Real Life, not only the stories we write

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Most everyone of us understands the hate generated toward others because they are different and don't conform to society or an individual's rules. If one hasn't run into that person who would kill you in a heartbeat because you aren't what they demand all females and possibly many males must be to live in their world; you aren't trans, gay, lesbian, or you fit the kind of model who blends in real well to the norm. Protecting one's self or receiving protection from those who are supposedly protecting those who can't isn't always possible. I'm one of those who looks to deflect problems before they start. But then I'm in a state where I can. At times that weapon on my hip is exposed for a reason. Several months back a man drove across the parking lot to stop beside my car when I did. The first thing his eyes focused on was what was on my hip. It was covered by my jacket when I left Walmart. I pulled my jacket back when I saw him coming. The only sentence out of his mouth. "What caliber is it?" When I told him he drove on. I refuse to become a victim. Sadly most don't have the option of protecting themselves. Those who never grew up carrying daddy's guns fear guns or don't know how to use one. Those in government want to disarm everyone. I'm not going into a dissertation on why. Liberals were screaming Oklahoma would become one giant OK Corral when open carry and no license was needed, passed into law. The Second Amendment is everyone's right, not just those in gov. decide who is. Funny, crime started dropping as the rise in criminals getting shot or losing their lives began rising.

Sadly, Gabriel didn't have the chance to protect himself. Nor did the mechanisms set in place by government protect him. Too many times I have read stories where unprotected citizens report threats and abuse and the same system which has prevented them from protecting themselves, failed them when it was supposed to do that.

Strongly suggest you do NOT read any further. It's a horror story gone truly wrong. There is a story on BCTS with almost the same horror story. A little boy tortured and punished by his parents when all he wanted was their love. That story had a different outcome. The little boy was saved by the policeman and the K9 who found him hiding in the bottom of the couch.

Hatami called Aguirre an “evil” man who “liked torturing” the boy and did so systematically in the months leading up to the child’s death. Aguirre hated Gabriel because he thought the boy was gay, according to the prosecutor.

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