The Chrysalis Project book 10: Iron Dolphin book 4


The Chrysalis Project Book 10: Iron Dolphin Book 4
  The last time Krystel and
  Tammy were together, London was
  exciting. Now it's
  Tammy's turn to travel

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!




Sun, Surf and Scotch pt2


"Getting easier to get up and at it." Krystel remarked.

Tammy mounted the bike. "I'm surprised, myself."

They pushed off and rode the length of the runway several times. Tammy counted the laps and stopped at seven. They dismounted and began running, five miles. Shoes were removed and they charged into the incoming surf, diving over breakers. Tammy was relieved when Krystel led back to the beach. Tammy body-surfed the breakers and crawled the beach.

"How far?" Tammy panted. "I know you increased the distance again."

Krystel chuckled. "Three and a half. You're hanging tough, Tammy. This is a good thing. Where's the Huzzah?"

"Huzzah." Tammy groaned then laughed.

Krystel rolled her eyes. "Yay, and shit. Let's go shower and get chow."

After showering, Tammy put on the borrowed one-piece uniform and boots again then joined Krystel for breakfast. Tammy still couldn't believe the diet program was so easily disguised. She frowned at her plate.

"Problem?" Krystel asked.

Tammy sipped her juice then answered. "This diet program. You are serious about it working?"

Krystel nodded. "It does, but there's a catch. Exercise is essential, neglect PT and you'll gain weight. Your intake is slightly higher than what you burn. Now by doing that, you don't accumulate fat. Instead you burn it off. You're doing massive cardio. You're not building muscle, you're toning. Giving yourself a sleeker shape, get it? You get and maintain curves, but realistic. In short you look hot in most things, but you don't draw crowds of guys drooling behind you."

Tammy laughed. "I guess that would be a problem if I was trying to keep a low profile!"

"The bike gets your system up and going. Running strengthens your legs and core while giving you endurance. Swimming works all your muscles. Yum, not buff." Krystel explained with a wink.

"Yum?" Tammy laughed and finished her plate. "My friend, I sometimes think you have gone around the bend."

Krystel arched an eyebrow. "Sometimes?"

"The rest of the time, I know you have and wonder how long before I go too!" Tammy laughed more.

Krystel got up from the table. "Train to insane, Tammy, and crazy becomes do-able. Head for the range."

"I'm off then." Tammy said and did so.

Minutes later Tammy met yet another large man. "Good morning."

"Mornin' Tammy. I'm Pete." Pete introduced himself.

Tammy nodded. "Right, Pete. What am I learning this morning?"

"Rifles. Long-range. Sniper basics. You'll carry a shot a minimum of seven hundred and fifty meters by the end of this range session. Let's get to it." Pete said and opened several cases.

"M40A7. The Marines use these. Based on the Remington 700. It's chambered for match-grade rounds. Three-thirty-eight Lapau. Next is Barrett's MRAD, chambered for three-thirty-eight Norma." Pete pointed them out.

Tammy looked up. "They are different? They sound the same."

"The difference is subtle. Norma rounds are slightly shorter than Lapua. Both are magnum rounds. The Norma is taking the place of Lapua. Better quality. Even after all this time, Lapua rounds are temperamental. Norma rounds are more reliable." Pete explained then pointed to the next rifle. "Barrett M107. This is a fifty cal rifle."

Tammy looked at it. "Oh dear. I may not know much, but I do know what that means. Why are there two?"

"Same rifle, different caliber. This one is chambered for four-sixteen Barrett. Several other rifles use it. Barrett makes the rounds and a rifle. Ultra-reliable." Pete said then pointed to the last rifle. "You can see this one, but you won't be shooting it. It's custom. It fires a twenty-three millimeter sabot round."

Tammy gawked at the sound of that. "Wait. What?"

"We call it the anti-matter rifle. She says it's because those rounds are depleted uranium. Everybody else says it's because you can knock the fuckin' starship enterprise out of orbit with it." Pete shook his head. "You have to use a tripod to shoot the damn thing. No joke, the round can go three-thousand meters and obliterate just about anything it hits. Two or three rounds, the target and even the building they were hiding in; gone."

"Jesus Christ. That's taking overkill to the obnoxious." Tammy remarked.

Pete nodded. "Yep. I won't even lie. It's nuts, but comes in pretty effective against seriously fortified hard-sites. You can shoot the others though. We'll start with the four-sixteen. Grab it and let's go."

Tammy took the rifle and magazines then went over to the firing position. In minutes she hit the center of a five hundred meter target then adjust for the next. Pete had her shoot forty rounds, walking her out to finally hit the one-thousand meter target.

