Play Macho For Me

Play Macho for Me

By Trapper Jock Mcintyre

Jill and her boyfriend Mark had lived in a tiny apartment in the middle of the nowhere part of the USA. The town consisted of miles and miles of cornfields surrounded by miles and miles of cornfields. When the chance came up for Jill to take a new position in Silicon Valley, they jumped at it.

"We're finally going to hit the big time, Mark," Jill laughed as they enjoyed a celebratory dinner together.

"Yep. All thanks to you. You're the best," Mark replied as he raised his glass of champagne in a toast.

They clinked their glasses together as Jill said, "To us!"

Mark winked his eye, and said, "How about we really celebrate the day?"

Jill knew what he meant and smiled back. "Grrrrowl! You bet!"

However, as much as Jill enjoyed making love with Mark, there was something, just something, about him she couldn't quite put her finger on. She just couldn't figure out exactly what turned him on. She tried sexy lingerie, but it didn't seem to faze him, although it did appear that Mark had a thing for underwear. He was always buying sexy underwear, but strangely, Jill thought, only for himself.

One thing she did glean was that Mark has a thing for underwear and was always buying sexy underwear, but strangely only for himself.

Talking dirty got a bit of arise out of him, but light bondage did nothing. What was it that turned his motor on, she wondered?

As they lay in bed one night after making love, Jill asked, "Tell me, Mark, tell me what turns you on?"

"You do, my love, " Mark replied.

"Oh, I know that," Jill said, "but what is your deepest fantasy. What could I do that you make your toes curl in ecstasy?"

Mark looked away and then his skin grew clammy. "Let me think about it, and maybe I'll tell you some day," he replied.

Jill felt a bit of frustration at his answer, and sighed. Mark was an enigma, but one that screamed to be solved, she reasoned.

The couple spent the next few days sorting and packing. Jill's new employer arranged a townhouse for them to move into. After a week their tiny apartment was filled to the ceiling with boxes.

It was decided that Mark would stay behind to finish up at his job and make arrangements to work remotely while Jill would follow the moving van cross country. Mark would then fly out in a week.

A day after Jill arrived at their new home, the moving van pulled up and unloaded its contents. Jill was overjoyed at how much room the townhouse had and set about to unpacking boxing. Act like the bit of the typical housewife, she set about fixing up the kitchen first, pots and pans here, dishes there, silver wear there.

Moving on to the bedroom, Jill began unpacking all their clothes and the towels and sheets and pillows. It was going to be lonely in their big bed at night without Mark she thought, and she smiled as she put away his socks and undies. The bubble that was her happiness burst, however, as she opened one of the smaller boxes. It, too, was filled with neatly folded sexy style undies and jockstraps, but she noticed that they weren't in Mark's size, but smaller. The box also contained a smaller box and a large brown envelope. Was he fooling around on her, she thought?

She stacked the underwear on the bed and turned her attention to the smaller box and the large brown envelope. Both were addressed to her husband. Jill opened the box and felt a like she had been gobsmacked when she saw its contents, a full-size penis and testicles made a soft squishy almost rubbery compound. It looked to be about six inches long and about an inch and half in diameter.

"Holy shit!" she yelled as she threw the penis at the wall and it bounced back across the floor land at her feet. "My husband is gay!"


Her fears that Mark was gay were allayed when she emptied the contents of the envelope, a magazine and a DVD, onto the bed. Jill picked up the DVD. It was an R rated movie called The Cold Blue Rain. Jill sat on the bed as she read the synopsis on the back of the package.

"They are an elite force of women, and in the same way the rain cleans the trash and mud off the street, the women of the Cold Blue Rain wash away the most vile of all criminals."

The cover of the DVD package featured a person, was it a woman, Jill thought, dressed in a police uniform shirt. Yes, the person, who had long blonde hair, thin arched eyebrows, and was wearing mascara and lipstick was a woman, but had a flat chest like a man with a treasure trail of hair that rose over her mid-section from a pair of men's underwear, underwear that were filled with a healthy masculine bulge.

Jill turned to the magazine. It was called "Playmacho" – Entertainment for men who love manly women and was one she had never ever heard of or imagined ever existed.

