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Sorry about this everyone. I really tried to get the new chapter of MSPD rewritten for this weekend, but it's just not happening.

Ever since my little nervous breakdown last week I just can't focus and I feel so drained. I've been trying to rewrite the new chapter since Thursday after losing it last week, but I'm only half done a chapter that normally wouldn't even take half a day to write and I don't really care for what I have gotten written. I just stare at the screen and the words won't come, and that's when I'm not dealing with continuing computer issues or our other RL issues that only seem to be getting worse instead of better, dragging on with no end in sight. Maybe it's post breakdown burn-out, or pre-birthday depression, I don't know, but at this rate I might just not get anything done at all this week :(

Sorry and big hugs to you all



Don't try to force your writing

it will only make if worse.
Shut down the computer for at least a day. Do something completely different each day for at least a week. Try and I know that it is hard... not to let your mind dwell on the negatives in your life. Even going out for a walk to a new place can be enough to banish the negatives.
When your muse decides that it has had enough of a holiday, she will return refreshed and ready to go forward.

I'm tired of this year. 2020 will go down in history as a year to forget for most of the world. Annus Horriblis (or something like that).
I should have done lots of writing during lockdown but my muse locked herself down tight and only came to out for brief intervals. Thankfully she's showing signs of coming back to life again.
Look after your mind and body and stay safe.

Thanks Samantha

Amethyst's picture

You're right, the more I tried to work on that chapter the worse it became so some tine off might not be a horrible thing if I can come back to it with new eyes and a working muse. It sucks because usually writing is my way to destress, and I really need less stress right now. Martin keeps telling me that I need to get out and enjoy the sunshine once in a while so that probably couldn't hurt.

This year has sucked. It seemed that everything that could go wrong has. I've managed to get some things finished, but my production hs been way down as well. I hope that both of our muses revive soon and I'll do my best to take care of myself.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Part of that stress is

Part of that stress is probably the computer being unreliable. Just take a break from anything that requires it. Check the site using your phone :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I don't have a phone

Amethyst's picture

I can't afford one, which really sucks. Martin wants to buy one for me with his/her first paycheck, but we're still getting the runaround on when the job training will start, let alone the job itself.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


you're more important than stories. take some time for you.


hugs Dot

Amethyst's picture

Thanks Dot, I'm not really sure what I can do with 'me time' but maybe I can figure something out.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

I learned a long time ago

Andrea Lena's picture

to ALWAYS take kittens seriously. Much love to you, dear heart!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Thanks Drea

Amethyst's picture

I'm a sad and tired kitty right now and I appreciate all the loving I can get. That's the great thing about BCTS, I have so many supportive readers and good friends here. Hopefully I'll shake this off soon.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3