TG in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model

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Seems to be my day for spamming the channel. My appologies to all but a lot of you need confirmation of life is what you make it. If life handed you a bowl of lemons then make lemonade. The one thing I want you to take away from this is no one has to look this beautiful to meet that one place in life where you may find happiness. Yes she's gorgeous but so are all the boys and girls on this channel. It's what is in the heart and soul and if it has this kind of cover then good for her. Accept what life dealt us and work with what we have. I'll never grace SI but so what, the cows, dog, and cats love me anyway. I bribe them with food. And I'm in a lot of pics. They may be out in the cornfield tacked to the scarecrow for added umph but I am in pictures. Offered to do the bikini pic but the guys turned green and claimed they were good. Cowards!

I like looking and admiring the exceptional woman be she TG or GG or whatever but the one thing to understand about Valentina is she had a lot of help achieving her "natural beauty" most girls don't receive. That is NOT to take away anything from the lady she has achieved. She's worked hard and had to be dedicated to get where she is now.
Some of us are better at kissing cows then gracing the pages of magazines. We all have our place in this world.
Good for her.
Hugs People
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.


thanks to the lady who sent me the link

BarbieLee's picture

I certainly appreciate all the data I receive on TG. I know some of the girls are a little shy about posting. Me? I'm a channel hog.
hugs people
Life is a gift, treasure it

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Valentina getting a lot of help

Welp, I am not sure how attractive she was before her modeling career but I understand she transitioned as a child of 10 which would help a lot. If she went on blockers at that age then she may have reduced the number of surgeries she would need.

I watched a youtube video of her washing her face and preparing for bed and honestly she does not need a spec of makeup.

She is only a 32A bust so in a culture (Brazil) where plastic surgery is the norm, I doubt she had implants.

I would give the lady the benefit of the doubt that her beauty is likely honestly gotten.

I myself have only had modest implants done to go from 32aa to 34c or. maybe 36b, still pretty modest and do fine.

Am I a bit envious of her beauty? Sure! As bad as transfolk still suffer discrimination today, it is still a far cry better than it was back in 1987 when I started my transition so I envy most is her early transition.

A Bikini that small...

I've worn a bikini that small and no one said a word, but that was years ago. Now days, not a chance. A T person does not always need Breast Augmentation. Mine are around B or more, but then a Genetic issue can help, just lots. As despicable as it sounds, parents initiate these proceedings on pre-Adolescent children in Thailand. When I was there, I met more than one, perhaps several. I was told that lots of them do not get SRS, but they look like very hot women. To each their own.

She's beautiful

Daniela Wolfe's picture

She's beautiful, I made the mistake of looking at the comments on yahoo article about her... suffice it to say it was not pretty.

Have delightfully devious day,

She probably is the focus of different hate groups

Likely it is probably those who resent they find her beautiful, making them doubt their sexuality.

They also resent not being able to peg her with the man in a dress stereotype. Have you seen some those stereotypes in video games? We are still fair game as far as they are concerned.

That was also the focus of a lot of talk shows in the 1990s where they always brought on the obvious ones. The talk shows also deliberately did NOT select the fully passable ones like Valentina.

Most of them were saying "it

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Most of them were saying "it's all makeup" or other such nonsense. It's sad that in this day and age people are so hostile toward trans folk. Sigh...

Have delightfully devious day,


There is a punch line to that one that had me roaring with laughter yesterday..

On one Twitter feed, there were the usual "Abomination! Freak! Pervert! End of civilisation! Man in a dress*!" comments

(*Yes, I know it was a bikini...)

One man was particularly abusive, until a couple of screenshots were posted by a trans woman he had conversed with,

Edited: "I am so horny! I want to come over and suck your tranny ****"
