New Tale to Tell Chapter 20: Surf, Sand... & Shelby

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New Tale to Tell
Chapter 20
by Justin M.
Copyright © 2020 Justin M. All rights reserved.

The room is sated and quiet. Dimly lit by a new day peeking around the curtains, ‘PING’,... Shelby's phone goes off for the fifth time in as many minutes. She has texts waiting.


Chapter 20: Surf, Sand,... & Shelby

Shelby views the kiss on the dance floor as Jonathan intended; a shout to the world that Shelby is his girl and he wants the world to know it. Leaving the dance she feels as if floating on a cloud while ensuing drive to the beach renders her excitedly quiet in anticipation.

Moonlight illuminates the couple as they stroll hand in hand over the dunes. The day’s heat flows from the sand into their bare feet adding it’s warmth to the heat building between the would-be lovers.

Shelby finds this moment every bit as romantic as her fantasies. The tide has ebbed, the breeze blows gently. Between heavier swells, young waves lightly break against the shore. The moonlight is just enough for the couple to see the happiness, and the want as they revel in each other. First Jonathan, then Shelby stop for a passionate embrace or kiss. Rapidly the kissing escalates into subtle petting and ever increasing explorations. Before long they are prone upon the sand, a blanket under him, her body atop his. Their desire quickly shutting out any fear of being observed.

Clothing is loosened, skirts are raised. Shirt buttons popped. Jeans opened. Shelby can hold out no longer. Her breathless voice utters, “Please, Jonny. I have to have you, taste you.” she buries her mouth in his neck. His gasps, all the answer she needs. Shelby purposefully slides her body down his, her hands already working to free him from clothing that’s become too tight, too restricting. Her mouth tastes his chest, his abdomen. Her fingers grasp his manhood, her head lowers. His groan, a confirmation of his surrender to her. She owns him now. Minutes later his crescendo joins that of a crashing wave. Like the water washing over the sands, the event spreads throughout his body and leaves him gasping for breath, while his trembling fingers clutch the girl.

As his vision clears and the stars settle into focus, she hovers above him. Her face full of pride for the gaze of pure wonder and passion in his eyes, knowing she is the one who put it there. He pulls her to him and their mouths meet.

Jonathan's desire for the girl rises with the kiss and he rolls her body with his. Continuing to kiss her deeply, it’s his time to explore the curves and valleys of the woman lying beneath. His hands trace the length of her legs, up under her dress. The thin fabric of her panties yields as he slides them down. He can feel her raised hips tremble in anticipation as his hands glide over. He rises to his knees to slip the satin soft material down and off her legs. Looking down at her, exposed before him, he sees only the girl that means so much,... who is so very important to him. With another meaningful kiss he glides down her body tracing her every curve with light nips of his teeth. He takes particular enjoyment to plant moist kisses over her firm exposed belly. When he reaches the acme of her thighs she feels his heated breath. Eyes closed she can sense his lips almost upon her.

“Jonny,”her voice barely a whisper, her hands clutching his bare shoulders, equally excited and fearful of an experience she’s never received, and only minutes before, given for the first time. “You, you don't have to if you don't want to.”

“I've never wanted anything more….” She cries out when his mouth meets, then envelopes her secret place. Her fingers dig into his flesh. She responds instinctively. Her body moves passionately in time with him. Shelby’s cries of pleasure ebb and flow. Acutely she cries out long and hard as this point in their lovemaking culminates in one long full-body event like she has never experienced before.

As she drifts back down, he is there, his kiss long and deep, she can taste herself on his tongue. Her still twitching legs wrap around and pull him to her. She clutches his hair, pulls at his lips and giggles through the afterglow she is radiating. They continue to kiss gently while she catches her breath under the twinkling stars until their shared heat rises anew.

The lovers have only begun to explore their desires. Shelby can feel her man’s need against her thigh. It’s hardness fuels her own fires. She sits up and pulls the light dress over her head and tosses it on the sand alongside her discarded panties. Her bra soon follows. Then with one long kiss she rolls to her knees, offering herself to him…


The room is sated and quiet. Dimly lit by a new day peeking around the curtains, ‘PING’,... Shelby's phone goes off for the fifth time in as many minutes. She has texts waiting.

“You really should answer that.”

