A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 12

A Wish Unwanted – Part 12
by Limbo’s Mistress

Lee was nice enough to wait until we were halfway back to my house before asking me if I was okay.

After being blindsided by Sarah’s actions and partial confession that something slightly more than platonic had happened between us (though, to be fair, the other Penny had been present), I didn’t say much as we exited the back gate near the pool and walked around the huge house to the Mustang.

Chad had scooped Sarah into his arms the moment we stepped out of the pool house, tossed her over his shoulder, and left in a slight hurry. My bestie, bouncing up and down on her boyfriend’s broad shoulder, gave me a wave and a cheery smile. Apparently she had recovered from my shooting her down, or else was still inebriated enough that her moods were in a constant state of flux.

As we turned onto one of the main roads, Lee’s hand, resting on my knee gave a tiny squeeze.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked in a soft voice, glancing over at me.

“Huh?” I responded, pulled out of my muddled thoughts about the stone, the multiple changes in reality, and Sarah.

“What’s bothering you? I wondered if you wanted to talk about it.”

I shrugged. “It’s nothing, really. Girl stuff.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up into a tiny curl of a smile. “Sometimes I think you all use that as an excuse to keep from having to explain stuff to us stupid guys.”

I turned my head, regarding him carefully. “Is that so?”

He nodded. “I mean, sure there has to be stuff that guys totally wouldn’t understand. Then there’s stuff that we might, but girls neither want to spend the time, nor energy, talking to us about it. I guess because if we end up not understanding, then you’ve just been wasting your time.”

I couldn’t argue against his point. There had been at least a hundred times I knew something was bothering Cindy. But when I pressed, she had simply claimed it was “girl stuff” or “squad stuff” or “female problems”. Most of the time, I simply assumed she was just bitching about her period.

Of course, thinking more about it, especially now that I was the one wearing the panties, that way of thinking would have meant she was in a nearly constant state of menstrual flow. I’d never actually considered that she might have real, legitimate problems. Probably because I’d always thought she had this perfect, happy life.

I sighed. “Sarah said some stuff to me in the pool house. I think it only came out due to the beer. However, it’s got me a little twisted around and I’m not sure what to do about it.”

He nodded. “Is it anything you can share with me? Or something personal and private?”

“Personal and private,” I mumbled. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he replied, squeezing my knee again. “You two have been best friends for what seems like forever. Well, forever as measured by a guy who transferred to the school only a couple of years ago. There are bound to be minor issues that sometimes pop up. Particularly when alcohol is a factor.”

“I guess. I just don’t want things to start being weird between us because of her absent-minded words.”

“She probably won’t remember in the morning,” he offered helpfully. “So the quest is, can you forget as well?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. If I tell myself that she wasn’t serious about it.”

“Good idea. Heck, you’ll probably feel completely different about it in the morning.”

“It’s not beyond the realm of possibility.”

We pulled into my neighborhood, Lee slowing down to a crawl as we reached my house. Almost as if he was stretching out our remaining time together any way he could. I picked up my phone and looked at the display. Ten thirty-two. Fifty-eight minutes until my parents’ estimated arrival time.

I directed Lee to continue past my house, motioning him to stop next to the curb in front of the Marshalls’, four doors down. When he put the car into park, he turned to give me a confused glance.

“I don’t feel like being alone right now,” I said, using my index nail to trace a little figure 8 on the back of the hand on my leg. “Or ending our evening just yet. My folks are supposed to be out until eleven-thirty or so. I thought maybe, sort, you might want to come inside and stay with me a while?”

He smiled at me. Not the cocky, arrogant smirk of a guy planning on getting lucky. More of a kind, understanding grin of a guy who was perfectly happy to go along with his girlfriend’s crazy requests. Whether or not he was going to get lucky.

“Can I assume that, if your parents came home at that late hour to find me in the house, they would be none too pleased?”

“Mom might think it was cute. Daddy, not so much.”

He nodded. “So, parking here would allow me to sneak out without being seen and drawing their attention?”

I picked his hand off my leg, turned it over as I brought it to my lips, and placed a light kiss on the slightly-calloused palm. “Exactly.”

“As you wish,” he said, grin widening.

The houses between the Marshalls and mine were all dark. Lee and I walked, holding hands, down the sidewalk and up the driveway to my back door. Once inside, I flipped on the kitchen lights and gestured at the fridge.

“Can I get you anything?” I offered, turning around to face him.

Before I realized what was happening, Lee had me in his arms and was kissing me.

I melted into the embrace, letting the bag in my hand drop to the floor as I put my arms around his muscular back. My tongue battled against his, each trying to seek dominance. First in my mouth, then in his.

The delicious warmth from our contact spread though me, chasing away any remaining vestiges of the night’s chill from my body. Then it began to gather and pool in the area just slightly south of my metal-embossed navel. Without awareness, I moaned softly against his lips.

When Lee finally broke the kiss, sometime between a millisecond and an eternity, I thought I was going to explode into a conflagration worthy of Johnny Storm.

My heart was racing in my chest. So loudly I was sure he could hear it. I licked my lips, still tasting him on them. The pyroclastic flow rolling through me didn’t even start to diminish. If anything, it began to intensify.

