Tricks or ????

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This economic collapse is destroying hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The girls guiding BCTS are struggling like everyone else. It seems donations have been in lockstep with the economy. Dwindling to a trickle in other words.
I remember Erin talking about turning tricks to survive.
Now I'm just an old country gal, I've put in a lot of time in the saddle on horse and equipment. I was pretty sure Erin wasn't talking about becoming a magician. Told her if she needed any help I'd be happy to teach her. Think she took it all wrong. Asked me in a snarky voice what did I know about turning tricks?
Besides magician, what other kind of tricks are there? Head and heel roping in tricky. Spinning a lariat and jumping back and forth through the loop is tricky. And if she thinks roping that darn steer running down the side of the highway with cars and trucks whizzing past isn't tricky, she's not as smart as I thought she was.
All good tricks as far as I'm concerned.
I decided to help anyway. Got out my bandana and walked down to I-40. Been reading about all the riots and stealing and looting and such and they are encouraged to keep it up. I'd one upmanship them wannabe robbers, I'd pull off a heist or two on the interstate. Outter get a gold star from the president for such forward thinking. Them people wusn't stopping. Some of them tried to run me over. When I fell back into the grader ditch a guy stopped to see if I wus alright. Pull my six shooter, pointed it at him and demanded his billfold. He was laughing as he handed it over and then turned and strolled back to his car. I hit the jackpot, there were over a dozen credit cards in there. No money but I know Erin can use credit cards. I mailed them to her a couple days ago.
Can't believe my cousin showed up the next day and arrested me? He can't still be mad because I put jelly in his shorts that time our families went fishing? We were both six. I mean everyone laughed when he came out of the lake and changed his swim trunks for his shorts.
Erin, send a couple of those credit cards back. I don't have any money to post bail.
Hugs hon
Life is a gift, treasure it.


Hugs Willow

BarbieLee's picture

Long time no see. Where you been hiding out girl?
On a different note I'm not sure but I think I tracked Elsbeth to one of those companies who supply venture capital. World wide company and I think she worked out of an offices in Scotland and Ireland. She was always flitting about and this job would require that to keep an eye on how the influx of funds was being used with different companies or to check out companies asking for help..
I pray for her safety and she is okay where ever she is.
Hugs hon,
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Where are you getting your News?

Didn't you watch the Republican convention?

The economic collapse is in our rearview mirror -- as is all that virus nonsense.

I was waiting for them to play "We're in the money" . . . but maybe they couldn't get the rights to that song.

Erin is only asking for money because she needs it. The trick she's talking about is pulling a rabbit out of a hat. She's done that with regularity keeping this popstand open.

Readers come here and click on a link and read a story. Sometimes I wonder if they have any idea of all the bells and whistles that make this place so neat for a writer?

BC is truly an amazing place for people like me who have a real need to write. I know how hard it is to find readers in RL. It's amazing that over the last few weeks, my published stories on BC have enjoyed over 33,000 hits.

I know every hit isn't a read, but I'm fairly certain my stories have had over 10,000 reads in the last two months.

That's incredible!

And - over 1,700 times I received a kudos or a comment.

That does something for a girl. You remember before you got so crusty -- and men did things for you? Somehting like that.

Barb - Honey - taking someone's wallet at gunpoint is very bad manners. I know it's sort of a local custom in your area, but you really should update your thinking.

There's a lot more money to be made in shifty politics. Always has been and always will be. You don't even need a gun and people will act like you're someone to be respected. Until they don't. Most of them end up disgraced. It's a high risk / high reward occupation that attracts the worst. Which is why they ALL live in a swamp.

I'd bail you out, but I'm backing Joe and he's going to do away with bail -- so, just sit tight and hope for a blue wave to open your cell door.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Tried working for money didn't work out

BarbieLee's picture

Taking your advice. Told my cousin to put me on the ballot for U.S. Presidenti. Aim high my daddy always told me, them bullets drop pretty fast once they leave the barrel. Got all the guys and gals in the jail to sign a petition for getting me listed running for president. I know I can count on you, and Bru, and Nunan, and...? Just how many votes does it take to get to be president? Someone here said I should run for vice..., um, vice president. They don't need votes they just get appointed. Can I count on all you girls to appoint me?
Hugs Jill, stay away from sick people
Life is a test? Do we pass?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Reality distortion field

Sounds familiar?

It is a common ailment of all fanboys and fangirls who support something no matter what the reality of the situation is just because for some reason, they are so vested in their beliefs that they refuse to believe otherwise

In short, this is the origin of fanaticism and it is a bad sign when such lemm...s, erm, supporters are so blinded by a politician that they think a politician (really a politician?!) can do no wrong, even when it is against their own self interest.

These are the folks who were the target of the Cambridge Analytica scandal where it aided in targeting folks vulnerable to fanboyism and emotionalism that they are vulnerable to such stuff.