"Congrats. You just made a Kilo-shot." Pete patted her shoulder.

Tammy smiled. "Wow. I did it!"

Pete smirked. "Now do ten more."

Tammy turned back to the scope and slowly sighted. Ten rounds went into the target. They hit in the center ring, but the group was loose. Pete declared her a Pass though. Tammy then switched rifles. The Marine rifle then the MRAD. The recoil felt the same, but the flight path and impact showed actual difference. The Norma rounds flew straighter and faster than the Lapua rounds. She liked the MRAD with Norma rounds more. It felt more comfortable. Finally came the Fifty. Tammy didn't like that rifle. The recoil was severe. Thankfully she was using the bipod to steady it, but she would feel it for the rest of the day and knew it.

When she hit the center ring twice at eight hundred meters Pete shut her down. "Okay. You're good. That's a Pass."

"Really?" Tammy asked.

Pete nodded. "Yeah. I'd keep you at it, but you need your arms for later. We'll police up the brass and you can go clean up. Dress for a garden lunch and go to Lyssa and Rodrick's house."

"Frock and stilts." Tammy surmised.

Tammy and Pete collected all the casings and put them in separate containers then she hurried back to the cottage to shower and change. Tammy found it a challenge to go from Krystel's cottage directly to Lyssa's house wearing the very high heels, but she arrived without any accidents. After knocking, she entered.

"Afternoon." Lyssa greeted her from the kitchen.

Tammy smiled. "Good afternoon. Where are the children?"

"Too quiet?" Lyssa laughed. "It's a Daddy-day. Rodrick has office work so he has them with him. You've probably acquired proper manner and decorum. This will likely be just a review and refresh for you."

"I'll certainly do my best." Tammy said.

Lyssa gave a slight smile. "So. When was the last time you visited Paris?"

"Paris?" Tammy asked.

Lyssa gave her a devilish grin. "I thought you might like something French. I had this after walking a Givenchy show."

"I must ask. Do models really not eat before a show and go crazy after?" Tammy asked.

Lyssa nodded. "More than I care to mention. I don't. All the unspoken rules don't apply to me. They all know I dance and have to have an actual body or I'd have to be scraped off the stage between acts. The way it works for me most of the time; they pick me to wear certain designs. The rest of the time, they just check the numbers to short list then make adjustment to fit the model. This is ready."

"It smells wonderful." Tammy said.

Lyssa looked over. "Thank you. The range is now Live. The table has four place settings. As you know the plan of the meal, determine which setting is correct."

Tammy walked over to the table and circled it, examining each place. She stopped and went back to the third.

"This setting is correct for the courses." Tammy announced confidently.

Lyssa nodded. "Very good. Now which of the five wines?"

Tammy went over to the counter and looked at the labels and picked up one. "The Sauvigon Blanc. The soup is light, the salad has no meat or dairy and an oil-vinegar based dressing. The entree is poultry with rice and crisped vegetables, lightly sauteed. The dessert is shortcake and fruit with cream. The Sauvigon Blanc is a match to each course. Though I've never heard of this one before. Is it an American Vineyard?"

"Yes. Alpha Omega has several vineyards in California. I think you'll like it." Lyssa said then removed the incorrect settings and brought over the correct one for herself.

As they ate, Tammy found herself in conversation that had no actual theme. One moment they were discussing wines, the next moment the subject was dresses and a moment later, jewelry stores in Venice. Tammy was trying very hard to keep up with the swift changes. During dessert, of a shortcake cup filled with berries and topped with rich cream, Tammy's brain locked up and she found herself staring at Lyssa in confusion.

"Wondering when it was we shifted into French?" Lyssa asked in French.

Tammy frowned. "I just now noticed."

Lyssa smirked. "The second bite of dessert."

Tammy looked down, no more than four or five delicate bites remained of her own. "That long?"

"Small talk can be a weapon. You can use it, it can be used against you. Nine sentences of a seemingly random theme and one targeted question, shift subjects and repeat. Tammy; you told me about your biological mother, where you hid your clothes in school and that your neighbor's butler can be trusted with your weapons. You're also still angry at your step-sister for poaching your last boyfriend and a girl named Tanya is a backstabber in serious need of a reality slap. That's a lot of information." Lyssa said and set her fork aside.

Tammy closed her eyes and groaned. "Bloody Hell, and I just gave it over, didn't I?"

"Your mentality needs to change Tammy. Don't think 'what is a weapon and what is not', but rather 'what can I use as a weapon and how'?" Lyssa explained. "So said; you're still blown away by Krystel using a spoon in a fire-fight. Right?"

"Yes. It sounds so ludicrous, but I saw it happen." Tammy agreed.

