Just a little exercise, to see who all is in the neighborhood.
He had commuted, South, some fifty miles to where he worked, for an employer on razor’s edge. As manufactures with Asian names took over their lead, for he and his compatriots were no longer a need. No longer making the daily drive, his car and insurance took a dive. His ride disappeared one night, bumping on the back of a larger stead of might.
Now conveyed by mass transportation, he roamed the City and it neighboring environs, for a new vocation. From the East near where a museum spread it’s wings, to the West the Fox played far from life giving springs. He spent his days looking for a craft that he too could play.
On this morning he rode on a route numbered 28 or was it 85, never mind, he went West was along planks on Water towns road. Next he visited a Hawk’s Nursery, but as the season was gone, not needed would be he. Walking to the East he counted down, to one eighteen, now what had he found? To his right a place of mysticism appeared. It is unknown if this place has power, but as his eyes arose, so did a mist, and within the mist he disappeared. Down on the Boarder she gets ready, guarantied nights of employment have now appeared.
Milwaukee, WI
I had some fun looking around on Google Maps and found the Hawk's Nursery in WI and that led to finding Watertown Plank Road and 118th Street. Probably not far from a train station. Must be the place.
It's south and west about a mile for our police station
Hawk's Nursery that is. On the Border is a strip club on the extreme southern Milwaukee County boarder a good fifteen or more miles from me in East Town of Wauwatosa.
Hawks is an excellent nursery and we often get vegetables and herbs there Steins Gardens and Gifts doesn’t have. They are a major landscape firm in the metro area.
Find the Rosebud Theater and you are less than two blocks from me. Just look for the house with the streetlight and the elm tree in front, oh yeah they were cut down or removed thirty years ago. I'm straght east of Nayfair Mall roughtly three miles if that helps.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Um, that's Mayfair Mall.
The Fox, as in the Fox/Illinois NOT the Wolf/Fox that enters the Great lakes at Green Bay is west of me in Waukesha. The hwy you refer to is likely the one though Johnson Creek and Fort Atkinson. The various Plank Roads in Wisconsin were that, roads made out of boards, when we had so many trees we thought they would never run out.
John in Wauwatosa
And the answer is !!!
Motorola is in Libertyville, IL, is about fifty miles south of Wauwatosa Wisconsin. Their innovative cell phone design, the Razor was soon copied world wide almost causing a collapse of the company due to unrealized recovery of development expenses.
Milwaukee Art Museum's Calatrava addition, with it's wings that move with the changing light of day, or is it heat?
Hawks Nursery in Wauwatosa, and the Watertown Plank Road
The Fox river that winds its way through S/E Wisconsin, and North Eastern Illinois to drain at last to the Gulf of Mexico via the Illinois river and the Mississippi. The river is a major feature of the City of Waukesha.
On the corner of 118th Street and Watertown Plank Road in Wawautosa is the the Morris Pratt Institute which is the primary educational facility serving the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. It dates to the 1890s.
on the corner, and along this stretch of road are stops for bus routes 28 and 85, Sad to say we no longer have the great interurban trains that this region was once known for.
On The Boarder is a gentleman's club on the boarder between Milwaukee County and Racine County at 10741 S. 27th St, in Franklin WI. just south of Milwaukee.
As for why this little bit of story? well I had been reading Weird Wisconsin, and came across the Pratt Institute. When I noted that it is now located in Wawautosa, well John came to mind and I drove over to take a look, from the outside, who would know.
Congratulations Lisa, twenty years ago this would have been a tough one to answer. I am glad you enjoyed it.
John, I knew you would get it, with the nursery, two other fine nurseries are Miaeger's and Wayne's Daughters both here in Racine County.
Dreammaker, If
This is the beginning of a story, try making this the title page or adding to this chapter.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I caught this under Random Solos. As to all the hints tags and locations I've heard of them
on radio (WKLH), TV (cable- Time Warner) Newspaper (Milwaukee Journal Setinal, Waukesha
welcome to the neighborhood