

Chapter 1

Andy knew things weren’t going well for his best friend, but he wasn’t ready for the phone call he received late that night. He was doing a bit of work on his computer, alright, gaming, when his phone buzzed. He didn’t think the spammers would be calling at 1:00 AM, but you never could tell.

It wasn’t spam, it was his high school buddy, Benny (Beniamino) Fiorito. “Hey Benny, what’s up? Isn’t it a bit late to be calling?”

“Well, you seem to be up. Look, I’m going to cut to the chase. I came out to my parents yesterday, well actually the day before yesterday.”

“Shit!” was all that Andy could think of saying for a few seconds. “And the results …?”

“Dad wanted to beat the shit out of me. Mom convinced him not to. Of course, she’s not happy about it. They should have known. Hell, I think they did, they just didn’t want to accept it. Well, they have no choice; it’s out there.”

“So, What’re you going to do?”

“I’ve already done it. They’re at a party, and I won’t be at home when they get back. Dad will be very drunk, and that will be all that it will take for him to let loose on me.

“Look, I called to say goodbye, and I know you don’t like it, but I just wanted to say I love you. You saved my life, and I will never forget you.”

“Benny, it’s okay. I understand.”

“Let’s just say I’m leaving an untenable situation, and let it go at that. I’m meeting someone in a few minutes. You will never see me again. I am destroying this phone. I don’t want them to be able to trace me. I’m not telling you where I’m going, but I will contact you. It may be a while before I do, though.”

“Jesus, please be careful.”

“I will, don’t worry.”

“How the hell do you expect me not to worry, you are my best friend for Christ’s sake.”

“My ride’s here. I’ll see you one of these days. Just take care. I don’t want to lose you either.”

He never saw Benny again, not that he didn’t get an infrequent email from him. Benny would say things were okay.

He was awakened the next by his mother’s knocking on his bedroom door. “Andy, you need to get up. Apparently, something has happened to Benny, and his parents want to talk to you about it.”

“All right give me a couple of minutes. I gotta take care of some things.”

“Okay, but don’t take too long.”

“Right, and what in the hell is too long,” he muttered to himself.

He took care of things in the bathroom. He didn’t shave.

He could hear murmuring coming from the kitchen as he came down the stairs. He didn’t say good morning as he entered the breakfast area.

“I suppose you want to know about Benny; where he went. Fortunately, I have no idea. Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“I don’t like the tone of your voice young man,” Giuseppe Fiorito said as he stood to face Andy. He was a rather short squat man with powerful looking arms, but he had to look up to Andy. “I think you need to learn how to respect adults.”

“Mr. Fiorito, I happen to be a legal adult, and I think you had better watch out. Respect is earned, and you have done nothing to earn my respect. You are an abusive, misogynistic man. You take great pleasure in abusing your son, and your wife seems to support your abusive nature. I do not respect either of you.”

“Andy,” his mother and father shouted simultaneously.

“Mom and Dad, please stay out of this. Benny has run away. Where he has gone I don’t know, and if I did, I wouldn’t tell. He destroyed his phone after he called me last night. He doesn’t want to be found.”

“Come on Marie, we’re not going to get anywhere with this tranny loving faggot,” Giuseppe spit.

Andy started to move towards Giuseppe, his fist clenched. Fortunately, his father stopped him. “Joe, I think you and Marie had better leave right now. We’ll talk after tempers have cooled down a bit.”

They left and the back porch door was slammed rather deliberately.

“Andy, what in the hell is going on?” He could see his son was trembling, obviously very disturbed by what happened. He held onto his son’s upper arms trying to sooth him with the gentle contact. Mario de Marchi was a big man, but still an inch shorter than his son. He had played professional football as a defensive end and middle linebacker for 15 years. He was now the head coach at the local high school. The de Marchis were well off, without question. It was just that his parents had always felt a tie to the local community. The idea of becoming ‘Reality Stars’ was the farthest thing from their minds.

“Andy, you going to be okay?”

“Yeah, Pop, I’m going to be okay. Thanks for stopping me. I might have done a lot of damage to him.

“Look, we need to talk. We need to talk about some things that Benny asked me not to reveal; however, I think there won’t be any problems now, as he came out to his parents a couple of days ago.”

“Benny’s gay, isn’t he,” his mother jumped in.

“No, Benny’s not gay. This whole thing might be simpler if he were. However, his parents’ reaction wouldn’t be much different if he were.”

“Are you gay?” his father asked. “Not that would really matter that much.”

“Daddy, what in the world are you talking about?”

They turned to see Andy’s younger sister, Francesca, taking everything in. She walked over to the coffee machine and fixed a cup of coffee while everyone stared at her.

“Of course Andy’s not gay. Half the cheer leading squad would attest to that.”

“How long have you been listening in, young lady?” her mother asked.

“Well ever since Andy came downstairs. It’s hard to miss all that noise going on. I was sitting in the dining room.

“So, Benny’s ass hole parents have taken another step in trying to destroy one of the nicest persons Andy and I have ever known. You better tell them, Andy.”

“I was getting ready to when you interrupted us, brat.

“As I was saying earlier, Benny asked me not to say anything about this, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Benny’s transgender. He, maybe I should say she, came out to me many years ago. Fran overheard and promised along with me not to say anything.

“Benny is a friend, first and foremost. His gender has nothing to do with it. You’ve seen Benny in the school plays and talent shows. He is a great actor and performer. The arts and performance are the only things he really cares about. That’s his, er, her life.”

“Well, your mom and I have wondered about him. He’s always seemed to be a bit effeminate.”

“Benny tries to hide it, but it’s not easy. You need to understand something. Benny is not gay. He’s just in the wrong body. That’s pretty trite, but it’s the truth.

“He has many friends in a community that neither Fran nor I are familiar with. I suspect his disappearance has been in the works for a while. If he came out to his parents and they accepted him/her for who she was, so be it. However, as we know, that would never have worked. It was all prearranged, and now she is with some people who will help her. I just hope that it works out. Things aren’t always easy if you are underground.”

“How do you know all this?” His mother asked.

“Well, he gave us, er, me some links so I could see what it was all about.”

“It’s okay, Andy,” Fran said.

“Mom, one of my best friends is trans. He has all the support in the world from his parents. My classmates have totally accepted him. Andy and Benny know him.

“I’m going to get something. I’ll be right back.”

“Where’s she going?” Mario asked.

“She’s getting a book that Benny gave us. It’s called “Musetta’s Waltz.”

“Musetta was a lot like Benny. She had a rough life at first, but things worked out very well for her. She died several years ago, and she allowed her friends to publish her story. She died very wealthy, and she wanted her wealth to help others like Benny.”

“I’ve heard of that book,” his mother said. “It caused quite a sensation, if I remember correctly.”

“I think if you read it you will understand a bit more about what Benny’s going though.”


Andy’s parents had prepared him well for college. He was going on an athletic scholarship. He could have gone on an academic scholarship, but he felt because of his prowess on the football field and baseball diamond, the athletic scholarship was only proper because the school earned a great deal of money from the athletic events. If he made money for them, he might as well be paid for it. Andy did not have an inflated ego about his athletic prowess. He was picked two years in a row as a High School All American.

