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By Bob Arnold — Copyright 2003 by Robert Arnold — All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction, with a few real life experiences added in. All of the characters in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to anyone else living or dead is probably a coincidence. Please notify me if you are archiving this and the other chapters of the story on a web site. Permission specifically granted to Sapphire’s Place and Crystal’s Story Site to archive this. If you intend to publish this story in magazine or book (paper or electronic) format, please contact me for arrangements. Additional information on this story may be found at: .
Thanks to Lynn Jennings for editing and proofing assistance with this chapter. Any errors left are likely my own in working on the story after Lynn worked on it.
By Bob Arnold — Copyright 2003 by Robert Arnold — All Rights Reserved
January 8, 2003 — Wednesday
This morning, more than almost any other morning in the past few months, I awoke with very little confusion as to who and what I was and, perhaps more specifically, where I was. Maybe that was because I hadn’t slept more than a couple of hours all night long. I spent most of the night tossing and turning while running the possibilities of the deal I had discussed with MouseWorld over and over in my mind.
Several important things had resolved themselves. The first was that I wasn’t doing this for the money. Yes, the money they offered was extremely attractive and I suspected there would be royalties from the album and merchandising to consider as well. Between the settlement from my accident and the profits I made from the radio show and the morning show appearances, I would be secure for the rest of this lifetime. No, I was doing this, if I did it all, for myself. The ideas they put in my mind as far as hosting the live TV show and opening ceremonies, the record album and the TV pilot both scared me and intrigued me. It scared me because I had never done anything quite like that before and intrigued me immensely for exactly the same reason.
I always had a burning need to learn and grow. As a man, and not a very attractive one, my need pushed me toward electronics and computers. I was always taking on a new challenge to drive myself to grow beyond the boundaries that my appearance and health forced on me. Now, as what I’m told is a very attractive woman, I find myself taking on a whole different set of challenges to grow and learn in ways that were never open to me. Yes, I would rise to the challenge set before me not because of the financial aspect but because of the great unknown that it represented. I know it sounds selfish and I feel that way too. For most of my "real" forty-plus years I had been doing everything I could for other people. Was it wrong of me to want to do something for myself? Well, it sure FEELS that way. I guess I'll just have to deal with those feelings as best as I can.
With the main decision out of the way, a thousand and one details remained to be resolved. Things like housing for the time I would spend in Orlando, the play, the radio show, the morning show appearances, and the public appearances I was supposed to do. Those and ten thousand more little problems assaulted me driving any chance of a full night's rest completely away. I finally gave up in frustration and drifted off to a fitful sleep. That was about two hours ago.
The call of nature was a far more effective alarm clock than the one next to my bed. I reached out to disable the alarm before the shrill noise it would make very soon jarred me any more than the over-full feeling that had already roused me. I stumbled to the bathroom and relieved myself. The tub looked quite inviting so I started to fill it. Lacking the bath oils I had packed, I made do with the supplies provided by the hotel. I greatly missed the lilac scent as I eased myself into the warm bubbly water.
The time spent soaking helped me to crystallize my plans for the day: the meeting at the MouseWorld corporate office this morning and the flight back to Syracuse in the afternoon. If nothing intervened, I was certain that I’d be sleeping in my own bed tonight, possibly in the warm inviting arms of Adam if he would have me after the disaster of Sunday night. If that fell through I was going to make certain that he and I spent some time together over the weekend, whatever it took to do it.
The water started to chill and I reluctantly kicked the stopper out letting the water drain away. The huge towel I wrapped around my middle soaked up the last of the droplets of water on my body. Another towel wrapped around my wet hair helped keep it in check until I could blow-dry it. My hair took almost an hour to completely dry and brush out. When I was finished with it though it gleamed like spun gold.
My damaged luggage yielded a set of undies, a red satin blouse and matching skirt that would end a few inches above my knees. The pair of white, four-inch heels I had packed somehow survived the fire and foam disaster intact so I added those to my outfit for the day. I took a few moments to transfer a pair of nice warm jeans and a heavy flannel shirt to my carry-on bag so I could change into them on the plane. I was sure that the warm seventy plus degree temperatures in Orlando would NOT be following me to Syracuse, that city being buried under a thick blanket of lake effect snow that had fallen overnight.
It took just a few minutes to change into the clothes I selected and a few more minutes to "paint" my face using the meager supply from my purse. As I looked in the mirror I was somewhat satisfied at my appearance in view of the things I had to work with after the accident. Not quite as nicely turned out as I could have been, but good enough to turn more than a few heads at the meeting. The blouse and skirt set was one that I had tailored for me and it hugged every curve to perfection. I left the top few buttons open revealing a fair amount of breast and cleavage, nothing too eye popping, but enough so that they understood in no uncertain terms that I was all female and comfortable with it.
The finishing touch was a pair of gold studs in my earlobes. Each one had the MouseWorld corporate logo on the end of the stud that poked out of my earlobe. I spotted them on one of my trips to a rest room and bought a pair as a souvenir. I wanted to see if anyone noticed them.
A knock on the door at quarter of eight meant that the help I had asked for with my bags had arrived. I put the last of the makeup supplies in my purse as the rest of my bags were loaded on a cart for the trip downstairs. The hotel management agreed to secure my bags while I visited their dining room for a quick breakfast.
An egg, three slices of bacon, two slices of toast with orange marmalade and a mug of tea later I was quite full and waving to one of the waiters so I could sign the check to have the meal added to my room costs. I figured that since the corporate folks were picking up the tab for this visit that breakfast should be on them too.
The chair in the lobby wasn't very comfortable so I was extremely pleased to have the limo driver walk into the lobby. "Hello, Miss Stevens. Are you ready?"
"Yes, here come my bags now." Seeing that the limo driver was here, the hotel management had retrieved my bags from whatever black hole they were stored in. The driver quickly stashed them in the trunk then helped me into the massive car. I was very surprised when I saw Mark already waiting for me in the back seat.
"Mark! I didn't know you'd be here this morning! I was expecting to see you at the office."
"I realized you had a problem and I'm here to solve that problem for you."
"What problem, Mark?" He help up a plastic bag with what looked like the remnants of my heavy coat. "Oh! I forgot about that. I'll have to buy a new one before I get on the plane."
Mark smiled then nodded to the driver. The limo pulled away from the curb heading in the opposite direction from the office complex. "Don't worry about it, the board has authorized me to make sure you had a replacement. That's where we're headed now."
"But the meeting…"
"The meeting will wait for you, Jennifer. I moved it to ten AM to make sure this got taken care of. We can't have you getting sick even if for some reason you DON'T decide to work for us on the project."
Not knowing what else I could do I smiled in thanks and nodded in agreement. The limo traveled the streets of Orlando for another twenty minutes until it glided to a stop in front of a very upscale clothing store.
"This is the place, Jennifer." He got out of the limo and extended a hand to me to help me out. The feeling of my hand touching his started to light the burning desire again. Then I remembered the little conversation I had with Rose last night. That muted anything my body tried to do to my mind.
We walked into the store to be greeted by one of the store's salespeople. Mark must have alerted them we were coming since they knew our names. We followed along behind the salesperson to a large rack filled with all kinds of winter coats. The problem was that these were coats for a Florida winter, not a central New York winter.
I gazed over the selection on the rack and frowned. "Umm… do you have anything heavier than these?"
"Yes but you wouldn't want those. You'd swelter down here in one of those, Miss Stevens."
"Ah! NOW I see the problem. I'm not from Orlando, I'm visiting from upstate New York, Syracuse to be specific." I picked up the tissue paper weight sleeve of one of the "Florida" coats. "I'd freeze in one of these in a few minutes at home. "
"Syracuse, didn't they get two FEET of snow last night? You LIVE in THAT?" The woman's jaw dropped wide open.
"Hey, that snow last night was just a light dusting." I smiled and shrugged. "In a few more hours that will all be cleaned off the main roads and things will be getting back to normal."
I followed the salesperson to another rack of coats. These were much heavier and looked like a parka for skiing. I tried one on and liked the fit of the coat and the heavy construction. This coat, however, had a fake fur lining that felt so nice against my skin. Even the hood of the parka was lined with the fake fur. I had to take the coat off rather quickly to keep from sweating inside it. It was much nicer than my old coat and I was almost going to take it until I looked at the price label hanging from the sleeve.
He smiled as he handed the coat and a credit card to the salesperson.
"But MARK! I can't…" He put a warm finger to my lips.
"SHUSH. You DON'T have a choice, Jennifer. This is a gift from MouseWorld for everything you've done so far and for being so understanding about the accident. Besides, like I said, we don't want you getting sick even if you DON'T work for us on the project."
"So I don't have a choice, huh?"
"OK, I'll take it." Despite the fact that Mark appeared to be such a slime-ball I gave him a large hug and a kiss on the cheek as we walked back to the waiting limo. The coat, in a travel bag, was placed in the trunk of the limo with my bags.
The rest of the trip to the corporate offices took just a few minutes. The limo pulled up just outside the main entrance. Mark helped me out then the limo glided away. He saw the concerned look on my face as I watched my bags disappear. "Don't worry, he'll be back to take you to the airport."
With everyone once again assembled in the conference room the meeting began. This time I was introduced to the chairman of the board of the company, William Neuwirth. He was a large man in his late forties with close-cut black hair, dazzling deep blue eyes and a big bushy moustache. He looked me up and down then motioned for me to have a seat at the conference table next to him.
"I must say, Miss Stevens, that I was extremely concerned about your affiliation with our company when several of our executives suggested it. I had my own personal doubts about someone with your publicly known background being suitable for such a task. I am forced to admit that I was seriously mistaken and for that I apologize profusely." He took my hand and gently kissed the back of it. I couldn't contain the blush that swept into my cheeks. "Will you accept my apology?"
"Certainly, Mister Neuwirth!" was all I could squeak out.
"Bill, please, Miss Stevens. Now on to the business at hand, I'm most impressed with your radio show and your spots on the morning show on our network. I've seen the video of your performance at the play and again, your talents are quite impressive. I can see why our executive staff has suggested the affiliation. I have to state right now that I'm in complete agreement with them."
As I looked around the room several of the people at the table looked massively relieved when they heard that bit of news. "Thank you Mis... ah… Bill. I'm looking forward to reaching an agreement in the next week or so. And please do call me Jennifer or Jen if you prefer, Bill."
"Thank you, Jennifer. Has Mark filled you in on the basics?"
"Yes he has."
"I do have one small change to present to you in the hope that you'll say yes. You were quoted a figure around a million dollars for your participation in the projects as outlined, correct?"
"That's correct."
"I see. Well my staff was in error there. The price for your involvement in the projects and for six months of your non-exclusive time as a spokesperson for our company has changed." He slid a single sheet of paper across the table toward me. The figure on the paper was several times more than the company had first proposed. The paper also carried his signature.
"Does that include any future television variety shows?"
Bill glared at the executives gathered around the table. "I see you're as good a businesswoman as you are a performer. No, that figure does not include the potential variety show."
I paused to think about the change in the deal. The conference room got so quiet I thought I could hear the hearts pounding in the gaggle of executives seated at the table. Taking a deep breath I launched into the little speech I had prepared earlier.
"Gentlemen, after considering carefully everything that has been presented to me, subject to the completion of a contact to our mutual satisfaction, I accept your proposal." I extended my hand to Bill as the rest of the people at the table started breathing again. Bill accepted my handshake to affirm the deal as a photographer snapped the first of many pictures. Bill then turned my hand over and kissed the back of it once again. I responded by giving him a big hug. As I pulled away he was smiling from ear to ear and the rest of the executive staff was busy congratulating him and each other.
The festivities lasted for nearly thirty minutes. Slowly, the group of executives dwindled until just Bill, Mark and I were left in the conference room.
“Bill, Mark, I really do need to get moving. I think I can just get back home before the next blast of snow closes the airport down.”
Mark nodded. “I know. I have the limo waiting for you whenever you’re ready.”
“Then I think it’s time I headed back home. It’s been so much fun visiting MouseWorld. I’m looking forward to working with everyone here.”
Bill leaned forward in his chair to take my hand again. “And we’re looking forward to working with you, Jennifer. Now get moving. I used to be a Watertown, New York lad myself so I know all about that damn lake effect snow.” We both rose from our chairs and Bill escorted me to the conference room door.
It took just a few minutes for me to make my way to the waiting limo and speed off to the airport. The limo pulled up alongside another small jet like the one I left Syracuse in. A familiar head popped out of the open doorway.
“Hi guys!” I hugged Bill Tyler and George McReedy, the two pilots that had started my odyssey in Syracuse. “They got you right back to work I see.” Bill walked me to my seat while George closed and locked the cabin door.
“Thanks again for sticking up for us, Jennifer. We both really appreciate that.”
“No problem, Bill. It wasn’t your fault at all. Just one of those unfortunate circumstances.” I started to get comfy in the seat.
“Don’t get too settled in. We both have a little surprise for you.” He pulled out a wrapped box from the overhead compartment and handed it to me. “Go ahead and open it now.”
My fingers trembled a bit as I unwrapped the box. Inside was a leather flight jacket with a pair of silver wings pinned to the chest over a zippered pocket. My name was embroidered into the leather of the jacket above the pair of wings. “WOW! Thanks, guys.” I put the jacket on then returned to strapping into the seat.
“Why are you doing that, Jennifer?”
“Doing what, Bill?”
“Strapping in here. From now on whenever you’re flying with us you got the engineer’s seat if one is available in the cockpit. Let’s get you strapped in up there and get some fire in this bird’s tail. We gotta get you home before the airport gets snowed in again.”
"Thanks Bill but I think I'll stay here. After we get to cruising altitude I want to change into my New York clothes and try to get an hour or so of sleep. I didn't get much rest last night."
"All right. We'll turn out the seatbelt light when it's safe for you to move around. Just knock on the door when you've changed, OK?"
"I can use the restroom to change, Bill."
"Have you ever tried it? That place is essentially half of a tiny closet with a toilet. You'd have to be a contortionist to change in there!"
"I can just see me trying to change into jeans and a flannel shirt while folded in half. All right, we'll do it your way. Thanks, Bill!" I gave him a hug then he left for the cabin.
Around a half an hour later the plane was at altitude and I'd changed into the warmer clothes to stand the near blizzard conditions I expected at home. I made a quick visit to the cockpit then settled into my chair in the cabin. The next thing I remembered was a hand shaking my shoulder.
"Jen?" I nodded trying to shake the sleep out of my head. "Better buckle up. We're about twenty minutes out from Syracuse. I think we'll just get in ahead of the snow band north of the airport."
"Thanks, Bill." I buckled up and watched as the plane descended through several cloudbanks finally touching down on the main runway at the airport. Just as we pulled up next to the hanger at the private facilities, the sky turned abruptly white and the wet, heavy snow turned the bare asphalt taxiway white again in just a few seconds.
A small tug attached itself to the nose of the plane and pulled it into the hanger moments after the jet engines were shut down. When the plane stopped, the side door opened and a tall man stepped inside. "Hello, Miss Stevens. I'm here to take you home. The limo is waiting right outside. I think we need to get moving quickly because of the weather. Do you have any bags?"
"Yes, they're right here." I pointed to the small pile next to my seat. He began loading them into the limo while I put on my new parka.
I really didn't need the parka since it turned out the limo was parked next to the jet in the hanger. While it was cold, the hanger kept the wind and the driving snow outside. I thanked my wonderful crew and got into the limo for the last few miles to my home.
The limo pulled up in front of my house late in the afternoon. The light was fading quickly as I trudged up the stairs of the front porch. As I neared the top step, I heard a tiny mewing sound. I almost missed it over the howling wind that was driving the heavy snow into every crevice it could find. The mewing continued as I looked for the source of the sound. Finally, after several minutes of desperate searching I found that the sound was coming from under the front steps of the house. The sides of the steps were open and nearly drifted in solidly from the blowing snow. The mewing was louder now and I dug furiously with my bare hands to clear away the snow.
I managed to clear enough to see under the porch steps. A tiny kitten was huddled as far back as it could get to try to stay out of the wind and snow. It glared at me in distrust as I reached toward it. I stopped with my hand a few inches away from the skittish kitten and let it cautiously sniff my hand. Much to my surprise it started to crawl into my outstretched hand. Ever so gently I pulled the scruffy kitten out of the confines of the porch steps and tucked it inside my jacket long enough to get it inside the house. The mewing stopped to be replaced by a purring I could feel against my skin as the kitten snuggled into the warmth.
Once I got inside, I headed for the office since Barb was waiting for me. I sat down in a chair at the end of the desk.
"So how was the trip, Jen?"
"Profitable I think. How are things here?"
"About the same. Umm… Jen… What's that lump in your coat? It keeps moving."
"I found this as I was coming in just now. It was under the front porch steps." I took the tiny ball of fur out of my jacket and set it on Barb's desk. The kitten looked to be just old enough to be out on its own with a thick reddish-brown coat and a bushy tail. It had a white blaze mark on its throat and four white "booties" on its paws.
