Well, luckily, I don’t really have a fever - just a case of cabin fever, so to speak.
So both of my sons have been through a two or three day cycle of low grade fever - around 100.3F for both of them. But both are back to normal now, and feeling better. The youngest, who started first is doing really well. His brother, my oldest, is about two days behind him and says he is still feeling a little run down.
My wife has been complaining for the past several days that she doesn’t feel good; headaches and general lethargy for the most part. Well, she just took her temp and is now at 100F.
As for me, no symptoms and no fever. As usual, I am the one who doesn’t get sick and ends up dealing with everyone else, taking care of them all, and cleaning the house to keep from being bored. We are stuck in here for at least another seven days from when they started having symptoms.
Oh, and here’s the best part. The Department of Public Health keeps calling every day to speak with my wife, who has given them daily details on all four of us. They told us that we would be released 14 days after she was exposed, which should have been midnight tonight. So today, the supervisor calls her and she goes through it all again - at which point the stupid bitch yells at her because she hasn’t told them anything. My wife explained to her - a lot more politely than I would have - that she has been telling the girl that called every single day. Apparently whoever they had calling us never wrote anything down, nor did she bother speaking with anyone other than my wife. Apparently, she was supposed to be speaking with everyone in the house separately. Somebodies in trouble!
Please save me! Give me something good to read!
So, eleven days and counting........
I haven’t killed anyone yet, but damn if it isn’t getting close.
huggles, hon
you can make it!
I was so stir crazy tonight........
That at 9:30 I pulled everything out of my living room, scrubbed it all down, and put everything back. Hell, I even lemon oiled all the woodwork as well as the furniture.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Some things to do
Portia Bennet's https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/18023/cynthia-chronicles was one of the authors who lured me over to BCTS
I wrote this up a week or two ago, Very general, but I hope you find some items worthwhile.
Things to do when you need to stay home (that’s just about everybody):
- Play “castle siege” The attacking army, led by King Corona, is at your gate, and must be kept out.
- Dig through closet for ‘old’ games and toys, play cards with real cards,
- get better at cooking,
- see if your Library (including schools, community college or university) has downloadable or streaming content (i e. e-books),
- on-line movies,
- YouTube songs and videos,
- talk with friends via phone or Internet,
- collect and write down family stories (e.g. “When I was a child”, or “Granma & Granpa told me …”),
- do and teach arts and crafts,
- creative writing,
- “camp out” in the living room telling ‘camp-fire’ stories sitting around a cozy flashlight,
- learn meditation,
- label, sort, scan-to-disk/CD if you have equipment, and tell about family photos,
- find and take free on-line courses
- (now that it is a bit late), www.Ready.gov for disaster preparedness
Quarantine Fever
Play two games of scrabble and call your zen master in the morning?
That one made me smile.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Do some math and physics calculations.
-- Daphne Xu
I’m an engineer Hon........
That’s what I do for work.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Oops, sorry.
Oops, sorry.
-- Daphne Xu
No problem......
Even though the company is essentially shut down temporarily, I am still working out of the house - but there is only so much that can be done. I do have a few projects that I have been working on, not to mention daily conference calls. Plus communicating with all of my staff and employees to keep everyone in the loop as to what is happening, not to mention checking up on them all. I might be mothering them a little too much, but I think most of them appreciate the fact that I have been texting and calling periodically. It helps with the uncertainty and hopefully helps to reassure everyone.
Just a little lesson from the service.
Either way, there is just so much that you can do during the temporary closure. Definitely not enough to fill the day.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Sometimes I get obsessed with physics or math calculations, and do them when I should be doing other things. (I know far more about Bessel functions now, than I ever did in graduate school.)
-- Daphne Xu
Watching MSNBC?
Oh well... it could be worse if your TV was stuck on Fox News.
Surely, there are other channels to watch?
I can't remember the last time I watched the TV news. I listen to the Radio in the morning for an hour and that is about it.
Now, I'm going to cut up a load of logs for burning next winter. That will keep me busy for the rest of the day.
Stay safe,
I tend to be a bit of a news junky......
Plus, in my line of work, we have been tracking the Coronavirus progress since last December. I guess that habit will be hard to break, lol.
I have sat and watched a few movies with one of my sons, as well as my spouse - but when everyone else is sick it isn’t easy to get together and do that. We also have spent some time playing cards, a few trivia games, and I am trying to get everyone up for some Scrabble - but try spending 12 days stuck inside and see how long that lasts, lol. Especially since I don’t sleep much; I am lucky to get four hours per day before I am wide awake.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Do you have any crafting
Do you have any crafting hobbies? I've found that beading, leatherwork, crochet/knitting, and woodworking, can be made to stretch time enormously.
Right now, I'm spending too much time on the road, making sure that my customers can connect to their offices (and that their offices stay reachable). So my hobbies, lately, are just packing for a move soon, and customers. *eyeroll*
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Most of my hobbies require me to be outside, which is not an option at this time.
As someone who normally travels every week, and now is stuck inside the house, I am truly going stir crazy.
I am working, but unfortunately my current employer is not really set up for people to work outside of their network. This is to a great extent due to security concerns as their is a constant worry of the company getting hacked for credit card data - but it makes it very difficult to do many things remotely.
To make life interesting, we were in the midst of our annual audit from our bank when this whole thing went down, and the auditors (who I might add are all working from their homes) are getting pissed off at us because we can’t provide them with requested records, records which are only kept in hard copy at THEIR requirement. They sit at home, and get nasty because our offices are closed by order of the state Governor, and no one is available to pull the records and send them to the auditor.
To add to this, there are currently only a very limited number of people still on the payroll of which I am one. The vast majority of our employees have been furloughed and were given three weeks of pay by our ownership. That three weeks runs out on Friday, at which time they go on Unemployment Compensation; this was done due to the fact that many of them will get more through UC than on payroll due to the recently passed bill. Additionally, as our payroll runs about $4.5 million per week, it will put us in a better financial position when we restart operations to not spend anymore of our cash reserves than we have to.
To add insult to injury, the records which the auditors are looking for are in my office in Reading, PA, and I am quarantined in Southern Saratoga County, NY - some 280 miles north of my office.
Hopefully, we are in a better position than many of our competitors at least.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
auditors work for you
or at least your board of directors. If they are being unreasonable make it clear that they may lose the contract before the next auditing cycle.
It's the BANK's auditors.
It's the BANK's auditors. Not their auditors.
Now, what _I'd_ do is put in a call to the quarantining authority and let them know that the bank in question is trying to force you to breach 'stay at home'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.