Midnight toast

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When I've fallen asleep in the early evening because I'm ill, I usually wake around midnight and what I want is some toast.

Midnight Toast

This is how I made my toast:

A thick slice of square, organic sourdough which I spread lightly with brown mustard.

A scallion (green onion), chopped as fine as I cared to and distributed on the bread.

Another thick slice, this one of Tillamook jalapeño jack, broken in two diagonally and placed so that it covers all of the scallion and most of the bread.

A few slices of good-and-sour dill pickles, drained on a napkin (both sides) then chopped like the scallion and distributed on top of the cheese.

A judicious few shakes of some really good smoked paprika on top of everything.

Toast in the oven till the edges of the bread are as dark as you like, the cheese is bubbly and beginning to brown, and the pickles look toasted, too.

Next time, I might put some crumbly bacon or slices of hard-boiled egg under the cheese.

Serve with your favorite late-night drink and a snack-sized bag of sea salt and vinegar potato chips. Follow up with a bit of chocolate or a cookie. Enjoy.




You sure that does not contravene the SALT agreements ?

No, that one has beans

erin's picture

Use rye bread, spread liberally with mustard. Chop a slice of brown onion for the underlayer, top with pork and beans, as thin as you can. Some narrow strips of Emmenthaler cheese. Add hard-boiled egg slices and some drained sweet relish. Black pepper on top. Toast.

Serve with thick-cut Hawaiian-style Maui onion potato chips and your favorite beer. Pineapple sherbert for afters.

Now there's your treaty violation. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Great recepie.

although I'd drop the pickles and replace the smoked paprika with lots of Worcestershire Sauce or even a bit of Louisiana 'Pepper Sauce'.

My first choice midnight snack is a Cheese Toastie (Wholemeal Bread, Grated mature Cheddar Cheese) with a slice of pickled beetroot in the middle. Two minutes under the grill and the cheese melts but the beetroot remains crunchy.
{I planted two rows of Beetroot seed less than an hour ago!)



erin's picture

Pickled beetroot can be used instead of pickles in lots of ways. Try it on a cheeseburger or as the crunch in an egg salad sandwich. Be sure to drain it so everything doesn't turn purple. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

pickled beet

mountaindrake's picture

All the pickled beets I have seen and tasted looked like 2 to 3 inch log sawed into quarter inch thick slices and tasted like they were soaked in the vilest most putrid vinegar they could find and dyed a maroon red color. beets should be canned or frozen they have a very good sweet and some what earthy flavor if boiled or steamed from raw.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

Beetroot needs some care

Like Parsnips, if left in the ground it gets very woody. I grow my own and pick them early and well before it gets to the woody state. Even better, is to plant them with your salad veg and pick the leaves.
There are some great new varieties of beetroot on the market at least here in the UK now. I planted two rows of beets today. I'll plant some more in a few weeks. As for pickling you need the right sort of Vinegar and spices for it to work well.

Roast beetroot (about 3-4 in diameter) as part of tomorrows lunch. (with tatties and snips)

snips and snaps

mountaindrake's picture

As in parsnips and snap peas the also known as snow peas.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

You may use

You may use fresh pressed apple juice instead of vinegar.

Love, you are NOT human!

BarbieLee's picture

That is not an Arkansas snack. I'm not sure what it is? Not from earth for sure. Made my eyes water just reading about it. Remind me to not go out with you on All Hallows Eve.
If that wasn't bad enough several of the girls offered up their own quick poison. I can only believe these concoctions of culinary death are a joke. There is no way anything living would eat those sandwiches.
The idea of nutrition is for health, energy, to kill the bugs not the host.
hugs hon
Anyone else wants to PM me their own recipe of the poison from Hell..., don't. I refuse to believe anyone (sane) would put that in their mouth.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Pepper Jack????

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

From the description of the sandwich I'd have expected that it was a pregnant woman's meal.

But really, Pepper Jack is and abomination. I'm sure there's a special place in purgatory for the inventor of that. Montaray Jack is a delicious, mild flavored cheese and that flavor is completely subverted by the addition of peppers.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Equating food preferences with morality is just silly

laika's picture

When it comes to cheeses the only real abomination is Kraft Foods. Their provalone has no pungency, their Swiss has no bite, I would rather put sand on my pizza than that stuff they pass off as Parmesan, and what they call "sharp cheddar" is a sad, sad joke. Tillamook sharp cheddar is the real deal, crumbling like fine Nepalese hashish when you try to slice it and making your nostrils stand up at attention at the first delicious bite.
~hugs, Laika

"De gustibus ain't what dey used to be." ~SJ Perlman

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Mmmmmmm pepper jack

The creamy smoothness of cheese with the tasty bite of little chunks of chilis soaking in. I especially like habanero jack. Mmmmmm. The bitey orange goodness diffusing out from those tiny chips of fire.

Arkansas snack

erin's picture

Take a large wedge of warm, crumbly cornbread, made with two eggs in the batter and only one spoon of sugar. Slice the wedge open and lay the two sides next to each other. Spread one side generously with fresh home-made butter, then drizzle the other with sorghum or molasses or honey. Karo or maple syrup will do if it's all you've got.

Cover one side with bread-and-butter pickles, nicely drained. On top of the pickles, add slices of good yellow onion. Top with the other side, wrap in wax paper and carry to the fields in a brown paper bag and store in the shade. An hour before lunch, move the bag to a sunny spot.

Eat your cush with lots of cold milk, buttermilk or water. If you get promoted or it's your birthday, add some ham, bacon or fatback to the cush that day. When tomatoes are ripe and sweet, use a tomato instead of the pickles. Black pepper is good with tomatoes. Or use hot red chiles on a hot day instead of pickles or as well, they'll make you sweat and cool you off.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

You did good with the first paragraph

BarbieLee's picture

Then we parted company. The cornbread slices need a large dollop of peanut butter on each slice. Add a cold glass of real milk. I could push on that the rest of the day whether loading hay or chopping cotton.
hugs girl

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Cush isn't my recipe

erin's picture

That was what a farmhand my Mom employed ate everyday back in 1943-45 near Little Rock. I think peanut butter was being rationed.

John was an older black man who would not come into Mom's house to eat with the family, so she moved the dining table out onto the porch where he felt more comfortable. He brought his cush everyday and would share it with Mom and O.P. (Mom's first husband who died of an asthmatic stroke in 1945) while they shared their meal of beans, garden vegetables and ham or fatback with him. Cold buttermilk to drink.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Fruit cake

mountaindrake's picture

Two slices of fruit cake toasted with butter.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

Midnight toast

And here I was expecting something like "to absent friends..."