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and looked up at him, giving him a glance that was half-amused, half-serious.

“Want to see my bedroom?”

He arched a brow, as if to ask silently if I really meant it. Rather than answer, I took his hand in mine, grabbed my bag from the floor with the other, and started to lead him out of the kitchen toward the stairs.

As we ascended, neither of us speaking, I swore I could feel his gaze on my bottom. The skater skirt was short and flared, so it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that the handsome football player was getting a close-up view of my thong and exposed butt cheeks. The thought of him being mesmerized by the sway of my ass sent another ripple of lava through me.

I opened the door to my room, pulled him inside, then closed the door behind me. I turned around, putting my back to the wood as I watch him turn a slow circle, taking in everything.

I should have been embarrassed about the discarded clothes lying near the open closet. Or the fact that the dresser drawer that contained my bras was pulled out just far enough to showcase the rainbow selection of brassieres within. Instead, I felt a tingle when he paused on the disheveled sheets of the bed.

There was a good chance they were about to get a lot more disheveled soon.

“I like it,” he said, finally turning back around to look at me. “It’s you. Plus.”


He smiled. “Yeah. Like, a lot of this is exactly what I expected to see. The posters and the décor. That’s the Pee-Jay that everyone at school knows.” Then he pointed to the clock and the slightly messy areas. “This is the Pee-Jay that very few people know. The real Pee-Jay.”

Boy, if you only knew.

I shrugged. “I used to be a bit of a …” I stopped, biting down on my lower lip. Had I really been about to say “nerd”?

“Eclectic soul?” he offered, still smiling. “I think you still are.”

“You do?” I pushed myself off the door, slowly walking in his direction.

Lee nodded. “You’re so completely different than any girl I’ve ever known. Not just the most beautiful, but also a truly unique person.” A little scarlet color appeared on his cheeks. “Sorry, I guess I’m laying it on a bit thick, huh?”

I stopped, placing one hand on my hip as I looked up at him. “That depends. Are you serious? Or are you just spouting off to woo me?”

“Did you really just use the word ‘woo’?” he asked, smirking a bit. “Someone must have decided to give Emily Bronte another go.”

I couldn’t have stopped myself from smiling if I’d even tried. I took the hand not resting on my curves and poked him in the chest. “Don’t change the subject, Mr. Touchdown Star.”

He grabbed the hand poking him and pulled me in closer. When my chest met his, he lowered his face until our noses touched.

“I meant ever single word of it, Penelope.” The way he seemed to purr my name caused another of those happy, enjoyable tingles to form in the womanly space between my thighs.

“Why didn’t we get together sooner?” I asked, losing myself in his penetrating gaze. “I’ve liked you for almost two whole years. From the moment I first saw you.”

At least, according to Sarah, that is. Speaking strictly for myself, though, I think it took a bit longer for my attraction to him to form. About four hours longer, to be honest.

“I really don’t know,” he said, brushing his lips against mine. “I guess I thought I was out of your league. When I called you last week to ask you to go to the movie with me, I was more nervous than I’d ever been on the field. I just knew you would say no.”

Pulling my hand off my hip, I reached around his back and pulled myself tighter against him.

“I don’t think it’s possible for me to say ‘no’ to you, Lee. For anything.”

His response was another of those soul-searing kisses that caused my toes to curl dramatically and my desire to shoot up into the stratosphere.

I pulled my captured hand free and placed it on his chest, savoring the feeling of the hard, taut pecs beneath his shirt. Pushing just the slightest bit, I directed him backwards, angling him toward the messy bed directly behind him. Our lips never ceased their feasting on each other.

When his legs bumped against the edge of the mattress, he paused. In motion, but not in the kissing. As if he were slowing the moment down to make sure I was aware of what was happening.

To be honest, the only things I were aware of at that moment were the burning desire taking place in between my legs and the knowledge that there was an Adonis in front of me that had the power to quench it.

I pushed harder, forcing him back so that his knees folded and he fell away from me to land on his back. The separation of our mouths didn’t do a damned thing to make me want to put on the brakes. Without hesitation, I scrambled forward, crawling on top of him until I straddled his midsection and bent down to re-attach our lips and tongues.

His hands found their way up to my back, fingers playing with the strap of the bra just beneath the surface of my sweater. Teasing me with the unspoken threat that those same nimble digits could easily unfasten the undergarment and release my breasts from their confinement.

My own hands were in his hair, stroking through the wavy strands. And on his face, enjoying the rough stubble that had formed on his cheeks over the course of the day. The prickly sensation only managed to fan the flames roiling within me. Testament that the body beneath me wasn’t that of a boy, but a man.

His fingers lost interest in my bra strap and began to dance their way down my spine until they reached the spot just slightly north of my tailbone. Toying with the waistband of my skirt. Then, with cautious optimism, they separated, gliding around the curvaceous hemispheres beneath the clothing. Stopping only when each had a firm grip on a bit of rounded ass.

I continued to try to sample every inch of his mouth as I wiggled my hips back and forth, working my way down Lee’s body until the prominent bulge straining against his jeans was directly below my molten core. Once over the target, I rolled my hips in a different direction and ground my yearning crotch against his.