Football, and sports in general, had been a major part of his upbringing; however, they were not the most import things as far as avocations went. Andy was an artist, and a damn good one. He was also an outstanding photographer, and portraiture was his main focus. He painted a group portrait of the homecoming queen and her court in both his junior and senior years. The parents of the homecoming queens paid him a considerable amount for them. He also sold enlarged copies of the original photos he had taken to the families. Andy loved the outdoors, and had accumulated a large collection of wildlife photos. He was thinking of publishing a book if he ever had time.

It was mid-July when he arrived at the University for the opening of football practice. Staying in the athletic dormitory was a given as his home was many hundreds of miles away, and he was a freshman. Freshmen had to stay in the dorm unless they were local residents.

“Hey there, roomy!”

Startled by the voice, Andy turned to see whom he assumed to be his roommate for the foreseeable future. He had just finished hanging up the last of his clothes in the closet on the side of the room that was currently unused.

“I’m Caesar Angelotti,” he said offering his hand. “I knew you were coming here, and I figured I’d better room with the guy who’s going to help keep my ass from getting sacked.”

“Shit, that’s all I need; another damn Eyetalion,” Andy said as he grasped the rather strong hand thrust in his direction.

“I think you need to tell me a little bit about this organization. After all, you’ve been here for two years.” Andy said as he took in the rather muscular quarterback who was second team All American in his sophomore year.

“I think you’ll like it. Coach is as mean as a snake, but he knows how to put together a winning team. He’ll be on your ass from day one, but he’s always constructive. When you go to the pros, you will be as ready as possible.”

“I have no intention of going to the pros,” Andy came back rather quickly. “Please keep that under your hat.”

“You mean, in spite of the legacy your father created, you have no desire to go professional?” Caesar asked.

“Not one bit. My mom and dad are fully aware of that fact. My career objective are in a different direction, and I want to establish myself in that area as soon as I can. I’m an artist, painter and photographer. I will pay this school back for the scholarship, nothing more.”

“How strange,” Caesar responded. “You’re a man after my own heart. I’m going into law enforcement. I don’t need any TBIs to slow my reactions. I suspect you’re thinking in the same vein as I.”

“Yeah, I think I can handle the college level players fairly well. They’re not out there to maim you if they can. At last, most of them aren’t. If I’m playing offense, I’ll do my best to protect you.”

Their friendship never ended.

College was college and football was football.

Andy heard from Benny periodically. He would say he was well, and his friends were taking care of him. He had a job, he wouldn’t say doing what, and he was well paid. Considering what he knew about Benny, he was concerned about what he might be ‘well paid’ for. Benny assured him it was all on the up and up. He was not being abused, and he wasn’t doing anything illegal. “By the way, my name is now Floria. Hopefully, we will meet one of these days. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.”

Andy did have to read between the lines too much. Benny, now Floria, had transitioned.


Caesar, actually Cesare, lived several thousand miles away across the country from where their school was. So, on the shorter breaks like Federal holidays if they didn’t have a game, he and Andy would take the much shorter trip to Andy’s home to enjoy the holiday and some fine Italian cooking. Andy’s mother, Christina, was not Italian. Her family had been in the US for many generations, and her mother was a member of the DAR. She was tall and well ‘put together’. She was a professional dancer, college graduate, and a cheerleader for Mario’s professional football team. The cheerleading didn’t last very long. Mario asked her out and they were engaged by the end of the season. They clicked on every level.

Andrea, Andy, arrived two weeks after the Super Bowl. That had been their plan from the beginning as it gave Mario a chance to be with his first born. Actually, Mario did not play in the Super Bowl that year, but there was always the chance he might. His team, though, had lost in the second round of the Division Playoffs. He would be there in other years.

Andy, as he was called by his mother, was a big baby and he would always be big for his age. He was athletic from early age. He was also very adept in other areas. He could color between the lines by the time he was four years old. He learned to play the piano at the same time. He enjoyed his piano lessons and was quite good, and he never stopped playing, but it was painting that was his first love. At least as far as an avocation was concerned.

By the time he was in high school, he was the objective of both the gay and hetero community. It became obvious early on that he was definitely heterosexual. He had some very intense conversations with his parents about his relationships with the fairer sex, and he took them to heart. His parents knew that he would eventually succumb to the desires of some sweet young things, and they prepared him to act responsibly if and when the time came. It did happen many times; however, there never would be a permanent relationship.

This brings us back to Caesar. The first time he traveled with Andy to Andy’s home for Presidents’ Day, he wasn’t exactly prepared for what and whom he’d be meeting. By this time, Andy called him Sid. Everyone else did, so why not.

“Mom and Dad, I’d like you to meet my roomie, Cesare Angelotti. Everyone calls him Sid. He had to explain why. I imagine you old people would get it.”

“Andy, don’t be such a dork,” his sister jumped in.

“Sid, please excuse my ignorant brother. I’m Francesca, his much smarter and prettier sister. I noticed you’re retaining your number one NCAA ranking among Division 1 quarterbacks. I guess my brother may have had something to do with it. We’ll have to talk about it after dinner.”

It was no secret that Sid and Fran hit it off immediately. There was a lot of restraint between them; however, everyone in both families realized they were serious early on. Fran allowed herself to be seduced shortly after her eighteenth birthday. She was a college freshman at this time, and Sid was starting a job with a Federal law enforcement agency. They married shortly after she graduated college.

Chapter 2

Andy set up his studio in his home town. His reputation was well established before he’d ever graduated from college. The trouble was there were only so many customers available. He made enough converting digital images to very nice large framed images; however, his customer base was not expanding. He did have commissions for portraits; however, they were few and far between. He was breaking even only because he was living at home. His sister was a junior in college in the same city where Caesar was employed by some unnamed government agency. They were living together, and no one was concerned. There was no doubt their relationship was solid.

About two years after Sid and Fran were married, there was a major event that changed things forever.

“Andy, there is a flat with an artist’s studio that is going to open up here next month. It would be perfect for you. You need to expand your exposure. There are ten times the number of potential clients here. Your reputation is out there, especially after that magazine article. There is big money here, and you need to take advantage of it.” His little sister was rather adamant about it.

Andy moved to the “Big City” three months later. His outstanding commissions plus the results of some well placed advertisements meant that he hardly missed a paycheck. He was busier than ever. He had learned very quickly that the big money was in portraiture; however, there was still good money available from the photography side.

He heard infrequently from Floria. He wasn’t sure where she was, but had figured out she was living with, no, actually married to a gentleman who had paid for her transition. He was thirty years or more her senior and adored her. His first wife had been a transwoman who had died unexpectedly. Floria had met him on line, and he promised he would take care of everything. All she had to do was after her transition was complete was to stay with him as his wife. The fact he was a kind and considerate lover made the arrangement all the easier.

About a year after his move to the big city, Andy learned that Floria’s husband had passed away. She had told him that she was not a ‘kept woman’, that she was actually an entertainer. And, she was doing quite well. She had inherited the flat and a substantial estate. Andy could tell she was quite happy. There was something else, though, and Andy wasn’t sure what it was.


Things came to a surprising new direction about a year after Andy had settled in the big city. He knew his brother-in-law was working on a big project with an as yet unrevealed agency. He suspected it was the FBI, and eventually that would prove to be the case.

By this time Francesca and Sid had a little girl. Paola (Paula) named after Sid’s grandmother. They were a happy family. Francesca and Sid were far more into the entertainment circle than Andy who was pretty reclusive, and they invited him to join them for dinner at a nearby dinner theater and show venue. There was a singer who was doing a show for charity, and Francesca had heard she was very good. Although she lived in their city, she had been doing shows all over the east and west coasts, Europe and elsewhere, and apparently was establishing quite a reputation.

The food was excellent as was the wine, and everyone was settling back to enjoy the show. Andy hadn’t been paying much attention to anything to this point.

“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are privileged to be able to welcome on her return from her triumphant, sold out tour of Europe, our own Floria McDonald. Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s give her a big hand. Here’s Floria.”

Andy didn’t know what to think as the attractive, certainly not beautiful, dark haired woman walked out on stage. The eyes, he knew the eyes. His sister gently patted his thigh. It was obvious she knew.

Floria started with Musetta’s Waltz from La Boheme. She then shifted to some of the more modern songs, but she would intersperse them with more operatic arias. She finally took a break from performing to address the audience that had been giving her some well-deserved applause.

“Thank you everyone. It’s so nice to be back home, to sing among my friends.” She turned and looked directly at Andy, his sister and brother-in -law.

“I grew up many miles from here, and I had many wonderful friends. It’s so nice to see them here tonight.

“We’re going to take a break, but we’ll be back for the second half of the program in about 20 minutes.”

Floria left the stage and came directly to Andy’s table. Andy was struck, unable to say anything. Her radiant smile went straight to his heart. He couldn’t resist when she pulled him close for a very passionate kiss. It weakened his knees a bit, but suddenly, without any conscious effort on his part he was returning the kiss just as passionately. Floria finally broke the kiss. She gave Andy a little wink before she turned to his sister and brother-in-law.

“Fran, it’s so nice to see you. And you must be Sid. I’ve heard so much about you. Andy told me you were a pretty good guy, and Fran confirmed it. How’s the little one?”

“She’s fine. We have an excellent sitter who lives in our complex.

“I must say, you look wonderful,” Fran added. She knew exactly how Floria looked. They had been sharing pictures for years.

Andy obviously was a bit at a loss for words. This was Benny. No, it was Floria. It had always been Floria. It was just that the package was finally the way it should have been all along.

It didn’t take long before the conversation was proceeding as if they had been together for years.

“I have so much to tell all of you, but I have to get back to start the second half. We should talk after it’s over, and maybe go somewhere for drinks. How about it?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Fran said. “How about Gigliotti’s? It’s pretty close.”

“That’s an excellent idea. I’ll meet you there after the show.”


Gigliotti’s was a nice, quiet bar and restaurant frequented by the Italians in the neighborhood. It was where someone went to have a quiet drink and far above average pizzas and other delicacies. The pleasant brick and wood interior was very welcoming. The three, Floria said she would be a few minutes behind, found a quiet booth in an alcove to one side of the main dining area. Andy and Sid ordered a Peroni, and Fran ordered a bottle of Prosecco for her and Floria.

“You have obviously set me up,” Andy said after he took a sip of his Peroni. “Not that I mind,” he added.

“Why haven’t I heard anything about her? The MC said she was from here.”

Before he could say anything more, they saw Floria approaching. They also saw a big guy with slicked down hair followed by two more just as ugly guys who appeared to be in better shape than the first guy. They sat at a table three tables away from their booth. The older fellow was looking right at them. Then he turned to say something to his cohorts.

“Who the hell is that,” Andy asked quietly. “I saw them at the show. When Floria came to our table, I thought he was going to come over, too.”

Floria started to say something, but Sid cut her off, “That’s Eugenio, Geno, Giraldoni. He owns several hotels, other buildings and businesses around here. He owns the building where Floria lives, and he owns the building where you live, Andy. He’s pissed because rent control prevents him from quadrupling Floria’s rent. The two goons are his sons from two different wives. I have a lot more to tell you; however, this is not the time or place to do it.”

“He’s been after me since before Ian died,” Floria added. “He’s a creep to the nth degree. He thinks he has a right to enter my flat unannounced. I had to change the locks.”

Changing the subject, Floria turned to Andy, “From your reaction earlier, I take it you’re happy to see me.”

“That would be an understatement,” Andy replied. His sister and brother-in-law seemed to be a bit surprised; however, thinking back to Andy’s original reaction, his response shouldn’t have been that unexpected. “When Floria called the night she left town, she told me she loved me. I had told her several times that I’d wished she wouldn’t say that because it made me uncomfortable. Then I realized I actually did love her. I just couldn’t force myself to admit it.”

“You told me that you understood that last night before I left,” Floria said.. “That’s really all that mattered. You and Fran understood me. There weren’t too many others. The school psychologist wanted to help, but without my parents support, her hands were tied.

“There are many things we need to discuss, but tonight is not the right time. Especially with that creep over there. He gives me the willies. Why don’t we call it a night. I’m only a couple of blocks from here, and Andy can see me home. He’s not much further.

“Are you okay with that, Andy? I should have asked. Your place is only three blocks further.”

“That’s fine with me. I walked here. I had no idea you were so close.”

They said their goodbyes. Sid and Fran departed for their car that was in a local lot. Andy and Floria headed for her flat. Their hands found each other’s rather quickly. It wasn’t long before their arms were around each other’s waists. Neither noted the three men who stepped out of the café behind them. Geno and his sons stared their way before departing in the other direction.

“Would you like a cup of coffee before you go back to your place? I hope I’m not being too forward,” Floria asked.

“I think I would like that very much. I9f you don’t mind. I think we have a lot to discuss.”

Chapter 3

It was not a penthouse, but it was rather sumptuous. “Ian left me rather well off,” Floria said as she led Andy to a rather nice sitting area. “I’ll have your coffee in a minute; cream, no sugar, right?”

It was really quite nice Andy thought as he looked around the spacious living area. Maybe it didn’t exactly fit his taste, but it was well done. The view out the floor to ceiling windows was fabulous.

“The decoration was Ian’s first wife’s. It’s not exactly what I’d want, but it’s good enough,” Floria said as she placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of Andy, and took a seat. “I know I’ve told you much of this before, but I think I need to bring you up to date on some things.

“Ian McDonald was a wonderful, compassionate man. His first wife was a transgender woman, but he didn’t know it until well into their early relationship. She taught him a lot about what it was about. They had a wonderful 15 years together. Before she died, she made him promise to help someone like she was. She showed him how to use the internet and be honest about who he was. She told him that the most important thing he could do was to save someone like she was, like the way he saved her. We met on line. He told me what he had to offer. The only thing he asked was that after I completed my transition I would stay with him as his wife. As you know, he was more than 30 years my senior.

“He paid for everything. He made sure I had the best professional care: psychologists, doctors. plastic surgeons, all of them. I had a nurse therapist for almost a year after my surgery. She was a wonderful woman.

“He asked me to marry him after I had completed my transition. I was very fond of him, and I saw no reason not to accept his proposal. We had a wonderful honeymoon, and he made love to me. It was better than I ever thought it could be. There was this problem, though. I kept wishing it was you making love to me.”

Andy had to think things over. He knew earlier that evening how he felt about Floria; however, things were going a bit more rapidly than he expected. He knew that he loved Floria. That had been apparent to him for quite a while.

“I think I’d better head for my place,” Andy said while standing. “I know how I feel about you, but things are going rather fast. I think I need some time to think things over.”

“Andy, I understand. I am being very sincere about this. I love you very much.”

Suddenly they were kissing. His hands were wandering over her body without him realizing consciously what he was doing. “Would you please spend the night with me?” she quietly asked.

