Need some really good vibes right now...

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I had a relatively ok start to today but then something happened, which I'm not going to go into, which left me feeling off and unsettled that lead to the coup de grace as it were and now I feel like the world is coming down on me and I feel like I'm not worth it.

I normally wouldn't bring this up but right now, I really need to hear a friendly word or two.


virtually hugging you from here

Sitting here idly reading this and that and thinking about how not to say "stupid" things like "if life gives you lemons... " such words just doesnt always cut it and i wish i could be there to lend a shoulder to cry sounds like you need one.. all i can do is hope you find yourself in sunshine and better times tomorrow and send you the best virtual hugs i can.


Bouncy of Denmark

Very much appreciated

Those virtual hugs were very much needed, thank you. Sorry for not responding last night, I was just very tired.

Again, thank you.

Gentle Hugs...

tmf's picture

Big Caring Hugs...

Love tmf

Peace Love Freedom Happiness


Thank you for helping out a stranger.

Thank you Dorothy

I can always count on you for a friendly comment. And thanks for reading my stories.

May all beings ...

May all beings be happy, may all beings be at peace, may all beings be well, may all beings be loved. May all beings have the conditions for happiness, peace, health and love - starting with you.
(My adaptation from the Metta Sutta.)

Thank you everyone

The ending of my day today was leagues better than how it ended yesterday. Again, thank you to all who left comments and well wishes. It was a great help and gave me what I needed to start a better day. I hope things have started better for everyone else as well, especially if they needed it too.