Absent friends....

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This evening I saw several posts looking for authors or members who have not been seen on here of late, and it reminded me of the post I saw some little time ago asking about Elsbeth, who happens to be one of my favorite authors. She, like many others seems to have dropped out of sight.

This reminded me of a wonderful lady I was fortunate enough to call my friend, Denise Trask, who was also one of my favorite authors who dropped out of sight - only to find out from her brother that she had passed on. She, like so many I have met here seem to burn brightly, but for far too short a time.

I cannot help but think of all the people I have known that died too soon. Friends, family, and especially comrades - all gone in their prime.

Why am I still here when those so much more deserving than me are not? Just what curse do I suffer from that leaves me here to cope with the loss, missing them all the more. Duty demands that I take care of the families of my fallen comrades, and honor requires that I bear my burden stoically - but I miss them all so much. And late at night I cry and wonder why I am the last one. Why Lord? Have I not suffered? Have I not done enough penance for my sins?

Late at night when my demons come to visit, have I not stood before them long enough? Have I not shed enough blood, enough tears? We are old friends, they and I - but I yearn for other company now.

Death is lighter than a feather, but duty is heavier than a mountain. I am tired Lord, and want to rest - and I miss them all, every one.


All too often,

I look at the "In Memoriam" section of the front page and settle in for a good cry at all the great writers and friends who have left us.

I wonder as well, why I am still here, but there must be a reason, so I continue to search for it.

It's an unfortunate fact that we all age, some faster than others and we are left behind wondering and remembering.

I choose to keep the wonderful memories and times of those lost friends and their stories that I re read from time to time. They are not forgotten as long as I, as long as WE remember and honor them.

Someone once said: "Life is such a serious undertaking that none of us are gonna make it out alive." I'm kinda glad of that little quote. I don't want to live forever. It'd be WAY too lonely and sad.

I mourn with you D. but as long as there are new writers, new stories, new friends to make, I'm gonna keep on stroking. I hope you will as well.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Can't pick and chose who stays and who goes

BarbieLee's picture

We had several businesses and a lot of down and dirty rules from those in a position to make our lives complicated. Then there is all the stealing and those who filed bankruptcy after the job was completed. I asked why do all the good ones leave and all the evil or bad ones hang around?
I honestly believe the good ones have nothing left to atone for. The evil and bad ones He may be giving a chance to change before judgement. But then, I'm still here so I must have been a really bad egg if that is the reason.
Hugs D Eden
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

It's purely random

Angharad's picture

people live and die for many reasons, it has nothing to do with gods or karma, more likely lifestyle or genes. So don't feel guilty because the grim reaper took others and not you, just enjoy life and bring some love and fun to others. There is too much religion and not enough kindness in this world.


Too soon gone....

0.25tspgirl's picture

Also seems none to few of us here are not so young as we once were.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Not so young in body

but young in mind and spirit. That's what keeps us going isn't it?