Little was said after that. They were on her bed, and nothing was preventing their skin to skin contact. Andy came too soon, but he knew exactly what to do to fulfill his obligation to her. Neither was disappointed.

They explored each other for a while before they joined at a much more leisurely pace.

Andy woke alone, and it took a few seconds to realize where he was. He heard her in the bathroom, and without giving it much thought entered the bathroom. He took in her image as he stood there for a moment. No one would call her voluptuous. She didn’t have huge breasts. They were just nice and perky. Her hips weren’t particularly expansive and her waist wasn’t waspish; however, she was all woman.

“When you’re through enjoying the view, take care of things and join me. We never run out of hot water here. There’s an on demand system.”

He did take care of things, then joined her under the pleasant spray from the multi-nozzled shower. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around him and started sobbing. He let it run out before he gently kissed her.

“I never thought what happened last night and right now would ever happen. Ian knew he was going to die. He was much older than I, but he wasn’t that old. He knew about you, and he knew how I felt about you. It didn’t bother him.”

Stepping out of the shower, Andy grabbed a plush towel and gently dried her. He let the towel caress her. He didn’t rub her. He gently kissed the nipple of her left breast, and it responded very quickly.

“We don’t have time right now. Sid called and wants us to meet at their place for brunch. Let’s get dressed. I’ll fix a cup of coffee for you. I’ll drive.”


Andy was having a little trouble as he realized that his sister and brother-in-law were much more up on things than he was. They obviously had known that Floria had been here all along, but never said a thing. That had to have been at her request.

“How long were you in Europe, and where do you go from here?”

“I hid out for about six months after Ian passed away. I had been performing for about six months and doing very well when his health took a drastic downward trend. He had colon cancer, and everyone thought it was under control. The tests continued to come back negative; then suddenly, everything turned to shit. I cancelled everything and stayed with him until the end.

“When I finally got it together, I started back with the people I’d worked with before. We’d do three to four gigs in a week. It was hell, but I loved it. The guys and gals were wonderful. We worked so well together.

“Please forgive me, but I knew you were here. I just wasn’t ready to see you, but Fran finally convinced me I had to take the initiative.

“We’d spent nearly eight months in Europe. It was fantastic. You’ll have to come with us the next tour. We’re signed up for next year. When we signed up for last night’s show, I knew it was the right time. I didn’t mean, at least not at first, to attack you like I did, but I couldn’t help it.”

“You’ll hear no complaints from me; especially after last night. You mean a lot more to me than just a tumble on the mattress. I worried about you, and the only things that kept me somewhat at ease were your occasional emails.


Little Paula (Paola) was a heart breaker. Also, it was obvious to Andy that she had known Floria for some time. “Do you like my Uncle Andy? I think he’s cute.”

“I have liked your Uncle Andy for a long time,” Floria said as she glanced at Andy.

“Are you going to get maywied?”

“That’s something your uncle and I haven’t talked about. We’ll have to see,” Floria said while looking at Andy again. Andy just smiled.

Brunch was a wonderful Italian spread; however, Andy realized there was something going on. Fran took Paula back to her bedroom for a nap. She wouldn’t return immediately.”

“Guys, we to discuss some things. Fran knows what’s going on, but I need to bring you up to date.

“The reason I’m telling you this is that you have a ‘need to know’. Geno Giraldoni and his cohorts are being investigated for numerous federal crimes. Among these are money laundering, fraud, bribery, human trafficking, and drug trafficking. We have strong proof that he is dealing with Tommaso Costa, a major drug lord who is currently hiding out in Haiti.

“On the surface, it appears as if he is a wealthy entrepreneur and real estate mogul owning billions of dollars in real estate and property in this city. By the way, I forgot to add murder to that list of suspected crimes. His two older sons are coldblooded murderers, and his oldest daughter isn’t much better. They are thicker than thieves with the Russians. The problem is, we need proof. We’re working on that. I’m not asking either of you to do anything other than that, just be careful. If you see something suspicious and can get proof, just let us know. We don’t need either of you to be heroes.”

“Floria told us last night that he was after her. What should she do? Look, I love her and always have.” Andy looked. around and noticed Fran was returning.

“Thank you for forcing Floria on me,” he said to Fran. “I have been submerged in my work, but that’s secondary at the moment. I hope from the bottom of my heart that Floria will always be there for me. I know I will always be there for her.”

Andy turned to Floria who seemed to be a little misty eyed. “You told me a lot about what you do, but I really don’t have a clue what’s involved.”

“We have another performance at the club tonight. Then we have a couple of days off before we head to the west coast. Most of what we’ll be doing are one night stands. This trip will be taking about six weeks before we return for a break. Everyone in this group has other performances with other groups.

“Our performances are not always the same. Sometimes the venues want seasonal show. We might do a show in a place like The Villages in Florida. Then we might do a show for a jazz club. We will vary the show accordingly. Sometimes I’m with a totally different group of performers. The air miles do add up.

“Do you want to come along?”

“I would love to; however, I have a major project. I am painting a fresco at St. Andrews depicting Jesus and Mary Magdalena. The woman who’s posing as Mary is paying a fortune for the project. Well, her husband is. Talk about Giraldoni; she’s been after my bod since day one; not that she’s unattractive. She’s just not my type.

“I’ve been painting a study of her. I will use that as my model for the fresco. Her husband will get the study. That’s a separate commission. My image of Jesus Christ is based on current evidence of what Christ may have really looked like. He does not look like a northern European. Father James is in full accord. He has to approve of every step. Let me just say that we are in total agreement.

“I’m working on the main fresco as I work on the portrait of Mary Magdalena. I may have it done in two or three months. Let’s just say I am being adequately compensated.

“Floria, when do you expect to be back?”

“We’re on the road for nearly three months. The way it’s set up, I’ll be back here a couple of times, but only for a couple of days each time.”

“I know you don’t have a pet. Would you like one?”

“There’s no way I could take care of a pet with my schedule the way it is. Why in the world would you ask anything like that?”

“Well, I was thinking if it was okay with you, I would move into your flat. I would keep my place as a studio. It’s not that far from your place.”

“Isn’t this rather sudden? I mean, we’ve been together for less than two days.”

“I know, but I feel like we need to make up for lost time. Look, I was the one trying to take things slowly last night; however, you convinced me rather quickly that we needed to take our relationship to the next level. You seduced me rather easily, I might add. I always did have a thing for attractive ladies who sang with the voice of an angel,” Andy said. Then quickly added, “You are the only one who’s met that criteria, to date.”

“I’ll have to think about it. Why don’t we talk about it tonight after the show?” Floria asked. “I’ll get a pass for you if you would like to see the show again.”

“I think I would like to do that very much.”

“It’s an early show as it’s Sunday. May I fix dinner for you after the show?”

“You just answered several questions for me. There’s a little feral cat who lives in the alley next to me. May I bring her home?”

“I think that would be nice.”

“Her name’s Esmeralda.”

Chapter 4

Both of them had chores and errands to do, but Floria assured Andy there would be a pass for him. All he had to do was ask at the box office.

Andy had several stops to make before he made it back to his studio. After taking care of things there, he went to the alley where he knew Esmeralda would be waiting for him. He made a smacking noise with his lips, and the little cat exited an air vent from under a building and trotted up to him with her tail raised to the vertical. She twined around his legs as he put a dish of freshly purchased food for her on the pavement. She was a pretty little calico. Andy had assumed that she was a kitten; however, he was beginning to wonder if that was the case. She hadn’t grown much, if any, over the last six months. He knew she would run to her shelter under the building when she finished eating.

