Hey everyone,
Just a quick note here to let you all know that I probably won't be posting much of anything this week, if indeed anything at all. The last week and a half has been pretty rough. My PTSD, anxiety, and depression have been in high gear and playing around with my head and heart like a soccer ball, and I haven't been sleeping due to the insomnia and nightmares. This was making it hard enough to focus on writing anything, but now I've caught a cold and it's making it impossible to get anything done.
So I'm probably just going to spend the rest of the week mostly in bed trying to catch up on sleep and get some proper rest until I can think clearly again. As a result Apocalypse Dawn probablt won't be finished before the end of the Reluctant Princess contest, but it frees me up to make it a longer story and I may add it, and another reluctant princess story that I'd like to finish, to my weekly story rotation once I'm feeling better. Now that Twice Removed and Syryn's Song are finished I can add a story or two to my shcedule, so it works out. Sorry about this, but I really need to rest and recharge my batteries.
*big hugs to you all*
the stories will come when they do
but your health comes first. Huggles.
We can wait while you heal
You have us hooked anyway, so we’re not going anywhere. Please take care of yourself and give yourself the time you need. You give a lot of people a lot of joy, I hope some comes your way soon, even if you’re down with a cold.
Your getting better is
vastly more important. Don't overwork yourself and recover.
Thanks everyone
I'm still feeling miserable and horrible, but I'm trying to get some good rest in and hopefully I'll bounce back soon.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Feel better soon
And know that the community here will be waiting here with well wishes for you until your return.