The rough material of his jeans easily overcame any resistance the flimsy, and completely soaked, panties could have put up. The action sent a burst of pleasure radiating out from between my legs, causing me to gasp directly into Lee’s mouth.

He responded by tightening his grip on my ass, strong fingers kneading the soft flesh, making roll my body a second time against him. The result was even better than the first.

A third grinding followed, then a fourth. Then … a steady motion of back and forth as I rode the boy lying under me like an amateur cowgirl. It was as if my body, well Penny’s body, was operating completely on autopilot. Was this just a natural thing? Controlled by pure animal instinct? Or was it like the muscle memory which allowed me to do the coordinated athletic stuff without conscious thought?

I decided that, at least at the moment, I didn’t care. I figured introspection could be had a later date. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy the raw sexual emotions running rampant through me.

Lee pulled one of his hands off my butt and started to lazily trace his way beneath the bottom of my sweater, moving up my side in tiny increments toward the bottom of my bra. As if trying to stealth his way past a cache of orc guards to get into the dungeon’s treasure room.

I couldn’t help but smile at the subtlety of the attempt. Despite the fact that a rather randy, hot girl was grinding herself against him with all the abandon of a rock video vixen, he was still doing his best to remain calm. In control.

Tough break for Lee. I didn’t want control. Or serenity.

I removed one of my hands from playing with his hair and moved it up until I captured his wrist. Right at the moment his fingertips were brushing against the silky underside of the undergarment. He froze, stiffening (in another way) as the prospect of having possibly gone too far.

I broke the kiss and sat up, looking down at him with what I hoped was a completely legitimate femme fatale smile.

“I don’t think so,” I purred. Then I pushed his hand back down and reattached it to my ass.

Before he could follow the plan, I released his wrist, then grabbed the bottom of my sweater in both of my hands. I pulled it up slowly, revealing the smooth skin of my belly in tiny stages of temptation. All the while continuing to rock myself back and forth on his restrained manhood.

I thought I heard a little gasp when the sweater rose high enough to reveal my breasts, still molded and lifted by the bra. Regardless of whether or not the sound was real, the way his eyes widened to twice their normal size told me that I had the football player’s complete and undivided attention.

Smirking, I pulled the sweater the rest of the way off, tossing it somewhere behind me.

His jaw went slack, eyes focused on my chest. Amazingly, I didn’t take the least amount of offense to the gawking. After all, hadn’t I just deliberately done something to make sure his eyes would be where they currently were?

Funny thing? I think he was more enticed by the sight of me in the bra than he had in the bikini. Even though the current article was far more tame. Thinking back on my previous life, I suddenly became aware of the fact that I had been the same way. Girls in bathing suits were hot. However, girls in lingerie, or even just regular underwear, were smoking hot.

Was it the fact that bikinis and other risqué articles of clothing, such as leotards and gym shorts, were socially acceptable to wear in public? While a bra and panty set that was extremely tame in comparison was considered naughty?

“You’re so beautiful,” Lee breathed, finally pulling his eyes off the girls and sliding them up to my face.

The warmth that blossomed in my face was a small spark compared to the conflagration in my groin.

“Thank you,” I said. “That deserves a special surprise.”

Before he could ask what I was talking about, I reached behind me, twisted my fingers around each other, and popped the clasp resting against my spine. The taut elastic of the bra’s straps flapped open, sending the straps sliding down my shoulder and the cups dropping free.

Lee’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. But it was the sensation of the hard nob tucked away in his jeans seeming to get even larger and more rigid that got my attention.

“I … uh …” The boy beneath me stammered. “Wow.”

I giggled, harboring no naïve impression that mine were the first pair of boobs he’d ever seen in person. After all, Lee was a really attractive star football player and almost eighteen. Surely he’d gotten to second base with at least one other girl before, right?

Shrugging my arms free from the straps, I dropped the removed garment onto the floor with my discarded sweater. The air in the room, while not nearly as frigid as that outside, was cool enough to make my already achingly-hard nipples even harder. Lowering my hands I placed them on my hips, continuing to grind myself against him.

I tried to think of something flirty to say about me being half-naked on top of him. Something I hoped would fan his own arousal while it caused him a bit of embarrassment. Unfortunately for my witty repartee, two things happened to prevent my plan from coming to fruition.

The first was Lee’s hands coming off my ass to firmly cup my newly exposed breasts, a pair of rough thumbs stroking deliberately across those twin nubs of hardened flesh in the center of the dark areola. The second was the moment I shifted my hips just the tiniest bit on the downstroke. The action moved my extremely damp crotch to glide right along the seam of his jean’s zipper, culminating with my clit being caressed by the firm denim.

The moan that erupted from my mouth, instead of the sassy comment I wanted to make, would have done a porn star proud. Little fireworks exploded behind my eyeballs as the trifecta of erotic sensations nearly overloaded my brain. I stiffened for a moment, gasping again as the echo of the zipper continued to pulse down below.

When it subsided, I blinked away the stars and glanced down.

Lee was looking up at me, an amused grin on his face. His hands were still on my boobs, gently kneading and teasing. Stoke…stroke … squeeze …fingernail across the nipple. Happy little chills surged up and down my spine.