Instead of waiting for her to run, he gently picked her up. She hardly struggled. The food was a major objective, and she wanted to get back to it. That was when Andy realized what was going on. Her belly was swollen and hard. He didn’t have to guess. Esmeralda was quite pregnant.

Floria had given him the entry code to her building, and a key to the door. He placed Esmeralda in the carrier he’d previously purchased. She struggled briefly as he placed her inside. His earlier shopping had included a litter box, watering fountain, and kitty cup. There were also some toys.

“So this is Esmeralda,” Floria stated as she watched the little cat cautiously look about her new abode.

“Yes, she allowed me to bring her up here. She’s not too sure, but she trusts me to a certain degree. If everything meets her approval, she might decide to stay.”

“She’s expecting, isn’t she,” Floria said as she held her hand out for Esmeralda to sniff. Esmeralda obliged her, and bumped her head against Floria’s hand. “Esmeralda has known good people. We may never know what’s happened in her past, but we are going to make sure things will be okay for her here. We need to make a private place for her. We’ll give her several options. It’s her choice. I think the fountain is perfect for her, and the litter box is in the best place. We just need to let her explore while we’re out this evening. She will need her private time.”

“How come you know so much about cats?” Andy asked.

“I always wanted a cat for a companion. I studied everything I could about them. But my father and mother could not see having a cat around. They said they hated cats. I never knew why. Now, here she is. Everything is going to be fine.”


Floria’s show was wonderful. Perhaps it had a lot to do with the fact that Andy was a bit surer of where his life was heading. Without his sister and brother-in-law present, he was able to relax. It was during part of the show when Floria was not performing that he noticed that Geno Giraldoni and two of his cohorts were several tables away. They were talking among themselves; however, when Floria returned to the stage, Geno’s eyes became glued on her. Andy knew there were no coincidences here, Geno Giraldoni had eyes for Floria. He remembered Floria saying she had to change the locks on her flat because Geno would show up uninvited. He suddenly realized there may be a lot more to this than he first had thought. He knew why he was there, but why in the hell was Geno Giraldoni there?

There could be only one answer. Geno was going to make a move on Floria.


The vet confirmed Esmeralda’s pregnancy rather quickly. She gave her some shots that shouldn’t affect the little ones, and confirmed Floria’s advice about giving her choices where to nest. She agreed that Esmeralda had obviously had a human family in the past; however, she hadn’t been chipped. Esmeralda had been very stoic throughout the ordeal, and was very happy to be released back into her new home for the foreseeable future.

Floria left three days later for her west coast trip. Those three days before she left only helped confirm what they knew how they felt about each other.

Andy had moved most of his personal items to Floria’s flat. His artist’s equipment continued to be located in his studio and in a small room allocated to him at Saint Andrews.

The project had expanded quite a bit since its inception. Besides the scene with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, there would be one with Jesus curing the lepers, and another of him washing the feet of his disciples. The entire fresco would be close to 50 feet long and about 15 feet high from bottom to top. Father James had approved of Andy’s sketches, and now Andy was putting the sketches on the plaster wall. He had retreated to the work room to check on a couple of things, when he heard someone enter. Looking up he saw Geno Giraldoni standing there taking in the portrait of the woman whose husband was paying for the project.

“You ever fucked her? She’s pretty good. You just gotta move on her. Don’t give her a chance to refuse you. All you gotta do is grab her pussy, and she’ll melt. She won’t be able to get her panties off quickly enough. She comes like a …. Well, I don’t know how to describe it. Let’s just say she’s very appreciative. I get the idea her husband has a pencil dick.

“I’m paying for all of this in case you’re wondering. Father James thinks her husband is, but I’m the one. Let’s just say he owes me a favor or two. I fuck Righi’s wife, and he doesn’t give me any shit.”
“Sir, I’m very busy, and I have absolutely no interest in Mrs. Righi. What she does outside of posing for her portrait is none of my business. Nor is any of my life your business.”

“We’ll have to see about that. That singer friend of yours is a very attractive. I hope you’re able to take care of her. I know I can.”

Andy was furious, but managed to keep his emotions under control. “What Floria McDonald does is none of your business; nor is our relationship. Thank you for funding this project. I appreciate the opportunity to express my art work. Now, I have a lot of work to do. Thank you for your interest. Good day, sir.”

After two weeks on the road, Floria returned for a two day break before she was off again. There was no question what she had in mind when Andy greeted her when the taxi left her off.

“How’s Esmeralda doing,” Floria asked as Andy handed her a freshly mixed Margarita, her favorite cocktail.

“She started acting a little differently early today, and I haven’t seen her since earlier this evening.”

They found her in her little nest she’d selected. She looked up at the with a smile as she cleaned up one of her babies. There were five. At least there were at that time. There would be one more in the morning. Esmeralda was tired, but very proud of her little family. She came out of her nook during breakfast the next morning. She had a rather lengthy drink of water before devouring her breakfast. She returned to her nest, and Andy and Floria left her to do things on her own schedule.

Their love making was less hurried than it had been before, but it was very satisfying, none-the-less.

“Andy, how come you are so at ease with our situation?”

“Floria, I have known you for almost thirty years. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I knew you were Floria a long time ago. You were honest with me from very early on. I don’t think I ever denied or contradicted what you told me about who you really were.. I just wished for your sake that you could somehow reach the place where you are now.

“By the way, Giraldoni’s been by the project a couple of times. He’s had some not very complimentary things to say about Mrs. Righi. Apparently, he’s the money behind the project, not Mr. Righi. Righi owes Giraldoni several favors, and one of them includes Righi’s wife. He also dropped several hints about wanting to take you to bed.”

“That slime ball won’t let it alone. He knows I despise him.”

“I think he’s trying to intimidate me. He’s brought Bevis and Butthead with him a couple of times. They just stand there looking stupid,” Andy added. Floria had assigned the two nicknames to his sons months before. Andy had no trouble seeing the resemblance. However, he didn’t think the original characters packed Glocks.

“You said you were going to be on the west coast for three months. Is that still pretty firm?”

“Not much has changed in that respect; however, I’ve signed on with a local company for a performance of the “Merry Widow”. There will be several weeks of rehearsals before the performances. Right now, they’re scheduled for four performances, with an option for two more if the demand is there.”

“I love that operetta. Lehar wrote some great music. I know I’ll be there.

“Floria, is there enough work in this area that you wouldn’t have to travel so much?”

“Why are you asking?”

“Well, I am rather fond of you, and would like to be able to wake up with you at my side more than a couple of times every month.

“Floria, I love you very much. Would you please marry me? We could start the family I know you wanted. You told me about that a long time ago.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

Chapter 5

The city lights twinkled in the winter evening. The air was clear and it was well below freezing. The two couples were sitting in front of the flickering fire while sipping some fine port.

“Flor,” Sid asked, he hadn’t called her Floria for a long time, “is Geno still sniffing after you?”

“When isn’t he?” she replied.

“Here’s the problem. Bevis, or was it Butthead, found out about one of our operatives. He was shot up pretty bad, but he’ll recover. They know we’re after them. Word is that they might have someone on the inside; however, I find that hard to believe.

“What I’m asking might be more than you’d want to do; however, we need some help. We thought you might have a chance of getting close to him, maybe gain his confidence.”