Lyssa gave a fixed look. "You can kill more people with a pistol; using a bottle cap, stick of gum and a spool of dental floss, than you can with two grenades."

"That's.." Tammy said, but turned to hear a tapping sound to the right then swung back to see Lyssa's finger an inch from her forehead. "Uh."

Lyssa said flatly. "Bang. Notify next of kin."

"Bottle cap, chewing gum, dental floss; dead Tammy." Tammy recited.

Lyssa nodded. "Underlying message?"

Tammy chose her words carefully. "Distraction is deadly."

"Very good. The key is to make the distraction appropriate for the setting. A spoon clanging in a coffee shop, a soft noise in a quiet room. Let's say you were in an alley; two small rocks in an empty drink can tipping over. They look there and you pop up behind them." Lyssa explained.

Tammy thought about that and it suddenly hit her. "I think I have it! Let's see if I can say this to theme; an oops. They think I have an accident, which draws their attention. The subtle noise is more effective than something very big, it seems natural. Is that it?"

Lyssa grinned and clapped. "Bravo. You now move on to another weapon. Up, follow me."

Tammy stood up and followed Lyssa to another room. At a glance she knew it was a dance studio.

"This weapon is called dance. You will learn to waltz. You will learn to Viennese waltz." Lyssa stated then began the music.

First Tammy learned the basic movements to both styles, then the real lessons began. Lyssa taught her how to question while dancing and read facial expressions along with other body cues to determine bluffs, evasion, distorted recollection, truth and outright lies.

"I meant to ask Kim, but something came up. What is RUMINT?" Tammy asked while sipping from a water.

Lyssa nodded. "Rumor Intelligence. Gossip. Scuttlebutt. Talk-about-town."

"Really? That's what it is called?" Tammy asked.

"Yes. Pay attention; the biggest threat against you is rumors and gossip. Remember Tanya? Prime example. Who else comes to mind?" Lyssa asked.

Tammy groaned. "Helen. Oh Hell, almost the whole town! That's me, buggered and back."

Lyssa held up her hand. "Calm down. Take a breath. All is not lost. You're here for a reason."

Tammy took a deep breath then another. "Right. Calm. What am I to do?"

"Good girl. The bunch originally in charge of you; screwed you. You were an Asset. You're learning to become an operative. The only time you become bait on the hook, is when it's to YOUR advantage. You've already begun damage control. When you go home, you'll constantly do more. Damage control and deniability will become an everyday protocol, understand?" Lyssa gave her a serious look.

"Everyday?" Tammy asked in surprise.

Lyssa sipped her water. "Before you even leave the house in the morning. You'll look like the businesswoman you are when you go to work, the student you are when you go to classes, a well-kempt socialite all other times. You run a schedule; where, when, who and what. Everything on full display. No more pretending or managing. You will become and remove all doubt."

"I believe I understand." Tammy said.

Lyssa gave her a hard look. "Oh believe girl. You WILL get your collective shit together. That's why you're here. When you leave, nobody will doubt what you did. You can even recommend if you think they can afford it. They get the actual seminar and have fun while learning. You're getting a concentrated version of it because of all the additional curriculum. Ready?"

Tammy nodded. "What's next."

And so, Tammy's social graces and espionage lessons continued until Four in the afternoon. She was told to go directly to the main hangar to catch a flight with Krystel. She was surprised to see some of the luggage in the helicopter and put on the headset.

"Are we staying somewhere?" Tammy asked.

Krystel answered. "Freeport for the weekend. Part training, part cover. This is when you actually stay at Bell Channel."

The helo took off with Lonestar at the controls. They landed at the airport's helipad and loaded in to the Jeep gain. Krystel drove to Bell Channel and they took their rooms. Dinner that night was in the hotel's dining room. Tammy proposed her meal choice to Krystel and received approval.




Morning came and Tammy woke at the first beep of the alarm clock. She was dressed to exercise and walking out the door at Six. Krystel met her and together they went downstairs. They both wore sport bikinis with shorts type bottoms and ran down the street. Three miles of running brought the pair to a beach. Shoes and socks were stashed in a rental locker and they headed for the water. A reference point was indicated before wading out to the breakers. When they returned to shore at the same point they had entered, Tammy knew the swim had been farther than before. Krystel took their things from the locker and soon they were running again, back to the hotel.

In the parking lot Tammy wanted to collapse, but managed to stay upright. "That was just evil. I know we ran and swam further than usual."

"Of course. No bikes, so we adjust. This weekend you learn how to maintain yourself when away." Krystel told her then said more quietly. "Also for your cover. You'll do some tourist stuff. And a bank visit."