The cover featured a blonde woman whose chest was flat and featured a fuzzy sprinkling of hair not only on it but also on the girl's stomach. But what really stood out was the massive male genitalia that the girl seemed to have between her legs, genitalia that were proudly on display through a pair of underwear with the word "COCKSOX" on the waist band.

The magazine proudly promised "the hottest girls, the flattest most masculine chests, and the biggest bulges"

Other articles featured a "Dream Team" of supermodels with "perfect bulges", the story of Judy who went from "from round Double D to flat Double D-lightful!", and one that instructed a guy in "The secret way to play with a girl's flat chest and manly nipples that will drive her wild!"

There were articles on something called packers and a gift guide for underwear that claimed to be "Provocative bulge enhancers for her!"

"Well, that settles it, " Jill laughed, "Mark isn't gay, but definitely, er, ah, kinky!"

As Jill thumbed through the magazine, she found herself getting aroused. To think that this was what turned Mark on, girls who had flat manly chests. They still retained all their feminine facial features, but their bodies were quite masculine in all other respects.


One thing about that puzzled Jill, though. It was the basket that the girls had between their legs that gave them a manly bulge in the men's underwear they were wearing. Her curiosity was satisfied however when she saw the article entitled "Top Ten Packers – Playmacho product reviews".

Jill reached down and picked up the prosthetic penis that she had discovered in the box. "So, this is called a packer," she thought.

She began reading the article:

"These silicone and cyberskin phalluses will give her that manly bulge she desires and will have you on your knees in front of her!

Now that she has a flat manly chest, you might ask "What could be better?" The answer is easy. Nothing completes the package, like giving her a package. Seeing her with a mouthwatering masculine bulge between her legs when wearing a sexy pair of men's undies or a jockstrap is now possible thanks to a variety of packers available. Whether she is cut or uncut, whatever the length, she can be well hung. Everything, even the size of her balls is in your hands. We look at the top models including ejaculating ..."

"A-ha! This is how the girls got their bulges!" she laughed. "But why does Mark have one, when he had the real thing."

That question was answered when she flipped to the next page, where she saw that Mark had circled the Vixen Mister Right Packer and wrote the word "ordered" with a date two weeks ago and Jill's name.


She felt her breathing grow shallow as she took this all in. The magazine reminded her of issues of Playboy and Penthouse, but unlike them, all the girls in it had flat chests, some hairy, some smooth. They all proudly displayed the bulges between their legs, in fact there was even a centerfold. There were ads for men's underwear with masculine women modeling them ...



... and even ads for phone sex with the manly girl of your dreams.

The centerfold showed a girl with a very masculine body laying poolside in nothing but a pair of men's under, underwear that framed her penis. Playmacho_Centerfold.jpg

As she continued flipping through pages, amazed at every aspect of this facet of her husband's sexual fantasies, she stopped at an ad for the Rock Eden Boo-B-Gone system of chest masculinization for girls.

"Only Rock Eden guarantees that you will be flatter and have more manly nipples in just one week!"

There were testimonies from women who had gone from having as big as DD breasts down to flat muscular pecs in just 1 week.

It was then that an idea hit her. The company was right here in California! If she called and ordered right now, she could surprise him as the girl of his dreams when he arrived in two weeks. After all, she reasoned, she was just a B cup so she should be able to get fit and flat like a man in no time at all.

Jill grabbed her cell phone and dialed to place her order. "Yes, I will pay extra for overnight delivery," she instructed.


Jill tossed the magazine aside and then noticed – it even had a Christmas greeting on the back!


The very next day FedEx arrived with Jill's shipment of Boo-B-Gone. She set up her cell phone to take a picture so that she could document her transformation and every day she documented the changes in a notebook.

Day 1:

I measured my breast size and I am 38 inches under my breast and 40 inches at the middle. When I rubbed the special Boo-B-Gone cream on them I noticed a tingling and a tightening in them. It was not unpleasant but was more pronounced when I put on my bra, so I think that now is as good a time as any to dispense with wearing one. I think I'll just go with t-shirt and sweatpants today

Day 2:

Today's measurements are 38 inches under my breast and 39.5 inches at the nipple. I still continue to feel this tightening in them. It sure is making me as horny as hell. I have decided to see if I could speed up the process, so I rubbed a double dose of Boo-B-Gone on my breasts. I think that now is as good a time as any to start wearing men's underwear.


