My carelessness has killed ANOTHER dog, I'm tired. The only true thing that kept me alive the last time is the current dog who is dying in the corner. He was my last hold to a life I no longer have and the with him hours from death himself, I don't really have anything more I want to do. I did this too. I knew the warning signs from the last tragedy and I carelessly ignored them all and got myself into the SAME situation again.I'm a HORRIBLE person.
I'm tired of trying.
Big Loving Hug...!
Hope you won't do something drastic...
I know you are tired of all this...
That noting seem to have any bits of positive...
Please hang on!!!
Big Big Loving and Caring Hugs tmf
Unfortunately, being human means may things......
Among them is having a life span which is generally longer than most other animals, including pets. This means that during our lifetimes, most of us will outlive at least one pet - if not more.
One of the other things being human means is that most of us have empathy and the capacity to love (although I have serious doubts about Trump), which is one of our more endearing traits. The unfortunate part of this is that it means we will become emotionally invested in a relationship, only to have it end in tragedy, which will then cause pain and suffering for the surviving partner in the relationship.
You are only human Hon - and obviously a good person based on your relationship and how you feel. Take comfort in that knowledge, and in the memories you have. Memories of the love you shared with your four-legged friend, and memories of the good times you had together.
It is the natural order that you will outlive your beloved pet and no fault of yours. Yes, grieve, but do not blame yourself for the fact that God, or Mother Nature, or whoever, created us with a longer life span. It is our curse in life to watch our friends grow old and pass on, all while leaving us behind to cope with the anguish.
Rather, relish the time you did have and revel in the love you shared.
Take care Hon, and know that there are those here who will always be there for you.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Loving and loosing pets
So far in my life I have outlived 23 pets. Accidents, disappearances, illness, and 3 old age. We have 3 pets now and a couple of them may outlive us. I believe God places these shorter lives around us to teach us the lion king lesson: All life is cyclic and all life has an end. (And each life is unique.) The pain of losing a beloved pet is survivable. Grieve but heal, please. You are also unique.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
Unfortunately Death is a part
Unfortunately Death is a part of the life we live,
On 12 December 2019 I was forced to have one of my Dogs put to sleep due to illness.
Badger was Great Pal always at my side so it was a great loss, she is always in my thoughts and occasionally I believe she still pops in to check on me as every once in a while i catch a glimpse of a black shadow with her white patches.
I know that Georgia my other dog misses her, but life goes on
Anyway here's a poem called "The Rainbow Bridge"
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Please don't
Please, don't do anything to harm yourself. I know well that helpless feeling, that little voice in the back of your head that tells you these things. Don't listen to it. The fact that people are commenting tells you they care. Don't throw your life away, the hopelessness will fade.
You need to talk to someone, please give these folks a call:
Have a delightfully devious day,
Thank You :)
I feel hollow right now but I'm ok, I don't want to kill myself. I went to a bad place last night, watching my dog slowly die. He passed away early this morning and I'm heartbroken. I had him for eleven years and its going to take a while to process his loss.
Sorry hear about the passing
Sorry hear about the passing of your furry friend. They are like family, and when they leave us, it leaves you feeling just as devastated,
I know it's not something you'll probably want to do right away, but please consider adopting another pet when your heart has mended a enough to let another in, there are so many out there without homes. A new dog can never replace your old friend, but they can help you fill the whole in your heart.
I am gratified to learn that you're in a better emotional state.
Have a delightfully devious day,
very sorry
I'm so sorry for your loss. there are people here who care about you. hugs.
So very sorry ...
So very sorry.
When the time comes, our Companions will have to cross the "Rainbow Bridge".
And it's so very hard when they have to leave us...
If we are 'lucky' they will be able "tell" us when they are ready to go. (A friends dog snapped at her, from the pain; my kitty went up 16 steps to hide in her safe place...)
If we are really lucky, we will be able to help them Cross, instead of trying to keep them longer than they want to stay, or can stay.
Helping our Companions cross Rainbow Bridge is among the hardest things we will ever have to do.
= = =
May all beings be well, may all beings be happy, may all beings be loved, may all beings have the conditions for health, happiness and love, both in this world, and in the Next World.
So sorry to hear of the crossing over of you canine friend.
Hugs, and...
My first cat died at a time when I was dead broke and about to lose my home. Gojira was an amazing cat. She was my baby and my best friend and as loyal and loving as any dog. Wherever I was she was right there, for ten years. And she looked just like the BCTS hatbox kitty, which I thought was cool.
It was winter in the Sierra, I didn't even have food and they'd shut my power off. I knew a vet was out of the question, but I was haunted by the fact that I hadn't quite kept up with her shots and such (Hey, I don't take very good care of myself either, I told myself) and I really did feel like a HORRIBLE person and a murderer as I watched her slowly and painfully die.
When I was burying her in the backyard crying my eyes out someone from the county showed up because a neighbor was concerned that I was suicidal and clearly wasn't taking care of myself, and I wound up under a 72 hour psychiatric hold. I decided I really needed to start addressing my gender shit and I started doing better after that.
Two years later I got an older cat who needed a home, the owner couldn't keep her when they moved, and it was either me or the shelter for her, so then I had Kiki. This time I tried to do everything right regarding her health. But she caught distemper or something on New Years Eve and the local vets weren't open. It was a horrible replay of the first time and I felt absolutely helpless, although she was old when I got her so I didn't feel quite as guilty or culpable or quite as much like the degenerate evil negligent mom of the century.
I wish I could have another pet again but I can't, so now I just visit with my neighbor's dogs, and they're my absolute best real life friends right now and we roll around wrassling in the dirt and it's good. While humans often baffle me and I wind up saying the wrong thing without meaning too, these are friendships I can understand. Dogs are straightforward and you know what they're feeling without weird layers of intentions you have to decipher...
When the only beings who actually NEED you or seem glad when they see you die, it's almost like your reason to exist is dying with them. I'm lousy with giving advice or pep talks, it sounds fake and presumptuous coming out of my mouth when I try, but I can honestly + painfully relate to what you went through + I hope you can hang on. There's people here at BCTS who value your presence here + would miss you if you didn't, myself included. Maybe that's not much, but I'm not some wise person who knows the answers to life + that's all I got.
Love, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Greeting A New Dawn
I hope the fact you're reading this means you've managed to greet a new dawn.
This is a season of great loss for far too many people. Sickness, death, not just for ourselves, but for loved ones, friends, family, and the family or coworkers of friends. As a reward, or punishment, for this loss, we're tasked with continuing to live, to live with loss, with guilt, with self-remonstrations. It's always been this way, just not as apparent, especially for our easily-distracted generation. The fact is, we're always guilty, of something. It's the cost of living. Perfection is not our lot.
Yet, we get up every day and find some new things to experience, some new feelings to feel, some small way to grow a little bit, maybe a little bit of good we can do for someone else. Have breakfast and a hot beverage. Forgive yourself for five minutes. Then, find someone worse off than you whose pain you can ease, at least for a moment, by reaching out.