The Change Chapter II

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The Change part II

“Luke, Luke” Mom called bringing me back to partial reality. “ Are you ready to go shopping?”

“Yeah, Mom, I'll be right down.”

Throwing on some clothes, I headed downstairs.

As we walked to the car, Mom told me of this lady at a small shop in the mall who has the uncanny ability to look at you and know your opposite sex size. She is about 99% correct. This lady knew your old name and your new name. Going to the mall we found the little shop she ran. The shop was over flowing with both girls and boys clothes. It seemed to be separated boys on one side girls on the other. But some got thrown in together. It seemed that she needed a shop over 3 times as big to hold it all.

As soon as we walked in the door, This old lady called from behind the counter, Good afternoon, Alisha and Luke. Or is it Whitney. I don't even think she even looked up from her project she was doing.
“Oh, you finally picked a name, Whitney. A beautiful name for an about to be beautiful girl.” Mom said. I just nodded. As I was embarrassed to be called a girls name when I wasn't even a girl.

“That is yet, Whitney.” The old lady said. “you are going to be a 4 regular a small to medium depends on the outfit. 34B bra to start.”

“Luke, don't worry you will actually excel at the saxophone with in the first month.” The old lady said.

Puzzled, “How did you know I was thinking that?”

“I have my ways” The old lady grinned.

“They're some cute outfits over here.”

“Yeah, guess they are OK.” I said still thinking how the old lady knew. One of life's

I decided that hey I can't stop it might as well embrace it. I began looking at the clothes. I just couldn't see myself as a girl. The weird thing is that everything I saw was a size 4 or medium or small.

“Whitney, use the mirror in the corner. It will give you a preview.” The old lady said.
What in the hell did that mean? I asked myself. I found a dress that was kinda pretty, I think. I took it over to the mirror.

As soon as I stepped in front of the mirror. My image changed from me to a girl. Wearing the dress I was carrying. Still holding the dress I turned, my female image turned opposite me. Mirror image.

How in the hell is that working. I stared at the girl I guess that I am going to become. She or should I say I was hot in a plain sort of way. I was shorter by about 3”. My face was still me kind of but extremely feminine. Turning to the side. My tits where not a bad size, maybe a little more than a hand full. My legs where quite shapely as was my whole body. The dress I was wearing was mid thigh length. Made me look cute as hell.

“Mom, I like this one.” I took the dress to Mom. She had two more. Each one I stood in front of the mirror with. They look so cute on me. When I came to underwear, I just picked a couple pairs of panties and a bra.

“Hon,” Mom Said. “You need more than two pair of panties and a bra to last between washing's.”

“OK, Mom.” I said I picked 5 more and 4 more bras. As I walked by the mirror, an image of my future female self appeared walking across in just a bra and panties.

I backed up and stood in front of the mirror. I was now wearing a different set. Wow I looked good.

We shopped for about an hour. I thought we had gotten everything. Until Mom said.

“Now for some sleepwear.”

“Mom, why can't I just sleep in a t shirt?”

“Well, honey, you can't always sleep in a t-shirt” She said as she made her way to another section. It was small but over stuffed with sleepwear. Every style one could think of. I sort of looked as mom dug in and pulled out a couple of baby dolls. One black and frilly the other pink with black trim.

“What about these two.”

Again I stepped over to the mirror. With each one I held up to myself. The mirror image changed. Each one displayed a sexy teen girl wearing it. I almost couldn't believe that was going to be me in 3 days. It seemed like we had just about all the clothes I will be needing.

Then the Old lady at the counter said. “ Comeback when you are going to the prom I will have the perfect dress for you to wear. Don't worry you will be as beautiful as Ashley is.”

Thinking who says I am going to the prom. That would mean maybe with a boy. I'm not gay. But then I need to remember any boy my age would actually be a girl. Anyway it just sounds creepy. The old lady just smiled.

Mom paid for all my new clothes, but what she was charged was nothing compared to what the actual cost was.

“Only thing we need are shoes”. Mom said.

“Sorry my shipment didn't come in. Stop by again and I will have some that are just what you need.” The old lady called from the counter. “Oh, and you wear a size 5 ½ shoe.”

“Thank you,” I said as we left.

On the way out Mom and I stopped at a shoe store and picked up a pair of 5 ½ tennis shoes. They where a cute, white and purple, I guess. And a pair of sandals with a slight heel. When Mom showed them to me. I commented, “ Oh, you want me to break my neck, Huh.”

She just shook her head.

We lugged all my new clothes out to the car, and headed home. Of course Cassy was home by then and wanted to see all the clothes I got.
While we were unpacking. Dad got home from work. He came up to see what was going on.

“So when is the painting party? He asked.

“What painting party?” I asked.

“Aren't we going to paint your room pink.” He laughed.

“Dad! It was bad enough when Cassy was bugging me with names, now you.”

“Oh, common. Luke. Grandpa teased me about it too. We all go through it. It will be OK. They have been doing this for 200 years. Hey I was one of the first to have the new formula that automatically changes you back after a year unless you want to stay the opposite sex. You only have to go back if you decided to keep the change.”

“No way am I going to stay a girl. I just want that year to be over with fast.”

“Well you never know, Uncle Keith said the same thing before the change and he stayed a boy.” Mom added.

“Don't think I will”

“Yea, never know. It would be cool to have another sister.” Of course Cassy had to throw in her 2 cents.

“Shut up Cass.”
She rushed to her room.

“would you like me to get you a couple boxes to put your boy clothes in?” Dad asked.

“Maybe you should I don't think I can fit my new clothes with my others. Can I keep some of my t-shirts?”

“Yeah, I consider t-shirts both sexes.”
Mom and Dad left, a couple minutes later dad brought those boxes.

“Thanks, Dad.”

He just smiled.

With my new clothes laid out on my bed. I packed away all my other boy clothes but what I was going to wear tomorrow and to the change station. After dinner and a couple hour break. I had only filled one box, by the time it was bed. I was able to either put my new clothes away or move them from my bed so I could sleep in it.

It was hard sleeping, weird dreams and such. Next thing I know I am getting shaken and pushed.

“Luke, Luke, Get your happy ass up you dwerp.”

“Huh,” I moaned. Through half asleep eyes, I saw a beauty standing over me. It was Ashley my best friend.

“Come on Mom. I don't want to go to wally world.” I teased.

“Mom, huh.” She said. As she went to slap me I grabbed her arm pulling it down. I put my arm around her neck and flipped her onto the bed next to me.

“Great thing to do to a girl, throw her down on a bed.” Ashley teased back. “I'm not that kind of girl”

“Yeah, right.” I said.

We both laughed. Then I realized that I was just wearing my boxers. I got embarrassed.

“Would you excuse me while I put on some clothes.”

“Common we have had gym class together. You don't have anything I haven't seen before.” She laughed.

“That was different,” I stammered something about being a beautiful girl and not being the same. Ashley finally agreed to cover her eyes while I got at least a pair of sweatpants on.

“Happy,” She said. “I hope you aren't going to be this way starting tomorrow”

“Yeah, you can uncover them now.” I said as I pulled on a pair of sweatpants. Then I noticed all the girl clothes laying around my room. Ones I haven't put away yet.
I started to say something but Ashley quickly stopped me by saying.

“Did you go to the Old lady in the mall.”

“Ah, yeah, I did. How did you know?”

“My mom took me their too. All your new clothes are the same size. She got my size perfect.”

“Really, She said I was a 4, and 34B.” I answered.

“Then we can swap clothes, I am a 4 too. 34B cup.”

Great, I thought. I can wear my best friends clothes, yippy skippy. But on the other hand, if I am Ashley's size. I may just look as good as she does. Remembering what the old lady said, “Don't worry you will be as beautiful as Ashley is.” I just hope she is right.

“Hey you want help putting this stuff away.” Ashley said.

“yeah, I guess. It will make it go by faster. I hope the year goes faster, too.”

Ashley helped me finish hanging up my new girl clothes. It is hard to believe I am putting away all my boy clothes and replacing them with girl clothes. Like it has been said, the world has been doing this for 2 generations. But still weird. I looked at Ashley my best friend. She was hot. Again I hate to say it.

Her ass looked perfect in her tan cargo shorts. Well I think they are cargo shorts but the cargo pocket on the legs can't hold too much as it is about 2” deep. I will later learn that some girls clothes have pockets and flaps just for style. I believe. The light brown tank top was nice and tight showing off her beautiful tits.

