I started thinking about this around Easter but can't find it.
I seem to remember a Whatley story about a woman who becomes a devisor and becomes insanely angry at her boyfriend, in her madness creating a raygun that zaps him, turning him into a bunny girl. I believe the bunny then comes into her own mutant powers? I'm not sure if this was a one-off or if there were several stories about the bunny girl.
Any guidance appreciated! Thank you!
Only canon bunny...
I can think of is Bunny Cormick, her code name is "bugs" She's a devisor/gadgeteer that's big into having all her creations looks like eggs. although she has no bunny features, but does wear her hair in pig tails so they resemble bunny ears.
It's quite possible this story you're trying to remember is a fanfic as some of those are as good (in some cases better) than the canon stories, but good luck locating it on their new website.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Down the Rabbit Hole
Non sum qualis eram
That's it!
Thank you!
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