Monday 14th July 1986 was a big day for me, I officially went into work as a woman for the first time, so it was effectively my transition/ RLT start, I suppose I haven't looked back since. I have also now lived most of my life as female. In two weeks give or take a day or so I am going to retire after 47 years as a health professional, I'm quite looking forward to having a bit more time for doing what I want, like chasing dormice/otters/water voles and so on, playing with microscopes analysing barn owl pellets, or looking at rocks and fossils, not to mention two more years of my degree.
I'm planning an active retirement and possibly even do a bit of writing for this site. At present I am working my way through Bike and possibly if I can pick up the story again, may even try to do the odd one of those - I know they were all odd, but you know what I mean.
Best wishes to all my friends on BC.
Great to hear from you again.
I hope you pick up the stories again on a regular basis. I'm sure I speak for many when I say I looked forward to my 'Daily Dormouse' and the further adventures of Cathy, Sy, Gramps and all the kids..
Red MacDonald
My Regards To You
Your writing over the years added what seemed like a bit of normality to my own life. I was completely unprepared to transition, and it was actually a huge surprise, and very unpleasant at first. Those who now know me are completely insistent that I am a woman, and finally the Corset seems to fit.
Much peace to you.
Gwen Boucher
happy anniversary
Happy (T)Birthday Ang
Over those years you have brought a lot of love and joy to this world so thank you again. As long-time-transitioned myself I can assure you that there are still pleasant surprises to come - I was recently contacted after many years by the very first friend I told what I was doing (she arranged an interview for what turned out to be my first female job).
Like you I am re-reading Bike and would like to encourage others who have been too daunted by the prospect to buy Bike 1 on Amazon and get stuck in.
Rhona McCloud
Bastille Day
A day of victory for you as well as the French. Maybe it should be celebrated here as Angharad Day. I guess you've had your ups and downs but the second half of your life I would count as victorious.
Happy REAL Birthday, my dear!
Happy for you
Angharad, your success makes my heart and soul sing with happiness. Each one who makes a successful life gives back some of the broken pieces of my heart which shatters just a little each time for the others who failed. Thank you. I needed a success story and you provided one.
Hugs hon
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
In 1986 I was.........
A 26 year old Lieutenant in the US Navy having just recently received my MS from Tulane University, as well as being newly wed. In keeping with my attempt to be manly, I was about to assume command of an ANGLICO team and be deployed to the Med, and from there my first tour in the Middle East.
It would be years yet before I was able to finally face myself and admit to who and what I truly am. Before I did so, others would try to tell me - but I wouldn’t allow myself to admit it.
I wish I had been as brave as you. I wish I had faced up to both myself and the world, and I wish I could say that I had spent the past 35 years living life as I should have.
Congratulations on your impending retirement, and congratulations on a life well lived.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Hello again
34 years...
Rather fewer for me, but even so I can hardly remember playing at being a bloke. Amusingly, I showed a very old colleague a picture of "that man" a few years ago, and his reaction was 2who's that?"
Now, I seem to spend most of my time supporting others, which brings its own rewards.
38 Years!
Congratulations Ang. I was sixty nine before I transitioned but there were vastly different circumstances attached to my life. I'll not dwell on that episode.
Just to say I'm pleased for you and hope you get your degree. For me the degrees were mainly a device to boost my negligible self-confidence and prove to my satisfaction that I wasn't a total waste of space. They cost me dear in terms of career progress and earnings but the mental benefits were incalculably high. Just proving to myself alone, that I wasn't some sort of mixed up, perverted, idiot was enough to get me through the dark teens and twisted twenties. So keep on with the O.U. girl and I hope to see you at the end.
Bev xx
I'd like to see her before the end!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
and you don't look a day over
er, hole, dig - better leave this one!
Congrats or other suitable words!
There is active and then there is not giving yourself time to breath, make sure you do the latter! If the weather holds up, I might pop down for a coffee - then you'll have to stop for at least five minutes!
Madeline Anafrid Bell