I realise that this blog is way off-topic and has no direct TG connections, but today seventy years ago is very memorable for many London kids of my generation.
Children went to school almost as normal and were evacuated to avoid possible air-raids even though war would not be declared for another two days on 3rd September 1939.
Read all about it at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8229175.stm
Who was evacuated (with Mummy) to a farm in Wiltshire in 1941 at the age of 2.
Some of us
weren't even a twinkle in our daddy's eye back then, let alone born.
...of our daddies weren't even twinkles in >their< daddies' eye back then. ^^; Not to mention being on the wrong side of a continent from the wrong side of an ocean for that exodus.
Interestingly, the town where I live used to be a U.S. Army intake and processing camp for new recruits during that war. After the war, when the camp was demolished and turned into a civilian town (before being swallowed up in urban sprawl), my grandpa was one of the service electricians to run the power lines from the civilian grid out to it.
-Liz, who is rambling a little, because she enjoys that story. ^__^ (What she can remember of it, at least. Grandpa passed away a few years back, so she can't call on his recollection to get the details.)
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
War memories
My parents got married during WWII and my older sister was born during the war, but I didn't arrive until 10 years later. Even so the war was an ever present topic in our household while I was growing up in the fifties and sixties, as if it had happened only yesterday. It didn't take much to start folk reminiscing with "of course during the war you couldn't...". Living in Kent meant that the war was never vary far away - with the threat of invasion, the ever present raids by German bombers and then the random lottery of the V1 doodlebug attacks.
Still they managed to survive, which was a good thing, otherwise I wouldn't be here today!
My mother was born in 1939 in E8 and was evacuated straight away
Mostly Harmless
I love these tid bits Gabi.
Keep 'em coming. I've always found that period in history compelling.
I find your charisma to be equally so. Thus I'm greatful for a greater
knowledge of both.
Thank you, Ma'am.
Sarah Lynn