“You’re amazing,” he said, his eyes remaining locked onto mine even though there were a pair of very nice D’s not two feet from his nose.

I shook my head, reveling in the sensations of his body touching mine. I wanted more. So much more.

“What you’re doing is amazing,” I breathed, resuming my grinding against him. This time deliberately running myself at the right angle to send more euphoric waves crashing against me. “I’ve … never felt like this before.”

Which, technically, was true. Sam had been painfully virginal when he ceased to be. The only sexual release in his entire pathetic life was found in jerking off. Usually to some really messed up porn. Or some of the girls at school.

Cindy, in particular.

However, masturbation for him had been a series of really quick motions, followed by about five seconds of bliss, ending with a gooey mess that needed to be cleaned up.

As I continued to let Lee fondle me and kept riding him for all I was worth, the pressure for release was less like an explosion. Seeming more like a slow burn. Each time he pinched or caressed a nipple, the volume went up a notch. Every strike against that nearly hidden pearl between my legs pushed it a little more.

It was like climbing a hill. Not one that was particularly steep, but definitely a continual incline. It was going to take a while to get to the top, but it was going to be one hell of a view once I got there.

Suddenly, Lee’s hands vanished from my chest. I opened the eyes I hadn’t realized I’d closed and looked down at him.

There was a pensive expression on his face. As if he were conflicted with tying to make a decision about something. His eyes went from my chest to my exposed navel and back up again. Almost absentmindedly, his tongue dipped out from between his lips for a moment, lightly licking at them, before it was pulled back into his mouth.

“Lee, what’s wrong?” I asked, my upward rise to the top of O-Mountain starting to slow with concern.

“Nothing,” he said in a quiet voice. Then his eyes looked up at me. What I saw in them told me the conundrum he’d been wrestling with had been subdued. His hands moved to my hips, fingers curling to hold on tight. “I want to try something.”

I nodded, wondering what he was going to do.

He smiled, then lifted me off him just the slightest bit. Then, with the same power and speed he always brought to the gridiron, he rolled over on the bed, taking me with him. The world around me spun, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back on the twisted sheets with him on top of me.

His mouth sought mine again, kissing me with a ferocity and a passion I didn’t even know existed. As he did, he rolled his hips, turning himself into the grinder and pushing his still-contained bulge right into my honeypot.

Another gasp tore itself free, but was swallowed by the man sampling every centimeter of my mouth. Three more thrusts followed the first, each one succeeding in pushing me back on course toward the finish line. Plus a little extra.

A few seconds later, Lee pulled his mouth off of mine and looked down at me from above.

“I want you, Pee-Jay,” he said in a husky voice. “I want to make love to you.”

Want. He wanted me. Sexually. Part of me started to pipe up that it was likely the wish was making this happen. However, the part of me that was practically dying to come strangled that part without hesitation.

“Lee …”

He shook his head. “But not tonight. I want it to be completely and totally special. Not a quick romp in your bed with the clock ticking on us. I want it to be magical.”

Oh, believe you me, it already is, boyo.

I nodded. “I understand.”

Well girl, looks like you’re going to see if you can figure out how to self-drive that new equipment. Because there is no way you are going to be able to go to sleep tonight as horny as you are.

He smiled. “However, that just means I have more time for something else.”

“What?” I asked.

Instead of answering, he winked at me. Then he slid down my body, kissing and licking on my boobs and nipples for a few seconds. Before moving further south. He paused at my bellybutton, running his tongue over the silver adornment bisecting the flesh. When his lips grazed across my hipbone, just peeking out from the waist of the skirt, I couldn’t stop the girlish giggle that came out.

I reached down toward his head, intending on pulling him back up onto me. As much as I was enjoying the attention he was paying to other parts of my body, the part in charge was demanding satisfaction. Just when my fingers reached his hair, though, he slid further down and immediately buried his face between my legs.

My back arched as his nose brushed against my swollen and saturated lips. My ears clearly heard him inhale deeply, apparently filling his nose with the scent of my arousal.

“Lee,” I said softly, biting down on my lower lip.

He didn’t answer. Instead, I felt his fingers curl around the front of my panties, then pull them aside. The air was suddenly ripe with a musky, heady aroma. Eu de Penelope’s Lust. What a potent fragrance.

One of his fingers ran along the edge of my slit, dipping just inside to stoke the extremely sensitive flesh.

I gasped louder, yanking my hands back up to run them through my hair as I closed my eyes and lost myself in the sensation.

The finger vanished, almost immediately replaced by something firm, wet, and very, very rough. It made contact at the very bottom of my slickened folds and drifted its way north, dragging that wonderfully delightful pressure all the way up to that hardened nub nestled at the top.

This time, I didn’t gasp. I moaned. Loudly.

The sound was like a gunshot at a track meet, signaling to the young man currently licking my womanhood that it was time to get moving. His mouth was everywhere at once. Nibbling on my clit, licking the edges of my outer labia, tongue pushing inside me as deeply as it could go.

