Am I correct

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in thinking that the size of tasters or adverts for books are getting bigger - except mine of course and one or two others, and is this fair because it appears that one or two of them would take up half a page of broadsheet and certainly pretty well fill my screen as I scroll down them.

Perhaps I'm getting old and crabby, but it doesn't encourage me to want to post much at all.



erin's picture

I'd been saving time by posting them in the same file size as we sent to Kindle for covers. I'll go back to using ~3/4 size, thanks. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I always thought it just

Angharad's picture

I always thought it just showed experience but I'm happy to accept your take on it, Jill.


Boomer, Please!

laika's picture

Old and crabby equals wisdom... sometimes.
In others our age that I've talked to it just signals
bigotry and willful ignorance becoming more entrenched
and bitterness and spleen edging dangerously close to critical mass.
To which all I can reply is, "Boomer, please!"

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)