It uncurled from the little ball it was in and stood up. It shook itself then headed straight for me on the far side of the desk. Boldly it walked up the arm I had rested on the desk and straight to my shoulder. It sat there nuzzling my cheek and purring softly.
Barb giggled as she watched the antics of the kitten. "Looks like you've been adopted, Jen. Are you going to keep it?"
I put the kitten back on the desktop only to watch as it climbed back up on my shoulder again and continued to purr in my ear. "Looks like I don't have a choice, Barb." I gently lifted the little fur ball off my shoulder and cradled it in my hands. "Now what am I going to call you?" I snuggled the kitten under my chin as I thought. "Hmmm… what ARE you anyway?" I examined the back end of the purring feline. "Still a little young to know for certain but I think you're a little girl kitty."
"How about Rusty?"
"Nope. Doesn't quite fit this little one." The kitten was now busy batting my finger around with its tiny paw.
"Mittens then?"
"Cute but no."
"A little TOO cattish I think. I've got it! How about Maggie?" The kitten stopped batting my finger and looked straight into my eyes. "Maggie? Is that what you want to be called little one?"
As if to answer my question it worked its way up onto my shoulder again this time licking my cheek and purring even louder than before.
"All right, little one, Maggie it is. I bet you're probably really hungry. Barb, do we have any cottage cheese in the kitchen?"
"Sure, want me to get some?"
"Yes please, and a little bit of warm milk too. I think Maggie here needs a good meal and some sleep." I scratched the kitten under the chin as it leaned in to get the maximum scratching effect. "I think I have a litter tray and some clean litter in the basement left over from a previous cat. Want to take a stab at finding it?"
"I think I saw it yesterday. A breaker popped and I had to go down there to reset it."
"Thanks, Barb!" The kitten and I watched as Barb headed for the kitchen. "Now what do I do with you, eh?"
I gently put the kitten on the desktop then stood up to take off my coat and hang it up. When I got back Maggie had settled herself in the in-basket and was curled up into a little ball. I walked over and gently stroked the tiny kitten. She lifted her head and mewed at me as if to say, "Thanks for the home".
"No problem little one. I'm glad you're with us." I smiled as the kitten drifted off to sleep purring loudly.
Barb returned a few minutes later with a small bowl of cottage cheese and another of milk warmed ever so slightly in the microwave. I took a dab of the cottage cheese on my finger and held it under Maggie’s pink nose. The kitten’s nose twitched a few times then her eyes opened as she woke up.
She licked furiously at the glob of cottage cheese on my finger until it was all gone. I put the bowl of cottage cheese in the middle of Barb’s desk then placed the inquisitive kitten next to it. It took Maggie a few seconds to figure out what was in the bowl. Once she did though she licked the bowl clean quickly and started looking around for more.
“Still hungry little one?” Maggie looked up at me and mewed loudly. “All right. Try this…” I replaced the empty bowl with the one containing the warm milk. Maggie took a couple of sniffs at the bowl then proceeded to drain the bowl dry. Apparently filled to capacity, Maggie began the normal cat’s cleaning routine licking her paws as she rubbed them over her face to get the last little bits of cottage cheese and milk out of her fur.
“Let’s see what she does with this, Jen.” Barb set a freshly filled litter pan on the office floor then placed the tiny kitten in it. The little ball of fur took a few sniffs then proceeded to do her business in the pan. “Well that answers that question. She may be someone’s pet that got out. She’s litter trained at least.”
“I’d hate to think that someone is agonizing over this little kitten being out in this nasty weather. Let me call some of the neighbors to see if it belongs to any of them.”
“Are you sure you want to do that, Jen? Seems to me you’re almost as attached to that kitten as it is to you.”
“Am I that transparent, Barb?”
“Only to me, Jen. I’ll keep the little fuzz ball busy for a few minutes while you’re making the calls. Now shoo…” Barb pushed me toward my own office then closed the door behind me.
When I came back out of my office about twenty minutes later I was greeted with the sight of the kitten curled up again in Barb’s in-basket. I rubbed the kitten's tummy and it rolled over on its back to let me rub more. "Well, I talked to all of my neighbors except one. None of them know anything about a stray kitten. I left a message for the one that didn't answer the phone on their machine."
"Think they'll call later?"
"I don't know, Barb. Hey! You need to get going for your own home, girl. It's kinda nasty out there! Get moving and I'll lock things up here for the night."
"You sure, Jen?"
"Yup. Maggie and I will be just fine. Besides, I need the extra sleep. I'm turning in early tonight."
“All right. I’m outta here. See you tomorrow. There’s a stack of call sheets on your desk if you want to work through some of them today.”
“Thanks again, Barb. Now scoot before you get snowed in here. The roads were just starting to ice up as the limo pulled in.” I watched Barb gather her purse and gloves then put on her coat. I waved from the office door as she pulled out of the driveway.
“Well, Maggie, looks like it’s just the two of us.” The kitten lifted its head, looked at me and meowed. “Come on little one.” I lifted the sleepy kitten and carried her with me into the kitchen after I turned off the office lights.
I found a place for the kitten on the counter then I decided that a sandwich was just what I needed as a light supper. I made a turkey sandwich from the cold cuts that Barb had purchased earlier in the day and sat quietly at the kitchen table. I heard a loud meow coming from the countertop. Maggie was standing there looking at me and trying to figure out a way to get to me.
Since I didn’t want the tiny kitten to try a jump I carried her over to the table. She sat a couple of feet away from my plate sniffing the air. “All right, Maggie. Here you go.” I pulled off a bit of the turkey from my sandwich and placed it in front of her. It only took a sniff for her to figure out it was food. It took just a few seconds for the tidbit to disappear and she started looking for more. I put a large slice of the turkey on the table and watched the hungry kitty devour the whole thing. “Where are you putting all that, cat?” I reached over and felt the kitten’s tiny stuffed tummy. Maggie instantly rolled on her back with all four feet in the air looking for a tummy rub. She made little mewing sounds and wiggled as I scratched her tummy for a couple of minutes.
Maggie watched me scurry round the kitchen putting away the sandwich fixings and my dirty dishes. I scooped the kitten off the kitchen table and carried her into the living room then settled myself on the couch and put the tiny kitten on the couch beside me. As I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and catch up with the local news, Maggie made her way into my lap and settled down curling herself into a tiny ball. I managed to watch the local news before I got sleepy and stretched out on the couch.
I woke up two hours later with Maggie curled up on my stomach as my tummy rose and fell with my breathing. The kitten was completely asleep and barely moved when I ruffled her fur. Feeling very tired, I realized that the best thing I could do was to go to sleep. Bringing the sleepy kitten with me, I headed for my bedroom after retrieving the litter pan from the office. I put the pan in my bathroom and placed the kitten in it while I got a small cardboard box from the office. I put a soft towel in the bottom of the box then placed Maggie inside. I finished my own business in the bathroom then placed the box on the floor beside my bed. I got into the bed and pulled the covers up around my neck before turning out the lights.
Moments after I turned out the room lights Maggie started mewing and wouldn’t stop. I turned on the lights again and looked down into the box to see her standing there looking up at me. “Scared, little one?” The kitten put her paws on the side of the box and tried to climb up the side of the box to reach me. I sighed then reached into the box and scooped up the tiny fur ball. I placed Maggie on the bed and watched as she boldly climbed up on my pillow and snuggled down just inches from my head purring loudly.
“So this is where you’re going to sleep, eh cat?” I turned out the lights waiting for the kitten to make some noise about the darkness. All I heard was a contented purring sound a few inches away from my ear. “G’night, Maggie.” I gave the kitten a gentle rub and was soon asleep myself.
January 9, 2003 — Thursday
Waking up this morning was another memorable experience. I opened my eyes in the growing daylight to find a warm furry lump on my throat. The room had cooled a bit overnight and Maggie apparently decided to climb on me for some additional warmth. The kitten’s silky soft fur was tickling my chin and I giggled a little as I stirred in the bed. Of course, Maggie woke up at that point and started to wriggle trying to get back to sleep.
The call of nature over-rode my desire to stay in bed a while longer so I pulled back the covers. Maggie jumped up and scooted down my naked chest between my breasts till she skidded to a stop on my tummy. Her tail was swishing from side to side and rubbing my breasts as she stood there. The tickling sensation made me giggle again prompting Maggie to turn around and look at me.
When she realized that I wasn’t going to hurt her she stretched out on my tummy. Her tail, still swishing furiously, began to sweep over another far more sensitive part of my anatomy sending tidal waves of tingles racing up my spine. I pondered the situation for just a moment before the call of nature once again invaded my thoughts. I scooped up the sleepy kitten and padded to the bathroom. I put Maggie in the litter pan while I saw to my own relief.
Completing my morning ritual, I lifted Maggie out of the litter pan and placed her on the cold tile floor. I watched a moment as the perplexed kitten's paws slipped on the floor. Maggie made a little yelp of alarm then collapsed in a tangle of paws. "Kinda slippery there, huh, Maggie? I got ya…" I carried the fidgety kitten back into the bedroom and set her down on the carpeted floor. She made a beeline for my bed and tried to climb back up onto it.
"Maggie, I'm not going back to bed sweetie." She finally made it on top of the bed so I sat down next to her. She climbed onto my leg and sat there quietly mewing at me. I scratched her between her tiny ears. "I guess you're hungry again. Well, time for me to get moving anyway."
Maggie was content to stay on the pillow as I rummaged around the room gathering my clothes for the day. A matching bra and panty set, a nice blouse and my favorite pair of around the house jeans all wound up in a pile on the bed. A pair of sheer to the waist panty hose and a pair of low-heeled sandals completed my outfit for hanging around the house.
The panties glided over my smooth legs and tickled my more intimate parts. I'd finally gotten used to the slinky feeling of most of the female underthings I now wore. I'd even come to love some of the more erotic sensations I got from time to time when I moved in certain ways. The luscious satin bra cradled my breasts to perfection providing the much-needed support in a silky smooth cocoon.
The panty hose came next and I marveled at the sensation as the nylon caressed my legs tightly. I know I really didn't need to wear them with jeans; I just loved the way they feel! The blouse, while made of satin, had a liner that made it a bit warmer in central New York's rough winters. My jeans went on last. They fit snugly around my hips but the legs were loose so that they were comfortable to wear in the colder temperatures. The trapped air acted like insulation. I slipped my feet into the sandals then moved over to the makeup table to work on my tangled hair.
When I moved away from the bed, Maggie decided to follow me and stood mewing at the edge of the bed looking for a way down. "Kinda high isn't it, Maggie?" I gently put her on the floor then proceeded to brush out my hair. I felt her take up residence on my foot and curl up into a tiny ball. I finished my hair in my normal ponytail then scooped up the dozing kitty.
I was about four steps past the front door and headed for the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I backtracked and opened the door. A little girl all bundled up against the cold weather looked up at me.
"Hi! My Mommy said that you found… TOBY!" Maggie came wide-awake at the sound of the girls voice and started to squirm to get loose from my hand. "You found TOBY!" The kitten was trying to leap into the outstretched hands of the little girl.
"Come on in, it's cold out there!"
I handed the squirming kitten to the girl and gently pulled her inside then closed the door. Maggie settled down in the girl's hands and began purring loudly. The girl pulled back the hood of her coat to reveal two pigtails and the cutest set of blue eyes I'd ever seen. I recognized her instantly as Sally, the girl from the neighbors I called last night, the ones that weren't home.
"Thank you Missus Stevens."
"It's Miss Stevens, Sally, but you can call me Jennie, OK?
"Thank you, Jennie. We… I… thought that Toby was dead. He got out last night in that nasty weather."
"I found him under my porch, Sally. He's fine now."
"I'm so happy you found him. I've got to get back home and get ready for school. Thank you again for keeping him safe for me!" Sally hugged me tightly then left with the kitten bundled inside her jacket against the cold. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was certain that the kitten was a female. I was certain that they would discover that when they took the kitten to a vet for a checkup.
What puzzled me was the fact that I was depressed that the kitten actually belonged to someone else. I suddenly lost my appetite and decided to simply plunk down on the living room couch instead. That was where Barb found me curled up into a ball and crying quietly when she arrived at the office almost an hour later.
"So there you are! I was getting worried that something had happened to you overnight." I looked up at her and smiled weakly. "Oh my, tears? What happened, Jen?"
"Memories?" I nodded. "Well, are you gonna tell me or do I haveta tickle it outta ya?" She started to reach toward on of my ticklish spots.
I put up my hand and pushed her hand away. I uncurled from the little ball and sat up on the couch making room for her to sit down. "You sure you wanna know, Barb?"
"Why shouldn't I want to know? Say, wait a minute… where's Maggie?" Barb glanced around the room looking for the little ball of fur.
"Gone? Where… how?"
"Turns out that she belonged to the neighbor's daughter. The girl came to get her this morning."
"Is that what's bothering you this morning?"
"But there's more than just that, right?" I nodded yes as the tears started to flow again. "Is this where the memories come in?"
Between sobs I managed to get out the story of my previous cat, the one I called Ebony. I raised her from a kitten and we really bonded, so much so that she knew whenever I was feeling down or upset and she would come over to me to try to cheer me up with a nuzzle or cuddle.
"So you really loved her?"
"I did, Barb. Then one day during the worst snowstorm of the season she disappeared. I found her in the bottom of the ditch in front of the house when the snow melted in spring. Twenty feet from the front door and I couldn't find her! I looked for days! Maybe if I could have found her in time I could have saved her..." The tears were flowing heavier. "DAMN! Why does this have to happen now? I never cried like this when I lost her."
"You were a man then right?" I nodded in agreement. "Then you probably had much better control of your emotions than you do now, hon, it comes with that body of yours."
Barb held me as I cried myself out. "Feeling better now?" She handed me a fistful of tissues to mop up my soggy face. The mascara I put on earlier in the morning made dark tracks down my cheeks.
"I think I'm ok now, Barb. Thanks!"
"Have you had anything to eat yet?" I shook my head no. "Get yourself right into the kitchen and get yourself a bagel. I got some fresh this morning with a BIG tub of cream cheese. Go load up one with a nice thick layer of cream cheese and grab something to drink. We have a LOT of stuff to go through before noontime."
"Thanks, Barb." I hugged her tightly then left for the kitchen. A few minutes later I walked into the office. Barb was talking to someone on the phone.
"..she just came in. Let me get her on the line for you." She punched the hold button. "Jen, it’s Greg at the theater. He's got some news for you."
"I'll get it in my office, Barb." The plate with my bagel and the glass I was carrying got placed off to one side as I slid into the chair behind the desk." I hit the button for Greg's line. "Hi Greg! What's up?"
"Hi Jennifer!" I have to thank you right now for giving them the idea. It was a brilliant suggestion."
"Huh? What idea, Greg?"
"The idea to come for a visit!"
"What visit?"
"To the theater of course!"
"Greg, please make like you're telling someone about this for the first time, OK? After the trip I just had I'm not working up to full speed yet."
"Sorry, Jen. The folks from the morning show are coming for a visit. They're going to do a live remote from the theater next week on Friday morning. They want us to do a couple of the musical numbers from the show for them, Jen."
"Are you serious?"
"Never more serious, Jen. Can you make it? If you can't the deal is off."
I shook my head in amazement. "I'll be there, Greg. What time do you need me?"
"I figure about five in the morning, Jen. There's makeup and wardrobe to consider too."
I sighed quietly. "All right. I'll see you at the theater at five in the morning. By the way, what numbers are we doing?"
"Me and You and Le Jazz HOT! They're about the best in the show."
"Is there still going to be a rehearsal tonight?"
"Yes, there sure is! I need to make the announcement to the cast and get as many as possible there for the remote next week. I just wanted to make sure our star could be there before I talked to everyone else."
"OK, Greg. I'll see you tonight then. Bye!" I heard the line go dead right after Greg said goodbye.
I looked skyward and wondered aloud. "Why ME, God? What did I do?" I half-expected to hear an answer as I sat there with my head in my hands wondering what I had gotten into now. Instead what I heard a few minutes later was…
"Jen, it's the morning show for you, line two."
That turned out to be the start of an avalanche of phone calls into and out of the office over a period of several hours. It seemed to me that I was elected the co-coordinator of the remote by default since I knew most of the people involved from the local TV station to the morning show staff to the theater crew. I even called Sal to arrange catering for munchies for the cast and crews at the urging of the morning show staffers.
I blessed Barb for being with me, as she was able to take a great deal of the load off my shoulders by managing the details and keeping everyone in touch with each other. The fax machine got a major workout for most of the day. Even the mayor's office got involved when we discovered we needed a permit to park the satellite truck on the street in front of the theater.
By around three in the afternoon everything had calmed down considerably with the bulk of the plans in place. A few small details remained to be resolved but it was nothing that would halt the remote completely if they didn't get worked out today.
