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Everything Will Be Explained Tomorrow: 3 / 3
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux
When I woke the next morning, I took a shower. I checked my male equipment: the bat and balls were still intact. Of course, I didn’t expect them to fall off or disappear during the night, but it was nice to have physical proof that I was still a man. As a test, I played with myself and quickly grew a respectable erection, so I ticked that checkbox as well.
On the other side of the ledger, my skin and hair felt softer, and I was more aware of the scent of the soap, the shampoo, and the environment in general. None of which proved anything, since it was a purely subjective measure. Also, if my hair was changing, I reasoned, it would change in the follicle. New hair growth would be different, not the whole shaft that had already pushed its way out of my head. And yet, it seemed to have changed.
When I joined the others in the common room, waiting for breakfast, Harvey greeted me with a nod, and observed, “Everybody’s pretty quiet today.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” I agreed. As Harvey had noted, things were quieter. The atmosphere had changed. While we got our breakfast, took our seats, and ate, it was impossible to miss the difference. It wasn’t that anyone was down or depressed or sad. In fact, everyone was happy, smiling, sunny. There were conversations, but they were “indoor voices,” not the exclamations, shouts, and jibes that usually characterize a group of men. The general vibe was gentler, softer. When I tried to describe the difference to myself, two old jobs of mine came to mind: the first was a very male-dominated office, where most of the crew had played college football or some other muscular, competitive sport (like hockey). There was a lot of jostling, sharp elbows, playful punches, and aggressive ribbing.
The second was an all-female office, where I was the odd man out. Although there were occasional outbursts of emotion, for the most part it was a softer, kinder environment — at least on the surface. It took several weeks before I began to understand some of the darker undercurrents — and that understanding only came because one of the women explained them to me.
In any case… it appeared we’d switched from being powered by testosterone to being guided by estrogen — to put it broadly.
In spite of what I could feel and see, I didn’t want to accept it. I’d already decided to keep Rufus’ information to myself — at least for the time being. There was no point in causing a controversy over something I could still manage to not believe.
From then on, every day, crew members came in groups of five or six to conduct one-on-one language lessons. Rufus came with the first group, and he started off by telling me, “You and I have a handicap that we need to work against, and that is the fact that I speak English. During these lessons, and as much as possible outside the lessons, we should only speak Rassena, our language.”
He had a book with him — I’d seen similar language-learning books on Earth, where there are unambiguous pictures accompanied by appropriate foreign words. It was immersion learning; learning the language the way that children do. The script was strange; the letters looked like they’d been printed backward, but rather than start with the alphabet, or even words, the book began with phrases.
The very first day, we were all able to say such things as Do you have any pencils? and Let’s go together! After lunch, we watched a twenty-minute video program in which people acted out various social situations to teach us where and when to use typical phrases, like “excuse me” or “I’m sitting here” or (one that gave me a fit of coughing) “He is my son; she is my daughter.”
After dinner, we were shown a Rassenian movie, which was our first introduction to life on their planet. We unconsciously absorbed words, phrases, and pronunciation while we were distracted by — well, by everything! The clothes, the buildings, the implements, the things they did…
… and we had no way of asking questions except by learning more of their language. Evander and Rufus refused to speak English (except for a quiet word here and there).
We all made surprisingly rapid progress.
From the second week, we had twice-daily writing lessons, as well as lessons in what I guess you could call deportment. Apparently, Rassenian culture is a bit more formal than ours — at least, on the surface.
We also left Earth food behind and shared the same diet as the crew. It wasn’t bad — but it was certainly different. There were unfamiliar tastes, and spices that took some getting used to. Still, it seemed healthy, satisfying, and nutritious.
We were allowed to roam freely in every part of the ship, and were given light duties.
In other words, we were kept busy — and we wanted to be kept busy. Being busy made it easier to remain in denial about our physical and psychological changes.
I’m not sure when exactly we began the transit from male to female. There must have been some initial steps while we were still eating the Faraway herb, but it wasn’t until the day after the recar em bo ceremonials that we began to notice differences. Differences like softer skin and hair, loss of body hair, lighter and higher voices, narrowing waists and widening butts.
