I right?”

“You got it in one, baby girl. We both know how well that went over.” Beth was in full blown hysteria laughing fit.

“Like a fart in the confessional during Easter.” Joey chuckled.

“Worse than that baby bro. Lady Carter’s butler got right up in Kline’s face before dropping him like a bad habit. When Honeywell went to get in on the act old man Jacobs cleared the table to put the beat down on him. I would never have thought that sixty-seven-year-old man could move like that. Let alone throw down like that. Anyway, Lady Carter demanded that both Kline and Honeywell be fired on the spot. The board didn’t even hold a vote. Superintendent Rice just stood up and yelled ‘You’re both fired. Clean out your offices and desks.’ I got to see Kline and Honeywell frog marched out of the building by Security. It was priceless. The two biggest sexist pigs have finally been removed from B.S.”

I was stunned to say the least. In one day three of the biggest speed bumps in my drive towards a career have been removed. The best part was all three of them brought themselves down. I had nothing to do with their individual take downs. Well, I should say not directly. It was all their own self-interests that screwed them over in the long run. Thankfully, I wasn’t there at the meeting with the schoolboard. I just know that little fiasco is going to come back to hit me in the ass. Because if the Basketball and Wrestling Coaches were fired someone was going to try and blame me. Most likely the guys on those two teams.

“Oh, and don’t worry about the chuckleheads of the basketball and wrestling teams. They are all being put on probation for grades.” Beth told me with a smile. Like that would ease my mind.

“Why do I have the feeling that somewhere out there right now is a giant crème pie with my face on its targeting radar?”


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I've got an image stuck in my mind.

WillowD's picture

And if any of you have read How Much For Just The Planet? you will know why I have an image of creme pies flying all over the place.

Sometimes is it good to be in

Sometimes is it good to be in another place when the S**t hits the fan. At least no-one can claimed that Robbie started it during the Board meeting. The other requirements of the contract yes, but that was and is business.


Robyn B's picture

You said it first SRGrace...

Robyn B

Sounds like the school

Wendy Jean's picture

is having a badly needed spring cleaning.

B-Ball and Wrastlin'

My5InchFMHeels's picture

These coaches and players seem to be meatheads, thinking they can just push their way to whatever they want. Gearheads I think are a step above them. Really is a shame that some people insist on learning everything the hard way, or giving that appearance.

My Apologies to Rob Reiner for degrading the term Meathead for the Coaches and Players

Thank you

Thank you for reminding me of three of my favorite actors and the characters that they played. It brought back many happy memories of the laughs that I had over their antics. As always I enjoy all your stories and can't wait to see what the next chapter brings. Pedro

Something that should have been done long ago

Jamie Lee's picture

Getting Carson fired along with the two coaches is something that should have been done long before the two pit crews were formed.

How other students were treated by Carson and/or the two coaches and/or the members of either the basketball or wrestling teams should have been investigated as the events occurred. Undercover investigators posing as new students should have been sent into that high to gain evidence concerning the treatment of students.

Kline and Honeywell had no authority to demand that members of either of their teams be allowed to try out for the pit crew. That authority was soley in the hands of Roberta and those involved with her contract. That both those involved with the basketball and wrestling teams were excluded was because of their not only lacking certain requirements, but their overall attitude towards others.

Both men should have been fired because of their unprofessional attitudes and for allowing the plays to act as they did. Their sexist attitude should also have been a reason for their being fired.

Rob is going to be blamed for causing all the wrong doing to be brought out into the open. Those players being put on probation because of their grades will blame her for their not doing the work to keep up their grades. That is going to be thrown back into their faces because Rob wasn't the one who determined they weren't going to do their school work. Or her decision to intimidate other students. Those students brought all of this upon themselves.

Sooo...where's the next exciting chapter?

Others have feelings too.

That was a day and a half...

Given what happened in the school board meeting, it's just as well Robbie was otherwise occupied at the time - she really needs to work on controlling her temper...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!