Tammy showered, dressed in a summer dress and sandals then met Krystel downstairs in the dining room. For breakfast Tammy chose a Western omelet and Toast with coffee and juice. There were many women in the dining room sharing tables and chatting happily. Tammy listened to some of the conversation at the three tables closest to them and heard the diners introducing themselves by name, country and profession.

"Krystel. Are these women here for the seminar?" Tammy asked quietly.

Krystel nodded with a sly smile. "That's right. They got in yesterday and start Monday. For today and tomorrow they get to have fun. Get it out of the way so they can be relaxed and ready to receive new knowledge. We'll join their group this afternoon."

After breakfast, Krystel and Tammy slipped away from the women eager to enjoy the island's amenities and attractions. They arrived with minutes to spare at GlobalTrust Bank and Finance. Thirty minutes later, Tammy had four accounts, two credit cards on order and wallet heavy with cash.

"Dare I ask; where the four million dollars came from exactly?" Tammy asked as they walked away from the international bank.

Krystel smirked. "Drug cartels, terrorist groups, rogue agents and criminal factions. Not to worry, they have no use for it anymore. This is part of the 'you get more help' we told you about."

Tammy shook her head. "Rabbit-holes and big leagues are understatements."

"Now, now. No going crazy. You have access, but we control the accounts. You get paid out of those accounts two ways. Half goes to your real account in Scotland and half goes into that third account here. The fourth account is your exit-account. Part of your Reno Protocol. The Major will go over that with you later." Krystel explained.

"Reno? Isn't that a city?" Tammy asked.

"Yeah, but not relevant. Reno Protocol is what we call emergency exit plans. It's what we do when all has gone FUBAR." Krystel said then gave her an intense look. "No mistake girl, shit gets real if we have to use that."

Tammy stopped. "How bad. I mean really, how bad?"

"When the government decides it better to give us up to enemies to protect their own wrong-doing. Yes, Tammy, it can happen. It has happened to others. We protect ourselves from it. You're one of 'ourselves' now. We'll protect you. The days of wingin' it, muddling through and praying you come out; those are over. "

They met back up with part of the seminar group and merged. Tammy wanted to laugh as the group leader was using the App for the style group to teach the group how to find female-specific amenities according to country and city. They were also encouraged to pay more attention to local vendors instead of the easier to find souvenir shops.

Out of curiosity Tammy examined a souvenir that was obviously mass-produced and wanted to growl.

"Made in Malaysia? Seriously Krystel?" Tammy hissed quietly.

Krystel laughed. "And he wants thirty bucks for it too. Enrique has no shame."

"Hey. A man has to make an honest living." An older well tanned man said.

Krystel nudged Tammy. "Wonder how he reconciles his prices and being a serious church-going man."

Enrique crossed himself. "Scripture; they are but strangers and I take them in."

Tammy rolled her eyes. "That can't be right."

Krystel and Tammy left the shop and wandered down the street.

"So that is the cliche tourist trap?" Tammy asked.

Krystel nodded. "That and more. Enrique wasn't always Enrique and definitely not a local. Back in the 90's he worked as an accountant for a certain group out of Peru. He was an honest man and only cared about numbers. The problem came from a member of said group started monkeying around with money. Unfortunately, Enrique got left holding the empty bag. He wasn't a complete fool and contacted an American agency. He gave them everything he had and they gave him a way out and a new life. He really does sell the stuff, but he also informs to the American Embassy about foreigners of note."

"Like me?" Tammy asked.

"Like Cartels and smugglers. See that building over there. The one with the blue shutters and trim?" Krystel asked.

Tammy looked and saw a sign. "That is a bank too?"

"Real subtle. Look back to Enrique's shop. The closest corner of the roof." Krystel said.

Tammy shifted to look along the eaves and saw a camera. "I see the camera. It's pointing to the entrance to the bank. I get it. He watches the bank. They are the kind that are, shall we say; non-discriminatory?"

"Oh, they're dirty. All the way. They keep enough legit customers to stay open. Tourist traps can have more than one function. They can gather intel. If he was asked, he would say the seminar group came through and how many were American and how many were other. Cash, credit, traveler-checks. He won't though. It's a legit business and it's known who owns it. Actually, you're the first time we've used it to train somebody." Krystel explained.

"There is so much to absorb." Tammy remarked.

Krystel nodded. "There's the world around you and the world around you. Even though they sometimes look the same, they aren't."

Tammy frowned. "So what do I do?"

"See the world Tammy. See the world and understand not all is as it seems. Just like you. You are not all as you seem." Krystel said.

Tammy nodded. "Right."