If'n y'all need an x-tree rope...

I know I have that braided lariat my great uncle made for me outta bullrushes. Won state champion young adult calf roping with it two years in a row! Practiced on my younger brother out in the back yard till i got good at it. Had to keep my daisy red ryder BB gun handy for those times he would stop and not want to help me anymore, few BB's shot near his feet and he would buck up and run some more though. Damn near went though one of those little milk carton containers full of BBs that weekend!

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Forget the rope

BarbieLee's picture

Come on down to the jail and do a performance. Bring an extra dress. This orange clashes with my skin tone. It's degrading. Tell Ken I'm one of your backup singers. I'll change while you're entertaining and leave when all of you do.
Hugs Nuuan
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Move with the times Barb!

Pointing your six-shooter at someone is not good these days. We really don't want you to end up taking seven in the back!

If you are going to rob someone then stealth is the way to go. There are sweet little do-hickeys that fit in a gals purse that will read your victims credit card data if you are standing next to them. Silent yet very accurate. Perfect for a sweet dame such as yourself. No one would suspect Granny!
These devices can send all that lovely data halfway around the world in the time it takes you to freshen up your lippy. There are traders out there who will happily deposit real money (in exchange for that data) in that Camyan Islands account that we all know that you have for a rainy day. Then you won't drag Erin and the elves into your 'Dick Turpin' act.

As an aside, a 'C' note is on its electronic way to Erin as I type this over breakfast.

PS, you can buy purses/wallets that block these RFID snoopers. I've been using one for several years. Failing that tin-foil does the job. Now where's me tin-foil hat! I don't want Elon Musk to start reading my thoughts.

So many thoughts triggered by that six-shooter girl and accompli

First of all. Physical robberies are soooo yesterday.

Politics can be rewarding but pales compared to banking. Just imaging, skimming all that money without even having to deal with those pesky elections and media.

I have been bemused by the fact that the US needs a vice president. Don't the presidents have enough vices as it is?

Samantha, I have an even better idea how to avoid those reading your card. Only carry cash! You will be perfectly safe. No thief would imagine that.

And finally Barb: Those jail walls are all in your mind. Just reach the right level of awareness and you'll find that they disappear.


Here in Blighty Cash is just not accepted in most shops since CV-19 hit.
Before March, I used cash for almost everything but since? I've spent less than £50.00 cash since march.


Overcome with warm fuzzy feelings

BarbieLee's picture

So much helpful advice from all my girlfriends. I'm so undeserving, no wait truly I don't deserve this. Obviously Erin isn't the only one with a sharp wit and tongue. How can I be so cursed..., I meant blessed.
"GRANNY!" Sam, I thought you learned your lesson, I can be vindictive. All those credit card thefts this spring at the beginning of the Trail Ride in Turkey, Texas? I sent an autonomous letter to Ken Paxton. You will get to know him real well. Texas AG.
Bru, my pet, I'm so terribly sorry but those two thousand dollar boots you loaned me? Adam gave me a Great Pyrenees "puppy" last week. And your boots were on the floor and..., well puppies like to chew on everything. I guess the extra soft leather of the boots was appealing. But I know you will be okay since Lady has nice chew toys now.
Hugs girls and I do love you
Life is a gamble, the more you're willing to bet the bigger the rewards.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Every nation is suddenly short of cash?

BarbieLee's picture

Does anyone besides me see a pattern here? Credit cards are easy to track and "they" can pull all that up and know more about you then you know about yourself. Hope you're wearing clean underwear because they know and they know what color it is too.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Spread the Load

between your cards.
Only buy Gas with one card.
Groceries with another
Other stuff with a third.
If the cards are issued by different banks then it is far harder to track you. Services like PayPal hides the location of the purchase from your bank.
For 'The Man' to get access to all that data if it is spread around is far harder than TV Shows make out.

Hopefully... (yeah right) by the end of the year we'll be able to use cash again.

But for us poor farm girls

BarbieLee's picture

I only have one card and it carries a very small limit on it. Usually the purchase is gas. Ever keep getting rejected at the pump and the forth time it lists to check in at the cashier? Yep, that's me a dozen or more times. Order something online and the data comes back insufficient funds? Lose your purse because you left the window down a couple inches but locked the door and all you had to do was dash in pay for the gas and hustle back? Nightmare of canceling that one credit card, checking account, and getting another driver's license, losing all one's cash. Forget all the other IDs and a lifetime of history carried in that one purse. Of course the police can't get enough detail on the security cameras to make an ID. Why do they even have "security cameras"?
Of course you people who ride in big Get Mobiles and use a dozen or more platinum cards don't have those experiences.
Hugs hon, i'm up for adoption. You gotta have horses and lots of other animals.
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


"up for adoption"? It's worth a consideration.