Even so, those changes were relatively easy to ignore, if your mind was determined to not accept them. I remember seeing my father, in his last years, growing fatter and fatter, and claiming, as he tried to squeeze in behind the steering wheel, that someone had moved the seat too far forward. In his mind, he was still as slim as he was at 35.
The only mirrors we had access to were in the bathroom, so it was there and in the showers that we checked ourselves. A handful of men continued to shave their faces until the end of the month — though there was no need.
Our changes were never discussed openly. It was only in ones and twos that we spoke to each other, furtively asking whether our faces seemed narrower, and our legs more shapely. I have the feeling that each crew member had some guidance on how to help their “pupil” see and understand what was happening to them.
Still, it wasn’t until the end of the second week, when my genitals began to shrink, that I shared with the others the things that Rufus had told me.
I expected angry responses. I feared there would be emotional collapses. There were neither. Everyone I spoke to accepted my explanation. They nodded, taking what I said less as news and more as confirmation. They seemed prepared to hear it, and my saying it aloud simply turned it into a public matter shared by all. The men seemed already resigned to their fate.
Harvey put it this way, “I’ve been seeing myself turning into a woman for a few weeks. Now that you tell me this… well, honestly, I’m relieved. I thought I was losing my mind.”
As I said, my genitals shrank. Again, my impressions are entirely subjective; I didn’t have a ruler or photographs, but once I noticed my equipment had gotten smaller, the loss accelerated. I seemed to lose 50% of my manhood each day. At one point I asked Rufus for a hand mirror, because I could feel things getting pretty complicated down there. He obliged me by producing one on his next visit, and handed it to me with a huge grin. “I could take a look down there, if you like,” he offered. I blushed so deeply that he waved his hand, dismissing his offer. “It’s fine,” he said. “I’ll just leave you to it.”
By the end of the third week, all the anatomical infrastructure was in place down below, although it was rather flat and didn’t seem ready for use. My breasts, on the other hand, were two good handfuls.
“I think I need to start wearing womens’ clothes,” I informed Rufus.
“Your wish is my command,” he replied (in English), and the next day produced three pairs of underwear, three dresses, and a pair of shoes. I was surprised to see they had two-inch heels.
“This is something we learned from your people!” he informed me with a laugh. “We also have three-inchers, If you feel so inclined. No pun intended.”
“Can’t I wear flats?” I protested.
“Oh, no!” he cried. “If you could see the effect on your ass and legs, you wouldn’t ask such a question!”
“Do the women on your world wear heels?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “Heels are reserved for special women, like yourself.” Then he moved in close to me, put his hand on my ass, and tried to kiss me. I turned my head away, and he didn’t press it, though his hand remained on my butt. I think it was a test. His chest was touching my arm. I could feel his breath caress my neck and shoulder. And his hand was there, warm, waiting to see what I’d do.
By the start of the last week of the transformation, I found that I was all woman. I needed to sit to pee. I needed a bra to keep my breasts from bouncing all over. My hips and butt seemed exaggeratedly large, although Rufus pointed out that my hips were no wider than my shoulders. “And your butt,” he declared in English, with obvious satisfaction, “Your butt is a national treasure.”
The final week solidified all the changes. My labia grew full and plump. My breasts were firm and high. My legs were shapely and slender. My hair was soft and fine.
Rufus came to see me after lunch. “This is the last day of the transformation,” he told me. “I’m supposed to wait until after dinner to see you and give you a gift, but neither of us like to stand on ceremony, so… will you come with me now?”
He took me by the hand and led me through the ship, until we finally arrived at his cabin. “It’s lucky that a ship this size provides each of us with a room of his own,” he said. We entered. He closed the door. He had me sit on his bed, while he took the chair from his desk and sat facing me.
