Apple Fire

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In case anyone hears about it, I live near the Apple Fire, currently burning east of San Bernardino, but it is moving east and north away from me.

I'm okay, there's almost no wind and fire travels uphill, usually; it's already 2000 feet further up the mountain than where I live.



I know that area well used to

shadowsblade's picture

I know that area well used to play bingo with the grandparents at the casino out there.

but seems to be burning up and away from the population and 2000 ft up in the hills is far. LOl in my case a fire was 50 ft from my home before the FD helo hit it and me. Yep it burned up to the house that quick in less than 20 min! so run when the cops yell is my only lesson and in that case they did not even have time for that!

stay safe...and I moved years later! just 2 ago now.

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

Yep, it's that time of year...

laika's picture

Seems like we go through this every summer, don't it? Although on some years we've had scares from a fire getting almost close enough to have a weenie roast on the front porch in February, depending on year's the rain or snowfall here in Washoe Valley NV; or the lack thereof. My sister and I haven't actually ran drills but we know what to grab and flee with if it gets down to it, sacrificing the rest to the Great Western Fire God.

Also we're smack dab on a pretty active little fault line, which you might expect with a hot springs and a geothermal power plant right next door. We have a neighbor from Kansas who freaks out every time there's a little temblor, but living in an aluminum box I figure about the worst that could happen is it would fall off it's blocks and you'd have to shut off the gas main. Keeps life interesting...

I can smell the fires over in California right now, and I know dusk tonight is gonna give us another weird Venusian sunset; with the sun a blur in the hemmorhage-colored sky. Stay safe!

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Apocalypse Bingo

crash's picture

We seem to be playing apocalypse bingo this year. Fire, flood, pandemic, economic depression, hurricane, earthquake. Someone has to be getting close to a winning card by now.

Your friend

fire season

crash's picture

Wild fire is a scary thing. Glad you are safe and not under evacuation.

We live in fire country. In a different state. It's one of the risks that comes with choosing to live in these places. I've been spending the summer cleaning out brush, feeding the chipper and bucking and spitting dead fall. It's cheaper than a gym membership and eases my mind a bit. Still causes more scratches and bruises than a normal gym day.

Be safe

Your friend

The biggest problem with

The biggest problem with California is too many people in a state that doesn't have the natural resources to support them. No real rain - it's all runoff from the mountains. They then compound that by insisting on growing plants that require enormous amounts of water, like almond trees. (Those constantly advertised California Almonds? About 10% of the state's agricultural water use. Roughly a gallon per almond. or more than SF and LA use in a year ) Then they complain about their water restrictions. Duh.

The really dumb part? They screw up their state, then move to places like Texas, and try to demand that Texas change to be like California. We have enough home grown problems, we don't need theirs too. :)

Anyway - California needs to drop their population by about 1/2, and choose better agriculture to grow there. I won't touch on Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona. They have similar problems. (Yes, some people grow cotton there, for the subsidy money. Yes, it's a horribly water intensive crop. That's why it was grown in the Gulf Coast states, where there's generally lots of rain)

Have they banned smoking in California yet? That _might_ cut the fires in half, by not having people throwing lit butts out the window.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

There is a monument

crash's picture

There is a granite monument in Georgia. No one seems to know for sure who put it up but it is covered in "good advice" in lots of different languages. The first maxim is:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

If half the population leaves California where will it go? Texas? Wherever you are? Maybe population control is a solution but who gets to pick? You mention a smoking ban. Population control would be much more draconian.

Your friend

2.3 Billion

When Bill Clinton was President, He attended one of those G=? meetings in Rio De Janeiro where it was agreed that the world population should be limited to 2.3 Billion, a level we achieved in that mark shortly before 1950.

I didn't say we should kill

I didn't say we should kill half the population. Mind you, if we garroted the lawyers, spinmeisters, and politicians, we'd get a good start without actually hurting anyone worthwhile.

I'm just saying that California is overpopulated and overused for the resources available. Montana has space, they'd probably share, as long as the people relocating didn't try to take away their guns; same with Wyoming. :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Stay alert Erin

BarbieLee's picture

Those things aren't tame and they don't always follow the rule book. Keep some attention on it or leave the radio on. Doesn't need to be loud, if things get serious they will alert everyone.
Hugs hon,

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

7000 Evacuated

The News is saying 7000 evacuated. Please keep safe.