Day 3:

I dropped another half inch today. I noticed that my nipples are noticeably smaller, very much like a man's nipples. They are as sensitive as hell, too! I can't wait for Mark to tweak them. I really miss him, so I'm glad I'll be talking with him on the phone tonight. Just thinking about what he'll do to me when he sees what I hope will be a hot manly body gets me so freakin' horny. I decided to keep doing a double dose of Boo-B-Gone and start wearing a man's undershirt to maybe compress things a bit and help them along.


Day 4:


I can't believe it; my boobs are almost completely gone now. Under what was my B cup breasts it's still 38 inches, but at the nipple area, its 38 and a quarter! Wow do I look hot – sizzling! I'm still a girl, to be sure, but I can't believe how great I look like a hot hunk stud! No wonder Mark is turned on by this.

Last night when Mark and I talked on the phone, we kind of had phone sex. I took that packer penis and stuffed it down into the men's briefs I was wearing while I was talking to him, imagining that I was the girl in the phone sex ad in the magazine. I don't know if Mark noticed, but I almost gave it all away when I said I couldn't wait for him to play with my chest and suck on my nipples, instead of saying the word breasts! And then when we were about to cum, I started stroking my packer, and started saying "yes, yes let's stroke together, I want to cum with you baby!". I almost thought that I blew it then. Speaking of blowing things, the thought of Mark blowing me, even though my penis is silicone, has me just going crazy! I can't wait to see him licking it through the pouch of my underwear before he pulls it out of side and takes it in his mouth. When I see him, I am going to seduce him and dance in front him and tease him as if I were a male stripper! He is going to experience the most mind-blowing sex he has ever had, and come to think of it, so am I!

Day 5:

OMG! My boobs are gone! I measured this morning and my chest is flat and measures 38 inches – 38 inches of rock-solid muscle. My nipples look like little bee-stings. I spent the day getting the townhouse ready for Mark's arrival in 3 days, and it was great being able to walk around without wearing a shirt. In fact, I spent most of the day in just a well packed really sexy pair of men's boxer briefs. It got me wondering if I should have taken advantage of Rock Eden's chest hair add-on. I'll have to see what Mark thinks. It would kind of sensuous to be tickling Mark's cheeks with my chest hair when he sucks on my man-nipples.


Day 6:


I went down to the fitness room in our townhouse complex for a workout. There was a full-size mirror on the side of one of the banks of lockers. I double checked and pulled down my sweats to get a full few at how I looked. Damn! My bum looks great when its framed with a jockstrap. I don't know what was in Boo-B-Gone, but I swear that something in it has made my butt look more like a man's butt! I wonder if Mark will enter me in Playmacho Best Boy Bum competition. It would be so cool to win!

I remember the contest said "Send your choice to PRETTYMACHO magazine. The winner will be announced in March and will receive a prize package of hot jockstraps and will be entered in our BEST BOY BUM of the YEAR contest. Don't forget to enter your wife or girlfriend in our monthly BEST BOY BUM competition. Send her picture today!"


I just know I can win!

If that wasn't cool enough, seeing how good I looked with the bulge my packer made in in the front of my jockstrap was totally awesome. Mark is going to love it.

Day 7:

Mark will be here in just a day. I took another selfie today to show just how much I changed in just one week on Boo-B-Gone. my chest was flat and firm, her butt was hard and masculine, and I just looked perfect with my packer in my underwear. I called Mark and told him that I would be waiting for him when he got to the townhouse, the door would be unlocked, and he could just come right in.


When Mark arrived at the townhouse, he was filled with excitement about seeing Jill after a week apart. There was something about that call the had the other day when they had phone sex that intrigued him. What was she up to, he thought?

He entered the townhouse and called out to Jill. She walked out the bedroom, wearing a shirt that was unbuttoned and showed him a good view of her flat chest, a pair of tight jeans revealed evidence of the manly bulge between her legs.

Jill walked up to him slowly and kissed him.

"Do you like it?" she asked, "No don't tell me, I can answer that, she said as she felt the massive boner he was sporting.