Several times they rejoined the group, Tammy was encouraged to insert herself in group selfies as well as take solo ones when apart. In a small gallery she picked up a watercolor seascape to send to her father, a framed starfish collection for Angela, shell necklace and earrings set for Joan. Closer to a marina she found a man with a truck selling seashells and liked a large pink one for Cathy. Apparently he was a diver and collected them personally, therefore he wouldn't haggle. Krystel gave a subtle nod that his price was reasonable. Tammy handed over the money and was surprised to see him carefully pack the shell into a box with shredded paper.

Tammy took stock of her purchases. "Dad, Mum, Angela and Cathy. I guess I should get something for Suzie. And Joey, too."

"Just don't get them a t-shirt that says 'my friend went to the Bahamas and all I got was a t-shirt'." Krystel snarked.

Tammy laughed. "They might take umbridge if I did that!"

She found the right choices in a shop near the Hotel. A model lighthouse for Joey and piece of art made from various colored glass to look like an underwater scene for Suzie. At the hotel, she was able to box the gifts and ship the home. For dinner that night Tammy had to dress in evening-wear. During dessert Krystel informed her that Lyssa and Rodrick owned the restaurant and they were sitting at their personal table.




The next morning started similarly and they quickly separated from the group. The morning lesson plan consisted of surveillance techniques until lunch. After lunch Tammy learned the flip-side, counter-surveillance then improvising readily available items to assist in both aspects. Dinner was early and casual with instructions to sleep fast. The instruction was understood when the phone rang at three in morning.

"Grab everything, be in the hall in ten minutes." Krystel said.

Tammy rushed to both wake up and prepare, just barely being in time. Quietly she was led down the backstairs and to Krystel's jeep. At a marina Krystel stopped. Leaving everything in the jeep they went down to the end of a dock. Krystel pulled up a dry bag attached to a rope. Inside was gear for the both of them. Hanging underneath the dock were two rebreather units.

In the water she felt uncomfortable due to the darkness. The lights strapped to their wrists were dim. Krystel led her to inspect several boats and the dock below the waterline then further out into the bay. They swapped the rebreathers for twin tanks and swam further out until light began to filter through the water. A glance at her watch told her it was now after Five in the morning. A boat came into view and Krystel indicated to approach it.

On the side away from shore Krystel climbed up a ladder to board the sailboat and Tammy followed.

On the deck Tammy pulled her regulator. "Isn't this your boat?"

"Yep. Prepare to set sail. Take us back to the island." Krystel said.

It took her a while, but Tammy eventually plotted their course. The anchor was raised then sails unfurled and the boat lurched with the wind to head on course. After a few minutes, Krystel took the helm and Tammy changed from wetsuit to a bikini. Five hours later they saw the island in the distance.

Tammy couldn't resist the impulse and shouted. "LAND HO!"

"RAM'S ROCK, DEAD AHEAD!" Krystel added

Soon they docked and unloaded everything. Carl had sailed the boat in to Freeport and prepped the gear before they arrived at the marina, then used a motor raft to transport their luggage to the boat. He went back to the island with Lonestar when he flew Mindy in for school.

"Welcome back." Kim greeted them in the main hangar and handed Krystel a clipboard.

Krystel read the clipboard. "Thanks. We got everything done, she passed."

"I even enjoyed it." Tammy commented.

Kim nodded. "Good, that means it'll stick. You get the rest of the day for yourself, Tammy. Get in some beach time, you need to look like you've been getting out."

"Ah. I could do with a bit of colour. I'll just take my things back to the cottage and collect some bits." Tammy replied then asked. "What is my schedule tomorrow?"

"Glad you asked." Kim answered. "Tomorrow you finally start jump training."

Tammy gulped. "Jump training? For real?"

Both nodded and Krystel smirked. "The first one is easy. It's the second one that's always the problem."

That night, the only reason Tammy was able to sleep was due to being so tired.




After waking and the usual exercise and breakfast, Tammy found herself in the main hangar facing Lyssa. Lyssa wore the similar looking black one-piece uniform and boots Tammy did, but Tammy now wore one made for herself. It was a little stiff from being new. Videos were played which Lyssa narrated instructions then they moved out to the open floor. They laid down on wheeled boards to move around as if in freefall. After lunch, Tammy found herself in the belly of a C-130 taking off.

"Relax Tammy. This first jump is a static. You walk off the ramp and the chute is opened for you, just relax and enjoy the view." Lyssa told her.

Tammy nodded nervously; hoping lunch, breakfast and everything else she'd eaten her whole life wouldn't come back up. Finally she heard the announcement and stood up. Lyssa showed her how to hook up then did so herself. The ramp lowered as a red light came on and they walked slowly to the end of the ramp.

Lyssa pointed out instead of down. "Nothing but clear blue sky Tammy. This is the only way you ever get to see it so perfectly. Ready? I'm right with you. Here we go! One, two. THREE!"

Tammy stepped off the ramp, felt swept away then a hard yank and time seemed to stop. The loud plane faded as did buffeting winds to only flapping and fluttering sounds.

"You did it!" Lyssa called out over the radio.

"I guess I did!" Tammy called back then looked down. "OH GOD, WHY DID I DO THAT?"

Krystel's voice replied. "Looking good. Tammy, you have to look down or you'll land on something you don't want to."

"What if I lose my meals?" Tammy asked.

Krystel laughed. "Do what birds do. Aim for somebody you don't like."

Tammy couldn't help laughing at that. Soon she was touching down and remembered to keep her feet together, collapse and roll out. Krystel helped her gather the chute. Together they walked back to the hangar.

"Well, that's the first. The first of many. Now we get serious." Krystel told her.

Minutes later, Tammy wore a different chute and walked back onto the C-130. Krystel, Lyssa and Rodrick were with her. Now it was time to freefall. Six times they went up in the plane and came down by parachute.

Tammy collapsed to sit on the sand and waved her hand to Krystel. "No more, please. I'm knackered and m' legs are jelly."

Krystel plopped down as well. "You did good."

"Congratulations. You can successfully freefall from sixteen thousand feet. You get a Pass on your jump training." Lyssa said, standing over her.

Tammy groaned. "Thank God!"

When she recovered enough to stand, Tammy went to the hangar and learned how to pack parachutes, starting with her own. She gawked to learn it was and had a coordinating windsuit. Kim informed her they would be shipped with her luggage. That night Tammy slept more soundly than she ever had in at least two years.




Day Ten started slow but Tammy found her gears out on the runway as she rode with Krystel and got herself to speed. The morning lessons were Kim, learning body and facial language then how to disguise interrogating with interviews for business purposes. Until lunch she learned what civilian means were available to conduct background checks. After lunch, Tammy learned about suffering. Krystel taught her techniques of kickboxing, called Muay Thai. For further punishment, Jui Jitsu techniques were also taught. Thankfully only temporary red marks resulted and would fade by the time she left.

The morning lesson for Day Eleven found Tammy back on the range. Rodrick had her training with submachine guns. Mainly she learned using the Heckler & Koch UMP and MP-5. She also fired an Uzi and Ingram Mac-10, both in 9mm. Rodrick had her go through the Killhouse with each to really get the feel of their temperaments before rating her a Pass. Tammy then had to hurry to clean up and dress for lunch and afternoon with Lyssa again. Those lessons were all about casual social settings and ended with dinner with her and Rodrick.

After dessert Tammy commented. "I feel like I've made it over a hill of some sort."

"You did. Jump training was the crest. We're winding down now." Lyssa told her.

Tammy perked up. "I am almost done?"

Rodrick nodded. "Tomorrow is a half-day. You're training ended today. Tomorrow you spend the morning with Paul. After lunch you get to play. Carl will give you some surfing lessons and take pictures."

"You lot certainly ran me ragged, but now that I look back, I had a good time." Tammy admitted.

Lyssa smiled in approval. "We gave you a lot, but you took it in stride. Be proud of yourself. We crammed a six week course into two."

"Will I ever need to come back?" Tammy asked.

"You'll come back once a year or so for a week, updates and so on." Lyssa explained. "But you'll see us before that. We'll be on Man for the race. You can hang out in our area."

Tammy looked over to Rodrick. "You are going to race?"

"Nope." Lyssa said then smiled. "I am."

Tammy sat stunned then shook her head. "I forgot, insanity is the norm here."

"You'll acclimate." Rodrick dead-panned. "Now, head back to Krystel's. The kids and dog are asleep so we're having sex on the table in the next forty-five seconds."

Tammy bolted from the table and tried not to laugh hearing Lyssa drawl. "Hell yeah."

The next morning after the usual routine, Tammy dressed for a meeting. She also grabbed the bottle of single malt Scotch and went to the main hangar.

The man she knew as Major Paul Dannigan greeted her. "Morning."

"Good morning, Sir." Tammy replied then held out to bottle. "For you."

Dannigan chuckled. "Nice. Grab a coffee and come with me."

Tammy poured herself a coffee then followed into the conference room and sat down.

"I've read over your training reports. Well done. You took it seriously and it shows. Unfortunately what we do today won't be so exciting, but it is critical." Dannigan said then handed her a binder.