With a groan the girl absently untangles herself from his grasp and reaches for the phone on the nightstand. As the fog of waking lifts she looks around. She is in a clean comfy bed, not her own. A peek under the covers and the accompanying “EEP”, confirms she is nude. Almost unbelieving she reaches out and feels the lump in the bed next to her. Further exploration shows the lump is human, nude and male.

The fog gives way to memory and realization. She looks over and Jonathan is staring back at her. A silly smirk on his face. His eyes dance playfully.

“OMG! It wasn't a dream. I'm here! ... With you!” She dives into his arms peppering him with kisses.

‘PING’ Another text alert. “Arrrgh. Stupid phone. Can't you see I'm saying good morning to my boyfriend?”

“And your boyfriend likes the way you say good morning.”

“You ain't seen nothing yet baby.” she taps out a quick reply, hits send and slips head first under the covers…

Twenty minutes later, ‘PING’, another text alert. “Groan! Shit! Jonny we gotta go.’

Jonathan pops his head from under the sheets. “Why?”

She giggles, “Those texts from earlier were from mom and dad. They are taking us to lunch. This one says they're out front.”

“SHIT!" He shoots from the bed and flies for the shower.

“I'll just tell them we'll be a minute!” She laughingly calls after him. She taps out the message and hits send.

“That's fine. We'll just wait down here.” It's Mary's voice. And It's coming from DOWNSTAIRS. “Dad wants to know where the remote is.”

“SHIT!” With a squeal she dives for the shower and Jonathan.

Roaring laughter rises from below, “Found it!”

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This was one of the chapters / events I felt had to happen. And to be frank, when writing "The Winter Dance" inspiration took over and the result was this chapter. For me it affirms the bond Shelby and Jonathan have developed and demonstrates what Jonathan says, he means. Though I shall invariably continue to work on this and the rest of New Tale, I've done my level best to present it with taste and to let the reader imagine as little or as much as they wish.

I realize this chapter will not be to everyone's taste and understand that some criticism / distaste may be expressed. Hopefully readers will understand my intent is not to offend but to tell an entertaining story.

To all those who comment: Thanks for making me better!


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D. Eden's picture

I’m not sure what had me smiling more - the scene on the beach with Johnny and Shelby, or the the scene with Shelby’s mother calling out to them from downstairs!

Shelby’s parents are taking way too much pleasure out of embarrassing the two of them.

Of course, I seem to remember sitting in my home office listening to the springs on my son’s bed squeaking rhythmically from him and his girlfriend. His bedroom was right above my office and the sound was not only clear, but pretty telling as to what was going on. And yeah, I couldn’t help but tease him about it after they managed to come downstairs, lol.

It’s a parents job to embarrass their kids periodically.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

A little steam, yes

Podracer's picture

but more tasteful than many. We know it was going to happen, and it was done with love.

"Reach for the sun."

It’s a parents job to embarrass their kids periodically.

Lucy Perkins's picture

Ah, never having been a parent, I must have missed that rule, but it kind of makes sense..mine and my partner's folks have spent a lifetime doing just that...just don't ever ask what my Mother-in-law said when she visited me after my gender confirmation..
A masterwork as ever Justin.
Love Lucy xx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."

And no it was not at all distasteful..

Lucy Perkins's picture

Justin this was a beautifully written and totally romantic chapter..please do not feel it was anything other than a lovely interlude for two people for whom a strong and loving bond is really there for all to see.
I LOVE that you softened the whole thing with the comical arrival of the parents, a really well balanced scene, with some seriously cool in law to be's ..
Love Lucy xx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."

Thanks for the kind words

Thanks for your kind words. The balance in New Tale just seems to happen. I give all the credit to the characters.

On that note I would appreciate it if you and the other interested readers pop over to New Tale's blog to provide your thoughts on the future of New Tale. Im at a crossroads and would like some additional perspective.



Humorously evil parents

Jamie Lee's picture

Robert and Mary had to Shelby and Johnathan to take things slow, don't do anything until they were ready. Guess this chapter showed they were ready.

Robert and Mary are humorously evil. They have held back several time from playing with the teens heads. And sometimes, like in this chapter, do it anyway.

And the reaction of the two teens is exactly what the parents expect, causing the parents to laugh.

Others have feelings too.