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“Kissy is out, and Davey can't put her back in again.”

by Erin Halfelven
Part 2 - Wilshire
Chapter 12 - Home
"I want you to take me home," I told her.
She nodded.
"Mom is going out with friends, and if I get home before her, I'll have time to get all—get rid of all this—stuff. And go back to being D-Davey."
She shook her head and pulled me against her. "You can't," she said.
I flared. "The hell I can't," pushing her away, or trying to. "You can't make me do anything I don't want to do."
She let me push her away, standing there with her hands hanging by her sides. "No, I mean, you've opened the box. Kissy is out, and Davey can't put her back in again."
"Damnit!" I wanted to hit something, but all the surfaces within reach were hard metal and glass. "You can't just come into my life and turn me upside down and tell me I'm not me anymore!"
We were both crying again.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she repeated. "I knew I was wrong." She hung her head. "But I saw you were really a girl, and you're so beautiful…."
I went back into one of the stalls and threw up. I think it was from swallowing so much mucus produced by the crying. I throw up when I have a cold, too. Don't try throwing up wearing a corset. You can't bend over right, and it hurts, and the wrong muscles have to do the pushing. Marjorie's fault I was wearing such a torture device, I raged.
I didn't play fair, though. From inside the stall, I shouted, "You make me sick!"
She didn't say anything, and I thought maybe she had left. I used a lot of tissue to clean up, flushing it down. I'd managed to avoid getting anything on my—my dress or shoes, and really, my throwing up was hardly more than a mouthful. A sour mouthful that fit my mood.
I left the stall to go to the sink for water to wash out my mouth. Marjorie hadn't moved. She had a collapsible cup from inside her purse that she offered to me, and I took it. She took the cup back when I finished, filled it again and swallowed some pills from a small bottle.
"What's that?" I asked, calm again, but she shook her head.
"Couple of raccoons," she said, indicating the mirror.
We looked…horrible. It was actually funny that we looked so bad. Mascara streaks down to our jawlines, and eyeliner smeared every direction. I started to giggle, and then we were both laughing and holding each other again.
"Oh, boy," I said. "Let's wash our faces, so we don't get this stuff all over us." We did, using lots of paper towels and some wipes from Marjorie's magic purse. When we'd got all the makeup off, she handed me a tube of something else, after putting a dollop of it in her own hand.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Moisturizer, nourishes the skin."
"Marjie, don't start—" I began.
"Just use it," she snapped. "It won't kill you, and we just stripped all the oil out of the skin, and you got your face waxed and it—look, you need it."
"Okay, okay," I said. I put some of the moisturizer on, following her directions on how to make sure I got it where it would do the most good. It did feel good.
I looked in the mirror. Even with no makeup, I saw Kissy looking back. "Shit," I said. "Those ladies did a real number on my eyebrows." They were shaped arches instead of just hairy strips above my eyes.
Marjorie put a hand over her mouth, and I knew she was laughing.
I couldn't unsee the changes. I had less than half as much eyebrow as I used to have. "How could I let you do that? And besides, it hurt!"
"Using tweezers is worse and takes lots longer," she said.
"Thanks," I said, trying to sound sour instead of whiney. "I don't feel better at all."
She managed not to laugh out loud and straightened her expression completely when she suggested that we re-apply some makeup. "Nobody wants to see our naked faces in public."
I watched while she did a minimal application, just a little powder, some mascara and lipgloss. It made her look less like she had been crying or through some sort of trauma.
I sighed, looking at my own face in the mirror. My contacts were still in place, easy to tell because of the color, but Kissy looked forlorn, and I still couldn't see Davey at all. The urge to open the repair kit I'd gotten at Venus Collection was strong. I pushed my purse around on the shelf above the sink, waiting for Marjorie to be done. I snorted.
"What?" she asked.
"Don't they make waterproof mascara?" I asked.
"Sure," she said. "But the high-end brands are always conservative about some stuff. They came out with waterproof first, but now that every drugstore label has it, they've gone back to traditional formulas. We could replace the runny stuff in your kits…."
I stopped her with a glare.
"Or not," she conceded. She hung her purse on her shoulder and handed me mine, which I handled as if it might contain a tarantula.
In the elevator on the way down, I asked. "Do you know my address?"
"I've seen it on your ID, but you'd better tell me where to turn. It's a few blocks off Western, south of Los Feliz?"
"No," I said. "It's close to Vermont, like two blocks from Hollywood Boulevard. It's a fourplex up-and-down on a would-be cul-de-sac, they have these vicious speed bumps." I described to her how to navigate the turns. From the shelf near the door, we retrieved our hats, which I had completely forgotten about.
