With almost everything from the schools to the colleges to the bars to the sit-down restaurants in this state, Ohio, being shut down, the grandkids will be here a lot. This may slow down publishing new chapters of 'Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?' a little bit. Hopefully, the schools will only be closed for three weeks and the rest of the school year.
There will be chapters of Tommy, but with two pre-teens in the house, it's hard to work on things.
Good luck
I have three grand nieces red heads 6yrs of age at my place for the duration of this.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
You and Family first & Groceries
Hope this will help:
Peapod is an on-line grocery ordering and delivery service. Grocery stores in my area (Target, Mariano's) take on-line orders, pack it for your pick it up, reducing contact time with other shoppers. Sorry, no idea of any surcharges.
Phone first, as conditions may be changing rapidly.
Stay away from all flesh, fish, diary, eggs - all are raised and produced under conditions nearly identical to China's now infamous 'wet markets'.
We get all the nutrition we need (except everybody must supplement vitamin B12, and vitamin D for most people) from plants - including protein. More here, and please sign up for their free 'Kickstart' program: https://www.pcrm.org/
Be Safe
I hope that none of you get the virus.
Take care
You’ll have a good excuse to teach the grandchildren proper hand washing.
I don’t get to spend enough time with mine.
Gillian Cairns
Family comes first.
Take care of yourselves, we will just have to be patient a bit longer. Stay well and God bless you.
Be safe!
While we may go into "withdrawal" from time to time, we will survive and get over it. Fortunately, one of my grandchildren is 3 months old and her parents are able to work from home more or less. Another grandchild is in 4th grade and her parents are not able to work from home so we may have a guest from time to time. This will be an interesting experience for us all and hopefully we will all come out of it a little stronger and wiser.
Do what you think is best for you and yours, Teddie. We wish you and the family well and accept whatever you can publish. To say that I look forward to each weekly chapter of Tommy would be a real understatement. Keep up the good work - safely!