Dannigan began. "Your main purpose with us will be intelligence gathering. Monitoring personnel of interest that enter, operate and exit your AO, area of operation. That area is the coastal area and islands; Caithness and Orkneys. You will remain based in Thurso."

"Yes, Sir." Tammy acknowledged.

"I want no misunderstandings. Do not reveal sensitive British materials you become privy to. If we need something, we'll obtain it ourselves. If you develop intel for us that the British need to be read in on, we'll instruct as to who and how. This is about cooperation within boundaries, you are NOT a double-agent. Am I clear?" Dannigan asked firmly.

Tammy nodded. "Absolutely, Sir. I had no idea there was such people that work for separate governments."

Dannigan sat back in his chair. "It does occur, but usually they act as liaisons. Like the officer exchange programs in the military. Official channels, everybody knows and it's all in the open. You're a quiet version of this, limited people know."

For the next hour Dannigan went through the binder with her. Tammy quickly understood there was a separation between American and British interests, her real purpose would be when those interests coincided. She still had a discreet attachment to the Broadsword group, but would only interact with Sean MacTaggart.

Dannigan hooked a thumb towards the door as Kim and Krystel stood in the doorway. "For us, you interact with Kimberly and Krystel. It will be rare to be direct with me."

"I think I understand." Tammy said.

Dannigan leaned back in his chair and looked at her intently. "In movies and tv, this is where I make some kind of demand to prove loyalty."

Tammy nodded. "I've seen those."

"Yeah. Me too. We don't work that way. You were given a choice and you made it." Dannigan said.

Tammy tilted her head in puzzlement. "I'm not with you, Sir."

Kim spoke up. "How many times did you jump out of a perfectly good aircraft?"

"Seven, I believe." Tammy answered.

Dannigan leaned forward. "And how many of those parachutes did you pack personally?"

Tammy answered without hesitation. "None."

"So you walked off the ramp on your own, with seven chutes that you did not pack or inspect, chosen at random from a group." Dannigan pointed out.

Tammy now understood. "I see your point now. I put my faith forward and met with success."

"Welcome; to the Office of Immediate Covert Action, Tamara Smart." Dannigan said.

"A member of the club now. Do I get a cliche code-name?" Tammy asked.

Dannigan handed her a file and tapped it.

"Maighdeann Cluaran." Tammy read and translated with a smile. "Thistle Maiden. Very nice, Sir. Thank you."

Dannigan gave her a small grin. "You're welcome. Code-names are for projects. Personnel have Operational Designators. Usually they're random, like code-names, but I can chose them if not used already. I though that would be appropriate for you."

"I am surprised though. I thought you would have a team of shrinks have a go at me." Tammy admitted.

Dannigan gave her a bland look. "You've been under constant evaluation since you arrived. Everyone who taught you gave reports for each session."

"Reports?" Tammy asked.

Kim nodded and set down a stack of files. "We weren't just training you Tammy. We were also determining your abilities and limits."

"Example. Do you, Tammy, have the mental stability to kill? The answer is 'yes', but within parameters. You are not a liquidation specialist. You can shoot, yes, but unless it's you or them; you fail to justify the necessity. I can't send you a gun and say 'go put two bullets in Joe Snuffy's skull'. This doesn't make you unfit for work, just that you have limits. Everyone has limits and your's aren't a problem. If you couldn't at least defend yourself, THAT would be a problem. There's what you can do, what you can't, what you shouldn't and most importantly; what you have no business doing. We know these things." Dannigan explained.

Krystel commented. "Pegs and holes come in more than just round and square Tammy-girl."

"It is our determination that you are suited to intelligence gathering. We're not dropping you into combat zones. In fact, we'd prefer you not be in lethal outcome situations. You may end up in them, but in the interest of protection of yourself or innocent by-standers." Kim stated.

"All this does makes sense to me." Tammy remarked.

Dannigan sat forward and pulled four large envelopes over. "Good. Now, you gave us some trust and I'm going to justify that, right now. Tammy we have something called 'Reno Protocols'."

"Krystel mentioned that." Tammy said. "Basically, it sounded like an escape plan if things take the piss."

"I'll spell it out. Should you be Burned, by accident or intention, you have a chance to save yourself. You have four protocols, the main focus of three of them are to get to Switzerland. From there we can extract you and relocate you to a new life in a secure location." Dannigan said then opened the first and gave it to her.

Identity papers, credit cards and other personal litter were on top. Her method would be to use the Epic to fly directly to Switzerland, land at a private airfield, discard all former identity and abandon the plane. Using the new identity, travel to Geneva to an apartment and await retrieval.