I was sitting at my desk when Barb walked into the office with two glasses of red wine. She placed one in front of me and sat down in the chair next to my desk with the other.
"What's this for, Barb?"
"I figured you needed to loosen up a little."
"Um…Barb… remember? I'm going to give this up." I slid the glass across the desk toward her.
She pushed the glass back toward me. "Well don't worry about getting drunk, Jen. It's sparking grape juice. No alcohol in there. Tastes a lot like wine though. Try it!"
It did look awfully tempting so I gingerly picked up the glass and sniffed at it. The aroma was quite pleasing and the carbonation tickled my tongue and nose as I sipped a little of the dark red liquid. "Hey! That tastes pretty good! You're sure there's absolutely NO alcohol in here?"
"Don't believe me? I left the bottle in the fridge in the kitchen. Go look!"
"No, I'll take your word on it, Barb. It tastes so much like wine it's incredible. I like it! Thanks!"
"So how do you feel after all the stuff that went on today?"
"Tired and confused, Barb. I wanna say right now that I couldn't have gotten through any of it without you. Thanks, girlfriend!" I lifted my glass of pseudo-wine for a toast. "Thanks to the best gal-Friday that anyone could ever ask for!"
Barb tapped her glass against mine and we both took large sips from our glasses. "Thanks, boss! I knew I could make a difference here."
"I'm going to close up early today, Barb. Can you stay around long enough for me to go get a good soak? I can get the door and the phones after that."
A big smile appeared on her face. "Getting ready for Adam at the rehearsal tonight, eh?"
I bushed bright red. "Well… I do have some serious making ou.. ah, UP to do don't I?"
She tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle. "I suppose. Sure, go look fantastic for that guy of yours. I'll mind the store until you're done."
"Thanks, Barb." I finished the sparkling grape juice and headed for the bedroom.
Less than ten minutes later I was up to my chin in a tub of hot water with my favorite lilac bath beads. I stayed in the tub until the water started to cool and my fingers and toes looked slightly wrinkled. When I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to my bed, I found out that I had been in the tub almost an hour.
Barb smiled at me as I scooted back into the office looking freshly scrubbed and much more relaxed. "WELL! I was beginning to think I'd have to call in the rescue divers to see if you were lost in the tub. Feeling better?"
"Much better, thanks, Barb. I can handle things now so why don't do head on home. And thanks again for everything today."
"Thanks, Jen. Remember you've got a light day tomorrow since you have the play in the evening. You can go ahead and sleep in a while in the morning. I'll get the office open and wake you at around ten if you're not already up by then. But if I see a certain Mustang parked in the driveway beside your truck I'll just let the two of you sleep."
"BARB!" I protested loudly then giggled as much as Barb at the thought. "Go HOME! See you in the morning." I have her a very tight hug then pushed her out of the door.
Having about two hours before I had to leave for the theater, I headed for the kitchen to get something for supper. As I opened the fridge I found a large bowl with a note taped to the top. The note read, "Just heat and eat!"
The bowl contained about a dozen pieces of chicken covered with Shake 'N Bake already cooked. Another bowl had some mashed potatoes and a third bowl contained some gravy in it. I dimly remembered Barb telling me that she had something ready for lunch but I was too deeply involved in the preparations for the remote to break free, I guess she saved everything for me to have for supper. I wondered again just what I'd do if I didn't have Barb and Tammy around to look out for me.
I popped two pieces of chicken on a plate beside a mound of the mashed potatoes. I made a hole in the potatoes and added a little of the gravy to the "potato bowl" on the plate. The microwave dinged about three minutes later telling me that my supper was ready. I got the bottle of sparkling wine out of the fridge and plunked down at the table.
As I sat munching on my supper I marveled at just how much had happened in the six or so months since my change. I'd gone from a male forty-something overweight network manager to a curvy twenty something female with her own national weekly radio show and monthly appearances on the country's number one morning TV show. I was starring in a local play that I wasn't even supposed to be in and would have to perform on national TV in a week or so a couple of the musical numbers from that play. On top of that, the future held the promise of hosting a TV show about the opening of a new attraction at MouseWorld, I'd be starring in a half-hour animated TV show pilot and I had a deal pending to become a recording star. I'd escaped a run-in with twisters not just once but twice, rescued people from a burning bus and survived an airplane crash.
If someone were to write a book about my life so far it would most likely read like a cheap dime store novel by some hack writer too old and tired to write anything else. Heck, even I didn't believe everything that had happened to me so far and I LIVED it all!
The down side to my life so far was that I screwed up miserably last weekend by getting drunk and not being able to spend time with Adam. I desperately wanted to spend time in his arms again and have him hold me tight. I promised myself that I'd do whatever it took to patch things up between us if that was even possible.
The last of the supper dishes clattered into the washer and I closed the door and hit the start button to process the load inside. A quick check around the kitchen told me that everything was taken care of and I hurried to bundle up against the cold outside for the trip to the theater.
The pickup rumbled to life grudgingly and I waited for it to work some oil into the old engine. I hadn't driven the truck in almost a week since I was away in Orlando. It seemed like it took forever for the heat to appear. The windows slowly cleared the thin layer of frost that had developed on them from the inside because of my breath.
About half an hour later I pulled into the theater parking lot. There weren't too many cars there yet though. I did recognize Greg's car, Tammy's Saturn and Adam's Mustang all lined up next to each other nearest the stage door. I pulled into the slot next to Adam's car then hurried into the building before the howling wind chilled me to the bone.
After stashing my coat and purse in my dressing room I went searching for everyone. I ran across Tammy getting the sound system ready. "Hi Jen! You feeling better now? It's been a hell of a week for you hasn't it?"
"Yup. I won't even go into all the gruesome details right now. Umm… have you seen Adam yet?"
"Well, WHERE IS HE?"
"What are you going to do, Jen?"
"I know he's mad at me about last Sunday night, Tammy. I want to talk to him!"
"MAD AT YOU? HA!" She turned her back on me and fussed with the sound console.
Tammy spun around glaring at me. "Don't you know, Jen?"
"Know WHAT?"
"He never told you?"
"What are you babbling about, Tammy?"
“He…” All of a sudden Tammy got very quiet. “No, you need to have this conversation with him, not me. You both need to work this out on your own. He’s in his dressing room, Jen.” She pointed backstage then turned back to the sound console.
I was definitely confused as I walked down the hallway. I stopped in front of the door then took a moment try to compose myself. As soon as I had calmed down a bit I knocked on the door. I heard the lock on the door snap then it opened slightly.
“Oh, it’s you.”
“Hi Adam. Can I come in?”
“I suppose…” He opened the door to let me inside then closed it behind me. “How are you Jennifer?”
“I’m all right, Adam. It’s been a busy week. How are you doing?”
A simple “OK” was his only response as he sat down in front of the makeup table to read his script.
“OK? Is that all you have to say? Just OK?”
“What else do you want me to say Jennifer?”
“Well, how about we talk about what happened on Sunday night first?”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Jennifer.” Adam turned back to his script.
“Don’t give me that, Adam. I know something is bothering you, hell, it’s bothered me the whole week.” He tried to hide it but I saw a single tear run down his cheek. “Come on, Adam. We need to work this out right now.”
He drew a very deep breath then let it out slowly before he started to speak. “I can’t go on like this, Jennifer. I just can’t watch it happen all over again.”
“Watch WHAT happen all over again?”
“I can’t watch someone I love very deeply kill themselves with alcohol again. I just can’t deal with it.”
“Your drinking on Sunday night, I see all the signs I saw in my father when he started drinking, Jennifer. They’re all there in you.”
“Adam, I…”
“The high pressure job, the freewheeling lifestyle, it can grow to be an addiction, Jennifer. My dad got so addicted to drinking that it eventually killed him. I tried everything I could think of to get him to break the cycle and recover but none of it worked. I watched him slowly kill himself for six years before he finally succeeded. I can’t watch it happen all over again to someone I love as much as you.” He turned with his back toward me hiding the pained look on his face.
I put my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He pulled away from me and sat down heavily on a chair next to the makeup table.
"It's over Jennifer. Please go."
"You heard me, go. Our relationship is over if you keep drinking. I won't watch you kill yourself."
“Adam, that isn’t a problem any more.” He looked up at me after staring at the floor for several seconds. “I gave up drinking on Monday morning, Adam. I felt so bad from the hangover I’ll NEVER go back to that again, Adam. I promise that you will NEVER see me with another alcoholic beverage of ANY kind in my hand ever again, even just wine or champagne. This recycled body of mine just can’t handle it.”
“Do you really mean that, Jennifer?” The look on his face was one of hope mixed with uncertainty.
“HEY! I might LOOK like a twenty-five-year-old woman, but remember what I used to be, Adam. It doesn’t take a load of bricks falling on me to get something through my thick head.”
“You understand that if I even get a hint from anyone that you’re drinking I’m history. Our relationship is extremely special to me and I won’t watch you kill yourself like that.”
“I agree completely to the terms, Adam.” I grabbed a tissue from the box on the table and wiped away the lone tear as it trickled down his face.
“I’m sorry, Adam. If I’d known I never would have put you through all of that." I pulled him close and hugged him as tight as I could. We stayed that way until we heard a knock on the dressing room door.
"We need to talk more, Adam but I think we're going to have to wait. Want me to get the door?" He nodded in agreement both to talking more and for me to open the door.
When I opened the door it was Tammy. "Are things better between you two?" We both nodded yes. "Good, nearly everyone is here and Greg has called a meeting out front in five minutes. Are you two coming?"
"We'll be right there, Tammy. Thanks!" She left closing the door behind her. "So are you coming over to my place after the rehearsal tonight?"
He nodded yes. "If even half the rumors I heard about what you're going to do are true I think we'd better talk, Jen."
"Just remember that whatever happens in the next few months, I'll always find a way to make time for us to be together." I pulled him close again and gave him my absolute very best soul-melting kiss. He was responding quite well when the dressing room door burst open.
"SHEESH! This is a theater, will you two get a motel room for heaven's sake?" We looked up to see Tammy standing in the doorway grinning at us. "Come on, you're late. Everyone is waiting for you."
It took us a few moments to get ourselves presentable then we followed Tammy out to the seats. As we stepped down the stairway off the stage the cast and crew started to applaud.
“Jen, I just told everyone what you’ve done for us and they all agreed to be here next Friday morning. Thank you for making this wonderful way to promote our show possible.”
I sighed and turned to address the cast and crew. “I’m afraid that everyone is giving me much more credit than I deserve. On my last trip to New York City I invited the cast of the morning show to attend one of our performances. It was their idea to turn the invitation into a live remote from the theater. Please extend your thanks to the cast and crew of the morning show by giving them your best performance when they’re here next week.” They burst into a wave of applause again as Adam and I took our seats in the front row.
Now it was Greg’s turn again. “OK, quiet down please everyone. We’re going to do the whole show tonight but without costumes and makeup. That way we’ll have a little more time to go over a few things and really polish things up right. Let’s get ready for the opening act everyone.” He turned toward the stage and charged up the stairs. The rest of the cast and crew took it as their cue to get busy and streamed onto the stage to begin preparations.
Almost three hours later we all found ourselves back in the seats listening to Greg make a few closing remarks after the rehearsal. “Thanks, everyone. It’s rare that I’ve worked with such a professional group as this one. Each of you has ramped up your performance here tonight considerably making this the absolute best cast and crew this community theater group has ever had.”
A few cheers went up from the audience at this and it took Greg a few moments to get everyone quiet again. “I also wanted to announce that the performances we originally scheduled to the end of the month are almost entirely sold out. The demand for tickets remains very high and I’d like you all to consider adding performances to our schedule to the end of February subject to Jennifer’s availability. I know she’s recently agreed to other commitments and we need to work out how her schedule would allow us some additional performances. I don’t need an answer now but please give it some thought overnight and be prepared to give me an answer by the end of the show tomorrow night. That’s all I have everyone, now go home and get some sleep. Goodnight!”
The rest of the cast and crew slowly drifted out of the theater over the space of a few minutes leaving Adam and I, Greg and Tammy. Tammy was just finishing shutting down the PA system and lighting leaving everything set up for tomorrow night. Greg walked over and sat down beside me in the front row of seats.
“Well, Jen, did you ever think in all the years we’ve known each other that either of us would go through anything like this?”
“I would never have seen anything like this coming, Greg. It’s amazing how much has happened in such a short time.”
“Do you have any idea now what your schedule looks like next month?”
“Well… I was sort of planning for this but I’ll have to check with MouseWorld to make sure they don’t need me on weekends for something. I might be down in Orlando for a few days each week then fly up here on weekends for the show. It could get to be a hectic month.”
“Will you let me know as soon as possible? If we can go another month or even a part of it we’ll be able to get enough money to run another year or so even if the next few productions are flops.”
“All right, Greg. I’ll let you know tomorrow night for certain. I’ll make a few calls tomorrow morning to confirm that I’ll be available on weekends at least. Now if you’ll excuse us I want to get back home and get some rest before the show tomorrow night.”
Greg hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. It seems that he had finally accepted my change and had stopped thinking of me as the overweight, balding man I used to be.
Adam followed me home and parked his Mustang beside my truck in the driveway. We barely made it to the front steps of the house before the frigid wind kicked up the powdery snow into a whiteout lasting several seconds. I managed to get the door open and we hurried inside as the air outside cleared.
“DAMN! I’ll be glad to get to Orlando for a while where it’s nice and warm. The only down side to it is that you’re not going to be there with me all the time, Adam.”
“I know. That’s part of what we need to talk about, Jen.”
“Let’s get these coats off and I’ll make us some hot chocolate then we’ll talk in the living room, OK?”
“Sounds good to me, Jen.”
I put our coats away in the closet then hurried to the kitchen to make a couple of large cups of the dark brown nectar of the gods. Several minutes later I was curled up beside Adam on the couch in the living room.
“God it feels good to be snuggled up beside you with your arms around me, Adam. I could spend hours and hours like this.”
“It feels pretty good to me too. Will you be able to? Make time for us I mean?”
“Adam, I came to realize how important to me you really are earlier this week. In fact I realized how blessed I am having you and Tammy and Barb and a whole bunch of other people as friends and especially you as my love. I’ll make as much time for us as I possibly can, Adam. I’ll even make sure you can come down to Orlando if you can get the vacation time to do it. It looks like I’ll have the use of a house there since it may take several months to get everything done for MouseWorld.”
“I don’t want to use your money, Jen. I have to make it on my own. I’ll work out something to get down to Orlando.”
“Adam, you don’t…”
“NO! I want to do this myself. I don’t want to be known as Mister Jennifer Stevens. I want to make it on my own.”
“I can understand that, Adam and I’ll respect your wishes. I do insist that you stay at the house with me when you’re down there though. It seems sort of silly to have you staying in a hotel when you’ve come down to spend as much time together as we can. That way all you’ll have to take care of is the travel expenses. Does that sound reasonable?”
“Put that way, yes, it’s reasonable and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather spend the time with.” He hugged me tighter as our lips moved closer together. “This will pick up where we left off after that kiss at the theater.”
Adam proceeded to give me the most mind shattering kiss I’ve ever experienced. My body eagerly responded to Adam’s gentle touch and his to my own gentle stroking. We both arrived at the need to move to the bedroom at the same instant as we stood hand in hand.
“Are you sure you want to do this tonight, Jen?
“Adam, I’ve wanted to do this for the last THREE WEEKS! Now come on!” I pulled him by the arm into my bedroom after I made sure the house was locked up and the lights were turned off for the night. I had no intentions of letting Adam get away from me before the morning came.
Nearly two hours later we both lay exhausted and fully satisfied. We stayed awake just long enough to clean up enough to get to sleep. We fell asleep tightly snuggled together lying naked in each other's arms.
January 10, 2003 — Friday
The alarm clock started buzzing incessantly in my ear. As my senses slowly returned I discovered that I was still entwined in Adam's arms. I freed one hand and shut off the offending clock then rolled back toward Adam. Adam was stretched out on his back with his manhood at full attention. Deciding to wake him in a most pleasant way I untangled myself then carefully lowered myself on his engorged member. I leaned forward feeling the fullness inside me and planted a large kiss on his lips. He started to wake and realized what was happening.
"AGAIN? You want to do it again? Don't you ever wear down?"
"Not really. I'm kinda like that battery bunny. I keep going and going and going and…"
"I get the picture. Jen, you're forgetting one thing. I have to be at work in another two hours and I haven't been home yet."
"So call in and take the day off. You've got the time coming to you for all those hours of overtime you put in during the Christmas season." I wiggled my tush a couple of times eliciting a groan from Adam.
"Jen, you've told me several times that what you're doing is important to you. Well the same thing applies to me. Doing my job at the mall is important to me."
"OK, you got me with that one. Are you sure you won't stay a while this morning?" I wiggled my tush again and bounced up and down a couple of times very slowly. Adam's eyes started to roll backward in his head as his body tensed again.
"You know you're making it real hard don't you?"
"Yup. I can FEEL how hard it is. In fact it feels like it's about ready to explode." I wiggled my tush one more time getting another groan out of Adam.
"I give up. Let's just do it one more time then I have to get ready for work, Jen, OK?"
"Thanks, love!"
"By the way, you want it so you can wiggle that nice little tush of yours for it, OK? And you better be careful! That thing is loaded and ready to go off again!"
"Oh, love, I'm counting on that!"
I lasted about five minutes and had at least two orgasms before I brought Adam to his own orgasm. My legs had turned to silly putty so I carefully rolled off Adam and let him head for the shower in my bathroom. I considered joining him in the shower but he was finished before my legs had recovered enough to let me stand properly without holding on to something.
I watched as he walked naked back into the bedroom using the towel to dry his hair. I watched as he proceeded to put back on the clothes he arrived in last night.
"Umm… Don't you have something out in the car?"
"I didn't plan on last night, Jen. I didn't bring anything else along."
"Oh…" I watched him dress as I lay on the bed on my tummy with my head in my hands. "I'd loan you a pair of my panties but they'd never fit you." He looked over at me and frowned. "Hey, it was just a suggestion! You know, you could leave a few things here."
"Hmm… leaving some stuff here is something to consider. Somehow I think that the only time we're going to have together is when you're in town to do the play. I guess we'd better make the most if it when we can." He finished dressing then sat beside me on the bed. His hands roamed over my bare back working their way down to my bare bottom.
"Yes, love?" He continued to gently massage my tush and thighs.
"You'd better stop that or..."
"Or what, Jen?" One hand slipped between my legs.
"Or I'm going to rip every shred of your clothes off of you and ravage you all over again. That's what!" His hands stopped leaving me aching inside for more. I wished he could stay the rest of the day but I knew his job at the mall was as important to him as my career was to me.
"I'll see you tonight, Jen. Have a good day!" He lifted my chin up and planted yet another of those mind-numbing kisses of his on my eager lips. He broke the kiss after what seemed like an eternity. "I'll let myself out." I looked up and he was gone. The front door opened then closed again a few moments later. I heard his car start then fade away as he backed out of the driveway.
The clock on the nightstand read almost seven AM. Barb usually turned up around eight leaving me a little over an hour to get myself and the bedroom cleaned up. A sticky feeling between my legs was enough to remind me of last nights and then this morning's activities.
After a quick bathroom trip to empty my bladder then clean up a little I returned to the bedroom to strip the bed and put on new sheets and pillowcases. It took only a few minutes and by the time I finished the bathtub had filled enough that I shut off the water and eased myself into the warm inviting tub.
Twenty minutes later I pulled the stopper with my foot letting the water drain away. Another twenty minutes to dry off and dress and I was in the kitchen fixing myself breakfast. All that activity last night left me ravenous and I decided to treat myself to some homemade waffles. I retrieved a roll of country sausage from the freezer and used a sharp knife to cut off about ten sections from the roll. The rest went into a storage bag to be returned to the freezer. I took off the plastic wrap from each section then placed the sections into a pan on the stove on low heat.
I located my ancient waffle iron and plugged it in to heat up. It made huge round waffles just barely able to fit on a normal plate. While it was coming up to temperature I mixed some pre-made waffle mix with eggs and a dash of oil in a bowl. It took only a couple of minutes to mix so as I waited for the waffle iron I turned the sausage over in the pan.
The indicator on the iron flashed on telling me that it was ready so I spooned on enough of the batter mix to make the first waffle. The aroma of the waffle cooking filled the kitchen as I heard the office outside door open. A few minutes later Barb strolled into the kitchen.
"What are you cooking in here? It smells great!"
"Have you had breakfast yet. Barb?"
"Well, I had a croissant and a cup of coffee at home before I came over."
"You still hungry?"
She glanced over at the waffle iron and then back to the pan of sausage on the stove. "If those are what they appear to be count me in! It's been ages since I had a decent waffle, Jen."
"Can you tend to the sausage and maybe cook us an egg each when the sausage is done?"
"You got it, Jen." Barn took over the spatula for the sausage as I opened the waffle iron to the glorious sight of one near-perfect golden brown waffle. I put it on a plate and started another one. I saw Barbs hand edge toward the plate with the waffle on it.
"Barb, don't eat that one."
"Why, Jen? It looks perfect to me!"
"It won't taste that great, Barb. This is an OLD waffle iron that needs to be 'seasoned' each time it gets used. I'll break that waffle up when it cools and toss it out to feed the birds so it won't be wasted."
"Oh, my mom always did that when I was a kid. I wondered why." Barb turned back to the sausage while I tended to the waffle iron. Both of our waffles were ready about the time that Barb got the eggs fried in the grease from the sausage pan.
"You know, of course, Jen, that this blows our allotment of calories for the day don't you?"
"Right now I'm only thinking of eating right so I don't get sick again this weekend. I'll probably burn all of this off just in nerves during the performance tonight."
Barb only nodded in agreement as the first fork full of waffle got popped into her mouth followed by a chunk of sausage. We both sat quietly enjoying breakfast and chatting about the events of the past week. Eventually the talk turned to the activities of last night.
"So, Jen, have you patched things up with Adam? Tammy called me last night and told me that he went home with you. Anything you'd care to tell me?"
My face must have cycled through five shades of red at that question. "Well… we… talked… and then we…"
Barb giggled a bit then held up a hand to stop my stammering. "I can guess and NO, I DON'T want to know all of the details. I take it you both had a great time last night, then?"
I nodded as I put the last of my waffle into my mouth.
"I'm glad you two patched things up, Jen. You two seem to be made for each other."
"Thanks, Barb, I…" At that moment the front doorbell rang. I started to get up to answer it.
"You finish up, Jen. I'll get it. Might be business." I nodded in agreement as I stuffed the last piece of sausage on my plate into my mouth.
Barb returned ten minutes later with a large brown package with the MouseWorld corporate logo in one corner. The box had been opened and Barb set the contents before me on the kitchen table. "Let's see… your contract with MouseWorld, a copy of the script for the half hour computer animated pilot, a tentative schedule for all the projects and a note from Mark. Want to wade through this now?"
"Nope, I'll do that in the office in a little while. Right now I want to make one more waffle. Want to split it?"
"I thought you'd never ask, Jen!" Barb piled the stuff back in the box and put it in the office as I made the last waffle of the morning.
Barb helped me clean up and load the dishwasher. We left it humming away as we walked to the office.
“So what’s on the plans for today, Barb?”
“I scheduled a light day for you because of the show. Looks like you had better take a look at that stuff from MouseWorld though. My guess is that you can settle the contract today if what they sent is what you wanted.”
“My thinking too, Barb. The sooner I can settle it the sooner I can lock in some plans for the next few months. Greg will be happy tonight if I can do the shows for another month at least. Let me go dive into that box and see what I’ve got to work with.”
Almost two hours later Barb wandered into my office with two cups of steaming hot chocolate. She put one cup in front of me then sat down in the chair next to my desk. “Well?” was all she said.
I leaned back in my chair and took a long sip from the cup. “Looks like everything I wanted is in the contract all right. They even upped the price one more time. I’m almost ashamed to think of how much I’d be getting if I signed.” I held up the page that, with my signature, would seal the deal.
“Is this what you really want, Jen?”
“I think so, Barb. It’s not the money you know but I have to admit that that’s one of the more attractive parts of the deal. It’s all about doing new and challenging things. This will be the most ambitious project I’ve ever done. If I can do this and be a success it means a lot to me.”
“Want me to go get my notary stuff?” I nodded then took another long sip from the steaming cup as Barb went to retrieve her stamp. One of her many talents was that she was certified to notarize documents. I would need her to certify that it was my signature on the contract. She returned with a small leather pouch containing her special seal.
I took a deep breath then signed and dated the final page of the contract then handed the paper to Barb.
“Are you sure, Jen?” I nodded yes. She used the seal to stamp the paper then added her information on the lines provided by the stamp image. “There, all done. Congratulations, Jen!”
"So what do we do with this now?"
"We need to call them and let them know that the contract is signed then I'll fax this page to them. Let me take care of this. Last chance to back out, Jen. Once I send this you're in it for the duration."
I took a deep breath then slowly let it out. "Go ahead, Barb. Do it." I leaned back in my chair wondering if I was really doing the right thing. My involvement in the MouseWorld projects would take nearly six months to complete and could lead to months or maybe years more of work. What effect would this have on my relationship with Adam? Would I be able to do everything they needed me to do? So many questions and so few answers. I sat with my head in my hands as I listened to Barb make two calls to MouseWorld, the first to Mark followed by the final fax call to send the document sealing my fate.
Barb and I spent the rest of the day adding various events to my calendar and making sure that any previously scheduled appearance was still viable. Fortunately, most of the appearances were set for a weekday and wouldn't interfere with the play. MouseWorld was more than willing to work with me to resolve their needs with the last few public appearances left on my schedule.
I got so involved with a series of telephone calls about the upcoming schedule that I never noticed Barb head for the kitchen. The most wonderful smell of baking Italian bread and spaghetti sauce floated into my office. I took a break and wandered toward the kitchen sniffing the air all the way.
"BARB! You don't have to keep cooking! We could have ordered something or just made some sandwiches."
"Would YOU want a cold sandwich after looking out the window?" She pulled back the curtain over a kitchen window then pointed to the whiteout going on just outside.
"It's fine with me! I don't expect you to cook for me, Barb." I sat down heavily in a chair next to the kitchen table.
"Hey, I LIKE to cook. It's better for me than all that prepared stuff and salt laced fast food. It doesn't cost any more to cook something here than it does to order something, in fact it costs less. The bread was frozen dough from the store, the sauce is a good bottled sauce and the meatballs are some inexpensive hamburger with a few spices tossed in. Even the pasta was a sale item so stop your protesting and help me!"
"What can I do?"
"Get out another pan and fill it with water. I need to get the spaghetti on to cook."
"Done, Barb." I grabbed my favorite pasta pan and filled it with water and added a bit of salt then set it on the stove over a burner on high heat. "There you go. All set"
'Thanks! Now you go back to the office and work on the schedule. I'll yell when everything is ready and you come running, OK?"
"We have a deal! Thanks, Barb." I hurried back to the office and got lost in the planning again. I heard Barb yell then looked at the clock to see that it was nearly twelve thirty. I hurried to the kitchen following the marvelous aroma of bread, spaghetti sauce and meatballs.
As usual Barbs cooking, even with the simple ingredients, was nearly restaurant class and I eagerly stuffed myself full. "That was wonderful, Barb. Thanks for taking such good care of me."
“To be honest I’m looking out for myself too, Jen. I gotta keep the boss healthy and feeling good. If you go I don’t have a job any more.”
“Well, thanks anyway, Barb. Now let me help you put this stuff away.”
Much to my disapproval I got told to get out of my own kitchen and go back to work on the schedule again. Barb said that she would take care of the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge. Having nothing better to do I worked the rest of the afternoon on the schedule and even read over the script for the animation. I liked the story and decided to have Adam help me with the script over the weekend so I knew my lines when it came time to record them in a studio.
Late in the afternoon I heard the outside office door open then close again. Tammy walked into my office a few moments later.
“Hi Jen! All ready for the play tonight?”
"Me? Ready for the play? HA! I'm the same bundle of raw nerves inside like I always am, Tammy. We don't have to go right away so I'm going to take a few minutes to shower and change my clothes. Be right back."
A quick glance out of my bedroom window told me that function was going to win out over fashion. If someone was expecting me to dress the part of the "star" they were going to be really disappointed tonight. I stripped down to my birthday suit and headed for the bathroom. After popping on a shower cap I was very careful to tuck all of my hair under it. Getting it wet could take an hour or more to dry and style properly and it would use time I didn't have right now. I mused that it was quite a departure from my old body where a quick run of a comb through what hair I had left was all that I needed.
My body may be high-maintenance now but oh the feelings it was capable of giving me! The hot water from the showerhead sprayed over my nipples sending little tingles through my breasts. Aiming the water further down, it played over the most sensitive parts of my new anatomy sending bursts of pleasure through my entire body. Not wanting to start something I didn’t have time to finish, I carefully washed everything then shut down the shower and dripped dry for a few seconds before stepping out onto a big bathmat on the floor. I used one of my softest towels to pat myself dry then applied powder and some moisturizing lotion to several strategic spots.
I left the towel on the rail outside the shower along with the shower cap and walked naked back to the bedroom. Dispensing with the panties, I slipped on a pair of sheer to the waist panty hose. Just the simple act of pulling the silky smooth material over my legs sent tingles all over my skin.
The outfit I planned on wearing was a pair of heavyweight jeans with some insulation on the legs and a soft cotton blouse also insulated on the inside. The jeans fit rather snugly and I had to wiggle my way into them then I held my breath as I zipped them up. Knowing how messy makeup can sometimes be I walked over to the makeup table leaving the blouse on the bed. My breasts, being free of any restraint, bounced and swayed gently with each step. How different it felt now as compared to those dim memories of my old body!
I applied my makeup so that any spillover would land on bare skin or a towel I wrapped around my waist instead of the hard to clean jeans. Finally satisfied with my makeup, I retrieved my bra and blouse and put them on. I stepped up to the mirror to see what I looked like. The bra pushed my breasts together and upwards creating a fair amount of cleavage visible through the unbuttoned blouse. The jeans hugged my hips and thighs leaving little to the imagination. It was another one of those mixed feeling moments that I was having so often now, more than a small bit of pride with how I looked and a healthy dose of fear for the same reason. Was the pride my decidedly female mindset taking over and the fear my old fading male mind fighting back? I watched myself shrug in the mirror. It ultimately didn't matter since there was very little I could do but accept the situation and move on with my life.
The boots I decided to wear were insulated with a three-inch narrow heel. The boot tops came all the way up my calf stopping just below my knees. As I looked in the mirror I smiled to myself. At least I was nice and warm. The over-all look seemed to lack something as I examined myself in the mirror. It hit me that I wasn't wearing any jewelry at all. A quick trip to the jewelry box yielded a pair of silver studs tipped with tiny ruby red hearts and a matching ruby heart necklace on a silver chain. The chain was just the right length that the heart hung at the top of my cleavage almost drawing the eye to it. Another check in the mirror told me that I looked much better.
After rummaging around for a minute or two I found a large purse and loaded it with everything from my usual daytime purse. I tossed in a few extra things including a couple of pairs of panties I would need at the theater. I grabbed my new parka from the closet. I got a couple of long whistles from Barb and Tammy as I walked back into the office.
"I'm all set. Let's go!"
"WOW! Look at YOU!"
"Thanks, Barb. You've been trying to talk me into dressing a little better."
"Are you sure you want to wear that tonight?"
"Tammy, what was the weather like when you came in a little while ago?"
"I see your point. There's no good reason to freeze that lovely tush off tonight is there?" Tammy just shrugged then grabbed her coat and headed for her car with me following right behind.
“We’ll take my car tonight, Jen. I'm going to stop somewhere and make sure you have a good supper.”
"You'll get no arguments out of me on that, Tammy."
We talked in the car and decided on going to a mall to get some bourbon chicken from a Cajun place. As we walked into the mall I noticed a lot of heads snapping our way as we walked toward the food court.
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you, Jen?” I saw the gleam in Tammy’s eyes. I decided to up the level of interest and took off my parka and tossed it over my shoulder showing my blouse unbuttoned to just above my bra and the cleavage that revealed. I added just a little more wiggle to the way I walked making my breasts bounce gently.
“Sometimes it scares me but there are other times I’d feel there was something wrong if men didn’t follow me with their eyes.”
“I’d say you have their interest now, Jen.” She giggled quietly as we neared the Cajun place. “A few of those guys got a good thumping from their wives or girlfriends because of you.”
“That’s their problem, not mine.” We got into the line to order our meals then made our way over to the seats when the trays were ready.
Slowly, ever so slowly, I felt like almost every male eye within a hundred feet was locked on me. I felt that strange mix of emotions again, a bit of fear that so many people were watching me, and more than a little pride that I looked good enough to attract the attention of those around me.
My meal was almost finished when I heard a small cough a few feet away from me. I looked up to see a small girl standing there watching me.
“Can I have your autograph, please?” She held out a napkin for me to sign. I rummaged in my purse to find a pen and signed the napkin after asking her name to personalize it. She was smiling from ear to ear when she sat back down beside her mother a couple of tables away from ours.
As soon as others around us saw me sign her napkin a line of people formed at the table to get autographs and talk to me. I learned that the local TV station was heavily promoting the play and the live remote on next Friday morning. My face had been displayed on the screen several times per hour all day long.