“How could I do that? He knows I despise him. Besides, Andy and I are living together and intend to get married.”

“What if you had a lover’s quarrel and you kicked Andy out, and he had to move back to his studio. Suppose you suspected that Andy was having an affair with Renata Righi; that you still love him, but are pissed about his dalliances. Besides, Geno thinks he is God’s gift to women. He thinks they will succumb to his charms sooner or later.

“Look, we’re not asking you to go to bed with him. We just need information. If you could get close enough, maybe lead him on a bit ….”

“What if he gets too persistent? I will not voluntarily go to bed with him.”

“You could tell him you’re having your period.”

“If only. I guess there’s always Lily Palms and the and the Five Little Dancers. I will not go down on him, period!”


Neither Floria, Andy, nor the cats were happy with the separation. The word was out that Andy and Floria had a bit of a tiff and Floria was accusing Andy of cheating on her. They did manage to get together about once a week, and the word was they were trying to settle their differences. Andy had moved back to his apartment/studio, and other than not being with Floria, his routine hadn’t changed much. The main fresco was about fifty percent complete, and the church had asked him to do some other work in the interior of the church. He still had other jobs that might take priority; however, the church understood that.

Floria’s road trips were over for a while, and she was mostly involved with the production of the “Merry Widow”. They were playing to SRO crowds every night, and it was a foregone conclusion that there would be two extra performances. Andy went to the first performance and immediately noted that Giraldoni and his two Neanderthal sons were there in the front row. They obviously had someone on the inside because they knew exactly where he was sitting and had looked in his direction several times. Andy thought it best that he not show up for the future performances. They had to convince Geno that he might have a chance with Floria, but they were going to have to make him work for it. It was not going to be easy or very pleasant.

The place where Andy worked at the church was a small, but seldom used chapel attached to the main church. It was used mainly for storage. There was a small fount attached to the entrance, and a small amount of water continued to flow through it. Behind the altar was a small room. It was usually locked, although Andy did have several keys, one of which opened the door to the rear room. There were no pews; just an open floor. It was a great working space. Now, they would just have to wait for the right circumstances come together.

Geno Giraldoni would frequently show up. He would express that he was checking up on the fresco he’d been paying for. Of course, he was really hoping to meet Floria, and try to convince her of his sincerity in his desire to have her as a lover. That was one of the few things he was honest about.

Things started to make a change a few weeks later. The two couples were having a quiet dinner at Sid and Frans place. Paola was spending the night with a friend who lived in the same complex.

“We’ve had word that one of Geno’s men is going to bail out and go states evidence. He’s Mario Fieri, a small time crook who has discovered he is in way over his head. He wants out and wants protection. He’s willing to go state’s evidence and accept whatever deal we can offer. He thinks Geno and his goons are on to him. We told him if he can get away to go to your place in the church. He can hide in the back room. I know you have a key, but at the same time, you don’t use the area. I’m sure they will expect him to duck into the church looking for sanctuary, and will wait until he makes a break for it.”

“What if they come there looking for him? If they find out I have access to the back room, they’ll take the key from me and get him.”

“Hide the key, and when they leave to get another key, get him out.”

“And then what?”

“You know that well that’s out in the courtyard?”

“Yes. What about it?”

“It’s not really a well. It’s strictly decorative; however, during the Cold War, they put a small bomb shelter down there. There is a ladder that goes down about thirty feet to a room off to one side. If he can hide there, we might be able to get him out the next day if we can just get Geno’s men to look elsewhere for him. The area’s big enough that we can get a chopper in there and take him away.”

“I don’t know,” Floria said. “This whole thing looks pretty shaky to me. I think there will be a point where, in spite of his avowed Catholicism, Geno will barge in and do whatever he can to get rid of the traitor. I just don’t like this.”


Things came to a head three days later. “Fieri’s on his way. He saw Geno’s goons entering his building. He managed to get down the fire escape without them seeing him. Fieri knows they know he was there. He foolishly answered his land line, and heard a click after he said hello. He made it down the alley and cut through a couple of department stores. He’s in the men’s room at the church there. And he’s waiting to make sure it’s clear before he ducks out the side entrance and makes it back to your spot.

“Do the best you can. We don’t want to start a shooting war, and we’re shorthanded. It could get real messy if they find out he’s there. We need Fieri alive.”

“I’ll do what I can,” Andy replied, “but I can’t make any promises.”

Immediately after cutting off his phone, Father Scorsese arrived with the pizza Andy had ordered from Gigliotti’s.

“Damn, excuse me Father, why can’t they follow instructions? I told them to deliver it here. I was going to give the delivery person a nice tip.”

“I gave her five bucks,” Father Scorsese replied. “She’s new.”

“Here’s ten,” Andy replied. “Make sure the church gets the rest.”

Andy sat and took a big bite from one of the slices. If he ordered at his flat, it wouldn’t be sliced into wedges. It would have been unsliced so he could cut it up into bite sized pieces as he wanted them. His mind wandered a bit as he thought back to the trips his family had taken to Italy, Greece, and other Mediterranean countries. His grandparents taught him early on about proper European food etiquette. His mother and sister were learning right along with him. His thoughts of years past were interrupted by a voice.

“You Andrea di Marchi?”

“Yeah, what can I do for you?”

“Sid said you could hide me for a while and then help me get to the Feds. Giraldoni’s after my ass, and I won’t last ten seconds if he finds me.”

“Okay, you’re gonna have to hide in that room back there. I’ll lock you in. When the coast is clear, you’re gonna have to hide in that well,” Andy said as he pointed towards the courtyard.

“Look, I haven’t eaten since last night. Could I have some that pizza?”

“Sure, take it all. There’s a john back there. If you need to use it, don’t flush it. The last thing we need is for anyone to hear that.”

Andy locked Mario in the back room, then started to work on the far end of the fresco. He was working on the details of the lepers, while avoiding picturing too many of the details of the ravages of the disease. He had erected a scaffold months before so he didn’t have to worry about climbing up and down a ladder.

It had to have been about an hour when he got a call from Sid. “The coast is clear, but only for a few minutes. Get Mario to the well. All we can do is hope they don’t find him. This is real shaky. I told headquarters we needed help, and they just said we’re on our own. I think there’s a mole in there. We don’t seem to be getting the priority I would have expected.”

Andy quickly let Mario out of the back room and locked the door behind him. He dropped the key in a vase filled with artificial flowers. There were five other identical vases on pedestals along both walls. He could see Mario climbing over the edge of the well as he climbed back up to the scaffold. It was none too soon. Geno Giraldoni was walking up the walk with his Neanderthal sons in tow. This might get interesting. Indeed it would. Floria was only a few yards behind them. Sid must have told her to run interference. He would just have to play it by ear.

“So, Ms. McDonald, are you here to see that cheating boyfriend of yours?”

“Mr. Giraldoni, that’s really none of your business.”

“See that portrait over there?” he said pointing at the oil painting of Renata Righi. “He’s been screwing her in that room back there. I’ve heard them. She squeals like a captured rabbit when she comes.”

“I’m sure you know from personal experience,” She said to herself. “I don’t think that’s the proper thing to discuss here. After all this is a church.”

“You got spirit, girl, I like that in a woman. I tol’ you before that I can show you a real good time if you’d just let me. You’d never go back to that pansy painter.”