The second started out similar, but deviated with method. A small file detailed instructions, key placements, passcodes and maps. A boat house on one of the Orkney Islands contained a cabin cruiser able to cross to Norway, she would use her dive gear to swim ashore to a small village. In the village a car would be available to drive to Switzerland.

The third deviated with a motorcycle from Dover to Calais via the Channel Tunnel then trains to Geneva. The fourth was the most extreme. She simply abandoned everything, use her dive gear to swim out to a GPS coordinate offshore and be met by a U.S. Navy sub that would remain submerged to retrieve her.

Tammy looked up. "All of this could be done?"

Dannigan gave her an intent look. "I want this clear. If it comes to it; we'll hide you for a year in Mayan ruins deep in the Peruvian jungle and when you come out, you look like a twenty year old doppelganger for Olivia Newton-John."

"For the love of God, let's hope it doesn't come to that, Sir." Tammy replied.

Dannigan sat back. "But now you understand how far I'll go. I take care of my own Tamara. You are now one of my own. I just have to share you with Sean and, what was his name? Smith?"

"So I'm still with them?" Tammy asked.

Kim spoke up. "Pretty much on paper. They can ask you to do things, you shouldn't get bored. Additional training and so on. The U.K. is your country, your home. Do what you can to protect it."

"So I now have an 'Uncle Paul' along with an 'Uncle Sean'." Tammy quipped

Dannigan smirked. "That's a way to put it, niece. Just remember, you may be charming, but I'll still crawl your ass should you screw up."

"Yes, sir. I'll do my best to avoid that." Tammy smiled.

Krystel smiled. "That's it. Fend for yourself for lunch then hit the beach and have fun, Tammy-girl. You go home tomorrow. You'll be notified in a week about your Reno Protocols institution."

Tammy shook hands with Dannigan, then saluted him. "Thank you, Sir."

Tammy experimented in Krystel's kitchen using the diet program for lunch then changed into a bikini and went to the Eastern beach. Carl waved as she approached.

Tammy smiled to see two surfboards. "This is a challenge I've always wanted to try!"

After more spectacular wipe-outs than she cared to count, Tammy finally rode in wave. Arms raised in triumph, Tammy shouted in delighted victory and saw Carl taking her picture. She rode the board until it beached, causing her to stumble on the sand. Tammy laughed and danced around cheering.

"Go on back out, catch another ride!" Carl encouraged.

Tammy picked up the board and did exactly that. By the time the sun started to set, she had successfully rode in many times. After dinner, Tammy went to sleep with a broad smile.




Saturday Tammy awoke and took to the exercise with new enthusiasm. It was her final day and she wanted to give her all. During the swim, she pushed hard to lead Krystel, but they remained abreast of each other. Coming from the surf, Tammy summoned all she had and sprinted for the runway.

"COME ON TAMMY! YOU'RE DOING IT! GO GIRL! GO! TAKE THE LINE!" Krystel yelled as they ran.

Tammy could see the usual wide line scuffed in the sand beside the runway and strained to give more. Tammy crossed the line right beside Krystel.

"ALRIGHT! BEST YET!" Krystel announced as they stopped.

"That's it! I'm knackered!" Tammy gasped.

They cooled down and went back to Krystel's for breakfast. Tammy took her time getting dressed, a light floral dress and heeled sandals after make-up and hair.

"You get a cheat-day today." Krystel told her and set down a plate of two super-thick hotcakes, crisp bacon, an egg over-easy and a bottle of maple syrup.

Tammy laughed. "Krystel, those cakes should be illegal!"

"Girl, a cheat-meal is good for morale." Krystel said as she sat down.

After breakfast, they cleaned up then packed Tammy's luggage. The new would be sent later on. Tammy enjoyed the flight back to Freeport. Krystel took her back to the hotel to check out then onto the airport.

"Time to go home. Don't go slacking. You have a pool and gym. Stay in shape, eat right and maintain your skills." Krystel advised.

Tammy laughed. "Right, I'll keep up. I'd hate for a remedial hand-to-hand lesson!"

"Want to know a secret?" Krystel smirked.

Tammy nodded. "Certainly!"

"As good as you think I am, I've never beaten Lyssa. None of us ever have. You'll see us all again at the race, but you won't be neglected. We're with you Tammy. Don't forget it. Have a quiet flight." Krystel told her.

Tammy hugged her friend. "I look forward to seeing you all again. Thanks. For everything."

Tammy picked up her carry-on and walked to the gate.

*****TBC in CP and Tamara's Tales****

Many thanks to Shiraz for letting Tamara's Tales and LKM/CP crossovers, they've been a lot of fun and I look forward to new adventures!

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