So much for being able to go to the grocery store any more without drawing a crowd. Until now doing everything I had done hadn’t gathered much more than a casual notice from the general public. I could go where I wanted when I wanted with little fear of having a mob of people surround me. Sure there were times when I was recognized and a few people stopped to comment on the radio show or to talk about a computer problem.
Now, with the play and the TV special coming up, I realized that my days of reasonable privacy were likely coming to an end. Anything I said or did in public and maybe even in private was likely to draw attention and be the topic of discussion over some office water cooler somewhere. I would have to be much more careful in what I did and said from now on.
At least half the people in line were men and every one of them talked to my cleavage instead of looking me in the eyes as we chatted. I was really tempted to yell at each one of them that I had a face too but decided that I'd let it pass. What is it with the male fascination for the female breast anyway? WOA! Where did THAT come from? Six months ago I used to be a man and was just as smitten with the female figure as any of them!
The line of people waiting for a signature slowly dwindled to nothing. I glanced at my watch than at a somewhat amused Tammy. “Time to go?”
“Almost beyond time, Jen. We’ve got to get to the theater.”
“Let’s get going!” I grabbed my parka after taking care of the food tray and followed Tammy out to her car.
Twenty minutes later we pulled into the theater parking lot. The wind was howling outside the car and I was certain now that I had elected to wear the right outfit for the weather. I zipped the parka up all the way and hopped out of the warm car into the frigid cold night. The twenty-foot walk to the stage door felt like it was taking forever as the cold wind raked across my face and hands.
The theater was warming up inside nicely. The backstage area was a whirlwind of activity as the stage crew got the sets and props together for the show. Someone was busy with a hammer repairing a scenery flat while others were doing paint touch-ups here and there.
Cast members were crowded around the door to the wardrobe room waiting for their costumes. Dolly and Maggie were busy tending to small rips and tears, fixing them with a needle and thread. More serious repairs would be made in the morning though. Tammy and I waved as we passed by the door.
I tried to follow Tammy to the orchestra pit area to help her with the sound and lighting systems but she marched me right back onto the stage. “Look, Jen, I’ll handle the tech on this show. You’ve got more than enough just playing the lead role. Now head for your dressing room and get busy girl!”
I got that little girl pout and looked at her with big puppy-dog eyes. “But I wanna help!”
She giggled then swatted my backside. “That’s NOT gonna work on me, Jen. Adam might fall for that but not me. MARCH!” She raised an arm and pointed toward my dressing room. I gave her the “I tried” look, shrugged and resigned myself to the tasks at hand.
My dressing room was nice and warm already. I took off my parka and unbuttoned my blouse to just above my bra in an attempt to cool off slightly. There was something different about the room. I realized that it was a clothes rack full of my costumes or what I thought were my female costumes for the show. I recognized one of the costumes that I had worn last weekend but the rest were new to me. I was examining them when I heard a knock on the door.
“Jen? It’s Greg. Can I come in?”
“Come on in, Greg!”
“Oh, good. I see you found this little gift.”
He nodded yes. “A designer house has provided these for you. They’re so much nicer than the regular costumes I couldn’t say no. Besides, they wanted to talk to you about something. I told them I’d pass along the message. What do you think?”
“I think they’re gorgeous, Greg.” I lifted the strapless, sequined ball gown from the rack and held it up to my body. “This is going to look incredible for the final scene. I wonder how much this thing costs anyway?” I looked at myself in the mirror and imagined myself in it. It would be the most dazzling costume of the show.
“I overheard one of the delivery people. I think that just that gown costs around five thousand dollars, Jen. Take good care of it, OK?”
“FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS? Are they crazy? I can’t wear that, Greg. I’m scared to death just holding it!” I carefully placed the gown back on the rack.
“I think they expected that response. They said to have you call this number and they’d explain.” He handed me a small business card. “Make the call right now, OK?” Greg left closing the door behind him.
The cell phone was barely out of my purse before I started dialing the number. Someone answered on the second ring.
“Hello? This is Jennifer Stevens. I need to talk to someone about… yes I see… really? All right then, thanks!” I slumped down in the chair next to the makeup table.
It turned out that MouseWorld had contracted with a top design house for my costumes for the special and this was a side benefit of that contract. The clothes were mine to keep after the run of the play since they were made expressly to my measurements. If I needed anything special for a public appearance or for anything else I did up until the special I was to call the design house first.
After spending several minutes looking over the new costumes I realized that I was going to be late and left my dressing room to get my makeup and hair done. It didn't take long and I found myself back in the dressing room changing into my first costume. I was sitting at the makeup table looking over the script for the show when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in?"
The door opened and Adam peered around into the room. "Can we talk?"
"Sure, Adam. Come on in." He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. "What do you want to talk about?" I motioned for him to come and sit beside me on the couch along one wall of the room.
"Us, I want to talk about us, Jen."
"I'm listening, Adam." I snuggled up beside him and he put an arm around me and pulled me closer.
"What are you going to tell Greg after the performance tonight? Will you be doing the extra performances?"
"Yes, Adam, I'm going to tell Greg that I'll be available on weekends through the end of February. Past that it's impossible to schedule the weekends so I'm here. I think I'm going to be in Orlando much of the time past then, Adam." I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"So where does that leave us, Jen?" he leaned his head over on top of mine.
"Like I said, Adam, I'm going to make the time so we can be together as much as you can take. You're not going to get rid of me very easily you know."
"I know, Jen. I'm going to see if I can get a couple of weeks off from work to visit you in Orlando. Since you're going to have a place for me to stay I only need to get there and that doesn't cost much."
"Speaking of staying… want to stay overnight at my place for the weekend? I love waking up next to you in bed in the morning."
"I can't tonight, Jen, you wore me out this morning, remember? Besides, you have to do the radio show in the morning."
"I know. How about after the performances on Saturday?"
"I think I'll be recovered by then. I'll even bring along a couple of changes of clothes. How's that?"
"I think we have a plan. There is something you can help me with while you're around on Sunday morning, Adam."
"What's that, love?"
"I got the script for an computer animated pilot for a half-hour show they want to try. Can you help me by reading with me? I need the help."
"Sure. We can do that on Sunday morning after breakfast. You ARE making me breakfast aren't you?"
"Of course. Anything you want!"
"What if all I want is you?" He squeezed me even closer.
"I can handle that order." I hugged him as tightly as I could then gave him one of my best mind blowing kisses. We sat for several more minutes on the couch exchanging one mind-numbing kiss after another until the door to the room opened.
"HEY! Will you two get moving? Twenty minutes until show time!" We looked up to see Tammy standing there smiling. "You BOTH need to get your makeup re-done. I suggest cleaning up before you go out there. It looks like you've been doing some extensive tonsil examinations on each other."
"Umm… thanks, Tammy." She turned and waved as she closed the door behind her. "I guess she's right, Adam. We do look like quite a mess." I giggled as I used a tissue to wipe off some of my own makeup from his face.
"I guess it's time, Jen. See you out on the stage." He hugged me tightly then gently kissed me on the forehead. I felt him release me from his bear-like grip. I watched in silence as he left my dressing room.
I wish, Dear Diary, that I could report more on the activities during the play. This performance was no different than the ones before and no details stuck in my mind. I do remember concentrating intently on remembering my lines and hitting my marks while trying to stay in the correct pitch for the musical numbers. The one thing that stuck in my mind was the roar of the audience as we took our bows at the end of the performance. The applause from a group of people that appreciate your work can be intoxicating all by itself. The applause eventually died down after six curtain calls.
We waited around half an hour for the crowd to leave then Greg opened the curtains and we all took seats in the theater. He got everyone to quiet down then began to speak.
"Thanks everyone. Another great performance tonight! I guess you're all wondering about the possibility of some additional performances. Well, Jennifer has told me that she'll be available through the end of February for performances on our current schedule, a Friday night performance, two on Saturday and an afternoon performance on Sunday. The rest is up to you. I need a show of hands now of the people that can participate."
To my amazement, everyone there raised his or her hand. When Greg asked for who could not participate there wasn't a single hand showing!
"Thank you everyone! This means a lot to the theater group. Now everyone go home and get a good night's sleep .We have two shows tomorrow."
I watched the cast and crew slowly file out of the theater. I waited a few minutes more for Tammy then we headed for her car. Just outside the stage door we ran into a crowd of around twenty people waiting to see me. I managed to sign all the autographs everyone wanted and talked to a few people for several minutes in the frigid temperatures. Finally I could stand the cold no longer so I sadly excused myself and headed for the warmth of Tammy's car.
"WHEW! You sure do attract the crowds don't you?"
"I guess it's something I'm going to have to get used to, Tammy. I wonder if I should have Greg make an announcement that I'll be in the lobby after each play to sign autographs. It would be much better for the people waiting than standing out in the cold."
"And YOU wouldn't freeze your boobs off either."
"Well… now that you mentioned it…" I grinned from ear to ear. "Hey! Here's an idea. How about we ask Greg to make up some pictures to sell to the crowd. We can autograph them if someone wants our signatures on a picture."
"Sounds good. That should make some extra money for the theater. Do you want to stop for a late snack, Jen?
"I think I'll pass, Tammy. I need to get some sleep. We have the radio show in the morning then two performances in the afternoon and evening."
"All right, Jen. I'll drop you at your house and come over in the morning again to pick you up. OK?"
"That works for me, Tammy." We rode the rest of the way in silence punctuated by the drone of the wiper blades and the roar of the heater keeping the windshield clear and us warm. Another fifteen minutes and we were pulling into my snow-covered driveway.
"Good night, Tammy. See you in the morning."
"Night, Jen. I'll wait until you're inside." I walked up the driveway slipping a couple of times on the layer of ice under the snow. I finally made it to the porch and opened the front door. I watched Tammy back out of the driveway and waved as the taillights of her car faded out of sight.
Just as I was closing the door a tiny rust colored streak ran into the house from the shadows of the porch. The streak slowed to a walk a few feet inside the front door then turned around and walked back toward me. I looked down to find Maggie the kitten was paying me another visit.
I picked up the little ball of fluff and hugger her tightly. "It's not a good night for a little one like you to be out, Maggie!" I waggled my finger at the purring kitten who, at that moment, decided to bat at it with her paw. "Guess I better call over next door and tell them you're here."
I made the phone call and learned that Maggie was going to stay the night with me again. They'd come over in the morning to get the kitten. I put the phone down and picked up Maggie again.
"Looks like it's just you and me again, Maggie. Are you hungry tonight?" The kitten was happy cuddling in my warm hands and didn't seem to respond. I made my way to the kitchen and got out a gallon jug of milk, a glass and a small bowl. The bowl got filled first and Maggie got to work as I filled the glass. I watched as Maggie licked the bowl dry and then started in with the ritual fur cleaning. As soon as I finished my own milk I put the dirty items in the washer and the gallon jug back in the refrigerator.
How Maggie got off the table onto the floor I’ll probably never figure out but she followed me into the bedroom trying to attack my toes every step of the way. I headed for my bathroom to get undressed and make one final “pit stop” for the night. The litter pan was still in the bathroom and Maggie made good use of it. I walked back to the bed and got in before hearing a plaintive mewing sound coming from the floor beside the bed.
“Sorry, Maggie! I forgot.” I gently lifted the tiny kitten onto the bed. She marched right up to the head of the bed and settled herself beside my head on the pillow. I fell asleep with Maggie’s gentle purring just a few inches away from my ear.
January 11, 2003 - Saturday
I woke up to the feeling of a tiny furry paw batting the end of my nose. The light was streaming into the room and splashing across the head of the bed. I saw a stray lock of hair hanging down across my face and it moved whenever I exhaled. Maggie had decided to have some fun with my hair and was batting at the movement with her paw. I played the game with Maggie by varying the time I held my breath between exhales. Finally I blew a stream of air from my mouth that moved the hair up and out of the way.
Maggie looked a little depressed that the fun was over and curled up again in a little ball on the pillow. I, on the other hand, felt an urgent need to use the bathroom so I was forced to get up for the day. Water splashed into the tub as I took care of my own business then I slid into the warm, inviting water. Twenty minutes later I was back in the bedroom dressing in an outfit quite similar to the one I wore yesterday, a pair of jeans with a blouse. I spent a few minutes brushing and combing my hair then applied my makeup lightly since it would all have to come off at the theater later in the day. Maggie was sitting on the end of the bed cleaning her fur again as I finished.
“Hello, little one. Feeling fine today?” Maggie looked up at me and made a little purring sound. “Come on, then. Time for breakfast before you have to go back home.” I placed Maggie on the floor and she followed me into the kitchen.
Four slices of toast went into the toaster. Four strips of bacon went into the microwave along with an egg mixed up for an omelet in a special microwave-cooking dish. The microwave dinged as I buttered the last of the four slices of bread. Maggie’s breakfast consisted of a small bowl with cottage cheese and another small bowl of milk. I poured a glass of orange juice for my own breakfast.
A few moments after I sat down I felt tiny claws starting to climb up the leg of my jeans. I looked down to see Maggie doing her best to get to the table. I lifted her off my leg and set the squirming kitten on the table. She sat next to my plate staring at the bacon strips. Smiling to myself I took half a strip of bacon and placed it on a napkin on the table next to Maggie. I watched as she devoured the piece of bacon then she looked at my plate for the rest of the strip. “All right, little one. I guess you’re on solid food now aren’t you?” The rest of the strip of bacon disappeared as quickly as the first half did.
From previous experience I knew that cats eat almost anything people do so I cut off a small chunk of my omelet and placed it on the napkin. That too disappeared into the tummy of the tiny cat. The last little bit must have filled her up since she started her fur cleaning operation again. I managed to finish my breakfast while Maggie cleaned up the bowl of cottage cheese and milk after I placed them on the table.
The last of the dishes from breakfast went into the washer as the front doorbell chimed. “Well, Maggie, looks like it’s time you went home again.” I scooped up the happy kitten and answered the door.
The same little girl from yesterday stood on the front porch. “Hi, Sally. Toby got out again.”
“I know. We can’t figure out how he does it either.”
“Kittens can squeeze through the tiniest openings, Sally. Just remember that any time Toby disappears check with me, OK? He seems to like visiting with me.”
“Thanks, Miss Stevens. I’ll do that.” I handed the squirming kitten to Sally and watched her walk back to her house with the kitten tucked inside her coat.
For the next few hours I busied myself with maintenance on the computers I used to run my web site. The time moved by quickly until I heard the front door open and close again. Moments later Tammy poked her head into the computer room.
“All set to go, Jen?”
“Sure, just give me a moment to print a couple of things then log out of the system.”
“Good. I need to use the facilities anyway. It’s COLD out there!”
“You can make a cup of hot chocolate if you want some, Tammy. Help yourself in the kitchen.”
“Sounds good to me, Jen. Want a cup?”
“Sure. You go warm up and I’ll make it, OK?”
“Thanks, Jen.” Tammy headed for the bathroom in the office as I headed for the kitchen. A couple of minutes later we were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for the milk to warm up in the microwave.
“So are you ready for today, Jen?”
“About as ready as I was last weekend, Tammy. As much as I will have to do this over the next two months I don’t think I’ll ever get used to doing the play. The radio show is sort of old news to me by now.”
I watched as Tammy took the two cups of milk out of the microwave and stirred in the special hot chocolate mix then added some mini-marshmallows to each cup. “I know what you mean. It seems strange to be going seven days a week doesn’t it? I have to go to college then do the radio show with you then the play at night.”
“I’ll be spending a few days each week in Orlando then coming back up here for the radio show and the play. I wonder if I’ll have any problem remembering where I am every day?”
“Just look outside. I think it’ll be easy to figure that one out, Jen. White means New York, green means Florida. That plus the fact that you’ll freeze those lovely boobs of yours off if you go around without a coat up here right now should keep you informed."
"Sounds reasonable to me, Tammy. Say… I think we better get moving for the radio station."
Tammy glanced at her watch. "You're right. We've got about an hour to get there. Let's go."
The drive to the station took about half an hour in the slippery winter driving conditions. That was certainly something I wasn't going to miss when I had to be in Orlando.
The radio show went like it always did with lots of questions and just as many answers. Word of my activities at MouseWorld had started to leak out since I got several questions from listeners about it. I promised to provide a weekly update if my listeners wanted it and asked them to send me an email if they were interested. When I checked my email at the end of the show, over three thousand emails were already there asking for the weekly update. It looked like this phase of my life was going to be an open book to the public.
Tammy and I agreed on Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch so we picked up a small bucket and a few side orders and took them to the theater. As usual for a Saturday, we were the first to arrive and went about the task of turning up the heat and the lights. We went to my dressing room to have lunch as the theater warmed up. Fortunately the dressing room warmed up faster than the rest of the theater and we were quite comfortable.
I wish I could report that the two shows we did were memorable but like the show last night it was becoming somewhat routine. I still had a major case of stage fright every time the curtain opened for my first appearance. Each time I swallowed my fear and put on the "stage face" my fellow cast and crew had come to expect.