“Here it is,” he said. “Your gift.” He took from his desk a beautiful crystal glass, shaped like a small snifter, and he placed it in my hand. Then he opened a drawer and took out a small stoppered bottle that held about four ounces of a clear liquid. With a smile, he opened the bottle and emptied it into my glass. “Drink up,” he said. “Cheers!”
“What is it?” I asked, suspiciously.
“Yes, what is it? That’s a great question. This is another ritual element. The man gives it to the woman, the woman drinks it. On Earth, you’d call it Love Potion No. 9.” He laughed at that, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“Is it an aphrodisiac?” I asked.
“No,” he replied. “Not at all. It’s a love potion. Supposedly, if you drink that cup, you’ll fall deeply in love with the next person who kisses you.”
“And does it work?”
“The women on my planet say it doesn’t. In fact, among my kind it’s regarded as highly traditional, but kind of corny. On the other hand, I’ve spoken to our exo-biologists, the ones who studied the Faraway. Anecdotal evidence suggests that female homo sapiens are likely to be susceptible. And now that you’re a female homo sapiens, we could generate some anecdotal evidence of our own. What do you say?”
What do I say? To myself, I say that I’ve come this far. I was handpicked from the multitudes on Earth to be turned into a babymaker, and further selected by the handsomest, nicest of my kidnappers. I hadn’t resisted anything they’d done to me so far — not that I had much choice. Still, I had to admit, I hadn’t resisted anything.
Although they never asked my consent before making me part of their adventure, I felt that they’d done right by me. They hadn’t abused me or humiliated or harmed me in any way. Now they needed me to save their species, their planet, their culture and achievements, their entire way of life.
What do I say? I looked Rufus in the eye. I smiled and said, “Bottoms up!” and drank the elixir in a quick series of gulps. I’m glad I was quick — there was something disagreeable in there, something that made me shudder as I handed back the glass.
Rufus’ face was full of concern. He watched me closely as I shook all over. “Woo!” I exclaimed, shaking my head, the way you do when you throw down a shot of whiskey. I straightened up and shouted, “Whoa! Oh my God!”
“Are you okay?” Rufus cautiously inquired.
I looked him in the eye, licked my lips, and told him in a low growl, “Plant one on me, big boy!”
He didn’t need me to ask twice. He stood in a crouch, knocking over the chair in the process, and placed his lips on mine, pressing gently on my shoulders so I reclined on the bed. He kissed me long. He kissed me hot and sloppy. Our mouths and tongues went at it like we were in a taffy-eating contest.
I don’t think I had such an all-absorbing makeout session since I was a teenager. My mind went absolutely blank. All there was in the universe was our kiss, and his hands all over me.
When at last we broke off, we were both gasping for air. He looked into my eyes, and I nodded. I was there for whatever he wanted to give me.
Rufus put one hand under my shoulders and another at the base of my spine, and shifted me up the bed, so my whole body, head to heels, was lying on it. I kicked off my shoes, and together we feverishly fumbled with my clothes until they were undone, open, off me, and lying on the floor.
Then, after his hands roved all over me, stroking me, feeling me, exploring me, exciting me, he yanked his clothes off in a matter of seconds. His erection cantilevered out from his body, bobbing like a long, thick prod.
“Are you ready for this?” he asked, his chest heaving, his muscles twitching.
“I don’t care if I’m ready,” I told him, “I just want it in me!”
In one smooth movement, he set one knee between my knees, then glided his body down so that as he lay on top of me, his cock slid smoothly and decisively inside me. DEEP inside me.
“OH!” I shouted in the loudest voice I ever mustered. My eyes opened wide, and I couldn’t blink for several minutes. He rode me, that’s all I can say: he rode me, pumping his long hardness so deep inside me, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d felt it in my throat.
“I love the way your breasts are jiggling,” he said, and he kissed me softly, then nibbled my earlobe.
Then he whispered, “Let’s try this now: wrap your legs around me. Put your arms around my neck and hang on.” Once I was ready, he got to his feet, his hands cupped under my butt, my arms over his shoulders.
He took a wide stance and started bouncing me up and down, like a pile driver, a sheath for his penis. “GOOD GOD!” I shouted, and actually screamed. I couldn’t help it.
