Is the Ratio of Readers to Authors Unbalanced?

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We might be living in the Golden Age of Authors on BC.

But - do we have enough readers?

And - what percentage of readers are total takers, downloading the stories with no intent of ever commenting or leaving a kudos?

There has NEVER been a high correlation between the number of kudos and comments and the quality of a story. That said. . .there have been some mighty fine stories posted lately that have gone relatively unnoticed. And - it seems to me the number of hits for stories seems to have gone down lately as well.

A lot of authors write mainly for personal satisfaction, which is as it should be. But - even the most introverted author needs feedback to keep an active imagined reader in her mind when writing -- to know what needs to be communicated and how.

Authors and readers are symbiotic. You can't have one without the other. Do we actively seek new readers? Do people have ideas how that can be done?

I'm elderly. A lot of readers and writers here are elderly. Are we attracting new younger readers and writers?


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