I vividly remember that the discussion during the catered supper between shows turned to my activities. Details had leaked out on one of the evening entertainment reporting shows about my deal with MouseWorld. I got bombarded with questions from everyone about what I'd be doing and when. While I was only certain of certain milestones in the schedule I provided as much information as I could. It seemed to satisfy most of the cast and crew and soon the attention turned away from me back to the local gossip that we always had about local people in the theater and broadcasting.
The crowd in the theater lobby had grown after the second show to meet me and get an autograph. I stayed much longer than previous Saturday nights to satisfy the demand. Finally I was forced to admit to myself that I was a "someone" now. Six months ago I was a nobody going nowhere fast. My death then would not have left even a footnote in history. Now I was the center of attention at least for this group of people that wanted to meet me. I wondered again how long I would be able to walk in a grocery store or go shopping in private without a crowd of people or paparazzi following me around.
The mass of people slowly dwindled to nothing. I looked up to see Adam waiting for me. "Ready to go, love?"
"Am I ever! You're taking me home?" He nodded yes. "You're staying the night I hope."
""Well, you DID promise me breakfast didn't you?"
I hugged him tightly and kissed him. "Just try to get away from me!" I wrapped an arm around him as we walked out to his car.
The bucket seats in his Mustang didn't allow me to snuggle up beside him but I did manage to lean over and rest my head on his shoulder as we traveled the slippery streets back to my house. We arrived intact and headed inside the warm house.
Adam turned to me as we headed for the bedroom. "Jen do you mind if we just…"
"…get to bed?" He smiled then nodded. "Adam I'd really like that and I'm not even going to insist that we do anything more than go to sleep right now. I don't know about you but I'm really tired and I wouldn't enjoy having a little fun now as much as I would in the morning."
"Thanks, Jen. I knew you'd understand."
"Adam, just having you next to me is all I need tonight." I started to undress. "I'm going to go take a bath and clean up. A hot bath is going to help relax me."
Adam started to undress too. "Is the tub big enough for two?"
"Yes, it is but only if we don't get something started neither of us has the energy to finish tonight." I dropped my panties and bra on the floor. "Give me a couple of minutes then come in, OK?" Adam nodded as he stood by the bed in his underwear.
"Let me use the bathroom by the office and I'll be right with you, love." He walked out of the bedroom as I headed for the bathroom.
I started to fill the tub and added some of my favorite bath beads to the water. The pleasing fragrance of lilacs filled the bathroom. I used the toilet then slipped into the inviting water. Adam walked in a few moments later.
"Is there room for one more?"
"Sure! I patted the water. Come on in!" Adam eased in beside me and we snuggled in each other's arms. I never knew that simply washing up in the tub could be such an erotic experience. Just the gentle touch of Adam washing my sensitive parts sent me over the edge at least twice. I returned the favor my using my hands to bring Adam to the edge of ecstasy several times then completed the job after I'd gotten out of the tub. I let the water drain then told Adam to rinse off using the shower head before he came to bed. I patted myself dry then headed for the bedroom and slipped between the satin sheets on my bed.
Adam appeared a couple of minutes later and got in beside me. We lay spooned together in each other's arms as we both drifted off to sleep.
January 12, 2003 - Sunday
Waking up was heaven as I felt Adam's arms wrapped around me. I lay as still as I could trying not to wake him too early. I waited as long as I could before the demands my body was making took over forcing me to get up and head for the bathroom. I finished up as quickly as I could and returned to the bed to find Adam waiting for me.
"Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling this morning?"
"I'm doing great, Adam. How about you?"
"I'm ready to go if you are."
"Let's not spoil the feeling. Let's just cuddle some more. We don't have to be up for another two hours."
"Fine with me. I'm glad to know our relationship is more than raw sex."
"Well… the sex is great but I like just being with you, Adam."
"And I love being with you, Jen."
We snuggled back down in the bed and slept for almost two more hours before we both needed to get up. Adam went first to take care of his morning ritual before he dressed in clothes he brought with him. I then completed my own morning preparations then dressed in a revealing teddy and put a terry bathrobe on over it.
I was preparing waffles and sausage again when Adam came into the kitchen with the Sunday morning paper. "Want me to read the review of the play last night?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Let's see…" Adam fumbled with the paper until he found the Entertainment section. "Ah… here it is. I'll skip the movie review just before our review. Ahhh… ‘and I was in attendance again at the second performance of Victor/Victoria last evening at the Community Theater. The group continues to produce a crisp highly entertaining show with few mistakes and loads of fun for everyone in the theater. Word has leaked out that additional performances will be added until the end of February on the current schedule of a show Friday night, two shows on Saturday (one in the afternoon, another in the evening) and a Sunday afternoon performance. Performances through the end of January are already completely sold out so don't wait too long to get tickets for the additional performances. I suspect that Jennifer Stevens recent association with the MouseWorld organization will not let the group schedule performances past the ones just added. As soon as I can dig up more details on the MouseWorld deal you'll see them here.’"
"So that's all he said, Adam?"
"That's all. Not much, eh?"
"Well, I wouldn't expect much more. What more can he say that he hasn't said already?"
"True, Jen." Adam dropped the paper on the table and began sniffing the air in the kitchen. "WOW! Those waffles smell great! Is mine ready?"
"Coming right up, Adam."
I placed a plate in front of Adam with a large waffle, two sunny side up eggs and a few pieces of sausage. I then went to prepare my own plate.
"This is great, Jen. Do you have breakfast like this every day?"
"No, I've learned that with this body I can't eat like this all the time. Days like this where I'll be on the go all the time I can get away with it but I usually just have a bagel with some cream cheese and some orange juice as my normal breakfast."
"I could have this for breakfast every morning. I love waffles on a cold winter morning."
"It's one of my favorite things too, Adam." I watched him devour the waffle then look thoughtfully at his plate. "Want one more?"
"Do you read minds too, Jen?" The smile on his face stretched from ear to ear.
"No, I just know how good these things are. I'll start another one for you." I got up and started another waffle cooking in the waffle iron then went back to the table. I finished my breakfast then served Adam his waffle. While he was eating that I busied myself cleaning up the kitchen and loading the washer with the dishes.
"Adam, will you help me with the script for the animated show? We have almost four hours before we have to leave for the theater."
“Sure, I wanted to see what you were getting yourself into anyway.”
I tugged on his arm until he followed me into the living room. I pointed to the couch then went to the office to get the script.
“This is it. It’s kinda like a western set in the world inside a computer. I play Jenny Hex, the town’s sheriff. A ‘bad guy’ moves into town and starts taking over everything in sight and he isn’t doing it by legal methods either. The bad guy is called Draco Selinoid and is sort of a cross between Recardo Montalban’s Mister Rourke character on Fantasy Island and Darth Vader. He polished and sophisticated on the surface but totally evil at his core. I want you to read his part in this scene.”
“All right. Looks like you have the first line.”
“Here goes….”
Jenny: “All right, Draco. What’s your game?”
Draco: “Why, Miss Eight, whatever gave you the notion that I, of all people, would be involved in some nefarious scheme?”
Jenny: “Because of those two idiots you call your employees, Bits and Null, that’s why!”
Draco: “What have they done now, my dear lady?”
Jenny: “According to old man Wombly at the General Store they came into the store and trashed half the place. They said that Wombly better sell out to you or there wouldn’t be anything left to sell anyone.”
(Script directions — Draco sits for a few moments forming a reply.)
Draco: “Those two idiots. I told them to go buy some trash bags NOT trash the place. Good help is SO hard to fine these days.” (A sleazy smile spread across his face)
Jenny: “That’s your story?”
Draco: “That’s what happened.”
Jenny: “I don’t believe it or YOU for one nanosecond, Draco. You’re out to take over the town and everyone in it. I’m NOT going to let you get away with it either. “ (Jenny stomps out of Draco’s office)
(Scene shifts to room next to Draco’s office — Bits and Null have been listening at the door.)
(Draco is heard slightly muffled through the closed door) Draco: “Oh, boys, will you please come in here?” Draco’s tone of voice is sickly sweet.
Bits: “We’re in for it now. I don’t like it when the boss talks nice to us.”
Null: “I know but we gotta do it anyway. We’re on the payroll.”
(They enter the room to face Draco.)
Draco: “Boys, I told you to trash the place and let old man Wombly know who he was dealing with. I didn’t expect him to go running to the law.” (Draco impatiently drums his fingers on the huge oak desk making it shake. Bits and Null tremble.)
Bits: “Sorry, boss. We did like you said. Is she gonna be a problem? (Bits points toward the door where Jenny has left the room.)
Draco: “Yes, She is. As much as it pains me to rely on you two clowns I have a job for you.” (Draco’s eyes start to glow a dull red slowly increasing in intensity.)
Null: “What is it, Boss?”
Draco: “She’s going to have an accident.”
Bits: “What kinda accident, Boss?”
Draco: “One that will keep her out of my way until I take over this town.”
Bits: “But Boss…”
Draco: “No excuses. Just do it.” (evil tone in his voice here) “If you fail this is what will happen to both of you!” (Draco pounds his fist onto the oak desktop shattering it into thousands of splinters.) (sweet tone returns to his voice here). “Do you understand, boys?”
Null: “We understand, Boss. We’ll get right on it.” (Bits and Null almost fall over themselves to get out of the room.)
Draco: “Oh, Boys?” (Bits and Null stop and turn to face him.) “Bring me another desk and clean up this mess will you?” (Bits and Null stand there looking at him. Evil tone returns to his voice again. Draco ROARS at them.) “NOW!” (Draco laughs evilly as Bits and Null run out of the office, Draco’s laugh echoing behind them.)
I looked at Adam in complete amazement. I couldn’t believe that my sweet, caring Adam could sound so evil when he wanted to. “Umm… Adam, how do you DO THAT? I’ve got goose bumps! Look!” I pointed to my arms where little mounds had appeared until my arms looked a little like coarse sandpaper.
“I was just having some fun with it, Jen. I guess I sort of overdid it didn’t I?”
“No, you didn’t. That’s exactly the kind of thing they were looking for, sweet and charming one moment and cold and calculating an instant later. I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That’s not the real me, Jen. I was just getting into the character.”
I watched the bumps on my arm soften and disappear then looked up at Adam. “I’ve got an idea, Adam. Want to audition for the part? I don’t know if they’ve cast the role yet but I think you’d make a great Draco. You sure have me convinced.”
“You really think I have a chance at it, Jen?”
“Maybe. Let’s record something using my PC and I’ll send a file down to the casting office at the studio. It can’t hurt to try.”
Adam nodded in agreement. We spent the next thirty minutes or so recording the scene we had just read. I added a few effects like a little reverberation to Draco’s evil tone and added the reverberating laughter to the end of the reading. I played it back for Adam.
“Is that ME, Jen?”
“That’s you, love. Oh… Look!” I pointed to Adam’s own arms now covered in goose bumps like my own were. “This is spooky!”
“I know. I sound so slimey. Is that what they really want for the character?”
“From what I know now, yes. Let me send this now so we’ll know something on Monday maybe.” I attached the MP3 file to an email and sent it off to the casting people at the studio. “There, all set.”
“Thanks, Jen. Ah… how much does something like this pay anyway?”
“I’m not certain, maybe ten thousand dollars for the pilot episode, much more if they decide to make it into a series.”
“WOW! That will sure pay off a lot of bills!”
I thought briefly of offering to help Adam but decided that he, like me, had his pride when it came to doing things. He had already told me that he wanted to make it on his own and I was not going to stop him from trying. “Well, don’t get too excited, Adam. I’m sure you are one of a bunch of people that have tried out for the part. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
Adam thought for a few moments. “But, Jen, can’t you…”
“Can’t I what?”
“Can’t you put in a word for me?”
“I thought YOU were the one that said he wanted to make it on his own, the one that didn’t want to become known as ‘Mister Jennifer Stevens’?”
“Well, I just opened the door for you the same as I would anyone else that had the talent. Other than that you’re on your own getting the part. If you do get it though I’ll ask my lawyer to represent you in the contract negotiations if you prefer. He did a great job for me and you really should get help with that.”
“That works for me, Jen.”
“Now I think it’s time we got ready to leave for the theater. I don’t know where the time went.” The clock showed just an hour left before we needed to leave and I needed to change out of the teddy I was wearing for Adam. I hurried back to the bedroom and changed into an outfit similar to the ones I had worn the past two days. There's only so much latitude you had in dealing with the cold weather in upstate NY winters and skirts or shorts just weren't in the list of options.
While I was changing into my outfit, Adam changed out of the pajamas bottoms he was wearing into jeans and a sweatshirt then ran a comb through his hair. He looked over at me while I was brushing my hair at the makeup table. “There, all ready to go! Come ON, Jen. We’ll be late!”
“We still have time, Adam. You don’t want me going out looking like THIS do you?”
“You look just fine to me. I love that look you get just after we’ve been making out for a while.”
“But we’re going out, Adam. I can’t go out looking like that!”
“WOMEN! You and your primping!” He smiled sweetly at me.
“MEN! Good for only ONE thing and then they only have ONE shot at it!” I tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t. Then I stuck out my tongue at Adam and blew him a raspberry.
“Well, YOU seem to like it enough!” Adam started to tickle my sides. I rolled onto the bed as he kept on tickling. The tickling continued for almost half a minute with me laughing then gulping for air.
Adam stopped tickling me and I slowly regained my composure. When I caught my breath I reached up and pulled him down on top of me to give him the most mind-blowing kiss I could muster. When we both came up for air our breathing was ragged and deep.
“You keep that up, Jen, and we’re not going to make it to the theater at all.”
I sighed and let him roll off of me. “I guess you’re right, love. Just hold that thought for when we get home tonight.”
“You mean you…”
“Yup! As many times as we can.”
Adam got a gleam in his eyes. “I guess I better have a good lunch on the way to the theater. Looks like we might not get supper tonight, just dessert.”
“Yup.” I rolled off the bed and went back to finishing my hair and makeup.
The snow crunched under our feet as we walked out to Adam's car. It refused to start because of the extreme cold so we took my truck. It grumbled quite a bit at being started on such a cold morning but it did start.
"We'll take care of your car when we get home again, Adam. Is the truck warming up?" I still felt chilled to the bone.
"Yup, but real slow. We should have heat in a few more minutes, Jen, Can you keep the windows clear with the scraper?" I nodded that I could and set to work trying to keep the frost from our breath from completely icing the windshield over from the inside. I stopped when I noticed the windows starting to clear from the heat flowing from the dash vents.
We stopped on the way to the theater to buy a large pizza and a two-liter bottle of soda. When we got to the theater we turned up the heat then devoured the pizza in my dressing room while we waited for the place to warm up. When Tammy came in about half an hour later we were sitting on the couch hugging each other under a blanket.
“I thought I told you two to go get a motel room or something. SHEESH!” She scooped a piece of the now cold leftover pizza from the box and started to munch on it.
“How can you stand to eat cold pizza, Tammy?” I looked up at her as she bit off another mouth full.
“I’m a college student, remember?” She pointed to her tummy. “I got a cast iron stomach from eating in the cafeteria for lunch most days.” She finished off that slice and grabbed the last one in the box. “Besides. It’s COLD outside. It’s gotta be below zero out there! I need the energy to keep warm!”
“Yah, tell me about it. Even in here I’m freezing and I’ve got Adam to keep me warm.” Adam looked up at Tammy and waved while grinning.
"Now that you mention it, Jen it IS awfully cold out there. How long as the heat been turned up?"
Adam looked at his watch. "It's been almost an hour, Tammy. It's still cold out there?"
"Freezing, Adam. We'd better check the furnace."
My dressing room seemed to be warming up but that was only because of the two baseboard electric heaters. The area where my dressing room was located was a newer addition to the theater and didn't have any heating vents from the old furnace system. When we got into the old part of the theater I could see my breath hanging in the air. We headed down into the basement.
I sniffed the air at the bottom of the stairs and the odor of fuel oil hung rather heavily. As we passed by the paint shop area I grabbed some dust masks and put one on offering the other two to Tammy and Adam. Both refused them but I kept them with me anyway.
The smell of the oil got heavier as we got closer to the furnace. Adam looked the old unit over and found a problem. "Here it is! The breaker needs to be reset." He started to reach for the red button on the burner.
"ADAM! Don't…" But it was too late! The furnace started with a huge WHUMPF sound and shook violently. Huge clouds of black soot shot out of several openings around the furnace, one hitting Adam directly in the face. He staggered back coughing and rubbing his eyes.
"Tammy! Put this on NOW!" I tossed a mask at her then clamped the other one over Adam's nose and mouth as I pulled him toward the paint workshop. Out of the corner of me eye I saw a kill switch for the furnace and hit it but not before a cloud of the inky black soot had been sucked into the ventilation system of the theater. The fans rumbled to a stop as I searched the paint shop for a critical piece of safety equipment.
Thank God the paint shop crew had followed proper safety protocols because they had the emergency eyewash station that I was searching for. I shoved Adam's head over the fixture and pumped away on the handle to spray clean, sterile water into his eyes to flush them of the soot. "Keep your eyes open, Adam. Keep blinking but DON'T shut them. We need to get the soot out!" Coughing continued to take almost every shred of energy he had but he managed to nod his head slightly that he understood.
"Tammy! Call 911 and get an ambulance here. I think Adam is going to need oxygen. He's taken in a bunch of that stuff into his lungs. Get Greg down here if he's up there and get my cell phone."
"I'm on it, Jen." She disappeared up the stairs. Moments later Greg appeared. "Greg, get a mask on. They're over there on the counter."
He came back moments later wearing a mask. "What the hell happened, Jen?"
"The furnace exploded from a load of unburned fuel oil. Adam took a full blast of soot in the face. I think I got his eyes in time, Greg but he's going to have breathing problems. I sent Tammy to get an ambulance. Help me get him out of here." The water was running clear now and I took a soft cloth that was part of the station and got it wet with more of the clean water. I carefully cleaned the area around Adam's nose and mouth so that he wouldn't inhale any more of the soot that was stuck to his face. We managed to get him back up the stairs and onto the old couch on the stage. Coughing still wracked his body and I was getting more concerned as his color changed toward a bluish cast to his skin.
The ambulance crew burst in the stage door a couple of minutes later and immediately tended to Adam. They started administering oxygen and took his vital readings. I stood back and watched as Adam's color slowly returned. The coughing slowly subsided too, but now when Adam coughed thick black mucous appeared. He spit it into a small cup the ambulance crew gave him. One of the crew came over to where I was standing.
"Good save. They told us what you did, Miss Stevens."
"Thanks, and please call me Jen. How is he?"
"He really should spend the night in the hospital. He took in a lot of soot. He could still develop breathing problems overnight. He says he doesn't want to go though."
"You let me talk to him… he'll go."
I walked over to Adam and sat down beside him on the couch.
"What's this crap that you don't want to go to the hospital overnight?" He started to lift the breathing mask to try to speak. "No. DON'T try to answer. I'll tell you. You once told me you weren't going to watch while I killed myself. Well, that works two ways, Adam. You're going to the hospital and that's FINAL."
He started to protest again. "If you go I'll…" I whispered in his ear. His eyes got real big.
He managed to croak out a single word, "Really?" before the coughing started again.
"Yup. When you think you're recovered enough to handle it, love. Now go with these nice folks and don't worry about performing. I have a hunch we're going to cancel tonight anyway. There's soot all over everything here." I wiped my hand on the couch and held it up showing it was almost black with a layer of soot. Adam just nodded then laid back down. I walked back over to the ambulance crewmember.
"He'll go with you now. I've got a few things to take care of then I'll see him at the hospital."
"Wait just a minute, Miss Stevens. You need a bit of help yourself."
"Have you looked in a mirror?" She held up a small makeup compact mirror.
My eyes were ringed with a thick layer of soot and, when the mask was removed, thin streaks of soot could be seen going into my nose where the mask hadn't sealed well.
"Where do you want me?"
"Got a dressing room?"
"This way…" She picked up a large black case and followed me to the dressing room. Since it didn't have a vent from the heating system it was clean inside. I plunked down in a chair at the makeup table and turned on the lights so she could see better to work on me.
The first step was to flush out my own eyes and then clean up my face so the soot on it wouldn't get inhaled. Even my ears got filed with the stuff. My hair was caked with soot and a brushing got rid of some of it. The makeup table got covered with clumps of the soot. I cleaned up the table some tissues and deposited the whole mess in the trashcan.
It had taken just a couple of minutes to complete the process of cleaning up. Adam was being bundled up for the trip to the hospital for observation and I was contemplating making the trip along with him to be near him. That was until Greg and Tammy came into the dressing room.
Greg sat down heavily in a chair next to me at the makeup table. “Well, it isn’t good, Jen. I had to cancel the performance this afternoon because of all the soot all over the place and the fact we don’t have any heat out there. I’m worried about the pipes freezing in this cold too. That’ll cause even more damage.”
"I got it covered, Greg."
"HOW? Just how are we supposed to get someone in here to fix the thing on a Sunday afternoon?"
"Don't worry, Greg, I said I got it covered! Tammy, do you have my cell phone?"
"Right here, Jen." She handed me the cell phone. I turned it on and dialed a number I remembered from past use. The phone rang a couple of times before someone answered.
"Hi. Barney. Jennifer Stevens calling. Got a minute?… Yeah, I sure have changed since then… So you heard what happened, huh?… I know, we do have to get together and talk about old times. Listen, Barney, I got a rush job for you. I'm at the Community Theater and the furnace detonated… Yup, soot all over the place… Can you come over and get it running again?… Sure, now is great, Barney… Look, better bring an air filter or two. Looks like an old industrial model to me. I didn't get a good look at it before we needed to clear out of the basement… Great, Barney, see you in about fifteen minutes. Just come around back to the stage door. It'll be open. Oh, before I forget, can you bring the BIG cleanup kit? Great! Bye!"
I hit the END button on the call phone and smiled at Greg, "There, all set, Greg. A friend of mine in the heating business will be here shortly to fix the furnace. He's going to bring one of his cleaning kits too. He's got a side business doing fire restoration work. If you can keep some of the cast and crew here to do the work we can get things back to close to normal today."
A big smile broke out on Greg's face replacing the worried look. "That's great, Jen! Now what do we do about all the people that are expecting a performance today? The doors were supposed to open in about an hour for the audience."
"Simple, just explain the situation and offer to exchange their tickets for another of the new performances we added or they can get a refund instead. Say that it will take about a week to mail the refund since you don't have a whole lot of cash on hand. I'll bet most of them go for the replacement ticket."
"That will work, Jen."
"And as a side offer, run a few tours of the theater and backstage area to let them see the disaster we're facing with all of the soot and no heat. I'll make myself available in the lobby to sign autographs too if Adam will be all right going to the hospital by himself."
"You go check on him and let me know, all right, Jen?"
"I'm on the way, Greg." I caught up with Adam as they were almost out the stage door to load him into the ambulance.
"You gonna be all right, Adam? I'll go with you if you need me to." He motioned for me to come closer.
As I got close enough to hear what he said he took off the oxygen mask and planted a big kiss squarely on my lips. From the feeling of what he was trying to do with his tongue I assumed that his hospital stay would be a brief one and that they would probably have to tie him into the bed to keep him any longer than overnight. He was smiling from ear to ear as I broke the kiss.
"Thanks, love. I think I understand. Are you sure it's ok I stay here and help clean up?" He squeezed my hand and nodded. "All right, Adam. I'll come and pick you up when they're ready to kick you out of the hospital. I'll try to come and see you tonight if I don't have to stay too long here."
Adam shrugged and waved as the ambulance crew opened the door. "AND NO PASES AT THE NURSES NOW!" Adam's eyes got big and he made the common motion with his hands tracing the curves of a woman then gave a big wolf whistle and rubbed his hands together. "I tried my best Jack Benny impersonation, "NOW CUT THAT OUT!", then promptly dissolved into a giggling fit as they loaded him into the ambulance. I stood in the swirling snow and watched the lights of the ambulance fade away.
As I went back inside the theater I felt like I should have gone with Adam and I desperately wanted to run and grab my coat then chase after the ambulance. I guessed that the part of me that wanted to be with Adam was my growing feminine side. What remained of my masculine persona said that I was needed here to help clean up and make sure that things were going to be ready for the play next weekend and for the live remote broadcast next Friday morning. I stood for several minutes in a quiet out of the way area backstage pondering if I would ever get over the duality that seemed to inhabit my brain. Did I really want to shed the masculine aspects of my personality or was I stronger because of my unique outlook on life? I didn’t get much time to think about it.
A pair or arms wrapped around me and lifted me off the floor as I heard a male voice. “WOW! You sure DID change a lot!” I was placed back on the floor and twirled around to face my attacker.
“Barneveldt Brewster! You miserable old rascal! It’s been a year at least since the last time I saw you!” I tossed my arms around him and hugged him tightly then planted a huge kiss on his cheek. “Let me look at you!” I stood back a couple of steps and looked the huge man over. “Yup, you look like you’ve aged about ten years since the last time I saw you.” I smiled and winked at him.
“Well, living with my wife does that to a man.” He shrugged and smiled. “I see you got some miles taken off the odometer and the body has been re-built.”
I twirled around slowly to give him a good look. “Like it? It was designed by Mother Nature, you know.”
“If I wasn’t married already you’d be right at the top of my list.” He hugged me tightly again. “WHEW! You smell like soot!”
“The whole place smells like soot, Barney. That’s why I called you. Wanna start in the basement?”
“That’s where the furnace is isn’t it? Before you can clean up the place we’ve got to get the heat back on again.”
“That’s good cause I’m freezing my buns off, Barney. Follow me!”
He reached over and pinched my bottom. “Nope, not frozen yet but getting close.” I turned and walked toward the stairs to the basement. “Well, with a view like this I sure won’t get lost.”
I blushed several different shades of red as I worked my way down the stairs into the basement trying to wiggle my butt as little as possible. Considering how I was built now and the fact that I was going down a set of stairs I lost the battle. Everything bounced much to Barney’s entertainment and amusement.
Soot covered everything as we neared the now dormant furnace. “WOW! It sure did a good job making a mess didn’t it?” The soot covered everything within ten feet of the now subdued monster.
“Yup. I figure this thing hasn’t been tended to in about fifteen years or so, Barney. Work whatever magic you can on this old beast and get us some heat going if you can.”
He poked around for a few minutes then stood up again holding an old faded paper tag. “Looks like one of your Dad’s units to me.”
I looked at the tag to see that “R. D. Stevens” had assembled the furnace at the factory almost thirty years earlier. “Yup, Dad built this one. He did know how to build ‘em to make ‘em last.” I flashed back briefly to my days as a young boy watching my dad put these things together when I went with him on one of the rare family days at the plant.
“Things are going to get even messier down here. I suggest you go up and have the crew start bringing in the clean-up stuff out of the trailer. Here’s the key to the van.” He tossed a large ring full of keys at me. “You comfortable backing it up to the door?”
“Of course, Barney. I still drive the pickup you know.” He smiled at me and waved as I walked away from the furnace toward the stairs.
“HEY! Bring me down the small shop-type vacuum cleaner. Maybe I can get some of this cleaned up so it doesn’t wind up in the ventilation system again.”
“You got it, Barney! Be right back…” I hurried up the stairway to get my coat.
I managed to get the trailer backed up close to the stage door and the cast-and-crew-turned-cleaning crew started to unload the supplies. Several large vacuum cleaners, cleaning supplies and a few “bunny suits” were being transferred into the theater while I took the small vacuum down into the basement.
“Here you go, Barney. I think I saw an outlet next to the furnace on a support post for this thing.”
He pointed to the filter on the fuel tank. “Water in the filter turned into ice with the colder temperatures down here. There’s a vent in one of the heating ducts that should have been open to add a little heat to the basement. It was closed.”
“Figures! You almost ready to fire that thing up again?”
“Nope. Was waiting for this little baby.” He patted the vacuum cleaner. “I think I can get a bit more out of the ductwork so the cloud of soot when I turn this puppy on again won’t be as bad as it might be.” He plugged in the cleaner and hit the power switch. It roared to life drawing in the soot from the ductwork. Ten minutes later he turned the whining machine off and reached over to hit the reset switch on the burner. The furnace came to life with a small “WHUMP” then settled into a low rumble as I watched Barney make a few adjustments to the burner.
“There, that’s got it. They should be getting lots of heat up there right now.”
"I'll go up and check, Barney. Come on up when you're done down here. I might not be able to get back down here easily."
"Gotcha, Bob… err… Jennifer. Sorry about that. I still remember the old you."
"No problem, Barney. It's like that for me and I have to live in here." I pointed to my female body. "It hasn't been easy sometimes."
"When we have time to get together I'd like to talk about that, Jennifer."
"I don't know when that'll be, Barney but I'll see if I can make some time. I have to get back up there now and sign autographs since we're canceling the performance today."
"Go do what you have to do, I've never known you to do anything else. Now SCOOT!" He poked my ample backside and pushed me toward the stairs. Reluctantly I left the growing warmth of the basement for the colder areas of the theater. Hopefully the heat wouldn't take to long and things would warm up quickly.
The next three hours I spent meeting and talking to the people that had tickets for tonight's cancelled performance. A few people were rather upset that the play was cancelled for the evening but once they saw the mess from the furnace explosion they settled down. A few even grabbed some cleaning supplies and pitched up to clean up the place. I must have signed hundreds of autographs and had at least a hundred pictures taken of me with various people despite the soot streaks in my hair and all over my clothes. Most people commented that this was going to be a story their friends wouldn't believe and they wanted a picture to prove it to them. I suppose years from now pictures of me all dirty and bedraggled are going to turn up in some supermarket tabloid with some outrageous made-up headline proclaiming I'd finally become a street person when my popularity had finally slipped.
Everyone stayed and cleaned until the theater sparkled again. It must have been nine PM when the last of the cleaning supplies was loaded on board the trailer. I caught up with Barney as he was taking the last load of used rags out to the trailer.
"Thanks for coming, Barney. You're a lifesaver. Just send me the bill and I'll see it gets paid." I pressed one of my business cards into the palm of his hand.
"No problem, Bo…. Err… Jennifer. I'm just glad I could help out the group. Do you suppose I could get a set of tickets for me and the missus to come and see you?"
"Why sure, Barney. You just go and see the folks in the box office and tell them Jennifer said to give you a pair of tickets for the best seats in the house any day you want 'em. Just don't wait too long. I think we're going to sell out on the remaining performances."
"I'll do that as soon as I can talk to my wife and find out a night when we can both come. You take good care of yourself, Jennifer, much better than you did before I hope!" He tossed his arms around me and gave me a huge bear hug that forced all the air out of my lungs. I felt a little light-headed when he released me and swayed a little. "Easy there girl! You all right?"
"I am now, Barney. I think you forgot I'm not as big as I used to be old friend. I almost fainted from that big hug."
"OOPS! Sorry about that. Well, it's time I got home." He turned toward the door.
"Barney?" He turned back toward me again.
"Yes?" I gave him a tight hug then planted a big kiss on his lips. Now it was HIS turn to sway a little as I broke the kiss.
"WOW! Now I'm out of breath. I know someone's going to get lucky tonight!"
I was a little uncertain I wanted to ask this next question. "Oh, really? Who?
"My wife. I haven't felt like this in about a year or so and I want to share the feeling with her."
I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Glad I could help get you started, Barney. Now go home to that lovely wife of yours and have a night to remember."
He waved as he disappeared out the stage door into the howling wind. I went to find Greg and finally located him and Tammy in my dressing room.
"Strange night, eh, Greg?"
"It's certainly been one of the more memorable disasters, Jen."
Tammy handed me my coat and purse. "Going home, Jen?"
"Not right away, Tammy. I was going to go see Adam in the hospital. That is if they'll let me in. It's past visiting time."
"Well, try it anyway, Jen. Let me know in the morning how Adam's doing, okay?"
Greg chimed in. "Me too please. I may need to call in his understudy for some rehearsals if he can't make it this weekend."
"What about the live broadcast on Friday? Do we need him then, Greg?"
"No, I was only going to do the two musical numbers and we don't need him for those."
"Good. I'm going to make sure he gets all the rest he needs to recover for the weekend." I put my coat on and started for the door.
"Umm… Jen?"
"Yes, Tammy?"
"If he comes to stay with you for the week just go easy on him, all right?" She winked as she said it and I blushed quite a bit.
I put my hand over my heart. "I promise, Tammy. No stressful activities of ANY kind! Unless HE starts it that is."
"Good. Now go see that guy of yours if you can get in." She pushed me out of the door of the dressing room then walked with me to the stage door.
"I'd say you handled this disaster pretty well, Jen. I thought you were going to go with Adam to the hospital though?"
We stopped at the old couch and I sat down then patted the couch for Tammy to sit down beside me. "I almost did, Tammy. Maybe I should have but this little male voice inside me said I could do more good here than being with Adam. I sometimes wonder if I should try to drive out the last of the old 'male me'. I think I might be happier that way."
"DON'T YOU DARE! Do you hear me?" I tilted my head to the side and raised my eyebrows in a questioning look. "Look, that last spark of male behavior that surfaces when it's needed is what makes you unique. Don't ever loose it. You wouldn't be the same person without it, Jen."
"But there are times I feel like its tearing me in half, Tammy. I don’t know how much longer I want to go on like this. One moment I'm scared out of my senses then my male persona kicks in and I go from fear-filled to fearless in a few microseconds. It scares hell out of me sometimes especially when the emergency is over and I realize what I just did."