“Hey Luke, Luke, hey dwerp.” Ashley called.

“Huh,” I said snapping out of it.

“What are you planning on wearing tomorrow after.”

“What?” Not being sure of what she was talking about.

“Tomorrow, after the change. What are you wearing?”


“Well as much as you will want to show off your new body, you can't leave naked. It's a law or something.”

“OK, dweeb, That I know. I meant nothing special.”

“Oh, common. Don't be a drip. Oh wait you all ready are.” Ashley teased. “It is to show us, humanity what the other half goes through. So have some fun with it. I sure am”

“What do you mean, Jason?” I used his old boy name. “Sorry, Ashley. Have fun with it.”

“I'll tell you when we are done. Ears are everywhere.”

I got her meaning as Cassy does tend to spy on us. I think now especially since I am in my room alone with a hot girl. Even though Ashley is my best friend and has been for years. I just nodded.

We finished about half hour later. I sat on my bed, Ashley still dug in my closet.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Well I am going to find you something perfect to wear home tomorrow.”

Shaking my head, “ OH, God. Please strike her down so I don't have to put up with this bull shit.”

“Jesus, Luke, maybe I'll start calling you Whitney”

I must have gave her a shocked look.

“Your Mom told me, It is going to happen so have fun. If you are half as hot as I am you need to show off”

“The old lady at the mall said I was going to be equally as hot as you. I heard she is right most of the time.”

“Cool, So I will have a hot bestie for a year. What could be better.”

“If I didn't have to do it at all but I know that ain't gonna happen.”

Ashley stopped her digging and came over to me. Sticking her slender green painted finger nail at me.

“That is right so why not have some fun with it. Let me find something for you to wear then we will bail and go talk. I've just about found the perfect outfit.”

Ashley continued digging in my closet. I used the bathroom and got dressed. For my final few hours before I become a girl, but only for a year.

Returning to my room once I finished. Ashley had laid out the cute dress I first held up in the mirror in the old ladies shop yesterday. Well it did look cute on me. But what was laid with it threw me. It was a purple thong pantie with matching bra.

“What the hell?” I asked.

“Like I said, have fun. And they are fun. It's quite cooling to wear one under a dress or skirt on a hot day.”

“You wear them?”

“Ah, yeah. Where do you think that one came from. I got it especially for your first day as a girl.”

“how'd, wait let's talk somewhere else.” I said as I knew the Cassy has been known to eavesdrop on me. And especially now since I have a beautiful girl in my room. Whether or not it used to be my best friend, Jason.

Me and Ashley headed out. We walked down to the neighborhood park about 2 blocks from my house. We sat at one of the picnic tables under an enclosure.

“So what about having fun?” I asked her.

“Well just that, have some fun.”

“You aren't going to screw around are you?

“If you mean being the school slut, no. We have to many of them already. I may have sex to see what it is like.”

I made a disgusted face. “really, screw a guy. Gross.”

“No, I ain't gay. But that wouldn't be. Would it, as I am a girl. God being a girl is hard.”

“Well that is why they make us do it so we will learn. So how much fun are you talking about?”

“You know how some girls tease us at school?


“Well just doing stuff like that. Having fun. Are you going to stop your exercising after tomorrow?”

“No,” I said.

“Well starting tomorrow you can wear those tight little shorts we always love seeing girls in. And not be considered weird.”

“Well, you are weird anyway. Your point is?”

“Luke that is my point have fun being a girl. Live it up.” Ashley said. “remember it is
only for a year. Unless you decided to stay a girl.”

“Why does everyone I know keep saying that. My parents, my sister and now you”

“Whitney, it is all in good fun. My parents teased me too. I will admit that having this hot body makes me really think. But I think I would be a lesbian. I still like girls. Then again I have only been a girl for 6 weeks. It has been fun.”

“So how was your first period?” I asked.

“Don't ask. I got bloated. Nothing fit, I was moody, it hurt like hell.”

“So about the same as you always are.” I teased.

“Oh, shut up. I am going to love it when your first period hits.”

Ashley and I hung out most of the rest of the day. She even stayed for dinner with us.

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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