When we got to the lobby, the guy at the desk took one look at me and asked, "Is everything okay, miss?"
"Peachy," I said. "Thanks for asking."
He scooted over to open the door for us, and Marjorie thanked him.
Out on the sidewalk, Marjorie accused me of being rude to the man. "Certainly, nothing that has happened was his fault. He saw a pretty girl who looked to be in distress, and he was concerned."
I sighed. "Don't guilt me, Marjie. It ain't gonna work." I paused. "But I do see why most women wear at least a little makeup when they go out."
She nodded. "Social norms. It varies on where you are, but we're presenting as upper class, and it would fit our roles better…. You don't want to hear the paper I wrote on this in my sophomore year, do you?"
I had to laugh at the thought, and she smiled. We headed uptown toward the valet kiosk. Far ahead of us, a big guy was getting out of one of those Uber Black cars. Funny to see one of them in the daytime, but Wilshire was somewhere someone might hire a limo just to get around. Besides, he was so big, maybe he needed one.
I looked at the building where my mom worked, in the block past that. She'd be getting off soon and heading to the movies with some office friends. She wasn't likely to come out and see me, so I forced myself not to worry about that. We reached the kiosk, and while Marjorie ordered the car brought, I struggled to stand still. Pacing was not going to help.
While we waited, the girl valet asked me quietly if I were okay.
"I'm fine," I assured her. I wasn't walking in small circles, but I felt like I might be vibrating like a tuning fork.
"You look like I do after a bad session with my therapist," but she grinned to show she was probably kidding. Still, almost everyone in LA had a therapist, didn't they? And the Wilshire was thick with their offices. Marjorie was even qualified to hang out her own shingle.
What the heck did that mean, anyway? Hang out a shingle, wasn't a shingle something that went on a roof?
Distracting myself by thinking on such trivia had a downside. When the car arrived, I forgot about and missed the wooden step getting off the too-high curb and would have done a faceplant in the pavement if Paul the valet hadn't caught me.
I found myself looking directly into a pair of the biggest, brownest eyes I'd ever seen. His lashes were long and lush, curly and touched with gold. "Careful," he said, smiling.
"Uh—thanks," I managed to murmur. Damnit!
The car had been stopped for enough from the curb that the door could be opened wide. I squeezed past Paul to get in, remembering to smooth my skirt under me and to sit down before swinging my feet inside. "Thank you," I said again as he closed the door.
Marjorie looked at me curiously as I fastened my belt.
"What?" I asked.
"You realize what you just did there?" she asked in turn as we headed uptown temporarily.
"No," I said. "What did I do?" I had a bad feeling.
"You flirted with that guy."
"I tripped from missing the edge of that step!"
She waved a hand. "He was interested."
"Yeah, well," I said. "I wasn't."
"What did he smell like?" she asked, surprising me.
Even more surprising was that I could immediately call to mind his scent. Clean, with a masculine musk and some citrus spice. "Damnit," I said, feeling myself blush.
"Uh, huh," she said. "Damnit."
"What are you saying 'dammit' about?"
"My girlfriend is flirting with guys."
"I'm not your girlfriend."
"Am I still yours?" she asked.
I didn't answer at first. "I think we have to work that one out."
"Do you—do you think we can?"
"I dunno," I said.
She concentrated on driving for a bit. We passed through Little Armenia getting back to Vermont, and the smells reminded me that it had been hours since a light lunch, and I had emptied my stomach in the bathroom. I didn't say anything, though, figuring I could find something to eat at home.
We turned north and passed the scruffy strip malls near Hollywood before she spoke again. "I think I love you," she said. "I know I could."
I looked out the window, not at her, determined not to cry.
"Do you think you could love me?" she asked.
I had another impulse to be unfair. "With your money? I'm sure I could."
She sighed. "I deserve that," she admitted.
She turned west then north again, following the zigzag as I directed her in how to avoid the speed bumps. She stopped in front of our apartment building. We had the north-side ground floor apartment, and our carport was empty. Mom wasn't home yet.
"Do you want me to come in?" she asked.
"Marjie—I—you," I tried to tell her no and finally just shook my head.
She jumped out with the car idling in the middle of the street and ran around to open my door. She held a hand out to help me out, and I took it, then she pulled me into a kiss. We kissed more than once.
"Goodbye," she whispered, handing me the bag containing my boy clothes and mom's hat, the one I'd been wearing when she first saw me. She put the big green hat on my head, and I let her.
Another car had appeared, waiting in the street behind the Mercedes. She raced around the convertible to get it moving out of the way. I went up the walk to my apartment. I'd ended up with a second bag, too.
I stopped to figure out where my keys were, in my purse, of course. I took them out and looked up to see Marjorie slowly turning the corner at the end of the block. She waved at me, and I waved back, then she was gone.
