Lilly Wachowski says 'original intention' of The Matrix was its trans allegory
"I'm glad that it has gotten out," Wachowski says in a new video interview with Netflix...
See link for the whole article
Yeah. They wanted to show
Yeah. They wanted to show Switch as being male in the real world and female within the matrix.
The response has been hilarious, as TERFs rail against the Trans Lobby*.
For a long time, TERFs have been using Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' as a metaphor for Teh Eevil Tranz. In response, Atwood has come out as strongly supportive of trans people. The reaction of the TERFs is beyond hilarious: they simply claimed that Atwood didn't understand the book. The one that she wrote.
Now that the Wachowski siblings** have made their very clear statement, TERFsnet is up in arms. There has been a wave of BS about it, but one strong trend is that Woke Tranz are trying to steal feminist heritage. What has the Matrix got to do with Teh Eevil Tranz?
Calm responses along the lines of "The sisters are actually trans, even though they didn't come out until after the film did" are ignored.
Clear responses like "Um, they're both trans, and they actually wrote the screenplay and directed the film" are met with denial of reality. No change there, then.
*I have a trans lobby. I keep two bikes in it.
**The Guardian newspaper recently did an article on the spat between one W sister, Musk and Ivanka 'Paedolust Barbie' Trump. The Grun's article managed to get all the way through using no gendered terms at all for Ms W, and at the end, referred to the other Ms W as "Wachowski's sibling'. Appropriate pronouns, however, were used for Musk and Incest Barbie.
That stealing Feminist line.
Feels like the same ugly bs where a number of so-called Hetero Feminists were willing to throw Lesbians under the bus for the Women's Rights Movement. Barney Frank was willing to do the same for Transmen and Women to pass ENDA. Ugh no one in the community should be undermining the other.