"How can I put this… Jen, have you talked to a fireman, policeman or a nurse or ambulance crew person about how they feel in an emergency?"
"They feel almost exactly the same, Jen. There's that initial rush of fear and doubt that they're inadequate to the task. Then the adrenalin rush kicks in and they take charge of the situation and get the job done to the best of their ability. What you're going through is a normal human response. Granted you have the dual personality problem but that only makes you stronger, Jen, not less capable. You have a great gift, not some kind of handicap. Stay just the way you are and NEVER change, okay?"
"I'll have to take your word on that, Tammy. From my perspective I'm just not certain."
"Well, come and see me first before you decide anything, all right"
"I will and thanks, Tammy. I'll call in the morning. Goodnight." I leaned over and hugged her tightly then stood up and walked to the stage door. I turned briefly and waved as I opened the door into the cold night air.
My truck rumbled to life and I waited a couple of minutes for the aging engine to even out. I promised myself that as soon as spring arrived I was going to replace the pickup with something new. Doing it right now wouldn't be productive since I was going to be in Florida more than I was at hone over the next six months.
I headed for the hospital about ten blocks away. The time on the clock in the dash said nine thirty as I walked through the emergency room door. The main nursing station was almost directly ahead. I waited patiently at the counter while the staff took care of the people ahead of me.
"Can I help you, miss?" The nurse stared at me with a funny look on her face.
"Yes, can you tell me were I can find Adam Tilton please?" The nurse looked at a chart on the desk.
"He's been admitted overnight for observation. Are you a relative?"
"No, I'm not. Can I see him for a few minutes?"
"I'm sorry, relatives only since visiting hours just ended."
"All right. Could you please tell Adam that Jennifer was here?"
The confused look changed to s huge smile. "Jennifer? I thought I recognized you! You're Jennifer Stevens! I went to see you in the play last weekend. You were great!"
"Thanks um…" I looked at her ID badge. "Molly. I'm pleased you liked my performance. Could you please pass the message along to Adam that I was here?"
"Oh there's no need for that, Miss Stevens. Just follow me!" Molly was positively beaming as I followed her into the elevator. "Mister Tilton is in room twelve on the sixth floor. I think we can bend the rules a little this time."
"Thanks. Molly and please call me Jennifer. I do appreciate this."
Molly chattered away about the play until the elevator doors opened on the sixth floor. She headed for the nursing station where a quick conversation ensued with everyone looking over in my direction and smiling. Molly hurried over to me moments later.
"I'm afraid he's sleeping right now, Jennifer. We gave him a sedative to get him to rest. Do you want to look in on him anyway?"
"I'd like that if it isn't a problem, Molly." She nodded then motioned for me to follow her after putting a finger to her lips telling me we needed to be quiet. She stopped in front of a door about halfway down the hallway and quietly pushed it open then motioned for me to go inside. I expected her to follow me into the room but the door just closed quietly behind me.
In the dim light in the room I saw that Adam was stretched out on his back in the bed and sleeping soundly. I walked over to him and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. An oxygen mask blocked any effort to kiss him on the lips. His eyes fluttered open briefly and he smiled up at me. I felt his hand take hold of mine and squeeze gently before he faded off to sleep again. I watched him for several minutes as I smiled to myself thinking how lucky I was to find someone like him to be with.
That thought came as quite a shock when I remembered that about six months ago I was just as much a man as he was now. How could my attitudes change so much in such a short time and why didn't it seem to bother me as much as it probably should have? I searched my memories for any shred of an answer to my questions.
I stood next to Adam holding his hand for what seemed like an eternity until I felt another hand on my shoulder. I turned slightly to find Molly standing beside me. She silently motioned for me to follow her out of the room.
"Jennifer, you were in there for about twenty minutes. Are you all right?"
"I'm fine, Molly. Just thinking about a lot of things and not finding any answers."
Not quite knowing what to say, Molly simply shrugged then smiled. "I have someone that wants to see you if you have a few minutes, Jennifer."
"Sure, lead the way!" Molly took me toward a small break room off to the side of the nursing station. As I entered the room I ran right into a large smiling man. I looked up into the face of Doctor William Abrams, the doctor that treated me during my change.
"Doctor Abrams!" I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly then planted a kiss on his cheek. It was the first time I saw him blush.
"I see you've recovered nicely, Jennifer. I hope to say the same for your young man in there."
"You're Adam's doctor? How is he doing?" We got comfortable seated next to each other on the couch.
"He'll be able to leave tomorrow. I hear he has you to thank for saving his sight. Nice work on getting his eyes flushed out. It could have scarred his eyes permanently if you hadn't acted so quickly."
"I thought that might have been the case, Doctor. I know that soot makes a mild acid when it gets moist. I've seen what it does to aluminum antennas mounted on a fuel oil furnace chimney. Will Adam have any other problems?"
"His voice is going to be a little rough for a few more days. He doesn't have a singing part in the play both of you are doing does he?"
"No, just the lead male role, no singing."
"Then he should be able to perform this coming weekend. That's good because I have tickets for Sunday."
"How did YOU get tickets? We just started selling them tonight."
"My wife got them at the theater tonight. I couldn’t go because of another emergency here. That's why I was here when Adam arrived. She called me on her cell phone and told me what happened."
"Thanks, Doctor. Adam means a lot to me but if you asked me why I couldn't tell you."
"Still making the adjustment?"
"Yes and there are times it absolutely scares or confuses me. I'm doing fine though. I think I'm finally getting used to all of this." I pointed at my body.
"And are you getting used to your newfound fame too?"
"Well, that's been a little harder. I never expected that to happen at all."
"You seem to be handling it so far. You're even flourishing since your change. I'm very happy for you."
"Thanks, Doctor. By the way, how is Peggy? I sort of lost touch with her when this all started."
"Peggy is doing fine and misses the time she spent with you. Why don't you give her a call sometime? I'm sure that you have lots to share with her."
"I will, Doctor. Now I think I had better get home and get some sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow to get ready for another trip to Orlando on Tuesday."
He nodded then reached over to hug me tightly and this time he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You take care of yourself, okay?"
"I will!" I left the break room then made my way back down to the parking garage. The pickup grumbled to life again and I was soon headed for home.
The driveway had a light dusting of snow as I pulled in then shut down the engine. The icy wind took my breath away before I got the front door open. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny fur ball make a mad dash inside the house just as the door closed.
It was Maggie again. I picked up the tiny kitten and carried her with me to the living room. I placed her on the couch as I wriggled my feet out of the boots and tossed my coat on the couch as well. Maggie jumped off the couch onto the floor and batted at my wiggling toes with her tiny paws. She followed me into the kitchen and danced around my feet as I got out the milk, a glass for me and a small bowl for her. She jumped up onto my lap moments after I sat down at the table then jumped again to get onto the table.
"I see you've been practicing your jumping, Maggie." I scratched the kitten under the chin while she purred loudly. When I pulled my hand away a tiny paw shot out to try to stop it and pull it back under her chin again. "There'll be time for that later, little one. Right now I need to eat something and so do you!" I pulled some of the meat out of the turkey sub I bought and placed it beside the inquisitive kitten. A quick sniff was all she needed to decide that it was edible.
The pile of turkey disappeared in a few gulps then Maggie started looking for more. I pulled another chunk of the meat out of the sub and watched in wonder as she polished that off too. A bowl of milk followed the turkey into the little tummy of the hungry kitten. I knew Maggie had eaten enough when she started the mandatory paw and face-cleaning thing again.
About a third of the sub went into the refrigerator along with the milk jug. I was full and I didn't want to make Maggie sick by giving her any more right away. I put Maggie on the floor then headed for my bedroom.
Maggie followed me into the bathroom and immediately used the litter box under the sink. I stripped out of my clothes as the bathtub was filling. Maggie seemed enchanted by the splashing water so I carefully placed her on the end of the tub near the faucet. She playfully batted at the water streaming into the tub with both paws. She leaned a little too far out and tumbled into the tub.
The water was only an inch or so deep but it was enough to completely drench the sputtering kitten. I giggled as I watched her walk around the bottom of the tub trying to shake the water out of her fur. She finally gave up and stood at the far end of the tub yowling loudly at me.
"All right little one. I got ya." I scooped to kitten out of the rapidly filling tub and dried the squirming mass of wet fur off as best I could with a small hand towel. I placed the slightly miffed kitten on the bathroom floor and watched as she instantly went into cleaning mode to straighten out her matted fur.
The tub had filled by the time Maggie curled up on the floor and started to purr. I stepped into the tub and stretched out letting the warm water sooth the tensions of the day away. The warm water and the sent of lilacs floating in the air nearly had me falling asleep right there in the tub. I decided that the bed was probably a much better place to fall asleep and finished cleaning myself but not before taking care of an urge I had been feeling since I visited Adam in the hospital. There was one highly important thing I had learned about my "new" body and that was that the urges were a normal part of life. I could try to ignore them and be miserable or I could take care of them and be much more relaxed in everything I did. The orgasm spread outward from my lower regions sending a wave of pleasure to every cell of my body. The only way this experience would have been any better would have been having Adam there making wild, passionate love to me.
I popped the cork draining the water in the tub then stood up to towel myself dry. I tossed the towel into the hamper then padded quietly into the bedroom. In less than two minutes I was snuggled in bed with the lights turned out. I felt the bed move slightly as Maggie climbed up the side and settled into her usual spot on my pillow. I reached out and stroked the purring kitten as I drifted off to sleep.
The crew of men and trucks worked their way down the street on the city's north side. In fact, the street was the same one that Jennifer Stevens lived on. It seemed rather odd for a tree clearing crew to be working on a cold winter day but then the residents of the street had been asking the power company to clear the branches away from the power lines in the area for almost a year. Nobody paid attention as the truck stopped at a tree across from a house three doors away from Jennifer's.
It looked to people on the ground like the crew was clearing away branches that would be in danger of falling on the power lines if a storm knocked them down. Not a single resident of the area saw one crewmember move the bucket of the boom truck closer to the tree and mount a small box high in the top of the tree. He quietly spoke into a small radio.
"How's the picture look, Becky?"
In a van parked a few streets away Rebecca Stewart tweaked the image on the monitor and tried the controls that let her remotely move the camera inside the small box. "The picture looks good. Is the solar panel to charge the battery mounted? I don't know how long this is going to take."
"Yup. It shouldn't be visible from the street level. Let me know when it's okay to move on."
"Go ahead Ronnie. Everything looks fine here."
"Right, boss lady. See you back at the shop."
Rebecca muttered to herself. "I hope this damn thing works. I could have just set in the van across the street. I spent a fortune for the tree crew." She adjusted the controls to focus on the house across the street from the tree.
The house was the address that the bank had been given as Jennifer's residence on the pirated bank account. Becky found out that the bank would be sending a statement shortly so that meant that someone was going to have to pick up the mail at the house. A thorough background check of the home's residents turned up absolutely no connection with the activities going on in the bank records. Becky felt that the address was merely a mail drop and that the owners of the house didn't know that the abuse of their address was going on. Simple surveillance of the house had shown that it was usually unoccupied when the mail arrived but no one was seen checking the mailbox. Becky decided a little more devious method of watching the home was needed and that led to the tree crew's work today.
She watched as the mailman put the mail into the mailbox next to the front door. "Now we settle back and wait." Becky pushed a button on a tape deck and started a video capture of the scene every five seconds. A computer would compare the previous video capture with the current one and sound an alarm if the differences were too great indicating that someone had entered the picture.
After nearly two hours the alarm sounded and the video recorder went into standard video recording mode. Becky watched as someone with Jennifer's hairstyle walked up onto the porch of the house and reached up to the mailbox. The woman went through the mail selecting at least three of the letters and then returned the others to the mailbox.
The woman then turned around revealing her face to the camera. The resemblance to Jennifer was quite striking but Becky was certain that it wasn't her client. Jennifer was out of town at the moment on another trip to Orlando. Becky herself had discreetly watched Jennifer board the corporate jet then watched as it lifted off for Florida.
"I got ya now!" She pressed a few keys on the computer to start taking digital stills from the video as the woman walked toward a waiting car. Becky's hands flew to the zoom and pan controls for the camera to zero in on the license plate. She managed to get a slightly blurry image of the plate, but one that was good enough to read the letters and numbers as the car pulled away from the curb. Pictures of the mystery woman and the view of the car's license plate were coming out of the printer as Becky reached for her cell phone.
>>>>> To be continued in Chapter 14 of Zapped. <<<<<
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New Zapped chapters?
I think I've finally found a way to do some new chapters of Zapped but the lack of many (sometimes ANY) comments to these re posted chapters isn't very stimulating to my muse. If the few of you that have followed Zapped over the years want to see some new chapters a few comments would be very much appreciated.
Bob Arnold
It's Wonderful, Bob... hear that you will be continuing Jennifer's adventures! It's been great to seeing Jennifer in the Julieverse stories, but having you writing new chapters in her own story will be wonderful!
Please continue, I'm enjoying rereading her story but new material like the Lost Chapter will be Great!
Can hardly wait to see how you set up the early elements of Jennifer's future life we've seen in Fresh Start! Like when she's offered her first movie roll, and...
Bob I'm not sure as I have read Zapped before but I'm thoroughly enjoying it now. Please continue this wonderful story. The characters truly come to life with your writing.
Nice to see our old friend Jen back, Bob
I haven't commented much on the re-posted Zapped but just a word to encourage you to do new chapters now that you have found a way to do so.
I suspect the low comments are a function of this being a repost and that Zapped has been on a low simmer for the last few years. I'm happy to see any of it new or old as Jen and the cast are charming, believable characters.
Um, Bob, is Jen busy the last two weeks of December 2007 of her timeline? I have an idea I've been toying with for the timeline of Timeout and indirectly Itinerant’s Ma’at. I'll try and type up a synopsis and some sample lines. If nothing comes of it maybe it can inspire you.
Please do write more, how else am I going to stea ... I mean, be inspired to write new stuff.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Definitely more
I apologize, Bob, I have definitely been remiss. I left a comment on Chapter 1 when I first read it, but at the time that was the only chapter posted here. I went on to read the rest at Ralabs or Sapphire's ... or maybe Crystal's, and I swear I remember leaving comments somewhere, but I can't figure out where.
Zapped is a truly wonderful tale, and the character you have created in Jen is so vivid and alive I feel like I know her (and I really wish I did). Her adventures are ... well, very adventurous ... and yet no matter what life throws her way she bounces back swinging. It's been wonderful to see her in Coeds, but it would be more wonderful still to read more of her in those years before she met Jirra. I very much hope you'll continue the story.
-- Moliere
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
Great story!
Yes,I admittedly am one of the quiet readers - so I'll make a long overdue comment!
This is a very engaging story - it seems to jump about quiet a bit and sometimes the time sequence with asides about the activities of minor characters (like with Jen's office assistant calling in her old detective friend to track the errant account)seem out of sequence, though. In the older version there was a great deal more time spent on Jen's time doing the Morning Show, which I really liked. Now, unless I somehow skipped over an episode, it's just mentioned as out of hand. I think it was very good to see Jen blossoming with that audience!
The overall flow of the story is very smooth, though and I like the character development - please keep adding to this series 'cause I wanna know what happens in their lives!!!!
Hopefully others will add to this commentary - thank you for your energy and creativity!!!
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
Read the Julie_O crossovers, Freshstart 2 and the three Coeds ..
stories and you will see Jen is still seeing Adam but something she has learned about her self makes her fearful of the kind of commitment marriage or children would mean. I have my hopes for them but she is her *own girl* and Bob Arnold's baby after all.
I really should get going again on my Timeout series as Bob proposed a wonderful crossover of Jen and my heroine Joanie for their fictious 2007 Summer timelines. After they get to know each other well Jen confesses many of her fears as does my Joanie to Jen. Sort of a case of the Blonde leading the Blonde ... sorry I couldn't resist.
Jen has a sympathetic ear for Joanie as does my Joanie for Jen. Look at Zapped and the Julie_O stories for multiple examples of Jen's helpful nature. Remember too in reading Zapped, under that shell of the *Iron Woman* there lies a scared little girl. Jen has only been a woman a year or less at the time of this chapter and even by the third Coeds, it is maybe five years. She has some growing yet to do, a few personal *demons* to slay but she will get there in the end.
I have my hopes she will set aside her fears and become a mother but for now she is directing those mothering energies towards helping mentor her growing group of friends in the Julieverse. And hooo-boy the little bombshell we get in the last couple current chapters of Zapped. You'll like it.
Zapped is a long story to read and is still occasionally growing, note the crossovers with Becoming Antonia and some with my Timeout. I highly recommend reading the whole FreshStart/Coeds saga of Julie_O’s as well.. Well worth the effort, enjoy.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Super Story and Chapter
Bob; Enjoying this too much, just wishing this old body could get Zapped like Jennifer/Bob did. Started reading from chapter One over the weekend and having trouble turning the computer off from it! Richard