Last Friday, a woman who works in the same building as my spouse decided to go into work with a fever of 103F. She stopped into my spouse’s office for a few minutes to use the postage meter, before returning to her desk in another part of the building. She was later sent home, and then tested by Public Health for Covid-19.
We found out about her being tested a few days ago.
On an unrelated note, the last of my employer’s retail stores were closed on Tuesday. We wrapped up all needed support operations by 5:00PM Thursday, at which time we closed down the distribution center, and I closed down my offices and operations as well. Then I jumped in the car and made the 4 1/2 hour drive north to my home. I will be working out of the house from now on, but the plan was to drive down to Reading, PA for a few days each week to spend time in our finance office which is the only office still open. We of course still have to process invoices and pay our bills.
Well that went out the window this morning when we found out that the stupid woman who decided to go into work while sick tested positive for Covid-19. So now the four of us (two of my sons who live with us included) are quarantined in our home until 3/31 - 14 days since my spouse was exposed. If no one develops symptoms, we will be free to go at that time.
The question is, can I stand 10 days cooped up in the house with my family without snapping and killing them all?
Ever see “The Shining” with Jack Nicholson? “Heeeeeerrrrrrrrre’s Johnny!”
I don't know
I seem to recall things didn't end well for Jack. Got the cold shoulder from his family, that and the rest of his body too, cold, very cold.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Keep us posted
You're gonna need a LOT of bandwidth. Good luck!
In containment
Well in france we are in containment for at least 15 days but experts says probably 45 are needed.
So good luck everyone.
Working with a fever
Unless she’s been living under a rock .... a classic Jean-Luc Picard facepalm moment.
I check myself everyday for any hint of a fever because I have a slight sore throat and I am grateful I am not sick. I went into a grocery store and it was ridiculously crowded considering the situation.
I am learning to gauge how crowded the parking lot as a proxy for how crowded a store is. I took a quick look and not finding what I wanted, left. I was not going to wait in line in such a crowd.
This is such a crazy time.
chain the kids up in the basement, tie the hubby up in the garage.
just need to set yourself reminder to feed and water the animals. ;)
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Don't you mean...
Lock Hubby up in the garage?
If that is his 'Man Cave' then he won't mind a bit...
I'm sure that there are dozens of jobs around the home and garden that he's been putting off 'because...' (as in busy, wanna watch the game, go shoot some pool with buddies, etc ,etc). Now there is no excuse for them not to be completed.
Then any astute woman would find lots more for the 'idle man' to do to keep out from under her feet while she supervises from afar with a cup of tea (or whatever) in your hand.
Te-he :) :) :)
We are definitely doing some spring cleaning......
While we’re stuck inside - I just wish it was warmer out so we could get out in the yard and take care of that as well, but unfortunately we are probably going to see snow on Monday.
Hopefully it will warm up enough to be able to at least open a few windows - I would love to be able to shampoo the carpets on top of everything else! But yeah, definitely pulling everything apart and scrubbing the house down!
If it warms up a lot, I will be the one in the bikini laying out in the sun, lol.
“Bring me a fresh Mimosa please Honey?”
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I never said it had to be
I never said it had to be something he hated. :p
Just something to keep him out of her hair as much as possible.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
At-home ideas
Dig through closet for ‘old’ games and toys, play cards with real cards, see if your Library (including schools, community college or university) has downloadable or streaming content (i e. e-books), on-line movies, YouTube songs and videos, talk with friends via phone or Internet, collect and write down family stories (e.g. “When I was a child”, or “Granma & Granpa told me …”), do and teach arts and crafts, creative writing, “camp out” in the living room telling ‘camp-fire’ stories sitting around a cozy flashlight, learn meditation ...
Thank God for movies and board games, lol.........
We have several hundred movies and series on blue ray that we will begin working our way through over the next nine (yeah, nine and counting!) days, some of which have not even been taken out of the wrapper yet. Looking forward to watching the entire “24” series all over again!
Last night we actually sat down and played Scrabble for the first time in years, and truly the whole family enjoyed it.
I feel sorry for my one son and his wife who live a few blocks from us though - they are having to be our gophers until we are released. My son ran out and visited the grocery store and the liquor store for us yesterday - left our supplies on the front porch, rang the doorbell, and then stood by his truck at the curb while I went to the door. It’s kind of surreal what we are going through, but, as the song says, I will survive.
Not sure about everyone else though...........
In the words of Bruce Banner, “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Your idiot co-worker
was likely busy spreading the COVID-19 virus even when she wasn't openly symptomatic. The problem is not just transmission of the virus from people who are obviously ill but from people who aren't openly symptomatic or have very mild cases and aren't aware of it.
Unfortunately there are many idiots out there like your co-worker. A retired neighbor couple of mine has one their children, a 30 something daughter- plus fiancee, living with them; despite the parents both being high risk due to age and health status, the "kids" are out visiting their friends every night, despite a statewide quarantine.