The sound of the church organ permeated the courtyard. The organist was getting ready for an evening service. On an impulse, Geno wasn’t sure why, dipped his finger into the fount and offered it to Floria. She was already turning to leave. She had a performance of the Merry Widow to get ready for. She ignored him.

Geno turned to his sons. “Get the caretaker or someone who can get us into that back room. I think we need to find out what’s going on here. They know where Fieri is and I think it may have been right here.”

It took a few minutes, but Geno Jr. was able to find someone who had a key to the back room. It didn’t take long to examine the area. A pizza box with crumbs and a crust or two rested on a small table.

“Hey, dad,” Enrico shouted, “someone took a crap back here and didn’t flush the john.”

“Flush it you worthless piece of shit. Someone was back there and it had to be Fieri. Say, where is that damn painter, De Marchi?”

“He picked up his shit and left a few minutes ago,” Junior said.

“Get him and take him back to the ‘Room’. We’ll find out where Fieri is. Be as rough as you need to be. I gotta think over some things. I’ll see you back at the flat in a little while.”

The music from the organ was getting to Geno. Perhaps it was one of his few good qualities. The church organ went straight to his withered soul.

“Te Deum laudamus: Te Deum confitemur.” (We praise thee, O God: We acknowledge thee to be the Lord.)

All Geno could see was Floria and her tight little body. He couldn’t understand it. She was not at all like the other women he’d assaulted, raped, paid thousands for a night’s romp, nor like his wives past and present.

The organ increased in volume, and Geno was becoming very aroused. “Floria, you make me forget God.” He crossed himself as the music ended, and turned to return to his penthouse on the 63rd floor of the building he may or may not have owned.

Chapter 6

Floria was worried. Andy was supposed to meet her outside the theater, and they would walk together back to her place so they could spend some time together. She had prepared a special dessert to enjoy before they became a special dessert. That was not to be. She couldn’t raise him on his phone. The message she received basically said his phone was out of service. She walked to his studio, not knowing what to expect. What she saw was almost indescribable.

The front door was destroyed, hanging on one hinge. The area around the latch and bolt lock was destroyed by gun fire. There was evidence of a major struggle, and there was blood, lots of blood. There could be only one answer. Giraldoni and his henchmen had to be responsible. There was only one thing to do. She had to try to save Andy. It was that simple.


“Alright, di Marchi, where is Fieri?” Geno demanded.

“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” Andy replied through clenched teeth. His right eye was puffed up, and there was blood on his shirt. His arms were behind him, secured with a zip tie. Giraldoni’s two son’s looked far worse for wear. Geno, Jr. had an obvious broken nose, and he was covered in blood. His brother had a nasty gash above his left eye. The two other henchmen were in about the same shape. Andy’s left hand was probably broken.

“We don’t think very kindly of traitors around here, and we want him dead or alive, but he won’t end up as the latter. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is Fieri?”

“I have no idea, and if I did, I surely wouldn’t tell you.”

“Ah, we have made progress. You do know who we’re talking about. I have men watching the church. We know he is still there. It would make things a lot simpler if you just told us where he is hiding.

“We know he was hiding in the back of the chapel. He had that pizza you gave him. Father Scorsese told us he brought the pizza to you. Of course you lied about not having a key to that back room. You had to have hidden it somewhere, but that’s no matter now. Fieri is hiding somewhere in or around that church. We will find him.

“Boys, soften him up a bit. We’ll get what we need eventually.”

They dragged Andy to a room on the far side of the 63rd floor, but it wasn’t that far.

Geno was contemplating dismembering Fieri while he was still alive. The thought of watching him writhe in pain was very pleasing. They’d find him whether di Marchi told them where he was or not.

His thoughts of mayhem were interrupted by his cell phone telling him security was calling.

“What’s going on?”

“Yeah, boss, I got some lady here that says she’s gotta see you.”

“Who is she?

“Her name’s McDonald; black hair, kinda skinny, no tits.”

“Let me talk to her.”

“Lady, the boss wants to talk to you.” He handed the phone to her.

“Hello, Mr. Giraldoni, I need to talk to you about something.” That’s when she noted the smeared spots of blood on the marble flooring.

“Now, now, you know I’m Geno. What can I do for you?”

“Something has happened to Andy,” Floria said.

Andy, who’s Andy?” Giraldoni said somewhat sarcastically.

“Andrea di Marchi. We were supposed to meet after the show, but he’s not answering his phone. I went by his studio, and the place has been trashed. There was a big fight, and there’s blood everywhere. I noticed blood on the floor by the elevator, and I thought ….”

“… I might have had something to do with it. Why don’t you come on up, and we can talk about it. Tell Mack to access the elevator for you. Better yet, let me talk to him.” Floria handed the phone to the security guard.

“Yes sir.”

“Make sure the bitch ain’t carryin’, then access the top floor for her. Run her through the metal detector, first. Then clean up the blood. Those idiot sons of mine can’t do anything right.”

“Ma’am, I’m gonna hafta run you through the detector. I’ll run your purse through the scanner.”

She did as told. Of course there was nothing. Mack accessed the elevator. Only floors 50 through 63 were on the panel. It was a quick ride.

The ostentatious entryway didn’t surprise her one bit. To say it was overdone was an understatement. There was gold and mirrors everywhere. Overdone rococo would be a good description.. The double doors leading to the main part of the public part of the flat were wide open. Giraldoni was standing at the opening with a big smile and a glass of wine. He offered it to her.

“Thank you, Geno,” she said taking a sip. “Very nice.”

“Now, Floria, what can I do for you?” Geno said as he led her to a sitting area that was outside what was obviously his office.

“As I told you, Andy was not at home. His place was trashed, and there had been a hell of a struggle. There’s blood everywhere.”

Any further conversation was interrupted by the sound of some screams that would indicate someone was in great pain.

“What’s that?” Floria asked, knowing full well what it was. Andy was being tortured.

“Look, Geno, I know what’s going on. Leave Andy alone. I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

“I wish I could; however, I can’t afford to have him out there making me look like a fool. In this business you are either in, or out and dead.”

“Suppose we make a deal. You can have me any time you want. I’ll gladly go to bed with you. Just let Andy go. That’s all I ask.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I have a reputation to maintain. I can’t let people think I’m going soft.”

“Andy hasn’t done anything to you. He’s just following instructions.”

There was more shouting, and more sounds of pain being administered.

“Hey Marco, have them bring di Marchi out here,” Geno said as he turned back to Floria.

“Now, dear, let’s see what we can see.”

The two brothers brought Andy out of the back room. He was shackled and he was favoring his left hand. They had broken several of his fingers. If the truth be told, the brothers looked in worse shape than Andy. The two other henchmen didn’t look much better for wear. They were covered in blood and it was obvious most of it was theirs.

“Di Marchi, your girlfriend asked that I should let you go. Tell me where Fieri is, and I just might.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Andy spit back.

“Boys, take him back and soften him up a bit more.”

“Stop!” Floria shouted. “He’s in the well.”

“Floria, don’t!” Andy shouted.

“Call the boys down at the church. They know what to do,” Geno said with a note of satisfaction.

“Now, Signore di Marchi, what are we going to do with you? It seems we have a problem. You know too much.”

“Just let him go. Your men (She was going to say goons, but caught herself in time.) couldn’t get him to tell you. He is an honorable man. You can trust him to keep a secret. Let’s talk this over in private,” Floria asked nodding towards Geno’s office.

“Stefano, take him out to the terrace and watch him. He can’t go anywhere from there.