I threw my arms to the side, curling my fingers in the sheets as I held on and let the ride whisk me away. My back continued to leave the mattress, arching as he struck a particularly sensitive spot. Or slapped my aching clit with a flick of his tongue. My breathing came in short, gasping pants, and I think my ability to vocalize had been dialed back to a pre-civilized era. Nothing but moans, grunts, and sighs that I hoped his own brain could translate into just how much I was enjoying what he was doing.

Having never engaged in oral sex, either in receiving or in giving, I didn’t know what exactly I was supposed to do. What was my job in this? Did I even have a job? I tried to think about the porn I’d seen, attempting to see if I could recall what the person getting head had done. Other than simply sit there and enjoy it.

Nope. Coming up with a blank.

Lee’s ministrations increased, leading to him lapping and sucking at my dripping snatch like a man who had just crossed a desert and couldn’t seem to get enough of the water he’d been offered. A few times, he moaned himself. Right against my vaginal opening.

Like a perverted conch shell.

The hill I’d been climbing became a mountain. But that didn’t matter, since Lee was sending me ascending like he’d just engaged the hyperdrive.

“Lee…” I gasped, twisting my fists around in the sheets. It was like being on a runaway train, hurtling into the station toward a wall that marked “End of the Line”. The crescendo was approaching and there was no way short of a bucket of ice water to stop it.

“Lee …” I tried again, forcing the words out between breaths. “I … oh god … I’m gonna … gonna …”

That last word, the finale of my warning sentence, refused to be made. Instead, I drew in a lungful of musky air and released it with a squealing moan as my train broke through the barrier and every ounce of the pressure that had been building inside me burst all at once.

My back bowed as wave after wave of the greatest sensation of my entire life rolled over me. Logic and conscious thought were battered and smashed aside as raw, carnal release took over. My legs snapped back together, practically pinning the poor boy who’d just made me come between them.

“Ohgodgodohohohohohohohgoooooooooood!” I moaned, probably loud enough for Sarah to hear all the way over at her house.

The largest of the pleasure pulses, one that dwarfed the rest, broke over me. I froze in place, every nerve on fire as it washed away everything and left only euphoria in its destructive wake.

I dropped back onto the bed, panting as if I’d just finished multiple cheer practices in a row. My legs fell away from each other, trembling and shaking with the aftershocks of the orgasm. I’d heard the phrase “made my toes curl” more than once in my life. Until that moment, I’d never really understood what it meant.

I giggled, my head swimming with so many happy chemicals that I felt completely stoned. The boy who made me tingle with just a touch had just licked me like a damned lollipop until I creamed myself. I felt so good I think if I’d been allowed a second wish, I wouldn’t have returned to being Sam. I would have wished for Lee to do that to me every single day. Multiple times a day, in fact.

Orgasms as a guy were okay. I mean, if that’s all you’d ever known, you would think they were acceptable. Having gone down the big slide as a woman? There was no fracking comparison. Being female continued to have its perks.

I felt Lee shift his weight as he moved back up so that he was above me again. When I opened my eyes, he was grinning down at me with a mischievous smile and his chin, lips, and cheeks were damp and glistening.

From me.

“That was incredible,” I breathed, placing one hand over my heart. Jesus, my pulse was slamming harder than a Colonial Marine’s pulse rifle on full-auto.

He laughed, staring into my eyes. “I’ve been wanting to do that to you for a while now. I didn’t ask beforehand because I know some girls are kind of weird about letting a guy do that to them.”

I shook my head. “I’m weird in a lot of ways, Lee. However, that is not one of them.” I reached up and traced my finger around the surface of his lips. “That was the hardest I’ve ever come in my life.” Which was no lie in the least.

He leaned down and kissed me. The tangy taste of my own juices mixing with the familiar Lee-taste of his mouth. The mixture of our flavors stroked the slowly diminishing flames within me, trying to reignite the passion from earlier.

God, I was still horny. Or maybe I was just wishing I was still horny. If that was the response his mouth brought out of me, what would it be like when he actually shoved the thick rod in his pants inside me.

Our mouths parted and he smiled down at me.

“Still need more?” he asked in a slightly amused tone.

I didn’t understand what he meant until I realized that I’d hooked one of my legs around the back of his and had resumed grinding my wet and bare slit against him.

“Oh god,” I said, embarrassed. I reluctantly unfurled my leg and pulled back slightly from him. “I’m sorry. I just … wasn’t thinking.”

“You were thinking, babe. Just not with your brain.”

I giggled at that and lightly slapped his shoulder.

He kissed me again, then rolled off, propping himself up with his elbows. I followed suit, readjusting my completely soaked panties and pulling my skirt back down in a vain attempt to regain modesty.

“I think I’m still recovering from having my mind blown,” I murmured turning my gaze from his.

My eyes fell on the still obvious tent pushing against his zipper. Did he expect me to return the favor? I mean, that was only fair, right? He’d gone down on me until I gushed with happiness. I would be a pretty crappy girlfriend to not pay him back with an enthusiastic blow job.

Problem was, I didn’t have the slightest clue how to do it. Even with as many times as I’d seen the act performed in various media, the reality of it eluded me. Did I offer? Or just take the initiative and pounce. What would it taste like? Would I let him come in my mouth? Would I spit or swallow?

I decided to take it slowly. Reaching out, I placed my hand on the throbbing lump of manliness as I turned look at him.

