75 years ago

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Utah Phillips tells it better than I can


You're probably gonna hate this

laika's picture

By you I mean Greybeard, or anyone whose tastes run to folk music
(I just remember Joan Baez + cartoon beatniks holding signs saying BAN THE BOMB-
Ha Ha isn't that a wacky nonconformist idea? Why would anyone wanna do that?!?!?)
but here's a song performed live in Japan by a prog rock band Utopia back in the day:

Whatever you think of the necessity of those 2 cities getting nuked, or if it ultimately saved more lives than it cost, we can still remember the civilian victims and what it meant for our future as a species. Like the man said on that desert morning in mid-July of that same year: "We're all sons of bitches now..."
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Nah, I don't hate it

I agree with Duke Ellington about the two kinds of music. Genre doesn't mean much to me except for gangster rap. I worked for a while twenty years ago between two guys who played it all night long until I just can't take any more.