“Now, little lady, let’s talk,” Geno said as he pointed to the open doors of the office. He followed her inside, and closed the doors behind him. Floria looked around as Geno indicated a chair by his desk. The office was rather opulent, just as she expected. There was an ‘I Love Me wall’ covered with pictures and mementos of his corrupt life. There was a picture of him taken on a golf course with one of the most hated past government officials in US history. That person was rotting in prison and had been there for nearly two decades. He was pictured with numerous industrialists and politicians. They always had the big shit eating grins.

“I think you said I ‘could have’ you. I think that means you would let me fuck you as often as I want if I let your boyfriend go. Actions speak louder than words.”

“Yes, you can have me; have your way with me. I’ve heard that you are very, very good at what you do. Andy’s okay, but I think I would like to see what a real man can do. If you want, you can have me right now, but I would like some assurance that you will let Andy go. He needs to finish that fresco at the church.

“There are two things I live for. I have loved Andy since we were in grade school. He’s been my best friend. He’s always known that performance arts were my love. I live for art, but I have a life off the stage, and I’ve always hoped Andy would be part of that life. Andy won’t complain if I have to share part of my life with you. We want to have a family. That can wait. Andy lives for the arts, too, but we reached an agreement long ago about where our lives would go. I married Ian McDonald because it was convenient, and it would enable us to get the resources we needed for our future. We have an open life.”

Their discussion was interrupted by a knock on the office door. Geno, Jr. stuck his head into the office.

“They got him.”

“And …?”

“We don’t have to worry about him.”

“Bene, bene.

“Geno, remember how we worked that deal with Respighi?”


“Let’s do that with di Marchi. I think that would work out for everyone concerned. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, Papa.”

“Then do it.”

Geno turned to Floria as Geno, Jr. closed the door. “We will let him go in the morning. I trust you will hold him to your word.”

“Certainly.” Floria had stood as Geno, Jr. had entered the room. “What sort of man are you, Geno? Can you make me whimper, beg for more. Can you truly please a woman, make her beg for more, and more?”

“That has never been a problem. There have never been any complaints. May I demonstrate.”

“Please do.” Floria backed up against Geno’s desk. She had opened her blouse to reveal a nice cleavage; certainly nothing like what Giraldoni had paid to see and play with in the past. Never the less, she was very attractive; especially to Giraldoni. She gave him a very sexy smile, and encouraged him to get closer and closer. She leaned back as his hand parted her open blouse and sought her partially exposed breast. His other hand sought the juncture of her thighs. She encouraged it as she opened her mouth to receive his kiss. He was enjoying it very much and she could feel his growing erection pressing against her.

She knew exactly where she was, and as he pressed closer, she reached back and found the letter opener she had spotted earlier. It was almost too simple. It was probably an antique knife, and it did its job very well. His shirt offered no resistance as she forced it inwards just below his rib cage. It probably penetrated a good eight inches. Just to make sure, she sliced it to the left and right, severing vital arteries and veins.

“This is Floria’s kiss.”

The effect was instantaneous.

“God, what have you done? I am dying” His voice was weak. “I am dying. Help me.”

“Yes, you are dying you miserable son of a bitch. I want you to know something. Can you hear me, understand me?”

“Yes,” he gasped.

“I was born Beniamino Fiorito. I was a woman in a boy’s body. Andy knew that, and he never wavered. Ian McDonald saved me and helped me become the woman you see. It pleases me that you thought I was a woman from birth; however, I hate your fucking guts. If I hadn’t killed you tonight, I would have killed you eventually, and I would have enjoyed it immensely. I hope these last few minutes have been exceptionally excruciating for you.

“We will meet before God, and he will determine our fates. I regret nothing.”

“I die,” he said in his last gasp. He exhaled once, and it was over. Floria looked at him as his life’s blood ran across the floor. She crossed his arms over his chest, and left the letter opener standing straight up out of his abdomen. She walked out of the office and closed the door. She had to get to Andy, and they had to get away.

Chapter 7

Andy wasn’t sure what was coming, but he knew it was coming soon. He’d been sitting as Stefano half interestedly watched him. He was listening to something on his I-Pod. Andy walked to the edge of the precipice. He could see the first light of dawn in the east. The thin crescent of the moon was not much above the soon to be rising sun. The city was wakening, and he could hear the wail of a distant ambulance. He could see its lights flashing as it crossed the main river bridge. There was the morning star just to the right of the moon. Then he realized that the dimmer object closer to the horizon had to be Mercury. He remembered reading something about it a few days before; Mercury and Venus close to the moon.

“Floria, I love you so much, and I’ll cherish the time we’ve had together. Unfortunately, all of that will end this morning. There is no hope for us.”

“But there is hope.” Andy turned to see Floria approaching. “They are going to fake killing you like they did with some crook. They just have to make it look good. Go with it. We’ll be out of here in a little while.”

Geno, Jr had entered behind Floria. “Come with me di Marchi. We got things to do.” He grabbed Andy’s arm and led him towards the stairway that went to a lower level of the flat. About halfway there, he pulled out a silenced pistol, pressed it against Andy’s chest, and fired. Andy crumpled to the ground like a sack of wet cement.

It happened so quickly, Floria didn’t know what to think. She watched as Geno, Jr. walked quickly back into the sitting area. Stefano was right behind him. She waited a few seconds before approaching Andy.

The other two were heading towards the room where they had been torturing Andy a couple of hours before. “Andy, quick, get up. They are out of sight. We’ve got to get out of here. I called the elevator, and it is waiting for us.” Andy didn’t move.

“Andy, get up, get up. We don’t have much time.” That’s when she saw the blood flowing down the grout between the tiles towards a roof drain.

“Oh, my, God! Andy, oh Andy. No-o-o-o-o-o-o.”

Shouting from the inside got her attention. “Geno’s dead, stabbed.”

“Somebody grab her. She killed father. That bitch killed father.” They were running towards the terrace door. There was no escape. There was only one thing to do. She ran to the far wall stepped on a concrete bench and then to the top of the wall. She looked back once. The men had stopped. They were looking at her slack jawed. She gave a little wave before she stepped off as the sun broke the horizon.


“Mom, Dad called a while ago. He said he wanted to take us to dinner to celebrate the new commission he got.”

Floria looked at her oldest. Cesare was turning into a handsome young man. At ten he was definitely his father’s son. She looked at her two daughter who were four and seven. “Did everyone finish their homework? Do I need to check it?”

“No mommy, Cesare checked it, and we turned it in.”

“They got it all right,” Cesare added.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t do it, but I just had to take a nap. Your little brother is quite a load to carry around.” If anyone asked, she would gladly tell them that she was eight months along. She couldn’t have been happier.

Andy showed up a few minutes later. “I just got word that Mom and Dad will be arriving in a few days. The cottage next door should be ready by then.”

“That will be so nice. I know Mom will be happy to help with the little one on the way. I can use it.”

The family took the short walk into town. The cats followed them. The weather was perfect. As always, the town folk gave them a friendly greeting.

“Do you think they’ll want me to sing?” Floria asked.

“They usually do. How about ‘I live for Art’. They always like that. I can play the accompaniment.”

“Okay, kids, what do you want tonight?”

“Hamburgers!” they shouted in unison.

“Okay, hamburgers it is.” They turned and walked under the large sign that proclaimed “The Elysian Bar and Grill.” Under that it said “Nightly Entertainment.”

She would sing again.

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