"Holy shit! Jill is this really you!" Mark replied.


"Yep, I found your stash of porn," Jill answered as she moved Mark's hand to her own boner. "I found the underwear, the magazine, the DVD, and, hahaha, as you can tell, the packer."

Mark felt his blood pressure rising as Jill then pulled him close and ground her prosthetic penis into his crotch. "C'mon, just sit and enjoy the show," she said as she led him to a chair.

Jill pulled Mark's jersey over his head and then undid his belt and his jeans, pulling them down as she pushed him onto the chair. She then pulled off her shirt and displayed her flat masculine chest. She placed one of Mark's on it and he pulled back as it were electric.

"No more boobies?" Mark said.

"No more boobies, just flat and buff the way I know you like it," she said as she moved forward offering one of her man-nipples to Mark. He stuck out his tongue and licked it and she felt a shiver go through her as she jumped back.

It was then she paid attention to massive tent that Mark's cock was making in his underwear. She gave it a squeeze.

"Oh babay, you are so hard and that get me hard in return. Now it's your turn to gaze upon the awesomeness of what in my underwear. Just undo my belt and you'll see," Jill giggled.


Mark did as he was told and gasped at the sight of Jill's men's briefs and the way her prosthetic penis filled them. Without even asking he reached over and rain a finger along its length and then gently caressed the ball sac as if it were real.

Mark traced a finger around one of Jill's tiny man-nipples and then licked at it with his tongue making small circles around it. Then he licked down across her flat chest and her tummy as he drops to his knees. Mark then did something that even shocked Jill as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of the prosthetic phallus.

"No not yet, you naughty boy!" Jill exclaimed.

Mark frowned but that quickly turned to moans of ecstasy as Jill sat on his lap and began grinding her penis into his crotch in a lapdance that had only dreamed of experiencing. When she noticed that a spot of precum had begun to make a wet spot on the front of her husband's underwear, she took a little of it on her finger and rubbed on her briefs right at the tip of her dildo so that it looked like she was dribbling pre-cum, too.

Jill leaned forward and kissed him as she rubbed her flat chest against his. "C'mon, to the bedroom."

Taking him by the hand, Jill lead her husband to the bedroom and made him lay next to her in a 69 configuration.

"Just lick it and worship it through my briefs," Jill said as she began nipping and licking at Mark's hard penis.

Jill could feel the throbbing of Mark's cock as she orally serviced it. She felt his balls getting tight as she was about to cum, but she knew didn't want that to happen just yet.

"Damn, Mark, you get this girl's cock so hard and her balls are so tight! I'm about to explode! I want you to jerk me off!" Jill exclaimed.

Jill quickly flipped him arounds and sat next to him on the bed and began jerking him off. She placed Mark's hand on her hard on. "Stroke it through my briefs," she ordered.

Jill swore that she felt every stroke that Mark's hand made on her packer. She noticed that Mark was just about on the edge and she yelled, "I'm going to cum", just as he ejaculated.

Mark quaked as the cum went flying, luckily spattering right on Jill's underwear bulge. This site, implying that she too had cum like a man, sent her through the roof and she began climaxing in waves.

As the couple lay there in the afterglow, Jill smiled at Mark, " So, did you like it?"

"Like it? How did you figure out the enigma? I loved it!" Mark asked.

"Like I told you, I found your stash of porn with the Playmacho magazine in it. I guess I found it to be super-hot, and so I decided, hell yes! Why didn't you tell me before?" Jill replied.

"I wanted to, but was afraid you wouldn't, you know..." Mark pointed out.

"Well I'm not like others, although I must admit that I never knew that there are other girls into this!" Jill observed.

"Oh, I know, but the trouble is trying to catch one," Mark smiled.

"Well you caught one, and she is yours for life. Hey, I want to watch that DVD you got, The Cold Blue Rain, and then maybe after ......" she said as she placed his hand on her packer.

Mark smiled in agreement.

"Oh and there was a great ad in the magazine that featured some underwear I'd just love for you to get for me for valentines day ... so that I can be your perfect lover boy," Jill said as she gave him a wink.

"Warm up the credit card, baby! Warm up the credit card!" Mark replied as he ran a finger along the outline of her silicone penis and smiled in delight.


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