“That looks a little swollen,” I said, trying to sound seductive and not cheesy. “Perhaps I should take a look at it.”

“Peej,” he said, placing his hand on top of mine. “You don’t have to do anything that ..”

“Shhh,” I said, shaking my head. “I know I don’t have to do anything. But any guy that can give head so good I see stars deserves a reward.” I licked my lips, slowly and sensually, grinning in response to the way his Adam’s apple bounced while he watched me. “Tell me you don’t want me to suck your dick.”

I noticed his own breathing had picked up to match mine from when I was on my back. Good. Now it was my turn to show him my oral skills. Hopefully Penny had some.

“I …” he started.

Of course, whatever he was going to say next was drowned out by the sound of the front door closing with a heavy thud.

My parents were home!

“Crap,” I hissed, climbing off the bed and spinning around three times like a headless chicken on meth. “Shit, Lee. My folks.”

He nodded, sliding off the bed himself. While he looked a bit worried, he expressed none of the fear-laced panic I was feeling. Didn’t he understand that if my father found him in my room, with me looking flush and disheveled, the shit would hit the proverbial fan?

“Want me to climb out the window?” he asked, pointing to the exit point in question.

“It’s a fifteen foot drop to the concrete patio,” I answered. “I don’t need you breaking your leg on top of getting me sent to a nunnery.”

The sound of feet coming up the steps sent my panic into a full-blow hysteria.

Under the bed? No, there was no way the massive bulk of the football star would fit under that tiny space. Behind the door? That would work, unless they came fully into the room and discovered him standing there.

The closet!

I pointed at the open closet door as the steps reached the second floor and seemed to advance in our direction.

“Quick!” I hissed.

Lee nodded and moved with the speed of a cheetah and the noise of a ninja. Once inside, he pulled the door until it was closed to a fraction of an inch.

I spun around again, looking at the floor. No time to seek out my bra and sweater, much less put them on. Instead, I grabbed the sleep tank from where I’d thrown it onto the desk that morning and slammed it over my head and body. Thankfully, I’d decided not to put the knee socks back on after swimming. Which left only the skater skirt, still damp from our romantic activities. It was hurriedly removed and thrown across the room, and a pair of sleep shorts, on the floor next to the desk, were pulled up my legs just as someone knocked on my door.

“Penelope?” my mother asked through the door. “May I come in?”

No. Go away.

“Sure,” I said, trying to sound calm and casual.

The door opened and my mother came in. She was still wearing the royal blue cocktail dress, and I actually took a moment to appreciate that, despite being forty-two, she still looked like a very attractive woman. Had she still been that pretty when she’d had a son? Or had the stress of raising an argumentative boy aged her more than a more agreeable daughter?

I hoped I looked as good when I got to her age.

“How was your evening?” she asked as she closed the door behind her.

I shrugged. “It was okay. Not much to tell. How was the reception?”

She smiled a little amused smile. “As well as expected.”

“Where’s Daddy?” I asked. I hoped the answer wasn’t going to be ‘going to get his gun to shoot your boyfriend’.

“Your father enjoyed the open bar a bit too much, I’m afraid.” She laughed softly. “He’s in our room attempting to get undressed. However, I think I might have to go help him in a minute.”

I nodded, not really listening. I was too busy doing everything in my power to not look over at the closet.

Mom walked over, coming upon me before I even realized she was there. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. Her mouth, right against my ear, murmured a single sentence.

“You have five minutes, sweetie.”

Then she pulled back, looked into my eyes, then turned around and walked back to the door.

“Good night, dear,” she said as she opened the door. “Sweet dreams.”

She stepped out into the hall and pulled the door closed. Right before she vanished from view, she held up her hand, finger splayed wide.

Five minutes.

I counted to ten, waiting until I heard the door at the end of the hall open and close. Then I rushed over to the closet and practically ripped its door off the hinges as I flung it open.

“Wow,” Lee whispered as he emerged back into he room. “That was close.”

I shook my head, taking his hand and dragging him to the door.

“She knew,” I said, opening my bedroom door and peeking out into the deserted hall.

“She knew … what we did?”

I shook my head again, looking back at him. “I don’t think so. But she definitely knew you were in the room. She told me I had about five minutes to get you gone. Probably before Daddy finds out.”

“Shit,” he breathed. “Guess I better jet, then.”

I nodded, stepping out into the hallway with my football lover in tow. We padded softly to the steps and crept downstairs, managing to avoid any of the really loud creaky ones. There was something to be said about the wish leaving me in the same family with the same house. Sam had learned which steps to avoid when he started coming home after curfew.

In the foyer, I noticed the alarm had not been set. Which seemed a bit off, since that was the first thing either of them did when they came home this late. Had my mom known about Lee being in my room before even stepping in? Or had she just been too busy wrangling my inebriated father up the steps and had planned on setting the security system afterwards?

I opened the door, shivering as the cool night air swept in and caressed my nearly naked form.

“I have a good time tonight, Pee-Jay,” Lee said in a soft voice, leaning in to brush his lips against mine. “The whole evening was fun. Not just the last thirty minutes.”

I felt my cheeks warm and I nodded. “Me too.”

Then, emboldened beyond reproach, I turned my hand and pressed it against the front of his jeans. The throbbing rod from earlier had apparently skedaddled when we realized my parents were back early. However, at my touch I felt it stiffen a little again.

“Next time,” I said, smirking at him. “It’ll me my turn to blow your … mind.”

He laughed in a quite manner and grinned. “If you insist.”

I nodded, rising up on my toes to give him a long, slow kiss that I hoped might tie us both over until tomorrow morning. When I finally forced myself to break away, I sighed with pleasure.

“I insist,” I said, meaning it with all my heart. “I want to be your perfect girlfriend.”

He tilted his head, giving me a puzzled look. “You already are, Pee-Jay. You already are.” He leaned down and placed a light kiss on my lips. “Good night.”

Then he stepped outside and cut across the grass, heading to where the Mustang waited.

I watched him until he was out of sight. Then I closed the door, set the alarm, and went back upstairs to brush my teeth. Even though my body still hummed with energy, I was too tired to take a shower before I slept. Which meant I was going to have to get up early again tomorrow.

I brushed my teeth, then went back into my room and picked out the perfect outfit for my mood. As I climbed into bed and was making sure the Dark Knight was going to prod me awake at the ass-crack of dawn, I heard my phone chime.

When I looked at the screen, I saw a text message from Lee.

“Sweet dreams, Peej. I love you.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

When the alarm went off, I complained more than I did after watching the fourth Star Wars movie. Which is saying a lot.

I threw back the covers, shivered, then pulled them back over me again and promptly passed out. Luckily, the alarm went off again ten minutes later.

“I’m up. I’m up,” I grumbled, forcing myself to get out of the bed.

After showering off the residual chlorine from my body and conditioning the living crap out of my hair, I got dressed, fixed my hair, put on a little makeup, grabbed my things, and went downstairs.

The outfit I’d chosen before turning in consisted of a ribbed, V-neck sweater in a burnt orange color, an A-line, black and white pleated miniskirt with a high waist, and a pair of black tights. The black ankle boots once again adorned my little feet.

When I entered the kitchen, mom was at her usual spot at the table, sipping on a cup of coffee. I grabbed a Danish from the covered dish next to the microwave and poured some java into a stylish, bright pink travel mug.

“Daddy already gone to work?” I asked, adding cream and sugar to the steaming brew.

Mom nodded. “With quite the hangover. However, you know your father. He wouldn’t call out even if he was dead.”

I giggled, nodded, then screwed the lid on the mug. “That’s so true.”

Mom took a sip of coffee as she glanced down at her phone. Then, without looking up, she asked, “I take it you and Lee had a good time last night?”

I paused, mouth full of raspberry filling and tried to look less shocked than I felt. I finished chewing slowly and then swallowed the heavy pastry.

“I figured you knew. When you gave me five minutes. How did you know?”

She smirked, looking over to me. “Well, I saw his car when I pulled into the neighborhood. Parked in front of the Eileen Marshall’s. So I figured that he was here.” One of her eyebrows arched. “But you two didn’t want it to seem like it.”

I nodded. No use denying it. “I just thought it might …”

She held up her hand, interrupting me. “Sweetie, you’re pretty much a grown woman. You’ll be eighteen in about six months and less than a year from now, you’ll be in college. I’d have to be a pretty obtuse doctor to believe that you’re still the innocent little girl who used to run to me when she skinned her knee.”

“Mom,” I said, actually reaching up to draw an X on my left breast. “We were just hanging out. We didn’t do anything.”

She shook her head. “Penelope, please don’t take me for a fool. You had a boy in your room. A boy that you like, and have liked for quite a while now. Your face was flushed when I came into your room. Your clothes were strewn about the floor. And the smell of sex practically saturated the room.”

“It’s not what …”

“I just want you to be careful, Penelope,” she’d shifted from ‘mom friend’ voice to her ‘lecture mom’ one. “Please tell me you two were using protection.”

Just like that, the warmth that had been growing in my cheeks ignited like a volcano. I held up both hands, waving them back and forth, sending bits of Danish flying off.

“No! No! I swear mom. We didn’t have sex. I promise you. No sex.”

Her eyes narrowed and I felt like I was being scrutinized. “Would you like to tell me what the two of you were doing then?”

I didn’t answer for a long few seconds. Then I set the pastry down, walked over to the table, and lowered myself into the chair opposite hers.

“I didn’t go to Sarah’s last night. I went to a party at a classmate’s house.”

She nodded. “I thought it was probably something like that. Did you drink?”

I shook my head. “Not a single drop. I just went to hang out and swim in Jacob’s pool.”

“Lee was your ride to and from this party?”

I nodded. “Yeah. So, we left about ten-thirty or so and came back here. We went up to my room and … uh … kind of just …”

“Fooled around?”

“Yeah. Touching and other … stuff.”

“But no vaginal intercourse?”

“Mom!” I said, looking appropriately surprised. “No!”

“Okay. I believe you.” She took a sip of her coffee, smirking just a bit as she lowered the cup. “Still, you seemed very wired for just a little heavy petting.”

Did I dare tell her the truth? Would she think less of me for it? She seemed to be mostly unphased by the idea that Lee and I might have gone all the way. More concerned about any potential aftermath more than the deed itself.

Sam would never have even come close to this type of conversation with his mother. Nor his father. It would have been far too awkward.

Penny, though, was much closer to her parents. Particularly with her mom. There was no denying that the astute pediatrician had known Lee was in my room, that we had been up to something sexual, and still proved mature and cool enough to keep Daddy busy so I could have the five minutes required to get Lee out of the house.

A woman like that deserved the truth.

“Lee went down on me.” I blurted, instantly averting my eyes.

There was a moment of silence, then a little amused chuckle. When I looked up, she had put her phone down and had her hands steeped together in a pose that immediately reminded me of Spock when he was being all logical.

“Really?” she said, leaning just the slightest bit forward. “Was he any good?”

Now I was sure my entire face was going to burst into flame and melt into a slag pile. Slowly I nodded just the slightest bit.

“Yeah,” I said, forcing the words out. “He was pretty good. Really good, in fact.”

She smiled, nodding her head once. “Well, that certainly explains why you looked like you’d just finished a whole dance recital. Good for you. Not very many boys will do that. Even fewer are any good at it.” Then she winked at me. “Now, your father though, that man can lick …”

“No!” I shouted, standing up. “No details. No confessions. I’ll never get the images out of my head.”

She laughed and picked up her phone again. “I’m just saying that if Lee is that kind of guy, he’s definitely a keeper.”

I shook my head and walked over to grab my bag and my coffee. “I have to go. Before I’m late.” I walked back over and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks for covering for us last night. Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie. Have a good day.”

I picked up Sarah, who was doing her best to subtly nurse a hangover. When she climbed into the Jeep, the first thing she did was turn down the radio.

“Rough night,” I asked, pulling out of her driveway and onto the street.

“You can say that,” she said, leaning back in the seat still wearing sunglasses. “It was a bitch and a half to get Chad to not come inside to help ‘tuck me in’,” she used her fingers to make quotation marks in the air. “Then I had to sneak past my folks room. Thank god they were complaining about my uncle again, so they didn’t hear me.”

“Sounds like a truly horrible time,” I commented, turning a corner. “I guess this morning isn’t much better?”

“It will be once this headache goes away and I can take a nap in homeroom.” She lifted the glasses from her face and peered at me. “You seem pretty chipper this morning. What happened? Get laid last night?”

I dropped open my jaw and made a sound like I was totally insulted. Then I closed my mouth, straightened my shoulders, and looked straight ahead through the windshield.

“I did not. But if you really must pry into the state of my personal affairs …” I turned to look at her, grinning like a moron. “Lee’s got a fracking magical tongue.”

Her brows shot up. “Magical? How magical? Are we talking, ‘earth-shattering’ or ‘mind-blowing’?”

“I had a damned religious experience, girl.”

She cackled and reached over to squeeze my knee. “Alright, girl. Get you some. We’re going to have to start calling him Taylor the Tongue.”

“No, we aren’t. Bad enough everyone knows we’re dating now. I don’t want everyone to think that I’m some kind of slut.”

“Pshaw,” she said. “First of all, no one would say that about you. .Literally nobody. Second, you can’t be a slut if you just lay there and take a tongue bath. That’s like super woman shit right there. Hell, it took months of blow jobs before I convinced Chad to give me some head. He still isn’t any good at it.”

“Maybe I’ll tell Lee to give him some pointers.”

“Please,” she said, grinning. “My puss would be eternally grateful.”

We pulled into the Benson High parking lot, gliding to stop in an empty spot a few spaces down from Lee’s Mustang. I killed the engine and turned to her.

“Seriously, though. Please don’t say anything. I mean, Lee’s going to know I told you. Since we, like, share everything. But don’t call him out on it. I don’t want him getting all weird and stuff.”

“I promise,” she said, making the same crossed heart gesture I’d used with my mom. “Lee’s cunnilingus skills will be our secret.”

“Thanks,” I said, opening the door and climbing out of the Jeep.

I closed the door, and had just walked around the front to the sidewalk when the world went Bizzaro.

A wave of nausea slammed into me, shoving the air out of my lungs. At the same time, everything around me twisted and bent, like looking through some type of distortion lens. The sounds of the busy school parking lot went muted. Distant. I staggered, nearly losing my balance. My inner ear feeling like I was in a centrifuge turned on the highest setting.

Then, it abruptly ceased and everything was completely normal again. I turned around, staring at everything in sight. Nothing seemed to be out of place. Everything appeared to be exactly as it had been a moment before.

Sarah, who obviously didn’t suffer from the same event, just arched a brow at me.

“What are you looking for?”

Right then, my phone began to ring. I ignored Sarah’s question to dig the device out of my bag and look at the caller ID.


I went to answer his call when the screen changed. Now I had two incoming calls.

The second caller was Tabitha.

A cold chill formed in my gut. What were the odds of those two calling me at the same time? Before I could get even begin to formulate an answer. A third caller attempted to reach me.


There was only one reason, one thing in the whole world, which would make the three of them try to reach me at the same time: Reality had been changed.

Someone, somewhere, had made a wish.

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