“Can anyone hear us?” I whispered.
“Are you afraid they’ll be jealous?” he quipped.
I won’t describe the blow-by-blow, but I will say it was my first experience of multiple orgasms (and happily, not my last). After my third, I was lying on my stomach, trying to catch my breath.
“Have you cum?” I asked him. “I’m sorry, I was so overwhelmed, I couldn’t tell.”
“No, I haven’t,” he said. “Let’s take care of that now.” With that, he lay on top of me, his hips pressing into my soft derriere. With his hand, he guided his still-rocklike cock back inside me. Then he began thrusting. At first slowly, then faster and faster and faster. I began weeping, I was so overcome with emotion and sexual excitement. Rufus groaned and growled. He lifted my hips and brought me up on all fours and maneuvered me to the edge of the bed, so he could stand as he pounded into me. His hips and thighs bounced off my hindquarters as he drove into me, as if his cock was a battering ram and he were bursting through a door.
At last, I felt him swell inside me, pressing and stretching all my intimate anatomy. I squeezed my eyes shut, gritted my teeth, and tensed every muscle in my body as his cock seemed to swell to twice its size. Then it pulsed, a series of throbbing strokes — maybe a dozen — that gradually slowed and finally stopped. At that, he collapsed on top of me. I felt the weight of him over me. It was glorious.
Then he rolled off, the movement gently sliding his member out of me.
“Wow!” I said. “I’m convinced.”
“You’re convinced, are you?” We both laughed. He kissed me and asked, “You think you might want to do that again some time?”
I trailed my fingertips lightly over his chest and abs for a moment. Then I looked him in the eyes, smiled, and said, ”Recar em bo.”
His eyes popped open in surprise and delight.
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everything explained ....
its just too bad they couldn't have picked trans people for their needs ...
Story wouldn't have much conflict if they used trans people, Dot
With everyone going: "Hurry up and turn me into girl already!"
"No, me first!"
"May I have some more brussel sprouts, Sir?"
In fact when I first woke up on the alien ship I asked the alien Theodore that very question, because by now the rumors of men disappearing all over the world had been circulating for a while, and there were internet blogs that claimed our governments were in cahoots with these aliens who needed our males to bear babies for them, accepting a certain amount of abductions in exchange for advanced alien technology. So most of the 23 of us in our group had a pretty good idea where we were and what would happen to us before the aliens even showed up in our quarters.
Which is not to say I wasn't furious, and I asked Theodore, "Why the hell don't you use trans women to become your females?! They'd be HAPPY to have this happen to them!"
He explained to me that they had tried using the stuff on willing earthmen, only to discover it doesn't work on them. Because somehow the miracle ingredient recognizes them as female. I muttered something like, "Crap..."
Theodore said, "We tried to circumvent this problem by giving them something that rendered them temporarily cisgender, these little purple carrots that contain a psychoactive compound called Evenfartheraway, but they're very hard to come by. And though they did turn willing volunteers into unwilling victims so we could quickly give them the brussel sprouts and turn them into women, the evenfartheraway worked too well. The abductees rioted and slayed the crew, commandeering the ship, which they didn't know how to operate. We found them adrift in space a month later, having reverted to their transgender selves and quite distraught over the missed opportunity to physically become their true selves. So now we just grab red blooded cisgender males like yourselves, because the results are the same either way, since you'll soon be happy to be women and want to fuck like bunnies..."
"Well shit," I sighed, "Well I guess you gotta do what you gotta do for the survival of your race. Let's just get this over with..."
I hope that explains why they don't use transgender people, and I'll explain the rest tomorrow...
Sorry Io, I couldn't resist running with that. Great little story with an explosive climax!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Running with it is quite welcome
It's funny, and reality often seems to have that perverse principle that you can't have something you want unless you can give up wanting it.
And there was a comment in the previous chapter of someone who was willing to become a woman, but not willing to be pregnant. It's also not hard to guess that the transformation wouldn't necessarily make every transformee feel attracted to men.
I suppose a story could be written about a man who is transformed and Just Says No. I'm not sure that I could write a story like that.
The problem, anyway, with making selections like that is (1) the aliens can't ask (can they?) because they'd be showing their cards and (2) there is no criteria they could possibily choose that would result in 100% satisfaction for the participants.
Maybe they could stage a game show, or a (un)reality show in which the winners or the losers (or all the particpants!) end up with roles on another fake TV show, which was in fact the space ship, the brussel sprouts, the recar em bo (with a rose?), and the big climax. People on Earth could watch it. They'd never believe it was real. It would explain where all the missing men were (off shooting the show).
Still, the aliens would be showing their cards -- if the Dumbols have cable.
- io
I loved this and did not suspect the end until, well, almost the end. :)
OK, Paul Loves It...
...but the sexual desires were described as artificially imposed by the herb that changed them into women, and the "love potion" may (or may not) have heightened the effect. Rufus certainly benefits, since he seems to have had a crush on Paul almost from the start, and if his description of the potion as a binding device turns out to be true, Paul will always come home to him even as they both spread their sexual activity around.
(And I can be relieved that Rufus wasn't literally saying Paul would end up looking like a rabbit, even if she breeds like one.)
Rufus said during his explanation last chapter that they were planning to keep the continuing abductions a secret on both worlds. (And, of course, from the Dumbols, who think they've destroyed the Rassenian space fleet.) That would seem difficult when it comes to the Rassenian planet, if previously unknown pregnant women start showing up, and relatively soon have young children in tow. Keeping the situation there under control will certainly be necessary, since there'll be a production bottleneck even if/as egg cells from the new women are harvested and if possible synthesized, to allow more males to stay in the gene pool.
We don't know whether all the other travelers will react as euphorically as Paul did; Paul, after all, got the partner that he was bonding with from the start, while the others seemingly got more random choices. I'm wondering about the "James gang", who arguably wanted more than a pinochle partner when they approached Paul weeks ago.
But what this reminded me of is a sedative given to obstreperous seniors in nursing homes, which (from one victim's description -- the uncle of a newspaper columnist) -- left one feeling "glorious", though senile. The columnist's sister, discovering the medication they'd prescribed and more familiar with its effects, ordered it stopped, leaving the man as cantankerous as always, with a sound mind quite capable of making his own decisions, including moving back to his own apartment as soon as he could physically do so.
The parallel here is that everybody may be happy in such an arrangement: the senior feels "glorious", corrupt or opportunistic conservators gleefully spend the guy's money, and the nursing home will get paid each month for his upkeep, since he's unlikely ever to leave, with the funding coming from whatever's left after the conservators vacuum things up and, after that, from the state. But it's still not right, and there is a victim here (besides the taxpayers) -- unless, I guess, the senior competently and voluntarily decides he'll be more comfortable in Lethe than in constant pain.
Granted, the conservators in that example presumably aren't using the money to save lives and civilization on their planet, and in the story's case that excuses a lot. But I'm having a hard time feeling satisfied with Paul living happily ever after,
It's certainly a good story, and it kept my interest throughout.
Everything wasn't explained
So what does "recar em bo" mean?
It's like klaatu barada nikto
No, but seriously, recar em bo is the response in a betrothal ceremony.
Keep in mind that "betrothal" isn't marriage. It's like engagement.
Obviously, it wouldn't have much legal value, since the Earthmen don't really know what they're saying, but it does mean something, at least as a cultural signifier, to the aliens.
What I hoped those exchanges communicated was that there was some kind of chemistry in the pairs. Harvey, for example, who is a brusque (or even crude) character, feels pretty good about the guy he's paired with, and one of the others blushes furiously after being selected.
We don't see every single request/response here, so we don't need to assume that Paul is the only one who's reticent. We also don't need to assume that everyone is over the moon about their partner.
I tried writing the story without that bit, but it didn't work as well. If you try to imagine the story without it, you might see what I mean.
AND -- you're right. Everything wasn't explained -- which is what the title ironically promised -- but I think you can infer anything that's missing.
- io
Something glossed over
Paul, and presumably her cohorts, received a brain upgrade.
Good eye
Yes, in this story it's easy to miss the fact that the herb's primary function is curing illness and bringing one to their peak condition.
- io
A Postlude or 4th Chapter?
In the story body we were told that the new women would need to be pregnant and would enjoy it. It would be nice to follow them as they go through a few pregnancies, and learn to live on the new planet.
My own thoughts go in other directions
I'm glad you have that idea. If you or someone else wanted to write about those experiences, I'd be interested to see it. For my own part, I don't see the story in it.
I think the Faraway herb provides some interesting premises for other stories, very long before this story starts (the aliens' experiments on Earth) or very long after it (the Dumbols' invasion of Earth).
- io
Perhaps too fearful to write it?
As an amateur, I study "Prehistory" up to perhaps 200,000 BCE. I've got something rising in the oven about that era. My own feeling is that Aliens have been messing about for a very long time, and of course the ancients eventually concocted the idea of worshiping them. My own studies indicate that originally "God" did not wish to be worshipped, and there is enough written to convince me of it. I suspicion that the religions were the machinations of someone hostile to God, and meant to keep humanity in misery.
Just read this in one sitting
The first chapter was in a tab of my browser for a couple of days, so by the time I got to it I didn't have to "wait until tomorrow" between chapters. I agree with another commenter who was reminded of the Twilight Zone. I also appreciated the "everyone in space is basically a human" sensibility - it was fun. And these aliens seemed MUCH smarter than the ones who ran the Zoo in your other Aliens story. I must admit that also object to the lack of consent, but it's just a story and I can't see a way to work the premise and concept without the approach you had them take. So it's just a token objection, really and I enjoyed the story for what it is and it clearly isn't advocating for aliens to force-feminize humans. Does BCS even have alien subscribers? Maybe some of the lurkers.
Why waiting for tomorrow was needed
They wake up in a strange place, a place different from any they knew. Where are they, on a space ship. Only the James try and get away, others don't. Why? Did the James have something, or someone to go back too? Or were they always the rebellious type?
Meals are Earth style until the last, when they are introduced to the aliens normal foods. Why wait? Would their food not be appreciated until the herb did its job?
When the others quietly discover their changes, no one climbed the wall in protest. Why not? And why the easy acceptance? Was it the herb doing its job again?
Did that loo loo juice really wind up Paul to the point she desperately needed Rufus in her, or just from Rufus' suggested effect? Whichever, Paul made her own decision and received it in the end.
This story makes one suppose this or that, measures what was done by ones own beliefs, views, or desires. Were the aliens right in what they were doing to save their species? Does the end justified the means? Would they gain any more by asking instead of taking?
Stories which make the reader think about what occurs in the story are very interesting to read. And if they are written well, they are that much better.
Wonder how many children Paul and Rufus produce?
Others have feelings too.
Don't Like It
>> it specifically affects homo sapiens, and no other species. <<
Almost anything effects all the Great Apes very similarly. Diseases, nutrition, behavior, organ function, etc.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
"Almost everything" is not everything
"Almost everything" is not everything. You've delivered an objection with a loophole.
The great apes are a family, and humans are one of the species in that family. The aliens aren't descended from Earth's great apes at all. They're three distinct groups, a fact that matters in some contexts and not in others.
- io
Ah, the beauty of it!
Being an author, that is. It’s your world, you make the rules, and you get to shape them to support the story. Of course, all the readers get to see what you would do with unlimited power. ;-)
I did not expect this one to be so sweet. Yes, there wasn’t what a good lawyer would call consent. There was what any mortal would recognize as “exigent circumstances.” Lots of moral dilemmas to ponder . . . but the story itself was sweet. Truth be known, there wasn’t no need for the advanced race to treat the captives as anything other the uterus’s with legs, but they didn’t. The wanted mates, not slaves.
I like Laika’s side-story, too. It shows that Murphy remains on the throne of God . . . .
— Emma