I have been busy with university but my module sort of finished a few days ago, I have to wait for the results to see what happens next. With this lock-down business, I feel like I've been in a strange place but I shall be returning to work for a couple of months before retiring altogether. In a way the lock-down has given me an insight to that and I'm quite looking forward to it. I was hoping to do all sorts of things to my house but the stocks and shares ISA I had is now much reduced so that's a bit of a pain. But it won't stop my wildlife and geology pursuits, once we can associate with others again.
I've been doing a little writing and although I said I wasn't going to do anything more on The Ambassador's Wife, I've changed my mind and continued it. I haven't finished it yet, but depending upon what the outcome is to the story will determine how much more I shall write, I have a a couple of scenarios in mind.
So, I'm still alive, older, wiser and possibly fatter than when I last posted here, I hope you are all well and coping with these unprecedented times (I'd prefer un-presidented, but then we have enough troubles over here with another narcissist).
Love to all,
Great to Hear from You
I hope things are going as good for you as it sounds.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Sentient life in Dorchester!
Glad you are feeling a bit more chipper, I know the OU was getting you down a bit.
Take care
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Glad to see you back
Hope you enjoy retirement as much as I do. Shame it took 50 years to get there, the whole working thing is vastly over-rated, even if I did love my work. Going back to read your work has been a pleasure with all the time available to me these days.