Reluctant Princess Story Challenge...

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Reluctant Princess Story Challenge

Since we just finished a story challenge and had some good offerings from it, I'm considering making a new challenge.

I've got more story ideas than I will ever get around to writing, so I'm thinking of inviting other writers to try, if they like, some of the ideas in my story file.

I went through the file and found six or ten ideas with a common theme: Reluctant Princesses.

There would be two divisions to this challenge, one for stories based on my story kernels and one for stories not based on my ideas but following the theme.

Is anyone interested in this?


Image by simona molino from Pixabay


Reluctant Princess, Ugly Prince

BarbieLee's picture

King Estrode promised his beautiful daughter, the Princess Evangel, to be married to King Widdiddle's son Prince Muffed. As both kings were getting long in years and few in teeth, it was a marriage made in Heaven. However there was a wee problems. Prince Muffed had the face of a pig, almost quite literally, he was truly the ugliest human the unbelievably beautiful Princess Evangel, or anyone else, had ever seen. His eyes were crossed, his body odor preceded him for hundreds of meters where ever he went. His bulbous nose, covering half his face, was big enough for four people to breathe through. The Prince's looks the Princess could ignore, as no one had a choice in how they looked. It was his hygiene she wasn't going to tolerate. The idea she would need to sleep next to the Prince rolled her stomach.
The day of the wedding between the Prince and the Princess which would joined two tiny kingdoms, the Princess couldn't be found. The previous day she had swiped a servant's dress and robe from the castle's clothing stores and left with the servants who went to the outlying barns to tend to livestock and milk the cows and goats. At the barn she took a couple horses out to exercise them in the fields. Only she never turned back.
When the princess couldn't be found Kind Widdiddle was furious. He had spent the kingdoms entire treasury, one hundred and one gold crowns, nine silvers, and twelve coppers, on the wedding feast. He had been made a fool. The embarrassment needed a response. He would lay siege against King Estrode's castle. The fact he didn't' have any knights wasn't a problem. He gathered a half dozen peasants and knighted them. Mounted them on two draft horses, three cows, and one donkey, armed with wooden swords.
In his haste to field his knights Kind Widdiddle didn't examine his conscripts too closely. One was an old woman, another a nine year old girl, two "very old" men, one young man with a wooden leg. One seven year old boy who had been frolicking in the hay with the nine year old girl when he was called to duty.
The Princess in her hast to escape failed in her disguise in many ways. Obviously she wasn't an experienced escape artist. Her beautiful sheepskin boots were only worn by the princess. The tiara she forgot to remove might have been a little bit too obvious she was the Princess. Might have been the golden bejeweled necklace or the golden jeweled bracelets along with the jeweled rings she forgot to remove? All the servants and peasants acted like she was one of them. Even helping her saddle a horse to take out to "graze in the field". Although no one ever put a saddle on any of the horses just to take them out to graze.
Fate must have been smiling favorably on the young peasant girl as she rode away from her father's castle and into the forest. A young handsome knight was headed to the castle on the same road. As he saw the peasant girl he knew he had lost his heart to this fair maiden. Turning his steed when he got even with her he rode beside her headed the same direction.
"Young maiden, where for art thou, headest for not ye should traps these dangerous greens alone."

"I am but a simple peasant out to seeketh toadstools for a king." She smiled at the young knight.

"Forest a king? Then it behooves me to guide ye fair maiden for I knowest where the mostest toadstools sprout in this forest." The young knight led the fair maiden on and on until they came to an abandoned hoovel in dire need of help. There he annotated himself king and the fair maiden as his wife. The reluctant Princess found true love with her handsome knight-King, and they lived happily ever after. And then some.

This is a true story told to me by my great grandmother who was told by her grategrandmother and her gratgrandmother whose mother happened to the the Reluctant Princess.

If you want my autograph, it'll cost you a dollar.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Don't deny it!

This is your own true story about how you wound up in Oklahoma. You may try to pretend it's fiction and a fairy tale (by claiming it true and about a distant foremother)but I suspect every single word is about you and absolutely true (except that no self-respecting nine year old girl would frolick with a seven old boy, that is fiction).

"(except that no self

Daphne Xu's picture

"(except that no self-respecting nine year old girl would frolick with a seven old boy, that is fiction)" -- Are you sure about that?

-- Daphne Xu

I love challenges like this

But I don't have the time I wish I had to work on the stories I have in the loop now, which is the reason I bowed out of the last contest :(

So I encourage everyone else to give it a go!

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


Melanie Brown's picture

I'm not sure if I can write a reluctant story.


erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I'm having

Andrea Lena's picture

a Maalox moment myself


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Page of Wands's picture

So I'm already like 26k words into a story that could definitely be considered "reluctant princess". I've also been working on it for several years at this point, so I'm unlikely to finish it in time for any contest. Still amusing, though.


Andrea Lena's picture

Kud ye be a wee bit more specific?


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


erin's picture

If I go ahead with this, I'll be posting the story kernels I came up with. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Could be fun

Amethyst's picture

I'm not really one to write princess stories, but perhaps I'll give it a whirl. At any rate it'll be interesting to see the stories that come out of it.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Lost Queen

Well Elsbeth’s story would fit but it will never be finished before the contest is ended of course.

Princess? Ya sure you betcha!

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

Yes, count me in! Who doesn't love a princess? Especially a Six-Gun Princess or a Princess/Ballerina/Astronaut/Vetrinarian or a Princess Pope!

Oh sorry! I just re-read the initial proposition. So, a Reluctant Six-Gun Princess or a Reluctant Princess/Ballerina/Astronaut/Vetrinarian or a Reluctant Princess Pirate Pope from Panama!

Seriously, though, let's see if we can pop those kernels.

- io


I am up for a challenge!
How does this work? Do I just write a Princess Story and post it referencing the contest?


erin's picture

I'll try to have rules and a tag for stories entered in the challenge, soon. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

My effort

Andrea Lena's picture

a non-entry which I hope at least brought a smile to everybody? In reality, I don't think at this stage of my life that I could ever be reluctant about being a princess. :)


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena