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Okay. . .there was a huge vote for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court today. Much to the surprise of some, including me, the conservative packed court voted 6-3 to acknowledge gay rights.

I’m doing my happy dance.

There’s a blog about this that has drawn some comments. I would consider most of the people who have commented to be nice people I’ve enjoyed speaking with for years. Yet. . ..

I’ve left little doubt where I stand on most issues. I’m a liberal.

Yet. . .if Erin sees fit to take down that other blog, I’m not going to be upset.

The world is going through chaos on a number of different fronts.

I KNOW who’s causing a lot of the angst.

I also KNOW that many of those who come to this site for escapism wouldn’t agree with my opinions. I also KNOW I’m never going to change their minds.

Does it make me upset to see blogs taken down when they involve real issues that impact real people on this site? You bet it does.

Does it upset me to see to see people becoming angry with one another – even though I know that sometimes it takes aggravation to grow? You bet it does.

Do I think Erin’s policy is wrong? No. Pure and simple. . .No. I remember how toxic it got on FM when nothing was censored.

Not because I love Erin to death . . . but because wars don’t have to kill brothers. Because everything Forrest Gump said was true.

June 12th was Loving Day. A local channel featured my niece and her husband. They met in college about fifteen years ago. He is a Jamaican and she is Scot/Swede. He’s now a college professor and she runs a food co-op/farmer’s market. It seems almost quaint now to think that mixed marriage was ever taboo.

When I was in college in the 60’s, I took a black girl to a basketball game on campus. The next Monday evening, my fraternity actual discussed throwing me out for wearing my jacket on that date.

Change is a process under which things can get better.

In the sixties, we said if you aren’t part of the solution you’re part of the problem.

That’s not all as true as it might appear.

Sometimes it’s nice to go somewhere where you don’t have to think about politics, and asshat police (remember I’m from the twin Cities), and a White House that is so far out of step with reality that its appointees on the Supreme Court don’t align with him (consider his last LGBT move versus this decision).

Sometimes it’s nice not to argue.

If anyone wants to PM a political opinion to me I’ll argue all day long.


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