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but she has to take some time to come to grips with all this change. If and when she's ready, I suspect Marjorie will be there waiting.
Could be
Could be a while. Kissy has a lot to process. Thanks for commenting. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Should have let her in
Davey is going to have some difficulty getting out of that corset alone.
Maybe Mom can help. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sometimes butterscotch can be a little bitter
I suspect Davey is deflecting a little. The real anger is toward the situation, so I hope he/she won't continue to blame the messenger. Marjie may be over-the-top blunt, but she's not wrong. Clearly, removing all the feminine accessories and makeup isn't going to hide the changes from his mom. I hope it can be a good conversation.
Are you saying Kissy is a little overcooked? :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Overheated? Marjie does seem to have quite an effect on Kissy.
And old-fashioned butterscotch hard candies actually were a little bitter. My Uncle always had them in his shop.
Those were the best kind. :-
Those were the best kind. :-)
"Isn't It A Bit Like Now?"
Kissy/Davey, um the story I mean, makes echoes in my own life. I think they call that dejavu? It is odd that his nature surfaced so late. Or perhaps there were things going on much earlier and he forgot? So many stories like that are jarring and painful, but this one doesn't feel that way.
Thanks, hon :)
I'm trying to hit a lot of well-worn tropes but do it in a new way. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Loving this more and more
Each chapter just pulls me more and more into this story, it's easy to relate to and feel for the characters and you provide a wonderful setting for them too. I really wish that I could write real-life kind of stuff like this.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
You mean Los Angeles?
LA is a lot like any big city, it has character. :)
Thanks for the comment.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Twice Removed.
Do you think I could read it again?
So many people hide the fact
So many people hide the fact that they are trans, bi, or whatever from themselves most of all. I put it aside and hid it for about thirty years. I would have hated the thought that anyone had noticed what I was trying to hide.
A guy in high school told me exactly what was going through my mind when we were watching the girls play in the gym one day. It was startling. It didn't bother him at all, but it threw me for a loop. :)
I wasn't hiding from myself but I had thought I was doing a better job of hiding from others. It happens.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
My Personal WW III
My own coming out was painful beyond anything I could imagine. So many losses, so much hatred. I even tried to detransition... What a joke.
These days I am coming to grips with it all, being a woman that is. It seems impossible to pass as a man. Why would I want to?
Nice, thoughtful episode.
I wasn't exactly hiding it
I wasn't exactly hiding it from myself, as I kept dealing with it, but I tried to set it aside and not think about it, hoping it would simply go away. Yeah, right. Rolls eyes
Good work Erin
I have a lot to process from this chapter.
I liked how Marjorie could see Kissy in there and bringing her out was told in an entertaining way. Davey isn't really coming back but you've left us wanting Kissy and Marjorie together. You can conclude it here but I really want it to go on. Sorry I haven't commented on each chapter but RL happens and I just wanted to read the next part as soon as they were out.
>>> Kay
Thirty three
Thanks for the comment, but this isn't the end. There are at least 33 more chapters already written. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Right in the feels.
I knew the whirlwind of discovery and adventure was bound to come crashing down around Kissy at some point. The elation at suddenly seeing yourself in a different light, and being with someone who sees you like that who urges you onward despite your reservations, is an incredible high. The problem is, a lot of time it's like Wile E. Coyote Syndrome. You stop for a moment in the middle of the joy, realize the fear that you might have gone too high, then spiral down to the canyon floor. I hope Kissy calms down enough to take a serious introspective look at herself and doesn't just reject the revelation. Although, it's all too easy to do.
Okay, enough mindless rambling. Another great chapter in an increasingly engaging story. Once again, you prove you are a Mistress of Prose.
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
Not everyone
Not everyone is up for trying to jump Snake Canyon, but when you're halfway across, what else are you going to do? No, wait, that's Evel Knievel Syndrome. :)
Thanks for the terrific simile. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Oh no,
It can’t be over?
Glenda Ericsson
More chapters coming
Kissy embarks on a new adventure, soon.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Why is Davey really mad?
Davey lost what he'd, she'd, eaten earlier. Why? Was it because of what Marjorie told him about Kissy being out of the box or his realizing she was right? Realizing he had been hiding Kissy all along and this was the first time his wish had come true?
Is Marjorie's confession of love true or is it an attempt to get Davey to continue exploring Kissy?
Many things, so far, lend themselves to show there's more going on under the surface activities that has so far taken place. Things which Marjorie may be scared to talk about. Things which may actually cause Davey to finally run the other way.
Others have feelings too.
The genie is out of the bottle and not going back in she’s in denial.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna