Any Australian readers might be interested in a four-part tv program on ABC Me, yes that's the children's channel, at 4.30pm, Monday 30th March through to Thursday 2nd April in 30 minute episodes. It's about a young trans girl starting high school and doing her best to fit it and not stand out. Despite being told the school is inclusive, she had to use the sick room toilets since parents of other girls mightn't like her using the girls' ones. I'm guessing that might be just one of her problems. The lead character is played by a transgender girl. I imagine that the purpose of the program is to help other young people understand and accept transgender students. I think there are quite a few more than there used to be. I will be interested to hear if anyone sees it and their review of it.
More information?
Perhaps I've not understood. I found ABC Me and it appears to have a number of stories on it. Is there a particular Title for that particular program? Perhaps I need to wait until Monday?
BBC attempted to run something similar but sometimes the cut out American viewers. I've even attempted to subscribe to BBC but no joy.
I think the program name is first day
it does sound good. I'd like to watch
First Day is the name of the program
Some of their work done with transgender can be found on Youtube. Hopefully this one will too in time.
Nothing to do with the Australian show but thought I'd toss this in here for thought
JEANETTE JENNINGS ON JAZZ: 'I decided I'd rather have a living daughter than a dead son'
hugs people
Life is a gift. Treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl